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#315 : L'apprenti

Brennan reçoit un paquet contenant une dentition humaine : l'expéditeur n'est autre que Gormogon, un tueur en série. Tandis que Sweets étudie le profil de Gormogon, Zack et Hodgins mènent l'une de leurs expériences, qui se solde par une explosion où Zack est grièvement blessé. C'est à ce moment précis qu'un squelette, importante pièce à conviction se trouvant dans le coffre du sous-sol, est volé...


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The Pain in the Heart

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Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin), Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin), Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) devant les fouines

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) devant les fouines

Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Les fouines autours de Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) à l'hôpital

Les fouines autours de Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) à l'hôpital

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Les fouines à l'enterrement de Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Les fouines à l'enterrement de Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan)

Les fouines au labo

Les fouines au labo

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Plus de détails

Booth est étendu et Brennan tente de le secourir. L'image s'efface de sa mémoire et elle est de retour dans le laboratoire, à travailler sur un squelette. Les fouines entrent, habillées en noir, prêtes à assister à l'enterrement de Booth. Brennan leur anonce qu'elle ne veut pas y aller. Elle ne voit pas l'intérêt de se réunir autour d'un trou dans la terre. Angela prend Brennan à part. Elle a besoin que sa meilleure amie soit à l'enterrement de Booth avec elle pour l'aider à surmonter cette difficile épreuve. Brennan accepte de venir, pour Angela.

Au cimetière national d'Arlington, le groupe est réuni autour du cercueil de Booth, Caroline Julian dit quelques mots. Il apparaît clairement que Brennan n'est pas à l'aise. Elle aurait préféré que la balle qui lui était destinée la tue. Alors que la Garde d'Honneur se met en place, un homme mystérieux regarde la scène à distance. Les septs hommes de la garde se préparent à tirer, tandis que l'homme s'approche de la tombe de Booth. L'homme tire une rose blanche de sa veste et est bientôt immobilisé par Booth, déguisé en garde, qui le plaque au sol. Les gens présents à l'enterrement regardent, effarés, ce qui se passe. L'homme va pour attraper un revolver mais Brennan l'assomme. Il reste inconscient sur le sol et Booth se relève pour remercier sa partenaire. Brennan le salue avec un coup de poing dans la figure, avant de partir furieuse.

Plus tard au labo, Booth essaie d'expliquer à Brennan pourquoi il a fait semblant d'être mort. C'était le seul moyen pour le FBI d'attraper l'homme à l'enterrement. Celui-ci avait juré qu'un jour, il danserait sur la tombe de Booth. Brennan ne veut pas le savoir. Elle était sûre que l'enterrement de Booth serait "une perte de temps". Et elle lui assure qu'elle ne se rendra pas au prochain. Booth pensait que Brennan savait qu'il n'était pas mort, il a demandé au FBI de le lui dire ; ce n'était pas sa faute. Sweets fait remarquer que la vraie raison pour laquelle Brennan est en colère, c'est que l'enterrement l'a obligée à faire face à des émotions qu'elle aurait préféré garder cachées. Brennan a l'impression d'avoir été manipulée mais la conversation tourne bientôt court lorsque Zack lui donne un paquet avec son nom dessus. Elle l'ouvre et y découvre une mâchoire avec deux vis. Brennan identifie des marques de dents sur la mandibule. L'argent et cette marque rappellent tous deux le mode opératoire du serial killer Gormogon.

Au laboratoire, Brennan, Cam, Hodgins, Angela et Zack regardent le Dr Sweets interviewé à propos de l'affaire Gormogon à la télévision. Booth est en contre-bas de la plateforme et se demande ce qu'ils doivent faire. La plateforme est maintenant une scène de crime mais ils en ont besoin pour enquêter. Cam prend la décision pour Booth et les fouines grimpent dessus, prêts à travailler pour identifier la victime. Brennan, Cam, Hodgins et Zack se pressent autour de la mâchoire. Pour trouver l'identité, Cam dit qu'ils doivent chercher de l'ADN dans un creux de dent. Et comme il semble que l'os a été bouilli, Hodgins va aider à récupérer des traces de minéraux de l'eau, pendant que Zack examine les traces de morsure.

A son appartement, Booth se détend dans sa baignoire avec une casquette à bière, un cigare, une bande-dessinée et de la musique. Tandis qu'il avale sa bière, Brennan débarque. Elle est encore énervée qu'il ne lui ait pas dit qu'il était vivant. Booth lui dit qu'il ne faisait que suivre le protocole mais Brennan a le sentiment que son partenaire se fiche de ce qu'elle peut ressentir. Furieux, Booth se lève pour lui rappeler qu'il a pris une balle à sa place. Après un petit moment embarrassant, Booth se rasseoit dans sa baignoire. Brennan veut tout de même savoir pourquoi elle n'en a pas été informée. Il lui promet d'en découvrir la raison. Brennan part et Booth retourne à son bain, sa bière, et sa bande-dessinée.

Au laboratoire, Zack et Hodgins ont découvert que les marques de la mâchoire ont été fait par deux rangées de dents. Mais pas des rangées normales, des rangées faites maison. Booth appelle et veut savoir s'ils ont identifié la victime. Cam lui dit que c'est le lobbyist. Sachant combien les fausses dents peuvent aider, Hodgins et Zack se mettent en tête de reproduire la dentition.

Plus tard dans le coffre de Gormogon, Booth, Brennan et Sweets étudient le squelette en argent. Sweets pense qu'ils devraient ajouter la mâchoire au squelette ; c'est ce que Gormogon veut, c'est pour cela qu'il a inclus des vis en argent. Booth se demande comment le tueur saurait s'ils ont bien ajouté le morceau. Sweets souligne l'obsession de Gormogon ; il doit avoir un moyen de le savoir. Brennan, une fois de plus, fait remarquer le manque de compassion de Booth à son égard, et ils discutent de sa visite surprise à l'appartement de Booth. Sweets pense que la façon dont Booth choisit de se détendre est bizarre. Booth essaie d'expliquer le chapeau à bière et la bande-dessinée.

De retour dans la salle d'examination, Hodgins et Zack travaillent dur pour recréer la dentition. Zack est derrière un bouclier et porte des gants, alors qu'il se prépare à verser le monomère réchauffé sur le moule. Hodgins va récupérer le moule et Zack commence à verser le monomère dans le thermoplastique fondant. Le mélange explose et le verre se brise en morceaux. De la fumée remplit toute la pièce et l'alarme retentit. Booth et Brennan se précipite dans la salle. Hodgins est allongé par terre sur le sol mais il va bien. Zack non, en revanche. Il est en plein état de choc car ses mains ont été brûlées par l'explosion.

Plus tard, dans la chambre d'hôpital, Booth et Brennan sont assis près du lit de Zack. Booth essaie de l'assurer que tout va bien aller mais Zack sait que ses mains ne redeviendront jamais comme avant. Hodgins, Angela et Cam entrent. Les deux victimes de l'explosion se demandent ce qui s'est passé. Tout correspondait aux doses nécessaires. Le groupe sort et Angela reste pour réconforter son ami blessé.

Au laboratoire, Hodgins travaille sur l'analyse des résidus explosifs. Sweets dit que le FBI enquête sur l'explosion, en fait l'agent Howie Madison se tient près d'eux et conduit sa propre analyse. Hodgins ne prend aucun risque, car il sait qu'il est possible qu'une société secrète soit impliquée, soulignant comme certaines sociétés ont le bras long. L'agent Madison l'interrompt pour annoncer la raison de l'explosion. C'est un produit chimique appelé acétone tricyclique et il a une réaction explosive quand il est mélangé avec du thermoplastique. Ce que contenait la bouteille de monomère a été échangé.

Booth tire Sweets dans le bureau de Brennan où l'agent, en colère, dit à son partenaire que le FBI a envoyé sa liste de personnes à informer de sa fausse mort au Dr Sweets. Celui-ci a choisi de ne pas dire à Brennan qu'il était encore en vie. Il explique qu'il savait que Brennan pouvait gérer la mort de Booth et comme c'était un cas de sécurité nationale, moins il y avait de gens qui était au courant, mieux c'était. Brennan accepte sa réponse. Mais elle est encore en colère contre Booth parce qu'il aurait dû le lui dire personnellement. Cam les interrompt. Il y a quelque chose dans le coffre de Gormogon qu'ils doivent aller voir.

Alors que Booth, Brennan, Cam et Sweets se dirigent vers le coffre, Brennan tire Sweets à part. Elle veut savoir à quoi il joue ; Sweets menait une expérience sur les partenaires pour ses propres recherches. Elle lui ordonner d'arrêter, parce que si Booth était au courant, il lui casserait la figure.

Quelques instants plus tard, les quatre enquêteurs retrouvent Hodgins dans le coffre. Le squelette en argent a disparu. Hodgins sait que la porte de livraison a été laissée ouverte. Il n'y avait pas de gardes de sécurité dans les parages car tous se sont précipités vers l'explosion et ne sont revenus que quinze minutes plus tard. Cam pense que l'explosion était une diversion pour que Gormogon puisse entrer et voler le squelette. Ils savent à présent que Gormogon ou son apprenti travaille dans le laboratoire et Booth appelle le FBI pour qu'ils envoient une équipe complète de scientifiques.

Dans le coffre, l'équipe enquête sur le cambriolage. Caroline Julian dit à Cam d'arrêter d'embêter les scientifiques et de les laisser faire leur travail. Elle ajoute qu'elle ne devrait même pas être là ; elle est un suspect, comme les autres qui ont un accès illimité au laboratoire.

Booth et Brennan sont au restaurant à prendre un café et à discuter de la situation. Sweets entre avec un le profil de quelqu'un qui pourrait être Gormogon. Il pense que Hodgins est l'assassin. Sa paranoia et son sentiment de supériorité l'ont mené à cette conclusion. Alors que Brennan prend la défense de son ami et collègue, Booth ne peut qu'être d'accord avec Sweets. Hodgins sait tout des sociétés secrètes et c'est lui qui a compris les schémas qui les ont menés au coffre. Brennan répond que Hodgins faisait juste son travail. Sweets fait remarquer que Hodgins a accès à tous les produits chimiques dont Zack se sert. Mais Brennan aussi, et elle mentionne ce fait en demandant à Sweets pourquoi elle n'est pas un suspect aussi. Il lui répond qu'à cause de sa relation émotionnelle avec Booth et sa considération pour la vie, elle ne peut être un serial killer. Brennan en a assez de cette conversation et part. Booth la suit.

De retour au bureau, Brennan dit à Cam que Sweets soupçonne Hodgins. Cam pense que désigner Hodgins comme le coupable permet d'enlever les regards de Sweeets. Elle explique à Booth et Brennan pourquoi Sweets pourrait être Gormogon : il est arrivé juste après que le coffre de Gormogon a été découvert, il a eu accès à l'institut Jefferson sans restriction et il est le seul dont personne ne connaisse les allers et venues après l'explosion dans le laboratoire. Et bien qu'ils n'aient aucune preuve contre lui, Cam a le sentiment que c'est lui le coupable.

Hodgins arrive au laboratoire de Cam et veut savoir qui est soupçonné. Mais Cam ne peut rien lui dire. Hodgins lui dit qu'il a trouvé quelque chose. La mâchoire a été bouillie dans de l'eau du robinet avec une forte concentration de plomb. En comparant le degré de plomb avec celui des quartiers avoisinants, Hodgins a réussi à trouver dans quel quartier il était le plus plausible que le tueur habite. C'est celui de Hodgins. Sachant qu'il est considéré comme un suspect, Hodgins déclare qu'il aurait pu laisser cette partie de côté s'il avait voulu mais Cam sait que si ça avait été quelqu'un d'autre qui avait découvert ce fait, cela aurait recentré les soupçons sur lui. Hodgins part.

Au restaurant, Booth et Brennan retrouvent Sweets. Ils lui demandent où il était après l'explosion. Il prétend être parti pour appeler les secours et après, il a conduit l'équipe vers le lieu de l'explosion. Il déclare aussi qu'il est descendu au coffre et a volé le squelette d'argent. Booth et Brennan ne comprennent pas que c'est du sarcasme et prennent la plaisanterie pour un aveu. Booth veut enfermer Sweets pendant qu'il vérifie son histoire. Sweets pense que Booth projette son agressivité envers Gormogon sur lui et s'il veut l'arrêter, il ne va pas lui rendre les choses faciles.

Dans la chambre d'hôpital de Zack, Angela est rejointe par Hodgins. Zack se réveille et raconte son rêve : un squelette en feu lui tenait les mains. Il dit à Hodgins que personne n'aurait pu échanger les produits et alors qu'il essaie d'expliquer, Hodgins appuie sur un bouton libérant une dose de morphine. Zack se rendort avant d'avoir le temps de terminer son explication.

Alors qu'elle s'apprête à rentrer chez elle, Cam s'arrête dans le bureau de Brennan qui est toujours au travail. Elle a trouvé quelque chose sur la mâchoire. Elle a été traitée avec de la lumière noire, une procédure standard pour les employés de l'institut Jefferson avant de ranger un os. Brennan pense que Gormogon et son apprenti ont stocké leurs squelettes avec ceux du Jefferson. Cam se demande comment ils vont faire pour passer en revue tous les squelettes de l'institut.

Brennan et Angela parlent avec un groupe d'étudiants dans les Limbes, une pièce de stockage pour les restes humains. Caroline Julian regarde de loin. Les étudiants doivent s'assurer que les os dans les boîtes correspondent à l'étiquette.

Les étudiants sont plongés dans le travail tandis que Brennan parle avec Caroline. L'un d'eux les interrompt car il a trouvé quelque chose. Un fémur en trop a été découvert dans une boîte et une fibula dans une autre ; les deux ont été bouillis. Les deux os appartiennent à un homme d'une petite cinquantaine d'années. Un autre étudiant a trouvé un manubrium, un ulna et un humerus de trop. Les étudiants étalent leurs trouvailles sur une table à leur place anatomique. Caroline, Brennan et un étudiant se penchent sur les restes et Brennan confirme que c'est une partie de squelette appartenant à un homme de 45-50 ans. Il mesurait environ 1m80. Brennan veut que Cam réalisent un test ADN sur toutes les victimes de Gormogon. Comme le crâne n'a plus sa mandibule, Brennan croit qu'il correspond à la mâchoire qu'ils ont reçue par la poste. Un autre étudiant appelle Brennan pour lui montrer ce qu'il a trouvé. Il a une table couverte de crânes dont les canines ont disparu. Caroline demande les bandes de surveillance datant des six derniers mois, mais la zone n'est plus sous surveillance. Brennan se dépêche de sortir, en disant qu'elle doit réexaminer la mâchoire sur laquelle travaillait Zack avant l'explosion.

Plus tard sur la plateforme, Caroline et Cam se pressent autour de l'ordinateur. Il confirme que l'ADN correspond au lobbyiste disparu. Cam prend un plateau couvert d'os portant des marques de dents et va retrouver Brennan.

Cam montre le plateau à Brennan. Elle pense qu'ils vont correspondre aux marques que Zack a trouvées. Brennan est en train de reconstituer la mandibule. Les marques dont Zack prétendaient qu'elles venaient d'une dentition artificielle, n'en venaient pas. Brennan part avec la mâchoire.

Booth entre dans le bureau de Brennan, elle est derrière son ordinateur. Elle lui dit que Zack savait que les dentitions n'étaient pas artificielles ; n'impote qu'elle étudiant de première année l'aurait su. Elle sait que les mâchoires étaient faite de vraies dents, toutes des canindes. Elle explique que les canines représentent le loup, qui apparaît sur la tapisserie de Gormogon. Brennan dit à Booth que certaines sectes considèrent le loup comme un symbol de liberté. Booth veut que Brennan en vienne au fait. Elle lui dit : Zack a fabriqué les dentitions à partir de dents du laboratoire. Booth réalise que Zack avait un accès total au laboratoire, il a provoqué lui-même l'explosion. Zack est le tueur.

Cam est dans la chambre d'hôpital de Zack et lui lit un magazine technique lorsque Booth et Brennan entrent. Cam comprend aussitôt quelque chose va se passer. Elle quitte la chambre. Zack sait qu'ils ont regardé la mandibule. Il allait s'échapper de l'hôpital pour détruire les preuves mais ses amis n'ont jamais quitté son chevet. L'explosion était plus puissante que ce que Zack anticipait parce que Hodgins s'est disputé avec lui, ce qui lui a fait perdre du temps et le thermoplastique a atteint la température d'ébullition. De fait, l'explosion a eu une amplitude trois fois supérieur à ses calculs initiaux. Il savait qu'il allait être blessé mais il devait être sûr que Hodgins serait assez loin pour ne pas être blessé aussi. Zack se réfère à Gormogon en l'appelant Le Maître et refuse de donner à Booth son vrai nom. Il dit que la logique du Maître est irréfutable et si Booth et Brennan savait ce qu'il sait, ils seraient fiers de lui. Il croit que l'expérience humaine en général est plus importante que celle d'un individu. C'est pourquoi il a aidé le Maître et sa société secrète. Et pourtant, comme le fait remarquer Brennan, Zack a renié tout son système pour s'assurer que Hodgins ne serait pas blessé. Zack commence à pleurer et il explique tout à Brennan. Le Maître a approché Zack il y a trois mois et, alors qu'il continue, Booth l'interrompt car il a besoin de savoir qui est le Maître. Zack raconte que le Maître l'a emmené chez lui avec un bandeau sur les yeux. En se souvenant des tournants et en calculant la vitesse, Zack arrive à retrouver la maison sur une carte. Il donne l'adresse à Booth.

Alors que Zack donne les directions, Booth et une équipe du FBI envahissent la maison. Ils entrent par la porte bleue de derrière. Il leur dit que la clé est cachée au-dessus du montant. Booth trouve la clé et ouvre la porte. Il mène l'équipe dans le hall. Ils enfoncent la porte et trouvent Gormogon attablé en train de manger de la viande. Celui-ci sourit, révélant ses mâchoires de canines. Il lance un poignard qui se plante dans un agent. Booth tire et tue Gormogon, qui retombe au sol.

A l'hôpital, Caroline parle avec Zack tandis que Brennan, Cam, Angela et Hodgins attendent derrière les portes en verre. Booth et Sweets entrent et disent au groupe qu'ils ont Gormogon. Brennan demande qui c'était et Sweets le lui dit ; il n'était personne, un homme invisible, en colère contre l'histoire qui refuse de le reconnaître. Caroline quitte la chambre de Zack et dit au groupe que Zack n'a jamais mangé personne mais il a bien avoué le meurtre du lobbyiste. Elle explique que Gormogon s'en est pris à de faibles caractères et a profité de Zack. Elle pense qu'elle peut négocier un arrangement : si Zack plaide coupable, elle pourrait le déclarer mentalement inapte et le faire enfermer dans un asile plutôt qu'une prison. Sweets accepte à contre-coeur. De derrière les portes en verre, le groupe regarde une derrière fois leur ami.

Au laboratoire, Booth, Brenann, Cam, Sweets, Hodgins et Angela sont assis autour d'une table. Ils parlent de ce qu'ils auraient pu faire pour empêcher Zack de devenir un tueur. Cam a tout de même du mal à se sentir coupable. Zack a tué quelqu'un et Cam pense qu'il mérite d'être enfermé pour le reste de sa vie. Sweets mentionne que la forte réaction de Cam est juste une façon pour elle de gérer sa peine. L'attention se tourne vers le contenu d'une boîte que Hodgins a rassemblée. Ce sont les objets préférés de Zack. Le groupe les passe en revue. Sweets fait remarquer qu'il s'agit d'objets que lui ont donnés ses amis. Brennan réalise qu'elle ne lui a rien donné, et sort. A l'écart du groupe, Booth la rattrape. Ils s'assoient sur les escaliers et Booth lui lit un texte. C'est une lettre trouvée dans la boîte de Zack, sa lettre d'acceptation pour devenir l'étudiant de Brennan. Booth lui dit qu'elle lui a donné quelque chose de génial. Brennan pose sa tête contre l'épaule de Booth.

Ce script VO a été migré dans le guide de l'épisode.

(Open: Flash back to final scene of previous episode "The Wannabe in the Weeds". Booth has just been shot by Pam Nunan and Brennan is leaning over him telling him he's going to be fine - as if she's reliving the moment.)

BRENNAN: Booth, you're gonna be fine. Really. Come on. Come on, Booth. It's gonna be fine. Come on, Booth. Come on, Booth. No! Oh, come on...

(Fade into: Medico Legal Lab - Forensic Platform. Brennan and Zack are going over remains from Limbo)

BRENNAN: The carbon isotopic composition of the collagen, shows a value of minus 16%.ZACK: Supporting the theory that the deceased was born in Provence, France.

(Hodgins, Angela, Cam and Sweets join them on the platform, all dressed in dark colors)

BRENNAN: In the 16th century...

HODGINS: It's time, Dr. Brennan.

BRENNAN: (ignoring Hodgins) The metacarpal phalangeal joints are smooth, showing dexterity. Perhaps a musician..

CAM: That's enough. We're going. Now.

BRENNAN: I have remains to identify. He could have a family.

ANGELA: He's 500 years old. They've probably adjusted by now.

BRENNAN: I'm not going. I've already made that clear.

SWEETS: It's Agent Booth's funeral, Dr. Brennan. Losing a loved one is -

BRENNAN: A partner, Sweets. I lost a partner.

SWEETS: Someone close to you. The funeral allows you to grieve so you can come to terms with his death.

BRENNAN: The Arunta Aboriginal tribe in Australia grieve by burning down their village and - and moving to a new one. That seems no crazier to me than gathering around a hole in the ground.

SWEETS: Being hostile won't -

ANGELA: Brennan...a word.

SWEETS: Excuse me? Professional psychologist.

(Angela pulls Brennan aside and holds up a finger to Sweets - indicating to give her a minute)

ANGELA: Look. I know how you see things, and I respect that, but I need to ask you a favor.

(She holds up Booth's funeral card)

ANGELA: I have to go to the funeral. I'm not going to be able to get through this alone. I've been crying for, like, days. I really need your shoulder here. I need my best friend.

(Cut to: Arlington National Cemetery. Everyone is gathered around a casket and Caroline is giving the eulogy. It's Booth's funeral.)

CAROLINE: I knew Seeley Booth. He was a good man who earned my respect and affection. And I don't like many people. Booth had a selfless commitment to his work, first in the military and then the FBI. Two weeks ago, he made the ultimate sacrifice - giving his life to save his partner. And in the brave act, he showed us what greatness we are all capable of.

BRENNAN: (loudly, to Angela) That woman was aiming at me and I would have happily taken that bullet.

ANGELA: I know.

CAROLINE: May God's mercy and love shine on Seeley Booth as he takes his place beside the Lord.

BRENNAN: (loudly, to Angela) If there were a merciful God, why wouldn't he have saved Booth.

(Drums start playing as the officers prepare to fire their weapons)

OFFICER: Standby.

(Camera pans to one of the officers and it's revealed that it's Booth.)

OFFICER: At ease.

(A man starts to walk towards the coffin, as the rest of the officers continue to follow commands)


(Booth pushes through Zack and Sweets and punches the man, knocking him to the ground)

ANGELA: What the hell is going on?

(The casket is pushed to the ground and it opens up, revealing a dummy body inside.)

ZACK: They appear to be fighting.

(The man and Booth fight on the ground and Brennan watches. The man punches Booth and Brennan runs over to the casket to grab the dummy's arm and uses it to knock out the man. She immediately starts to move towards Booth - looking extremely angry)

BOOTH: Bones! Nice shot. (He notices her anger) What?

(Brennan punches Booth in the jaw and then stops off. Booth groans)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Booth and Brennan are walking out of Brennan's office.)

BOOTH: After I got shot, the Bureau faked my death so I could finally get that guy.

BRENNAN: I don't care.

BOOTH: Look, I drove him underground. He said the only way that we would ever see him again would be at my funeral, so...

BRENNAN: I don't care.

HODGINS: Who is he?

BOOTH: What part of "National Security" don't you understand, Hodgins?

HODGINS: "National Security": catch-all phrase for "we can do anything we want"

BRENNAN: I knew I shouldn't have gone to that funeral. It was a complete waste of time, just like I said.

BOOTH: Wait a second, you thought that my funeral was a waste of time?

CAM: I thought it was a lovely service, Booth.

BOOTH: Thank you. You know, I expected to see more people though.

HODGINS: I always imagined a lot of ex-girlfriends crying.

BOOTH: Yeah, me too.

ANGELA: You guys are pathetic.

BRENNAN: Just know I won't be attending your next funeral.

BOOTH: Bones, I'm telling you. You were supposed to know that I wasn't really dead. I swear! That's why I thought you weren't crying!

CAM: Informed by who, exactly?

BOOTH: I gave a list of people to the bureau to inform that I was not really dead. You know, if they didn't tell you, it's not my fault.

SWEETS: Dr. Brennan's actually upset because she had to face strong emotions that she'd rather deny. Striking Agent Booth, indicated the depth of your feelings for him. It was a very passionate act.

BOOTH: (to Sweets) Thank you! (to Brennan) Did you hear that? Passion!

BRENNAN: Yes, passion, because anger is a passion! Anger at being manipulated!

ZACK: Dr. Brennan?

BOOTH: Aw forget it. I'm not-

ZACK: Someone left a package for you.

(He hands her a package wrapped in plain brown paper - with "Dr. Temperance Brennan" written on it in marker. She opens it to find a box. Inside that box contains a mandible and 2 silver screws)


BRENNAN: It's a mandible.

BOOTH: Look at that, huh. Two silver screws.

HODGINS: Silver screws as in...

ANGELA: Silver skeleton?

HODGINS: As in..

CAM: Gormogon?

BRENNAN: That's speculation.

(She examines the mandible closer.)

ZACK: Tooth marks.

BOOTH: Someone's been snacking on that.

CAM: Snacking? As in cannibalism?

BRENNAN: Evidence of cannibalism does not necessarily mean-

BOOTH: Bones, it's Gormogon. Has to be.

CAM: Oh, god. Who has he eaten this time.

(Opening Credits)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Platform. The team is gathered around a television watching Sweets on TV)

SWEETS: (On TV) This is the fifth known victim in the Gormogon murders, all of which have been subjected to ritualized cannibalism.

FEMALE REPORTER: He has apprentices?

SWEETS: Yes. One at all time to help perform the murders, dispose of the bodies, eradicate evidence. His mission, it seems, is to construct a complete skeleton out of the bones of his victims.

CAM: I've seen enough. (She turns off the TV)

BRENNAN: (turning to the platform) Booth?

BOOTH: Bones, I'm thinking here.

BRENNAN: Thinking about what exactly?

CAM: Well, it's a pickle. The platform's a crime scene but we need to access it to investigate the crime.

ANGELA: A "cake and eat it too" situation.

ZACK: Is it a cake or a pickle?

HODGINS: It's Schrodinger's Cat.

ZACK: That I understand. Cakes and pickles mean nothing to me.

BRENNAN: Are you paralyzed by the paradox, Booth?

CAM: I'll make this easy. What do you need first?

BOOTH: Identity.

CAM: Let's go people.

(The rush up the stairs, past Booth, and start getting to work on the platform)

BOOTH: Whoa. Hey, easy! Alright, you can't...alright. There ya go.
(The team huddles around he mandible.)

CAM: Okay, the tooth sockets may contain enough tissue to check DNA.

BRENNAN: Zack, there are markings on this bone that need to be checked out.

ZACK: It appears to have been boiled.

HODGINS: I'll see if I can pull any mineral traces that can help us determine the water he used.

(The disperse and go about their tasks)

BOOTH: Okay. I, uh, give you all permission to do whatever it is that you squints do. I'll, uh, just... (he brakes the crime scene tape on the stairs and starts backing down) Call me. (to the FBI agents at the bottom of the stairs) Let's go.

(Cut to: Booth's Bathroom. Booth is lounging in the tub, sipping beer from his beer helmet when Brennan barges in.)

BRENNAN: I need to talk to you!

BOOTH: What the hell, Bones! I'm in my house, in my bathroom, in my bathtub! (Brennan walks over to the record player and turns it off) How the hell did ya get in here anyway?

BRENNAN: Well, that fake rock by your front door wouldn't fool anybody. Why are you wearing a hat that dispenses beer?

BOOTH: Hot tub, plus cold beer equals warm beer. Hat? Equals solution. So why are you -

BRENNAN: And that cigar? Very unhealthy.

BOOTH: Okay, what the hell do ya want now, Bones? Okay? Cause I'm not really feeling too relaxed.

BRENNAN: You should have told me that you weren't dead.

BOOTH: I already explained this to you. The bureau has to vet everyone when there is a security issue. I was just following protocol.

BRENNAN: Protocol!?


BRENNAN: We've been partners for three years, Booth, and you've broken protocol before - sometimes putting my life in danger. Which makes sense because you clearly don't have any real concern for me.

BOOTH: (standing up) I took a bullet for you!

BRENNAN: Once! That only goes so far (realizing that Booth is standing there, naked) Would you like a towel?

(He sinks back into the tub)

BOOTH: Fine. What is it that I should have done, Bones? Wha- what did you want me to do?

BRENNAN: Well, you could have called me. Did you really think I needed to be vetted by your boss? I mean, don't you trust me?

BOOTH: Of course I do.

BRENNAN: Then why wasn't I told. It must have been something that you said.

BOOTH: No. I don't know why you weren't told.

BRENNAN: But you - you said that I should be. Aren't you curious why I wasn't?

BOOTH: Yes! Do you want me to find out why you weren't told?

BRENNAN: If it's important to you.

BOOTH: Fine. I will. The next time I die, I promise that I will tell you.

BRENNAN: I'll look forward to that.

BOOTH: Me too.

(He opens up a "Green Lantern" comic book and starts reading)

BRENNAN: What are you reading?

BOOTH: A novel. (She looks at him) It's a graphic novel.

BRENNAN: Just so you know, I find your lack of Puritan modesty very refreshing.

(Booth lowers the comic book to cover himself and Brennan leaves the room, turning the music back on as she walks out the door.)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - platform)

ZACK: The marks on the mandible definitely indicate that the bones have been gnawed on.

HODGINS: But, but not with teeth.

ZACK: The markings were made by someone wearing dentures.

CAM: Well, a toothless cannibal just can't cut it in todays competitive serial killer climate. How do you know he wore dentures.

HODGINS: Zack found traces of polymethylmethacrylate monomer tetrasalisic floramicha on the mandible. (9:41)

CAM: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that's what dentures are made of.
(Cam picks up her phone and dials)ZACK: But not normal commercial dentures you get from the dentist.

HODGINS: Main ingrediant is polymethyl methacrylic.

ZACK: These dentures were homemade.
CAM: (into phone) I got our victims DNA results back.

(During the conversation, camera cuts between Booth - in the bathtub and Cam - in the lab)

BOOTH: Is it the Lobbyist?

CAM: Yup. Gormogon's last victim.

BOOTH: I was wondering when some part of him would show up.

CAM: (hears the water going down the drain) What's that sucking sound?

BOOTH: You know what? This is MY house. Okay? You come into my house there's not telling what you're gonna hear. (he hangs up abruptly. Cam wonders what that was all about.)

ZACK: Dr. Saroyan. (Cam hangs up her phone) Regarding the denture medium, if we recreate the process-

HODGINS: Could tell us a lot about Gormogon's resources.

CAM: If you want to do one of your experiments, just say it.

HODGINS & ZACK: (in unison) We want to do one of our experiments.

CAM: Go! (she points towards towards the door, smiling.) Make plastic, cannibal dentures.

(Cut to: Basement of the Jeffersonian - Sweets, Brennan and Booth are there)

SWEETS: You should place the jawbone in the skeleton.


SWEETS: Cause it keeps alive an interactive relationship with the killer. That's why he provided the screws. You know, we give him something, he reciprocates. Did you see me on TV? No one has mentioned that I was on TV.

BOOTH: Alright, look. How would he know if we added the jawbone to the skeleton?

SWEETS: Well, it's his obsession. He has some way of finding out, which is another reason to do it. Okay. Both of you are purposely not mentioning my appearance.BRENNAN: Well, for all we know, Gormogon is dead and we're not on the list of people who get to find that out.

(Brennan heads for the stairs, the guys follow)

SWEETS: There's s cry for attention.

BOOTH: Bones broke into my house last night, all angry-

BRENNAN: (talking over Booth) There was a key!

BOOTH: because no one told her that I was dead. And I was just following protocol.

SWEETS: Broke into your house?

BRENNAN: There was a key.

BOOTH: And barged into my bathroom.

SWEEETS: (laughs) What were you doing?

BRENNAN: He was drinking beer and reading a comic book.

BOOTH: I was taking a bath.

SWEETS: You read comics and drink beer naked?BOOTH: Wait a second. Bones bursts into MY bathroom, alright, and I'm weird for being naked?

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab - Hodgins and Zack are preparing for the experiment)

ZACK: This thermoplastic has a melting point of approximately 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. This would work better if we created a paste from the monomer and polymethylmethacrylate powder

HODGINS: That would entail the complicated use of cosolvents to allow copolymerization without substantial phase separation. Monomers melting point is far below the polymethylmethacrylate.

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab - Booth, Brennan and Sweets are walking near the Forensics Platform)

SWEETS: So you didn't tell her to leave? You just sat there, naked?

BOOTH: It was my own bathroom, okay? What do you wear in the tub? Floaties?

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab - Hodgins and Zack are still preparing for the experiment)

HODGINS: Ready for the monomer?

ZACK: Yes. I believe so. The mold is over there on the side table.

HODGINS: Why don't you get the mold and I'll mix in the monomer?

ZACK: No. I'll mix it in. Please hand me the monomer, then the mold.

(He goes to hand Zack the monomer, but then pulls it back)

HODGINS: Since when did I become the assistant?

ZACK: Since I became the uncontested "King of the Lab".

(Hodgins hands Zack the monomer and then walks away. Zack puts the monomer into the pot - which causes an explosion. The alarms sound and Booth, Brennan and Sweets run toward its source.)

SECURITY GUARD: Move to the exits, now!(They see Hodgins on the floor)

BRENNAN: Hodgins!

HODGINS: I'm alright. I'm alright. I'm okay.

(They see Zack, his hands are still through the Plexiglas and badly burned. He's breathing heavily. Booth tries to move the debris away from him.)

BRENNAN: Oh my god. Zack?

CAM: Okay, a medical teams on it's way. Oh my - I'll get the burn kit.

BRENNAN: Is he okay?

BOOTH: He's in shock, Bones. Look at his hands.

BRENNAN: Zack? (cut to shots of them all looking at Zack, in shock) Zack.

(Cut to: Regional Medical Center - ICU- Brennan is sitting in a chair next to Zack's bed while Booth is standing behind her.)

ZACK: Is Hodgins okay?

BRENNAN: He's fine. Just a few minor cuts.

BOOTH: Yeah. Don't worry about it, Zack. Alright? We're gonna fix ya up. You're gonna be as good as new.

ZACK: That would be impossible, Agent Booth. The damage is-

BOOTH: We'll make sure we get you the best doctors.

BRENNAN: The cartilage is destroyed, Booth.

ZACK: In addition, the trapezoid and hamate on my left hand are-

BOOTH: Hey. Hey, how about a little optimism here, huh?

ZACK: I know that I can still be quite useful. Mentally, I"m still exceptional and with prosthesis-

(Hodgins enters the room, followed by Angela and Cam.)

HODGINS: Hey. How are ya, Zack?

ZACK: Quite severely injured. Are you alright?

HODGINS: I'm okay, man.

ANGELA: Hey, anything you need, Zack. Just ask.

CAM: Do you know how this happened?

ZACK: I just added the 3 grams of monomer.

HODGINS: But that doesn't make sense. There are no dipoles like amide or carbonyl in the monomer. Were there?

ZACK: No. Just simple phenylethene.

HODGIND: That's what I thought. And the PMMA was just-

BOOTH: Hodgins. He has third degree burns.

BRENNAN: The doctor said you should rest, Zack.

HODGINS: She's right. Hey. We're gonna figure this out, okay?

CAM: And you won't be alone, Zack. One of us will be here all the time.

ZACK: Well, that's not necessary.

ANGELA: Yes it is. Because we - love you. (Hodgins puts his hand on Zack's forehead) I'll take the first shift.

CAM: And I'll write us a schedule.

BRENNAN: I'll get you whatever you need to keep your job. We'll get through this.

ZACK: Thank you, Dr. Brennan.
(Brennan gets up and kisses him on the forehead, then leaves - leaving Angela and Zack alone)

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. Hodgins and Sweets are by his desk)

HODGINS: A simple monomer wouldn't explode. It just wouldn't happen.

SWEETS: Isn't the FBI handling the analysis of the explosive residue?

HODGINS: Excuse me if my faith in the bureau isn't absolute.

SWEETS: So you don't trust Agent Madison?

HODGINS: I'm just getting my own results to double check. I'm sure he's - fine - but I'm independent.

SWEETS: You suspect that there could be a conspiracy within the bureau?

HODGINS: Do I hear a little 'tude, young man?

SWEETS: No, no, no. Why would there be a conspiracy in this case? Totally 'tudeless question.HODGINS: Prominent public figures being murdered and eaten. Evidence that secret societies are being targeted - societies that have great influence in the halls of power - like the bureau.

SWEETS: You don't think that's a bit extreme.

HODGINS: You went on Larry King to talk about this case. And TMZ because you know how big it is and to get your piece of it.

SWEETS: I'm a doctor. I'm merely studying the case like you.

HODGINS: Right. (he brings up results on the computer screen) Oh, man. I should have known.


HODGINS: You expect me to tell you the answer, Agent Madison?

AGENT MADISON: It's tricyclic acetone peroxide.

HODGINS: He's not bad.

AGENT MADISON: It reacted with the molten thermal plastic and - (he makes an exploding noise) Boom.

HODGINS: The containers must have been switched. Zack thought he was adding a monomer he had made himself but it was actually a volatile explosive.

(Cut to Medico-Legal Lab. Sweets is on the phone in the hallway near Brennan's office.)

SWEETS: (into phone) Yes. I'm busy. Cancel all my patients. You don't have to tell them anything-

(Booth comes up behind Sweets and starts dragging him towards Brennan's office.)

SWEETS: What are you doing?

BOOTH: A word?

SWEETS: I'm on the phone.

BOOTH: Well, hang up.

SWEETS: (into phone) Okay, I'll talk to you later. (he hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket. Then to Booth.) Ah, tight grip you got there..

BOOTH: And it could get tighter. So go ahead. Tell her.

SWEETS: Tell her what?

BRENNAN: Tell me what?

BOOTH: Tell her now.


BOOTH: Fine. I'll tell her. Okay? I sent my list to the bureau. They sent it to Sweets. You were the one who decided not to tell Dr. Brennan that I was still alive. He's the one that you should have slugged, so do it. Go ahead and do it now.

BRENNAN: What? You choose not to tell me?

SWEETS: Yes, it's true. Technically.

BOOTH: Technically?

SWEETS: Okay, I reviewed the list and decided, knowing Dr. Brennan as I do, that she was in fact able to handle your death.

BOOTH: (to Brennan) Slug 'em.

SWEETS: It was a National Security issue. The fewer people that knew Agent Booth was alive, the safer he would be.

BRENNAN: I think that was a good choice.

SWEETS: Awesome.

BOOTH: You do?!

BRENNAN: Yes. You knew that Booth's death was something that I could deal with because I can compartmentalize.

BOOTH: Woah. Wait a minute. Now why are you mad at me then?

BRENNAN: Because you should have told me, personally.

BOOTH: Oh, I should have just ignored National Security concerns, broken the law and told you.

BRENNAN: Yes. You know I'm very trustworthy.

BOOTH: Yeah, but Sweets...

BRENNAN: Sweets made a professional decision. He knew I could process your death and move on - which is precisely what I did.

SWEETS: That's right.

BOOTH: There's gotta be other stuff going on here, right?


BOOTH: Transference. Uh, paranoia. Come on! I mean, when I offer her a piece of pie you say it has deeper meaning.

BRENNAN: I don't like pie, Booth.

BOOTH: Well, apple pie. She doesn't like baked pie.

BRENNAN: I don't like my fruit cooked.

SWEETS: Okay, changing the subject is a way to avoid your feelings.

BOOTH: My feelings. Okay, now you're attacking my feelings?

(Cam appears in the doorway)

CAM: Hey. There's something in the Gormogon vault I think you should see.

BOOTH: (moves past Sweets to the door - but to Brennan) Slug 'em.

SWEETS: You know, I think it's interesting, psychologically how Agent Booth's constant efforts to persuade you to enjoy fruit pie could be interpreted as a kind of seduction.

BOOTH: Whatever you two are talking about? Just stop it. Zip it. Let's go.

(Cut to: Stairs leading down to the Gormogon Vault. Brennan stops Sweets on the stairs when Booth and Cam are out of earshot.)

BRENNAN: You think I don't recognize an experiment when I see one? You experimented on us.

SWEETS: Beg your pardon.

BRENNAN: Not telling me Booth was alive? You wanted to quantify our reactions for your own research? You took advantage of us. Booth and I agreed to let you observe us. We did not agree to be used as lab rats, so you better cut it out.

SWEETS: Dr. Brennan, why are you talking so fast?

BRENNAN: Because if Booth hears why you did what you did? He'd beat ya up.

SWEETS: Don't you think that'd be an overly aggressive act?

BRENNAN: Not at all. So you better not do it again.

(They start to head down the stairs)

BOOTH: (O.S) Let's go, Bones. Where are you?

SWEETS: On our way.

(The four of them enter the vault)

CAM: Security had the entrance to this wing locked and the vault, itself, was secured.

BRENNAN: The skeleton.

BOOTH: Where'd it go?

HODGINS: We don't know. I came down to see if the screws matched the silver in the skeleton and the skeleton was gone.

SWEETS: But there are security cameras and sensors covering every inch of this place.

CAM: They all failed.

BOOTH: All of them?

CAM: When Zack's explosion set off all the alarms, every security camera in the building failed.

HODGINS: The door to the loading dock was unlocked.

BRENNAN: Someone stole the skeleton!

(Cam walks over to the computer to bring up the security footage)

CAM: Ten minutes before the explosion -

HODGINS: Everything is working perfectly.

CAM: Fast forward; Hodgins passes Zack the container of tricyclic acetone proxide..

HODGINS: I thought it was the monomer.

CAM: The explosion occurred at 12:03 and 22 seconds. At 12:03 and 22 seconds - (the screens on the computers are nothing but snow)

BOOTH: Aren't there any backup systems?

CAM: All dead too.

BRENNAN: Where were the guards?

CAM: There was a chemical accident. That takes precedence over any other security issue. All personnel went to secure the lab or went to secure any point that went to the museum proper so there'd be no loss of life.

BRENNAN: During that time, the vault and the skeleton would be unsecured.

CAM: Yes, until the security system was brought back up at 12:18 and 41 seconds. The explosion was a diversion set up by Gormogon.

BOOTH: He's here in the lab. It's an inside job. Gormogon works at the Jeffersonian.

BRENNAN: Either Gormogon or his new apprentice.

(Booth dials a number)

SWEETS: It is a totally freaky thought.

BOOTH: (into phone) Yeah, it's Booth. Listen, I need a full forensic team sent to the Jeffersonian. Mobile labs, computers, analysis - the works. No. Their equipment could be compromised.

(Cut to: Basement of the Jeffersonian - 2 hours later. Cam is walking into a room that is filled with FBI Agents. One is using body recognition software to see if anyone is out of the ordinary.)

CAM: Hair? Prints? Anything?

FBI FORENSIC TECH MARCUS GEIER: Not since you asked five minutes ago. No.

CAROLINE: Dr. Saroyan. Please don't bother the techs. You have a problem? You see me.

CAM: It's my people you suspect here. I wanna make sure your doing your job. After all, you're a prosecutor, not a forensic-

CAROLINE: You have been breathing down our necks for two hours, Cherie. Why don't you go get a latte or something. You should be here anyway.

CAM: This is my department!

CAROLINE: I know. And you have full security clearance and complete access to the lab and the vault.

CAM: Are you saying I'm a suspect now?

CAROLINE: I'm saying someones gonna put your name on the list. You were a cop. Wouldn't you?

CAM: You've got over thirty agents here. Find something.

(Cam storms off.)

(Cut to: Royal Diner. Booth and Brennan are having coffee.)

BRENNAN: The Medico-Legal lab has over 100 employees.

BOOTH: Yeah, and all their records are being looked at - including yours and mine.

BRENNAN: What, you're just having coffee? Don't you want pie?

BOOTH: I'm fine.

BRENNAN: But you always have pie.

BOOTH: Can we stop talking about pie?

BRENNAN: Is it because of what Sweets said?

(Sweets enters and walks over toward their table)

BOOTH: I'm just going pie-less. Okay?

SWEETS: Can we talk for a minute? I have a profile of someone I feel could be Gormogon. (he notices Booth is only having coffee.) No pie? You always eat pie.

BOOTH: Enough with the pie, will you just sit down?

SWEETS: Alright.

BRENNAN: Whoa! You've been spying on us? More experiments?

BOOTH: What experiments?

SWEETS: I'm just being thorough. The dynamics of our work environment play a role in how I treat you and Agent Booth.

BOOTH: Okay, Sweets. Will you just get on with it? Who is it?

SWEETS: I believe it's Dr. Hodgins.

BRENNAN: What is Dr. Hodgins?

BOOTH: Gormogon. He thinks Hodgins is Gormogon.

(Brennan makes a face like she is about to protest.)

SWEETS: Hodgins exhibits clinical paranoia as well as a rationalized feeling of superiority.

BRENNAN: Paranoia.

SWEETS: Yeah. He's consumed by numerous conspiracy theories. My observations today? He's even suspect of the FBI, with whom he works closely.

BRENNAN: That's all supposition. There's not concrete evidence.

BOOTH: (to Brennan)No, no, no. (to Sweets) Go on.


BOOTH: What? Hodgins knew all about the secret societies. I mean, he figured out the patterns Gormogon used that led us to the vault.

BRENNAN: Yes. He was doing his job.

SWEETS: Or justifying himself. He had access to all the chemicals Zack was using. He could have changed the labels.

BOOTH: He and Zack are friends...

BRENNAN: I also had access to the chemicals Zack made. Why am I not a suspect?

SWEETS: Well, you have a reverence for life that belies the cold, calculations of a killer. And the emotional connection you share with Agent Booth...

BRENNAN: No. That..I - (she starts getting up) I don't have time for this. No. (she leaves)

BOOTH: (to Sweets) Don't you know by now you can't rush her?

(Booth gets up to go after her)

SWEETS: We're trying to catch a killer. I thought it best not to waste time.

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab. Booth and Brennan are walking into Brennan's office.)

BOOTH: Look, he's just trying to help, Bones.

BRENNAN: Well, his opinions won't get you a conviction. He doesn't have any evidence.

BOOTH: Yeah, but he's a profiler with a great track record.

(Cam enters behind them)

CAM: Who?

BOOTH: Sweets.

BRENNAN: Sweets says that Hodgins is the killer.

CAM: Well, it makes sense.


CAM: What? Throw suspicion off him.


CAM: Sweets.
BOOTH: You think that Sweets is the killer?

CAM: Well, he shows up right after you find the Gormogon vault, when Gormogon's at his most vulnerable. And in therapy, he plays you two like a cheap piano until you ask for his help with the case.

BOOTH: Wait a second. Nobody plays me like a cheap piano.

CAM: No, hey! We all trusted the brilliant, young, profiler. I got him security clearance because he was gonna help us.

BRENNAN: He was here. He had the opportunity to switch Zack's chemicals.

BOOTH: Wait. Except he's not a chemist.

CAM: He's the only one we can't account for after the explosion.

BRENNAN: What? Great. Now we sound like Sweets. We have no evidence.

CAM: I was a cop for ten years, Dr. Brennan. I can smell it on him.

BRENNAN: I- I'm sorry, but we need more than your gut feeling.

CAM: Well, then find it. Cause trust me, Sweets is your boy.

(Cam leaves)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab- Cam's office. She's checking out something on her computer screen when Hodgins walks in. She notices him and jumps.)

CAM: Dr. Hodgins, knocking would be appreciated.

HODGINS: Right. Sorry. So rumor is one of us is a suspect. Who is it?

CAM: I can't say. You know that.

HODGINS: Of course not. And since it's rumor, it might not even be true. Right?

CAM: Do you have a legitimate reason to see me or are you just here to squeeze me for information?

HODGINS: I found something.
( Hodgins walks over to Cam's and starts bringing up something on her computer screen)

HODGINS: Zack said he thought the mandible had been boiled.

CAM: To remove tissue.

HODGINS: I pulled trace elements from the mandible and ran them through the mass spectrometer to see what the bone was boiled in. It was tap water. But see this spike here? (he points to the screen)

CAM: Lead?


CAM: I thought the city had to replace all their lead pipes.

HODGINS: They did, but individual homeowners didn't. I focused on neighborhoods with the highest lead levels. Older homes were the worst offenders (He brings up a map. Part of it is shaded in blue) This neighborhood matches the level of lead found on the victims bone.

CAM: Isn't that your house?

HODGINS: Yes. It is. But there are other people that live in the area too.

CAM: Yes, of course. I'll pass this along to the investigators.


CAM: Is there anything else?

HODGINS: I could have fudged the facts. Could have left my neighborhood out.

CAM: Yes, but that would have raised suspicion if someone had double checked your results.

HODGINS: If you need me, I'll be at my station. Helping.

(Hodgins leaves)

(Cut to Royal Diner. Sweets is sitting at the counter when Booth and Brennan enter.)

SWEETS: Hey. This is a surprise.

( Booth and Brennan take a seat on either side of him)

BOOTH: Yeah. Hey, Sweets, uh, where were you after the explosion?

SWEETS: I was with you.

BRENNAN: No. You were with us when the explosion occurred.

BOOTH: I mean after.

SWEETS: Uh, let's see. I ran to call 911.


SWEETS: In your office. Why?

BOOTH: Then what?SWEETS: Then I went to the door to show the EMT's where to go.

BRENNAN: Hmm, you didn't come in with them.

SWEETS: No. I find it's best to stay out of the way of the professionals in those situations. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot one thing.

BOOTH: What's that?

SWEETS: I went down to the vault and I stole the silver skeleton because, um, I'm Gormogon's apprentice.

BOOTH: That's a confession. You know, I can lock him up for 72 hours.

SWEETS: You'd lock me up for sarcasm?

BRENNAN: I - I think you should.

SWEETS: Wait. You guys actually think that I'm Gormogon's apprentice?

BOOTH: Well, somebody is. That way I can lock you up, check out your story and not worry about you running off to Bolivia.

SWEETS: This is fierce wretched.

BRENNAN: Better safe than sorry.

BOOTH: Yeah.

SWEETS: No. You're projecting, Agent Booth. You have a reasonable hostility toward Gormogon but you have no outlet for those feelings so you're using me -

BOOTH: Am I gonna have to break out my cuffs?

SWEETS: You know what? Yeah. You are gonna need your cuffs cause I'm not about to make this easy for you.

(Cut to: Regional Medical Center - ICU. Zack is asleep and Angela is sleeping in a chair next to his bed. Hodgins leans over and kisses her on the cheek - waking her up.)

(He kisses her again.)

HODGINS: How is Zack?

ANGELA: Oh, he's in a lot of pain but he won't let me push the pain killer button.

HODGINS: He's scared of polka dots but screaming agony is just an interesting phenomenon.
(Angela nods in agreement)

ZACK: Drugs give me bad dreams.

HODGINS: Oh, hey there, Zack.

ZACK: I'm walking somewhere and suddenly someone takes me by the hand and I look and it's the skeleton. And the skeleton's on fire and my hands hurt.

ANGELA: Take the pain killers, sweetie.

ZACK: I've been thinking about the explosion, Hodgins. No one could have switched the chemicals. I locked up the container when I left the room. (Hodgins presses the button on the pain killers) I had the only - key. (Hodgins presses it again) You - would know but you - I'm afraid the pain killers work pleasant on my intellect.

HODGINS: Sometimes your friends gotta step in - (he presses the button one last time) Dumb it up for you.

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab. Brennan is sitting in her office working at her computer when Cam appears in the doorway.)

CAM: Don't you think it's time to go home?

BRENNAN: (surprised) Oh! Ah. Sorry, Cam. I seem to be a bit anxious.

CAM: Don't worry about it. It's going around. Hodgins came to talk to me and I almost jumped out of my skin. What's keeping you so late?

BRENNAN: Looking at the tissue we used for the DNA test? The victims DNA alleles and the roots were destroyed. And the mer alleles - were altered. Then, I remember, when I first looked at the jaw bone, it seemed lighter in color than I expected.

CAM: It was treated with ultraviolet light?

BRENNAN: (nodding in agreement) I think so.

CAM: Who would do that?

BRENNAN: We would. Standard procedure for skeletal remains when we put them away for storage. We have over 10,000 sets of remains waiting to be identified. What better place to hide a skeleton?

CAM: How do we sift through 10,000 sets of remains?
(Neither of them have any idea...)

(Cut to Medico Legal Lab - Modular Skeletal Storage (AKA Limbo). Brennan, Caroline and Angela are standing in front of a group of Brennan's grad students.)ANGELA: I'd like to welcome, all of Dr. Brennan's grad students, to Limbo.

BRENNAN: Uh, it's Modular Skeletal Storage. I don't like the term "Limbo".

ANGELA: (to Brennan) Over 10,000 lost souls remain here, Sweetie. Unidentified. Waiting. It's a good name. Let's just go with it. (to the grad students) Each of these boxes contains the skeletal remains of one person.

BRENNAN: In this case: a skull, 2 femurs, 5 vertebrae, miscellaneous phalanges and 3 molars.

ANGELA: What we want you to do is conduct an inventory - making sure that what's in the box corresponds, not only to the card in the box but also to the computer record.

GRAD STUDENT #1: Does this count toward our final grade?

CAROLINE: Listen, Brennan's grad students. What we're trying to do here is catch a serial killer. Not get a gold star from Teach.

ANGELA: We think that he's hidden the remains of one or more of his victims here.

BRENNAN: Bones, tucked into boxes, where they don't belong.

ANGELA: But I think it's fair to say that if you help us catch a serial killer, that you'll pass your precious course.

BRENNAN: That - that's not necessarily true. If anyone else shows up down here indicating an interest in what you're doing - either tell Miss Montenegro or shout for security.


CAROLINE: Because serial killers get mean when you get close to catchin 'em.

(Time lapse: The grad students are working on sorting the remains that are in the boxes)

CAROLINE: This is just creepy.

BRENNAN: Well, it's the natural order of things. We all end up this way.CAROLINE: Thank you, Cherie. Now you've made it creepy and depressing.

GRAD STUDENT #1: I've found an extra femur in one of the boxes and an extra fibula in another.

BRENNAN: You sure?

GRAD STUDENT #1: The remains in the box were of a 4 year old child. The femur was from a man in his mid 40's to early 50's.

BRENNAN: And the fibula?

GRAD STUDENT #1: Also from a middle aged man. It had recently been boiled. Three other people found extra bones as well.

(A female grad student walks up behind Brennan and clears her throat slightly to make her presence known.)

GRAD STUDENT #3: I found an extra manubrium, male ulna and a humerus in a box of female remains.

BRENNAN: Okay, lay out all of the extra bones anatomically.

GRAD STUDENT #3: It's already done. Over here.

(They walk to the table where all the bones are laid out.)

BRENNAN: Nice job.

GRAD STUDENT #3: I'm third in my class.

BRENNAN: I'd like the names of the two students in front of you. (looking at the bones) 45 to 50 years old. Fibula and femur show a height of approximately 180cm.

CAROLINE: How tall is that in English?

BRENNAN: Approximately 5'8". (to the grad student) Have Dr. Saroyan take DNA samples and compare them to all of Gormogon's known victims.

(The grad student nods in agreement)

CAROLINE: You suspect something, don't you?

BRENNAN: I have no facts yet. My opinions are not relevant.

CAROLINE: Let me make the call, Cherie. Give me some of that big brain of yours.

BRENNAN: (pointing to the skull) Someone removed the mandible from the skull.

CAROLINE: It's the one that was sent to you.

BRENNAN: I can't say that with certainty. Dr. Saroyan should see if the DNA matches.

CAROLINE: (to the grad student) Didn't you hear her? Get this up to Dr. Saroyan. Now!

GRAD STUDENT #2: Dr. Brennan? I think you should take a look at this.

(Brennan and Caroline walk over to where the male grad student has many skulls lined up on a table. Brennan immediately notices something similar about all of them.)

BRENNAN: All of the canines have been removed from these skulls. Just he canines.

CAROLINE: I want the security tapes from this room for the last 6 months.

BRENNAN: This room isn't covered.

CAROLINE: Why not?

BRENNAN: It's Limbo. I - I need to re-examine the mandible Zack was working on before the explosion.

(Brennan runs out)

CAROLINE: Of course you do.

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Autopsy Bay/ Cam's Office. Caroline and Cam are looking at a picture of the lobbyist on the computer screen.)

CAM: It's the Lobbyist that disappeared. DNA's a match and so are the dentals. Dr. Brennan's gonna want to take a look at the markings on these.

CAROLINE: What's that? More cannibal teeth marks on the bone?

CAM: Gormogon went after this like Henry the 8th after a chicken leg.

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Forensic Platform. Brennan is re-examining the mandible that was sent to her by Gormogon.)

CAM: These appear to have been gnawed on too. They'll probably match the denture markings Zack found.

BRENNAN: They won't.

CAM: You haven't looked at them yet.

BRENNAN: Zack said these markings on the mandible were made by artificial dentures made from polymethylmethacrylate and other polymers.

CAM: And?

BRENNAN: They were not made by artificial dentures. Zack should have known that.

CAROLINE: He made a mistake. It happens.

CAM: Not often.

(Brennan walks away. Caroline and Cam just look at each other, puzzled.)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Brennan's office. She's on her computer when Booth walks in.)

BOOTH: Hey. I heard Zack was wrong about the dentures.


BOOTH: What do you mean? Cam and Caroline said..

BRENNAN: He knew they weren't artificial. Any first year student would know that. (she brings up a model of the dentures with the canines in them on the screen) The dentures were made from real teeth. All canines.

BOOTH: Ugh. Woah.

BRENNAN: Canines are a symbol of the wolf which appears on the Gormogon tapestry in the vault. And certain ancient sects revere the wolf as a symbol of freedom. As a representative of the forces that will deliver us from persecution.

BOOTH: Okay, Bones. Enough about the wolf. What's going on?

BRENNAN: Zack lied.


BRENNAN: He - he took the teeth from bone storage and he made Gormogon's dentures.

BOOTH: Zack has complete access to the lab. He arranged for the explosion himself.

BRENNAN: It's Zack. He's the killer, Booth. It's Zack.

(Cut to: Regional Medical Center - ICU- Cam is sitting in a chair reading to Zack.)

CAM: (reading) The theory of conditional expressions is a non-profound generalization of propositional calculus.

ZACK: What's it say after "boolean forms"?

CAM: (she laughs) Well, there's a little thing that looks like a Japanese stool then a B with a tail and a fat fish. Does this makes sense to you?

ZACK: It doesn't to you?

(Cam laughs)

BOOTH: Cam. I'm gonna need the room.

(Cam turns to see Booth and Brennan in the doorway. Her face falls when she realizes why they're there. She looks back at Zack and then gets out of the chair and starts to head to the door.)

CAM: (to Booth and Brennan) I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Are you absolutely certain because-

(Booth and Brennan nod their heads, solemnly, in confirmation.)

CAM: (sighs) I did not see that coming.

(Cam leaves the room)

ZACK: You looked at the mandible.

BRENNAN: You had to know I'd see it eventually.

ZACK: I didn't foresee the extent of my injuries. I was going to sneak out of here but -

BRENNAN: Your friends never left your side.

BOOTH: And you intended to steal the jaw bone and add it to the silver skeleton.

BRENNAN: But you designed the explosion. You must have known exactly how big it would be.

ZACK: Hodgins argued with me. He stood too close. The delay allowed the thermoplastic to reach the boiling point and as a result, the explosion was three times more powerful than I calculated.

BRENNAN: You must have known how badly you'd be injured.

ZACK: Yes.

BOOTH: Who's Gormogon, Zack?

ZACK: That's not what he's called.

BOOTH: Then what is he called.

ZACK: The Master.

BRENNAN: And you're his apprentice?

BOOTH: I need a name.

ZACK: I can't tell you. The apprentice is expendable. I'm expendable.

BOOTH: Who is he?

BRENNAN: Zack responds to logic, Booth.

BOOTH: Really? Cause I'd love to hear the logic of killing and eating people to change the world.

ZACK: The Master's logic is irrefutable.

BOOTH: Irrefutable?! I saw him choking a child at the bottom of a pool.

ZACK: If you knew what I know, you'd understand. You'd be proud of me.

BRENNAN: I've always been proud of you, Zack. I've never met anyone more rational or intelligent. But there's a fault in your logic.

ZACK: With all due respect, you aren't cognizant of his logic.

BRENNAN: Assumption #1: Secret societies exist.

ZACK: Accepted. Hodgins has been explaining this to me for years.

BRENNAN: Assumption #2: The human experience is adversely affected by secret societies.

ZACK: Accepted.

BRENNAN: Assumption #3: Attacking and killing members of secret societies will have an ameliorating effect on the human experience.
ZACK: Accepted.

BRENNAN: All of your assumptions are built upon a first principle, Zack. To wit: The historical human experience, as a whole, is more important than a single person's life.ZACK: Yes.

BRENNAN: Yet, you risked it all so you wouldn't hurt Hodgins.

(Zack lets this sink in and realizes that she is right, his logic was flawed. Brennan puts her forehead against his, as a single tear rolls down his cheek.)

ZACK: There's - You are correct. There is an inconsistency in my reasoning.

BOOTH: Bones, I need a name.

BRENNAN: We know.

ZACK: He first approached me three months ago at a symposium on burning plasma diagnostics.

BOOTH: Zack, I need to know who this guy is. I need to go get him. Now.

ZACK: I don't know his name. I've never known his name but I've been to his house. I was blind folded when he first took me there.

(As Zack narrates the directions, Booth and a team of FBI members are seen following them.)

ZACK: But I remember every turn he took and I was able to estimate his speed. So when he brought me home, I found it on a map. It's in Bedding Ridge on a street called Savoy Crescent. It's a big place, almost as big as Hodgins' house but run down. There's a flight of stairs at the back - outside. There's a blue door. It'll be locked but there's a key hidden in the crevice to the left of the door just above eye level. You will see a hallway. If he's found someone, you will smell meat cooking and that's how you'll know you're getting close. (We see a room. Lit candles are everywhere. Gormogon is in the middle of the room, sitting at a table, cutting a piece of "meat" on his plate.) One last door, and you'll have to be fast. He'll be at the bottom of an incline in the floor. (Booth and the Agents arrive in the room and see Gormogon.) He'll have a knife. He's very fast. And he's very strong.

(Gormogon bears his teeth and throws the knife at one of the FBI Agents. Booth immediately shoots him square in the chest and it sends him flying into the table. Gormogon is dead.)

(Cut to: Regional Medical Center - ICU- Caroline and other people are talking to Zack while the rest of the group stands outside the window watching.)

CAM: (she sees Booth arrive) Did you get him?

BOOTH: Got him.

BRENNAN: Who was he, Booth?

SWEETS: Nobody. Am I right? He was nobody. An invisible man, angry at history for not seeing him.

ANGELA: Yeah, for a nobody, he sure wrecked a lot of lives.

(Caroline and the others come out of Zack's room)CAROLINE: Zack confessed to killing the Lobbyist - stabbed him in the heart.

ANGELA: He never ate anybody?


ANGELA: So how did this happen?

BRENNAN: Logic.CAROLINE: No. I'm sorry, Cherie. That might cut it with you eggheads, but this happened the way this always happens: a strong personality finds a weak personality and takes advantage. I hope we fry the guy.

BOOTH: That's not gonna be necessary.

CAM: Good riddance, I say.

HODGINS: What'll happen to Zack?

CAROLINE: I cut a deal. He pleads guilty, cooperates, and we find him non compos mentis. That way, Zack is moved to a secure psychiatric facility instead of going to prison.

SWEETS: No, that won't stand up. Zack isn't actually insane.

(Booth grabs Sweets arm and pulls him away from the group)


BOOTH: Sweets? You're gonna give this one to Bones. You understand?

SWEETS: I understand.

BOOTH: Good.

(He pats him on the shoulder and they head back to join the group. Brennan places her hand and head against the window as the rest of the group is with her, looking in on Zack.)

(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab - Lounge Area. Everyone is sitting around the table. Hodgins places a box on it.)

BOOTH: Probably could have spent more time with Zack. You know, get him to see the world a bit more.

HODGINS: All those things I say about secret societies and conspiracy's, I never knew he was listening.

ANGELA: I should have gotten him a girlfriend.

CAM: Ugh. You know what? The hell with Zack. He's an adult, he made his choices. People are who they are. There is nothing any of us could have done for the guy.

BRENNAN: We love Zack, Cam.

CAM: Yeah, well he killed someone. He deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.

SWEETS: I feel I must point out that what Dr. Saroyan just said is obviously her way of handling grief. She doesn't mean it. Quite the opposite, in fact.

CAM: I knew the day I met Zack, he'd cause me pain.

(After a few moments of silence, Booth gets up to try to break the ice.)

BOOTH: So, what do ya got there, Hodgins?

HODGINS: (looking into the box) This is, uh, Zack's favorite stuff.

ANGELA: Well, what are we gonna do with it.

CAM: Where he's going, they might actually let him have it.

(As items are pulled out and commented on, Brennan is watching but something is obviously bothering her. Booth pulls out a harmonica then Cam pulls out a trophy that says, "Zack Addy - King of the Lab")

CAM: Oh, I got him that.

HODGINS: Yeah, thanks. He waved that in my face every day. (taking a book out of the box) Pocket Kama Sutra. I gave him this so he'd stop asking Booth sex questions.

(Booth plays the harmonica.)

BOOTH: Got Zack this before he went to Iraq.

ANGELA: (pulling out a piece of paper) Hey, I drew this for him.

(It's a place mat with a caricature of Zack. It says "ZACK "King of the Lab")

(Booth pulls a letter out of the box)

SWEETS: It's interesting that all of his favorite things are objects you people gave to him.

BRENNAN: I never gave him anything.

ANGELA: Brennan, he totally loved you. I mean, as much as he was capable.

BRENNAN: (getting up) But I never gave him anything.

(She leaves and Angela starts after her until...)BOOTH: Angela.

(Booth then follows after Brennan who is sitting on the stairs, head in her hands, when he finally catches up to her. He sits down next to her and starts reading the letter that he had pulled out of the box earlier.)

BOOTH: (reading from the letter) "Dear Mr. Addy. It is my pleasure to offer you the post of my intern in Forensic Anthropology. I choose you from hundreds of applicants because of your knowledge, your desire to learn and because I feel you will find a home here." (he sets the letter in the envelope) I think you gave him something great, Bones.

(Booth hands her the letter. She takes it and then places her head on his shoulder. He places his head against hers as the screen fades to black.)



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Cilly  (25.07.2019 à 14:32)

ce fut une triste sortie pour Zack


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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