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#114 : En quête de preuve

Un avion s'écrase avec officiellement cinq personnes à son bord. Mais Brennan découvre un sixième corps calciné, ainsi que des os provenant d'une personne n'étant pas dans l'avion, et qui est sur les lieux depuis quelques années. Goodman fait pression sur l'équipe pour qu'elle identifie le passager clandestin. Bones quant à elle s'intérresse aux fragments retrouvés, et demande à Booth de résoudre l'affaire.


3.92 - 13 votes

Titre VO
The Man on the Fairway

Titre VF
En quête de preuve

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Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Zack Addy (Eric Millegan) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Vendredi 16.03.2007 à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 08.03.2006 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Sur un terrain de golf près de Virginia Beach, Brennan et Zack arrivent sur les lieux d'un accident d'avion. Alors que des pompiers fouillent le cockpit, Ian Dyson du NTSB informe Brennan et Zack que l'avion privé effectuait un vol du Département d'Etat, avec des VIP à bord. A cause de l'absence de Booth comme intermédiaire, Zack assume un rôle important et se montre condescendant à l'égard des enquêteurs. Ils découvrent deux crânes à partir de divers fragments, le nombre de victimes s'élevant ainsi à 6, pilote et co-pilote compris. Les corps semblent cohérents avec la composition des victimes d'un accident normal d'avion, brûles tandis que les fractures des vertèbres du bas apparaissent cohérentes avec les blessures causées par l'impact vertical de la chute de l'avion. En tout cas, jusqu'à ce que Brennan déterre un fragment de fémur sans reste de chair. Une des victimes n'était pas à bord de l'avion.

Brennan, Zack, Hodgins et Angela ne disent rien en écoutant le compte rendu top secret de Goodman. Il les informe que les deux plus important hommes d'affaires chinois communistes étaient dans l'avion lorsqu'il s'est écasé. On peut prouver que l'avion ne s'est pas écrasé suite à des coups de feu ; c'est plutôt un accident, mais Zack et Brennan font remarquer qu'il y avait 6 personnes à bord alors que la feuille n'en compte que cinq, dont l'un était un homme d'affaire américain. L'histoire commence à s'effondrer lorsque Zack révèle des traces de coupures inhabituelles sur les os, qui suggèrent un démembrement. Le Département d'Etat ordonne à l'équipe d'identifier le 6e corps.

Au labo, Brennan appelle Booth pour faire le tour des éléments du corps qui n'était pas à bord de l'avion : des morceaux de crâne, de vertèbre et de fémur. Booth demande pourquoi il devrait s'impliquer dans cette affaire alors que ce n'est pas un meurtre, insinuant qu'il manque à Brennan. Celle-ci proteste en soulignant que le corps a été coupé à la hache. Jesse Kane, expert en personne disparue, arrive et prétend que ces morceaux d'os pourraient bien appartenir à son père.

Brennan et Booth écoute Jesse les supplier de le laisser les aider dans l'enquête. Il leur dit que son père a disparu il y a cinq lors d'un voyage à sa maison à Virginia Beach. Selon lui, l'enquête a été bâclée, mais Booth n'y croit pas. En fait, Booth est davantage préoccupé par le fait que Jesse soit au courant de la victime chinoise de l'avion. Brennan refuse de discuter des détails de l'affaire, mais utilise les informations de Jesse pour convaincre Booth que c'est bien un meurtre. Booth accepte de convaincre ses supérieurs qu'il devrait l'aider.

Zack, Angela, Hodgins et Brennan passent en revue les données concernant cette mystérieuse sixième victime dans la Chambre à Os. D'après Zack, l'arrête du nez indique qu'il s'agit d'une femme caucasienne d'environ 1,75m. La fusion de l'épiphyse montre qu'elle a entre 20 et 25 ans. Angela avance l'hypothèse pourrait être une maîtresse ou une call girl. Brennan se concentre sur les morceaux d'os qui ne proviennent pas de l'accident.

Zack avance qu'il s'agit d'un homme. Brennan déduit que l'os provient d'une homme d'âge moyen qui est mort cinq auparavant. L'équipe décide collectivement de désobéir aux ordres de Goodman qui sont de faire de la sixième visite la priorité principale. Ils choisissent d'identifier aussi l'homme qui n'était pas dans l'avion. Hodgins est choisi pour distraire Goodman.

Dans un café, Brennan dit à Jesse que les fragments d'os sont du même âge et sexe que son père. Elle écoute son incursion du côté judiciaire de la recherche des personnes disparues. A cause de la disparition de son père, et à cause du manque d'intérêt de la part de la police, Jesse s'est instruit à propos du droit des victimes. Il tente de créer un lien avec Brennan à travers la perte de ses parents, mais elle reste très professionnelle, mentionnant l'intérêt de Booth dans la preuve qu'il s'agit bien d'un acte criminel.

Zack, Angela et Hodgins examinent en secret les trois morceaux d'os qui n'étaient pas à bord de l'avion. Ils sont interrompus par Goodman, curieux, qui a le sentiment qu'ils désobéissent à ses ordres, en choisissant de négliger le corps chinois pour les autres os. Hodgins rebondit en mentionnant le schéma linéaire et elliptique des coupures sur les os qui sont trop organisés pour provenir d'une machine comme une scie à métaux. Les os ont été coupés mais pas éparpillés ni hâchés par une scie tournante. C'est vrai pour les deux séries d'os, ceux à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'avion. Goodman semble content de leur travail d'enquête.

Dans la voiture, Booth admet que Jesse Kane a construit une affaire solide concernant la culpabilité présumée de la petite amie de son père. Karen Anderson n'a pas d'alibi et reste dans la maison, avec un accès à leurs comptes communs. Lorsque la police a déclaré officiellement que Max Kane était mort, elle s'était déjà attribué une grosse part de sa fortune. Booth propose d'aller parler avec Mme Anderson pour lire ses indicateurs psychologiques subtiles. Brennan souligne qu'elle a étudié le langage du corps de la trahison mais Booth la coupe : "Je ne me mêle pas de tout ce qui touche aux os alors laisse-moi la partie humaine". Une fois de plus, elle se rend compte qu'elle a besoin de Booth.

Booth et Brennan rencontrent Karen Anderson. Elle rechigne à parler de l'affaire, de peur de s'impliquer. Elle sait que les apparences ne sont guère reluisantes, puisqu'elle vit dans la maison de Max et est tombée amoureuse d'un autre homme, Eddie. Cependant, les choses prennent un autre tournant quand elle révèle que Jesse était en froid avec son père depuis deux ans quand il est mort. Max a coupé les fonds de son fils et critiqué sa façon de vivre. Jesse était furieux contre son père.

Dans la salle des Os, Zack, Hodgins, Angela et Brennan discutent à voix basse des découvertes sur les prétendus os de Max Kane. Zack sait que les marques de hache ont été faites par un couteau à découper. Hodgins ajoute que le profil osteologique suggère une congelation post-mortem : Max Kane a dû disparaître en plein milieu de l'hiver. En assemblant tout cela, Zack élabore un scénario : la victime a été congelée, démembrée et passée par une machine à couper le bois. L'équipe pèse le pour et le contre concernant le fait d'aller ou non exposer toutes ces découvertes à Goodman. Ils décident de continuer à cacher leur activité secrète.

Booth et Brennan interrogent Jesse au FBI. Jesse admet qu'il était en froid avec son père, ajoutant qu'il était une déception en tous points pour lui. Booth demande à Brennan de dire à Jesse comment la victime est passé par une machine à couper le bois. Jesse semble distrait. brennan l'informe gentiment qu'ils ne sont pas encore sûrs qu'il s'agit de son père. Jesse demande à voir les fragments d'os, ce que Booth accepte.

Tandis que Jesse regarde les fragments, il raconte sa recherche concernant la mort de son père. Il "a rencontré un client à NorthStar Grill à Virginia Beach. Je sais qu'il devait rejoindre Karen sur la jetée mais il n'est jamais venu. Je sais qu'elle a attendu deux jours avant de signaler sa disparition." Il tente une dernière fois de jouer sur la corde sensible de Brennan en mentionnant qu'elle doit se sentir désespérée de ne rien savoir sur la mort de ses parents.

Dans son bureau, Brennan montre à Jesse le maigre dossier sur ses parents. Jesse est étonné par le manque de fichiers que les autorités lui ont fourni, la poussant à creuser davantage par elle-même. Brennan croit au système judiciaire, contrairement à Jesse. Sa beauté et sa passion touchent Jesse qui s'approche pour l'embrasser, alors que Brennan se recule. Angela les interrompt en apportant un schéma comparant les fragments du crâne avec une photo de Max Kane. Le schéma confirme qu'il y a une chance que les morceaux appartiennent au père de Jesse.

En se rendant dans le bureau d'Angela, Brennan et Angela discutent de la possibilité d'un rencart entre Brennan et Jesse. Brennan refuse l'idée, soulignant qu'il est encore un suspect. Une fois au labo, Brennan, Angela et Goodman étudient les images holographiques du squelettes des victimes de l'accident d'avion. Ils identifient les deux pilotes ainsi que deux victimes chinoises. Il y a une correspondance avec les photos. Les rapport de toxicologie montrent que les deux Chinois avaient des taux d'alcool et de Sildenafil (viagra) élevés. La fille mystérieuse, maintenant étiquettée comme "prostituée", montre aussi des traces d'alcool et de cocaine. Zack mentionne que la prostituée portait des chaussures à talons hauts. L'équipe projette de comparer les images et les données avec les photos des call girls de Washington.

Booth localise la seule machine à bois "Blackmantis 1200" à Virginia Beach. Bien que ses hommes n'aient trouvé aucun résidu de sang, il pense que l'équipe de Brennan peut trouver une correspondance avec les coupures trouvées sur les os. Seuls deux personnes ont eu accès à la machine pendant ces 7 dernières années : le responsable de l'entretien de la ville, et un ouvrier appelé Ray Spark. Brennan demande à Zack d'effectuer un test avec la machine, en prenant en compte que la victime était congelée lorsqu'elle a été découpée.

Chez Ray Sparks, Brennan repproche à Booth d'abuser de l'amitié de Zack. Booth n'est pas du tout gêné du jeu de forces qu'il a instauré sur Zack. C'est un truc entre mecs. Ray refuse d'ouvrir la porte et tente de s'échapper vers l'arrière. Il se fait avoir lorsqu'il rencontre Brennan qui le prend à la gorge.

Zack et Hodgins préparent la machine à bois sur le parking du Jeffersonian. Ils font passer un cochon congelé pour déterminer le schéma d'éparpillement des morceaux. Leur but est de comparer les morceaux de cochon avec ceux trouvés sur le terrain de golf, afin de déterminer si c'est bien cette machine qui a servi.

Booth interroge Sparks dans une salle d'interrogation. Il découvre que Sparks connaissait Karen Anderson du terrain de golf, où il avait l'habitude de prendre ses déjeuners. Il insiste en faisant remarquer qu'il habite dans une grande propriété. Celui-ci répond qu'il y a cinq ans, il était enfermé dans un centre correctionnel, ce qui le blanchit totalement.

Goodman réprimande Hodgins d'avoir désobéi à ses ordres. Celui-ci défie ses menaces en riant, ce qui pousse Goodman a prendre un ton grave. Il lui fait comprendre que rien ne l'empêche de le faire tomber, même cela implique de l'atteindre par ses amis et collègues.

Booth continue de presser Jesse pour qu'il avoue. Il sait que la plus simple théorie est souvent la meilleure, et par exemple, là, un fils en colère est inquiet de perdre son héritage. Jesse fait appel à la compassion de Brennan. Comme elle aussi a perdu ses parents, il lui demande de comprendre ce besoin de vérité.

Angela et Brennan examinent une image satellite de l'éparpillement des fragments d'os sur le terrain de golf. Elles supposent que la machine était plutôt orientée au-dessus du ruisseau pour que les preuves s'effacent. Une inspection plus minutieuse, elles repèrent une route d'où un camion aurait pu placer la machine dans la trajectoire adéquate. Goodman leur demande où elles en sont avec la femme mystérieuse. Elles lui disent qu'elle était caucasienne. Satisfait, il leur ordonne de travailler maintenant sur les fragments d'os. Ils échangent des regards gênés, admettant leur culpabilité.

Brennan va à la chambre d'hôtel de Jesse et lui demande le dossier sur ses parents. Il voit cela comme un signe qu'elle ne croit plus en lui. Elle lui avoue que son obsession pour le passé de son père est malsain. Il lui rétorque que ne rien faire ne serait pas plus sain, comme elle l'a fait pour si longtemps.

L'équipe fait une recherche sur le terrain de golf selon le schéma établi par la machine à bois. Ils trouvent d'autres os, y compris un morceau de doigt avec un ongle toujours attaché. Sous l'ongle, ils découvrent du polyurethane, indicant que la victime à gratter quelque chose avant de mourir. Une structure cellulaire bizarre indique à Brennan qu'il s'agit peut-être d'une tumeur bénigne. Elle demande les radios les plus récentes du dossier de Max Kane. L'équipe est interrompue par un appel de Booth. Jesse Kane a été arrêté pour avoir attaqué Karen Anderson.

Dans la voiture de Booth, celui-ci informe que Brennan est arrivé chez Karen pour la confronter. Son petit ami, Eddie, a essayé de le mettre dehors. Les deux se sont battus. Brennan demande à Booth ce que son instinct lui dit à propos de Jesse. Il admet qu'il ne pense pas qu'il soit responsable. Brennan ajoute à sa théorie en lui disant que les fragments d'os du terrain de golf ne sont pas ceux de Max Kane. Jesse est innocent.

Brennnan annonce à Jesse que ce ne sont pas les os de son père. Les traces d'une tumeur ont été découvertes, qui ne correspondent pas avec les radios de son père, deux mois avant sa disparition. Brennan le console, sachant ce que c'est de ne pas savoir ce qui s'est passé. Booth propose de retirer les plaintes pour attaque contre lui.

L'équipe retourne au tableau, et passent en revue les éléments pertinents de l'affaire. Ils réalisent que Ray Sparks est le seul lien avec la machine à couper le bois. Bien qu'il ait été en prison lorsque Max Kane a disparu, il aurait pu être dans le coin lors de la disparition de quelqu'un d'autre, à savoir son frère.

A la maison de Ray Sparks, ils découvrent un congélateur avec des marques de griffures dans la glace, correspondant aux résidus de polyurethane trouvés sous l'ongle. Ray a tué son frère.

Brennan informe Jesse de ce qu'a fait Frank Sparks. Elle l'aide à supporter la peine d'une nouvelle impasse dans la disparition de son père. Quand il lui demande comment elle peut vivre sans que personne ne cherche ses parents, elle répond : "Il y a un dicton Zen qui dit que si tu veux trouver quelque chose, il faut arrêter de le chercher." La nature obsessionnelle de Jesse est trop puissante pour accepter cette philosophie.

L'équipe se retrouve au restaurant Wong Foo où Brennan demande à Booth de jeter un oeil au fichier de ses parents. Booth, flatté, accepte. Zack engage une conversation avec Booth qui tombe dans l'oreille d'un sourd : un moment qui le rend heureux. Le silence de Booth prouve à Zack qu'il est encore un membre de l'équipe soudée par un code non-écrit entre hommes. Brennan regarde Booth alors qu'elle quitte le restaurant et le voit regarder une photo d'elle petite.

[Golf course. Day. Bones and Zack are riding to the crime scene in a golf cart.]

Bones: We’ll be meeting with agents from the FAA, the NTSB, and local police.

Zack: Usually Booth handles those people.

Bones: Plane crashes don’t belong to the FBI.

Zack: Why not? FAA stands for Federal Aviation Administration.  The NTSB stands for National Transportation Safety Board.  That sounds Federal to me and FBI stands for Federal Bureau…

Bones: Zack.

Zack: This is the third time in a row we’ve investigated without Booth.  I don’t like it.

Bones: Why? He mostly ignores you.

Zack: Ignoring me is Booth’s way of acknowledging my presence. It’s a guy thing.

Bones: Here we are.

(They pull up to the crime scene tape, get out of the cart, and grab their cases.  They walk up to the scene which is a smaller plane crash.)

Ian: Dr. Brennan?

Bones: Yes.

Ian: I’m Ian Dicen with the NTSB. (they shake hands)

Bones: This is my assistant, Zack Addy.

Ian: (escorts them to the plane) At approximately zero four hundred last night, a private jet with five passengers on board reported horizontal stabilizer trouble, two hundred miles southeast of Norfolk. Yeager Airport in Charleston tracked them for thirty minutes until they dropped off the radar screen at zero four thirty.  The plane tried to make an emergency landing here when it clipped some trees and slammed to the ground.  We found another mostly intact body over near the trees.  The rest is bits and pieces.

Zack: What makes this one of our cases?

Ian: I beg your pardon?

Zack: We’re kind of special.  We’re elite.  We don’t sort though just any set of bodies.

Ian: It was a state department flight with a bunch of VIP’s on board. Is that special enough?

Zack: I apologize if I have offended you.  Usually we have an FBI Agent who mediates our interpersonal encounters.

(A medico-legal worker walks up to Zack and Bones)

Worker: We found another skull.

Zack: Two skulls, those pieces are from two different skulls.

Ian: I’ll leave you super elite types to it. (walks away)

Bones: Zack, we don’t need Booth to mediate our interpersonal encounters.(She leans down and looks in what’s left of the cockpit of the plane) Okay, pilot, copilot, brings our count to six.  Three mostly intact sets of remains, one partial, and two fragmented.

(Bones gets up and walks a little ways away from the cockpit and looks around on the ground.)

Zack: (leans down on the other side of cockpit) Obviously bodies are burnt to a crisp but no dermis, very little soft tissue, indications of high impact trauma, burst fractures to the lower thorasic and lumbar vertebrae consistent with injuries caused by the vertical impact of the falling aircraft.  Should I keep talking as though you are paying attention?

Bones: (picks up a bone fragment) What do you make of this?

(Zack walks over to her and bends down to look at it.)

Zack: Femur fragment.

Bones: No charring.

Zack: You think this fragment doesn’t belong to the plane crash?

Bones: What are the odds?

Zack: A crashing plane falling directly on a human being?  One in ten million.

[Cut to: Dr. Goodman’s office.  Angela and Bones are seated opposite of Dr. Goodman who is standing behind his desk.  Zack and Hodgins are standing behind Angela and Bones.]

Dr. Goodman: The information that I’m about to tell you must not leave this room

Hodgins: I am philosophically imposed to institutional secrecy in all its forms.

Dr. Goodman: Fine, get out.

Hodgins: Pfft.

Dr. Goodman: Two communist Chinese trade attachés were on that plane when it crashed both high ranking party men.

Hodgins: Well obviously we shot it down.

Dr. Goodman: (sits at his desk) The FAA and the NTSB can prove that it was an accident.  Also on the manifest was an American business man, a pilot and a co-pilot, five people.

Zack: Dr. Goodman, we found six sets of human remains on that airplane.

Bones: Not to mention, three bone fragments which were not on the plane.

Dr. Goodman: Is there any chance those bone fragments were on the plane?

Angela: What, you mean as carry on luggage?

Bones: No, everything on the plane burned.  They were untouched by fire.

Dr. Goodman: Hm. Then forget about the bone fragments for the time being.  The state department is extremely anxious to find the identity of that sixth person. No one wishes this to become an international incident.  Therefore, this is our only priority.

Bones: I disagree!

Dr. Goodman: For the love of God, why?

Bones: Because the plane crash was an accident.  The bone fragments were not.

Dr. Goodman: How do you know?

Bones: Zack found unusual cut marks.

Zack: Cut marks congruent with dismemberment.

Dr. Goodman: (sighs and stands up) People, one hour ago I received a call from the secretary of state requesting that the unidentified extra passenger be our first priority.

Bones: So now politics are more important then murder?

Dr. Goodman: I’m not saying please. I’m not being reasonable. I’m making the decision.  first and foremost identify that sixth body.

[Cut to: Lab area with boxes.  Bones is holding up a bone fragment looking at Booth.  The other two fragments they found are on the lighted table before her.]

Bones: You got it or do you want me to explain again?

Booth: No, I got it okay. The plane goes down, Kablooey, there’s an extra body on board which you really don’t  care about because you’re more interested in these bone (he reaches out to touch one and Bones slaps his hand away.) fragments that you found on the ground.

Booth: Hm. Is this all you got?

Bones: So far, a piece of skull, a chunk of vertebrae, part of a femur.

Booth: Not much to go on.

Bones: These fragments come from a person who was hacked.

Booth: Hacked to little bits.

Bones: No, medium sized bits.  I’m not sure how it turned into little bits yet.

Booth: Okay and I’m here why?

Bones: Dismemberment, little bits, it’s a murder.

Booth: Well FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction at a golf course.

Bones: Well who does?

Booth: I don’t know.  Try the PGA. Uh huh. You know you’ve done a couple of cases without me and you miss me.

Bones: Zack misses you not me.

Booth: Zack and I don’t even talk.

Bones: He seems to think it’s a male bonding ritual.

Booth: Maybe he’s right?

Bones: No he’s not.

Booth: Could be?

Bones: You told him that so you wouldn’t have to talk to him.

Booth: Well it was nicer then shooting him.

Bones: Mm. Goodman has ordered me to investigate the other extra body.

Booth: Well then you better get on that. Next time you know, you miss me pick up the phone call me we’ll do lunch or something.

Bones: I do not miss you!

Booth: Yeah you miss me. C’mon.

Bones: I do not miss you!

Booth: Say it.

(A security guard walks in.)

Guard: Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth, you have a visitor. (he leaves)

Booth: You miss me.

Bones: No I don’t. (she walks out.)

Booth: You miss me. You miss me.

[Cut to: Booth and Bones walking together.  They enter her office and see a man waiting for them.]

Kane: Dr. Temperance Brennan.

Bones: Yes. (they shake hands)

Kane: Special Agent Seeley Booth, I’m Jesse Kane.

Booth: You’re Jesse Kane?

Kane: You’ve heard of me?

Bones: I haven’t.

Booth: Jesse here is sort of an expert in missing person’s cases.

Kane: I’ve done some writing on missing person’s laws and investigative techniques, inner agency cooperation, jurisdictional dispute, that kind of thing. I heard about the bones you found at the golf course.

Bones: I can’t really talk about that.

Kane: I don’t mean the Communist Chinese on the plane.

Booth: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Communist Chinese.

Kane: The other bones, the fragments.

Booth: How did you hear about the Communist Chinese?

Kane: (ignores him and keeps looking at Bones) Those pieces of bone you found at the golf course, I’m pretty sure that’s my dad.

[Roll Intro.]

[Cut to: Wong Fu’s. Kane, Booth, and Bones are sitting at a small table in the middle of the place.]

Kane: My expertise in missing person’s investigations derives from one thing, my search for my father. (hands Bones a newspaper article)  He went missing five years ago during a trip to his cottage in Virginia Beach.

Bones: What makes you think these (Booth jerks the article out of her hand to look at it.) bone fragments come from your father?

Booth: Alright, you know there is a question of National security here that is my jurisdiction.  (To Bones) He’s not supposed to know about the Chinese.

Kane: My investigations lead me to conclude that my father was murdered in the area and his body disposed.

Bones: What did the police say?

Kane: They gave up four years ago.

Booth: (hands Kane the newspaper article back) Because there was no evidence of foul play.

Kane: The investigation was bungled.  The city police didn’t have the manpower, the state troopers said it was a federal matter, and you guys suggested a private investigator.

Booth: It was not bungled, okay, because there was no evidence of foul play.  It’s a common story. Okay?  A guy goes in for a pack of cigarettes and ends up renting out snorkeling gear in Guam.

Kane: He doesn’t know what it’s like to loose a parent you do.

Booth: (angry) You want to back down a jot there buddy?

Bones: How do you know about that?

Kane: No offense, Dr. Brennan but you’re a writer. You’re a well know scientist, it’s out there plus you’re one of us.

Bones: One of us?

Kane: People who’s loved ones have simply vanished, in your case both parents.

Booth: Okay, how do you know about the Chinese? (Kane ignores him and Booth snaps in his face and puts his hand in front of Bone’s face) Do not look at Dr. Brennan, okay? Whether you like it or not, this is an issue between you (Bones moves his hand away) and the FBI.

Kane: If body parts are found in roughly the area where my father disappeared, I’m going to know about it. Radio chatter, the internet, the local law enforcement, that’s all I’m prepared to tell you. (to Bones) Do you mind if I ask you how many bone fragments you found?

Bones: Yes I do.  I don’t discuss ongoing investigations.

Booth: She doesn’t discuss ongoing investigations.

Kane: Fair enough, Dr. Brennan. (He puts his hand on a box of papers sitting on a chair next to him.) These are my notes from the last five years, every lead, every clue; every person I have ever talked with is here.

Booth: Mm. Hm. And why would Dr. Brennan care about that?

Kane: Cause it will least give her a candidate to eliminate.

Bones: He’s got a point.

Kane: My father’s medical records, pictures, last known whereabouts, even a connection to the golf course. Also my phone number but don’t worry if I don’t hear from you, you’ll hear from me. (he leaves.)

Booth: Wow (sighs and whistles) pushy.

Bones: Well maybe he discovered that being pushy is how you get cops to pay attention.

Booth: What are you hawking at me for?

Bones: The Chinese, the plane crash, that’s geo politics.  This is murder. Will you help?

Booth: Well you know I guess if you’re uh, really asking me, I guess I could uh you know fudge it with my boss to make it look like it was attached to the Chinese plane crash thing.

(Bones smiles at him.)

[Cut to: Lab area with boxes.  Bones is looking at the three bone fragments.  Angela walks in with Zack and Hodgins.]

Angela: We’ve made some progress on the mystery passenger.

Bones: Fill me in.

Zack: Nasal ridges indicated she was a cocazoid female approximately five feet 10 inches, epiphyseal fusion puts her age somewhere between twenty to twenty-five.

Angela: I have a theory.

Hodgins: Femme fatal assassin.

Zack: Unregistered flight attendant.

Angela: Young, beautiful girl, doesn’t appear on the in flight manifest, group of how powered politicos.

Hodgins: Oh.

Zack: Wait. What? What?

Bones: Someone on that flight might have been doing his daughter or girl friend a favor.

Angela: Ugh, you’re so sweet, honey.  You really are.

Zack: Oh, you think she was the in flight entertainment.

(Hodgins just shakes his head and rolls his eyes.)

Angela: Yeah. (to Bones) Anything you want to tell us about the bone bits you care about?

Zack: (turns around and looks at them displayed on a screen) Supra orbital margin is rounded suggesting a male.

Bones: Yes and there are signs of osteolytic lipping or polish on this piece of vertebrae.

Hodgins: Arthritis.

Angela: So middle aged guy.

Bones: Weathering and discoloration suggests these bones have been out there for approximately five years. I’m going to ask you guys to help me on this.

Angela: You mean after the Communist thing?

Bones: No, immediately.

Hodgins: I’m in.

Zack: You want us to defy Dr. Goodman.

Hodgins: I’m in.

Bones: Not defy per say, do both jobs but keep one a secret.

Hodgins: I’m in.

Angela: We get it. You’re a rebel.

Bones: Zack, I need you to analyze the cuts on the bone.

Zack: I was kinda hoping to keep my job.

Angela: There’s not enough skull here for me to do a reconstruction.

Bones: If I gave you a picture, you could tell me if the skull piece doesn’t match?

Angela: Ah, I could construct a schematic and see if the shard fit the general shape of the skull if I had a picture.

Hodgins: Has anyone noticed that I was the first to offer help and apparently I’m useless.

Bones: Not true. You are the one that’s going to keep Goodman from finding out.

Hodgins: I’m in.

[Cut to: A diner. Bones is at a lunch counter talking with Kane.]

Kane:  So the bone fragments were the same sex and age of my father.

Bones: Yes.

Kane: Thank you.

Bones: It’s a long way from conclusive.

Kane: Yeah I know at times like these not to get hopeful but on the other hand you’ve got to have hope.

Bones: Even after five years?

Kane: People are found after decades, Dr. Brennan, after centuries.  You’ve done some of the finding.

Bones: Booth says you’ve made a living off of the disappearance of your father.

Kane: About six months after my father disappeared, I found out nobody was actually looking for him.  Next thing I knew I was an expert in motivating the police, victims rights, becoming well known is a by product of my search for my father not the goal of my search.  You should understand my motivation better then most people in law enforcement.

Bones: I’m not really interested in bonding over the loss of my parents.  Booth is looking over your file now.

Kane: I wasn’t looking for his help.

Bones: We work together.  Booth knows that the bone fragments are evidence of foul play.  That’s all the motivation he needed.

Kane: You didn’t have to lean on him?

Bones: (smiles) Not at all.

Kane: If you say so.

[Cut to: Lab. Platform area.  The camera pans over the six bodies lined up next to each other on tables. They all have pictures of the victims except the last one which is the unknown one. It just has a card with a silhouette on it.  Hodgins, Zack, and Angela are down next to the platform looking at the bone fragments on a computer screen.]

Zack: Well, one of the bone fragments has distinctive ridge mark indentations.

Hodgins: Knife mark.

Zack: Yes specifically a carving knife.

Angela: What about the other ones, the jagged marks?

Zack: Some kind of machine blade. (sits)

Angela: What like a jigsaw or a chainsaw?

(Dr. Goodman clears his throat off screen and they all look up.)

Dr. Goodman: Are you suggesting one of the Chinese diplomats was wielding a chainsaw?

Hodgins: Ah, good one sir, very droll.  Zack knows much more about this then I do but we weren’t discussing a literal chainsaw cut but rather the pattern it leaves on the bone. Right? Zack?

(Zack just stares at Dr. Goodman with his mouth open.)

Angela: You know blades move in several distinctive ways.

Hodgins: Several distinctive ways.

Zack: (very fast) Circular elliptical segmented, chainsaws are designed to cut soft materials at high speed when cutting hard materials like bone they create wave marks by the action of the blade.  This pattern is too organized, too linear.

Hodgins: Therefore, no Chinese chainsaw massacre scenario.

Dr. Goodman: Hm, yes, fascinating.  What has it got to do with the victims of the plane crash?

Hodgins: We not only have to reassemble each of the plane crash victims but figure out how their remains were scattered.

Zack: Not by being cut up, that’s for sure.

Hodgins: Now we’ve eliminated blades.

(Dr. Goodman rolls his eyes and walks away.)

Hodgins: (leans down.) Never freeze on me again.

Zack: I find Dr. Goodman scary.

Angela: Well, I’m never trusting any of us again. We’re that good at lying, huh?

Hodgins: We’re going to do much better.

[Cut to: Booth’s SUV night. He’s driving, Bones is riding along.]

Booth: Well, you know, I have to admit Jesse Kane’s file on his father is both well organized and complete. Yep, his main suspect is his fathers’ girlfriend.

Bones: (looking at a file) Karen Anderson.

Booth: No alibi and since they were living together at the time of the disappearance she remains in the house and has access to their joint accounts.

Bones: Well how much money are we talking about?

Booth: Max Kane, he was a stockbroker, he was worth millions but you know, after seven years missing the courts will declare him officially dead but you know, by that time she could have siphoned out half of the money so I say we go visit Miss. Anderson and we’ll know pretty fast if she’s a suspect.

Bones: How?

Booth: How? Subtle psychological indicators, Bones.

Bones: I looked those up on the internet, body language, sweat, tonal quality, shifty eyes.

Booth: Hey you know what? I don’t go poking around your bones stuff, okay. Just leave the human stuff to me.

[Cut to: Karen Anderson’s house. Night. Bones and Booth sit across from Miss. Anderson and her boyfriend, Eddie,  in the living room.]

Karen: Why has Max’s disappearance become a matter for the FBI?

Booth: Max’s disappearance is not an FBI matter.

Eddie: You’re an FBI agent.

Bones: Human remains were found in the course of a Federal investigation.  Agent Booth is taxed with the job of identifying them.

Booth: I’d like to eliminate Max Kane as a possibility and just move on all together.

Karen: So this is a pro forma interview?

Booth: Yes, yes, absolutely.

Karen: Because I know Max’s son Jesse accuses me of his murder.

Booth: Why do you think he suspects you?

Karen: Because of the age difference between me and Max, because I’m still living in the house, because after five years I dared to fall in love with someone new. (she puts her hand on Eddie’s knee.)  I mean who knows.

Bones: Some people find it harder then others to get over the loss of a loved one.

Booth: Bones. (snaps and whistles at her.)

Bones: (quietly) What?

Karen: Jesse got to you, didn’t he? The dimples and the sad smile, and melancholy on a mission to find his beloved father, you know all that.

Bones: Jesse didn’t love his father?

Karen: Max and Jesse didn’t speak for the two years before Max disappeared and that was before I came into his life.

Booth: What do you think caused the riff?

Karen: Max cut Jesse off financially. Max thought Jesse was lazy running around New York doing nothing with his life and well Jesse was furious.

[Cut to: Lab. Bones, Hodgins, and Zack are in a room discussing the bone fragments at a table.  Angela is in there to peeking out the door keeping guard.]

Zack: Hack marks were caused by a hietal carving knife.

Hodgins: The osteological profile suggests evidence of post mortem freezing.

Bones: Max Kane disappeared mid winter.  What about the jagged cut marks?

Angela: This is the part that makes me queasy.

Zack: The victim was frozen, dismembered, and fed into a wood chipper.

Hodgins: And spread over a golf course.

Angela: Either talk loudly enough so I can hear all the way or whisper so I can’t.

Zack: Maybe if we told Goodman what we know, he’d authorize a change in priorities.

Angela: Or he’d suspend us all for defying him.

Bones: Angela’s right.

Zack: So we’re going to drop this and get back to what Dr. Goodman told us to do in the first place?

Bones: No, we are going to keep doing what we are doing behind Goodman’s back. (slaps Hodgins in the back with a file as she leaves the room.)

Hodgins: (claps hands and rubs them together.) That’s the spirit. (he leaves)

(Angela and Zack both sigh.)

[Cut to: Booth’s office. Booth and Bones are there with Kane.]

Kane: Yeah it’s true. My father cut me off financially so I take it that means you talked to Karen.

Booth: Is there anything else you failed to mention to us?

Bones: Why didn’t you tell us?

Kane: I know I didn’t kill my father so I’d rather you didn’t waste your time on that line of investigation.

Booth: (makes a buzzer sound) Too late so what happened between you and your father, hmm?

Kane: About five years ago I was enrolled at NYU. All I really did was go clubbing and have a good time.  My father was right to cut me off.  I was a disappointment to him.

Booth: But if he could see you now.

Kane: I’d like to think he can see me now.

Bones: Your father is dead.  A dead person can’t see anything.

Kane: Maybe that’s true, maybe it isn’t but either way at least I know my dad would be proud.

Booth: Bones, tell Jesse what happened to the victim.

Bones: Really? (he nods yes)

Kane: What?

Bones: It’s just that usually you tell me not to tell people.

Kane: It can’t be worse then some of the things I have imagined.

Bones: The victim was frozen, dismembered, and fed through a wood chipper.

(Kane looks upset.)

Booth: Bones has figured out what type of wood chipper was used.  We’re going to trace it to the manufacturer and see if one was sold in Virginia Beach.

Kane: I can’t believe someone would do that to my dad.

Bones: We haven’t positively identified the victim as your father. I have our artist comparing the skull fragment to pictures of your dad.

Kane: Could I see the bone fragments?

[Cut to: Lab. The boxes are. Bone and Kane walk into the room where there are three bone fragments lying on a lighted table.]

Kane: This is all?

Bones: Yes. I mean…it’s all of somebody.

Kane: He was a big man, my dad.  It’s hard to believe that this is all that is left of him. How can you get anything from three small bits of bone?

Bones: It’s more then a lot of people get.

Kane: I know where my dad was right before he disappeared. I know my dad met with a client at the Northstar grill in Virginia Beach.  I know he had meatloaf. Hm. I know he was supposed to meet Karen at the pier but he didn’t show up.  I know she waited two days before reporting him gone. I have a good timeline and I have three small bits of bone.  You don’t have any of those things and I realize how hopeless you must feel.

Bones: Come with me.

[Cut to: Bone’s office.  She hands Kane a file]

Kane: (opens it) This is all you have?

Bones: Yes, you were right about how little it is.

Kane: No, I mean this is simply your copy of the official file.

Bones: Yes, what else would there be?

Kane: You never tried to hire any private investigators, did any poking around yourself?

Bones: Well I’m pretty new at field work. I’ve mostly been a lab rat my whole career plus I trusted the authorities would do what they could.

Kane: The authorities have rooms filled with files like these, warehouses.

Bones: I’m the authorities, Booth is the authorities.

Kane: Did you ever show this file to Booth?

Bones: No, no.

(Kane leans in to kiss her and she backs up.)

Bones: This is where I work.

(Angela comes walking up.)

Angela: Uh which is my cue?

Bones: Uh, um, Angela, come in.  This is Jesse Kane.

(Angela walks over and shakes his hand.)

Angela: Hello.

Kane: Hi.

Angela: Hi, Angela Montenegro.

Bones: (notices a paper in Angela’s hand.) What’s that?

Angela: Oh, uh nothing that can’t wait.

Kane: Is it about my father?

Angela: In as far as I know, which is quite far believe me, no one has tried to kiss Brennan in this office and lived to tell about it.

Bones: Angela.

Kane: Would one of you please tell me what that piece of paper is?

Angela: It’s a uh, it’s a schematic comparing the skull fragments we found on the golf course to pictures of your father.

Kane: And?

Bones: It doesn’t not match your father.

Kane: So it could be him?

Angela: (hands him the schematic)Yeah there’s a pretty good chance.

Kane: I knew it.

[Cut to: Angela and Bones walking through the lab.]

Angela: Are you hooking up later?

Bones: We didn’t arrange anything.

Angela: Why not?

Bones: Cause you were right there hovering.

Angela: I was not.  I was being your wing man.

Bones: What’s that?

Angela: I was rendering assistance and enabling where needed.

Bones: Booth thinks he might be a suspect.

Angela: Oh now you’re just looking for excuses not to get involved.

[Cut to: Holograph lab. Bones, Angela, and Dr. Goodman are looking at the holographs.]

Angela: Plane crash victim number four, captain Jacob Howard, pilot, age forty-seven, height five foot six, weight approximately one hundred and sixty seven pounds.

Bones: Overlay the photograph. Frontal zygomatic sutures line up, cranial meninges are in sync.

(A skull appears and then a face is placed over it.)

Dr. Goodman: Excellent that’s one more off our list.

Angela: Victim number five, Shen Ru Fong, age fifty-six, height five foot six, weight approximately one hundred and forty pounds.

Dr. Goodman: Yes that’s terrific except we knew all of these people were on the plane.  What the state department wants to know is the identity of our mystery woman.  I hope I can count on your full energies on this Dr. Brennan.

Bones: If I could be completely honest sir…

(Hodgins walks in with Zack.)

Hodgins: Toxicology reports came back from all six victims. Pilot and co-pilot were clean. Our two Chinese nationals had elevated levels of alcohol and sildenafil more commonly know as Viagra and our mystery girl showed traces of alcohol and cocaine. So will the cover up start now or somewhere between here and the state department?

Dr. Goodman: (to Bones) You were saying about being completely honest?

Bones: Yes sir. Regarding the bone shards….

Zack: Uh, the prostitute was six inches taller then anyone else on the flight and she had occupational stress markers.

Dr. Goodman: Let’s not call her a prostitute yet, Mr. Addy.  What occupational markers?

Hodgins: Eh, it’s a foot thing.

Dr. Goodman: She was a fetishist?

Zack: Both her cuboid and medio malleolus show signs of wear.

Bones: You can relax Dr. Goodman.  She wore extremely high stiletto heels.

Angela: I reconstructed her face from the partial skull. (Angela enters data and a blonde woman’s upper torso shows up.)

Hodgins: She was hot.

Dr. Goodman: What’s our next move?

Bones: I suggest we try to match this reconstruction with escort ads both internet and print in the DC area.

Zack: Oh, I’ll do that. (They all look at him.) Was that overly enthusiastic?

Dr. Goodman: Thank you for the update.  This case continues to be your top priority, correct?

Bones: If I could suggest…

Hodgins: Dr. Brennan has been very clear about your priorities on this, Sir.

(Goodman nods his head and leaves.)

[Cut to: Road out front of the lab. Day. Booth has a wood chipper hooked up to his hitch and he’s undoing straps off of it. Bones is walking up to him.]

Bones: What’s that?

Booth: It’s the only black mantis wood chipper in Virginia Beach.  I subpoenaed the records from the manufacturer and traced it back to the town equipment yard. Eh, my people they uh, couldn’t find any blood residue.

Bones: That makes sense if the corpse was frozen.

Booth: Yeah not to mention this puppy here has grounded up about ten thousand trees, you know. Hey I figured you could match the blades to the cuts in the bones, right or do something I haven’t though of  much more confusing and scientific?

(Zack comes out of the building and walks over to them.)

Zack: Booth, nobody told me you were working this case.

Booth: (to Bones) Only two people have had access to this machine in the past seven years, a city maintenance foreman and a city maintenance worker by the name of Ray Sparks. Sparks has got a jacket so… What do you say, huh? You want to come with me to go talk to him?

Zack: (leans over to Bones) Told you.  It’s a guy thing. (smiles)

Bones: Um, yes I’d like to come.

Booth: Alright, here we go.

Bones: (to Zack) Let Angela do the escort matching.  I have something a lot more interesting for you and Hodgins.

(Bones opens the SUV door behind her.)

Booth: What’s more interesting then escorts?

Bones: I need you guys to run a dispersal pattern test on the chipper.

Zack: Using what medium?

Bones: Assume the victim was frozen solid when he was fed into the chipper.

Zack: No way.

Booth: (to Bones) The correct response would be (whispers) yes way.

Bones: Oh, yes way.

(Bones gets into the SUV and Booth shuts the door. Zack hold his fist up for him to tap with his fist and Booth ignores him.)

[Cut to: Spark’s house. Day. Booth and Bones walk up the front porch to the door.]

Bones: You ignore Zack to make him think that you’ve got some special bond.

Booth: Yeah but it works doesn’t it? I’m happy. He’s happy.

Bones: It’s not the truth.

Booth: But it works. (knocks on door) Ray Sparks I would like to have a word with you please.

Bones: Zack wants to fit into the real world more then anything. You’re not helping.

(Booth knocks again and you see Ray behind him move the curtain out of the way in a bay window to see who it is. Bones and Booth don’t notice him there.)

Booth: (calls out.)  FBI, Special Agent Booth.

(He hears Booth and takes off through the house. Booth hears a loud crash from out back.)

Booth: He went out around the back.

(Booth takes off down the porch steps and heads left around the house. Bones follows him and bumps into him at the corner. Booth stops for a second and looks at her.)

Booth: No, no, the other way, Bones!

(She turns and runs around the other side of the house. Booth continues around his side and pulls his gun out.  He meets up with Ray Sparks first and aims his gun at him.)

Booth: FBI! Freeze!

(Ray turns and tries to run the other way. Bones comes out from her side of the house and grabs him by the throat and shoves him backwards.  Ray falls on his back on the ground in front of her grunting.)

Booth: (says to himself.) Bones, jeeze.

(Bones puts her foot on his chest and close to his neck to pin him down with her arms in a fighting position.)

Booth: Ray Sparks.

Ray: Hey, I didn’t do nothing wrong!

Bones: (to Booth) I feel like kicking him.

Booth: (pulls out handcuffs) That’s normal after a pursuit.  We try not to do that.

(He leans over and pulls Ray up off the ground.)

Booth: Come on, get up.

(Booth then handcuffs him.)

[Cut to: Outside lab. Day.  Security has roped off the area around the wood chipper. Hodgins and Zack roll out a gurney with something covered on it.  There are several lab people standing around watching them.]

Zack: (notices everyone) Too many people.  How are we going to keep this from Dr. Goodman?

Hodgins: Ah, he’s having lunch with the President of Harvard.

(Angela walks up to them and notices the lab people and the gurney.  She has a drink and a hotdog in her hand.)

Angela: What’s going on? Why is every guy from the Jeffersonian out here?

Hodgins: (puts on gloves and looks the crowd.) Their scientists,  this is a fascinating scientific inquiry.

Angela: Oh my God! They’re all out here because you’re going to feed something through this wood chipper.

Hodgins: Not just something. (he removes the sheet on the gurney) Ta da! A frozen pig.

Angela: (disgusted) Oh, ugh.

Zack: The morphology of pig bones is almost identical to human bone.

Hodgins: By feeding the pig through the wood chipper we’ll be able to determine the dispersal pattern of the fragments.

Zack: By comparing the pulverized pig remains to the fragments we found at the golf course we’ll be able to tell if this is the actual wood chipper the victim was fed through.

Angela: Liars! You just want to see what happens when you toss some frozen pig into a wood chipper.

(Hodgins hits the button to start the chipper up.  The crowd cheers and claps. Hodgins grabs the frozen pig by one arm and leg on his side while Zack does the same on the other side.)

Hodgins: Ready? (everybody shouts with him.) One, Two, Three!

(Zack and Hodgins release the pig mid air tossing it into the chipper. It grinds it up and shoots it out into the air.)

Hodgins: (clapping) Yeah.

(Zack claps and watches the pieces fly through the air. Chunks go flying into the crowd and people move to avoid getting hit by them. Angela is disgusted and throws her hotdog into a nearby garbage can.  Zack notices Dr. Goodman standing a little ways behind Hodgins. Hodgins turns and sees him too. Dr. Goodman flicks a piece of meat off his lapel on his suit and glares at them.)

[Cut to: FBI Headquarters. Day. Booth is in the questioning room with Ray.  He walks behind him and slaps him in the back of his head with a file.]

Booth: Okay.  What do we got here? (opens file) Breaking and entering, drunk, disorderly…wow (whistles)

Ray: Yeah, I’ve been keeping myself out of trouble for the past four years now.

Booth: How long have you been a maintenance worker for the city of Virginia Beach?

Ray: Since 92.

Booth:  You ever meet a guy by the name of Max Kane?

Ray: No.

Booth: Karen Anderson?

Ray: Yeah, I know her.

Booth: How?

Ray: She bartends at the golf course.

Booth: (laughs a little) You don’t strike me as a golfer, Ray. (chuckles again.)

Ray: (chuckles.) City land is right across the creek from the course and I…I go to the club house a couple times a week to have lunch.

Booth: Hey, how did you pay for that house you live in Ray? I mean that’s…that’s pretty nice.

Ray: You got a hard time sticking to one topic, huh? My mom left me the house.  She left it to me and my brother Frank, five years ago.

Booth: Five years ago Max Kane disappeared (sits), Karen Anderson’s boyfriend so you know you can see how my suspicions might be a little aroused.

Ray: Yeah but the thing is I didn’t live in Virginia Beach five years ago. I was in South Hampton correctional center doing six months for skipping out on a (whispers) DUI warrant. (laughs) I guess I don’t need a lawyer, right?

[Cut to: Lab. Hodgins is sitting at a computer typing and Dr. Goodman walks up to him.]

Dr. Goodman: There’s no way that wood chipper experiment is connected to the plane crash at the golf course.

Hodgins: Look.

Dr. Goodman: Don’t say anything.  Just listen. Your primary job is to do what I say failing that your job is to fool me. You failed to fool me, Dr. Hodgins.

Hodgins: (looks down at some papers) I’d have fooled you if you would have gone to lunch as planned.

Dr. Goodman: I’ll find some administrative ways to punish you, parking, dining room privileges, budget reviews, that sort of thing but if it happens again.

Hodgins: I got it.

Dr. Goodman: No you don’t. (leans in close) You think I’m a kind and fair man, egoless, balanced, ruled by intelligent reflection but I do have an ego.  I can be vindictive and petty.  I will take you down even if it means striking at you through your friends and co-workers. (Hodgins looks at him a little shocked) Now you understand.

(Dr. Goodman turns to leave and then smiles with his back to Hodgins.)

[Cut to: Booth’s office.  Bones is sitting across from Kane and Booth is standing next to him facing him.]

Booth: Ray Sparks was in jail when your father disappeared.

Kane: He might have acted as a go between, put Karen in touch with the hit man.

Booth: One of the things that you lecture about is that the simplest theory usually turns out to be true.

Kane: Usually, not always.

Bones: What’s the simplest theory in this case?

Booth: Disowned son realizes that his father may remarry, loose his inheritance.

Bones: Booth, are you accusing Jesse of murdering his own father for money?

Booth: Did you ever hear of the Menendez brothers?

Kane: I came to you about the bone shards saying it might be dad.

Booth: Hey look, your father is declared dead, you get your inheritance before Karen Anderson spends it all. Well, you don’t seem too upset about the accusation.

Kane: Agent Booth, for four years I have been making enemies with law enforcement, attacking me is a pretty typical response.

Bones: Booth, is this one of the times when you just poke and prod to get reactions?

Booth: Listen Bones, we have to treat him like a suspect.  He is not a member of the team.

Kane: (to Bones) Look, I’m like you.  I need the truth.

Bones: (tears up) I have to get back to the lab. (leaves.)

[Cut to: Lab. Office area. Angela is sitting at a computer and Bones is sitting next to her. There is a overhead picture of the golf course on the screen with three red dots on it.]

Angela: Satellite imagery of the golf course.  These three dots show where the bone fragments were found.

Bones: Can you show me the results of the wood chipper test?

Angela: The V shape indicates the maximum distance from the point of origin a bone fragment could have traveled given similar wind speeds and ambient temperatures.

Bones: Okay and remove the plane crash it’s irrelevant to this.

Angela: The question is, in order to use the guy’s pig grinding experiment, where do we place the wood chipper?

Bones: I bet the murderer aimed the wood chipper over the stream.

Angela: So the evidence would wash away.

Bones: Mm, Hm. (points to a clear section of the map.) What’s that?

Angela: That is a small access road for maintenance vehicles.

Bones: Try putting the wood chipper there.

(Angela enters some data and moves the wood chipper to the maintenance road facing sideways towards the stream.)

Angela: Ooh, fresante of success.

Bones: We should see if we can find anymore bone fragments here and here.

Dr. Goodman: Are we any closer to identifying our mystery woman?

(Angela hits a button on the computer and the screen changes to the labs logo.)

Bones: Um, I’m not …I’m not certain. (clears her throat.)

Angela: Brennan is still waiting for an update.

(Hodgins enters)

Hodgins: I saw you come in, Sir and I have an update.  I have a list of possible matches on our Geisha in the sky.

Bones: She is Caucasian, our mystery woman is definitely Caucasian.

Hodgins: We sent a list to the FBI and they’re checking it out.

Dr. Goodman: Ah, well in that case you might want to turn your attention back to the bone fragments.

(Bones smiles at him and notices his glare.  She quickly looks down.)

[Cut to: Hotel. Day. Bones knocks at the open door to Jesse’s room. She sees him sitting at a computer and he looks up at her and smiles.]

Bones: (enters) I came for the file on my parents.

(Jesse grabs it off the desk and walks over to give it to her.)

Kane: (sighs) You think I might have killed my father.

Bones: No, it’s just…I asked the wrong person to help me and…

Kane: What?

Bones: I just don’t think it’s healthy what you are doing, putting your whole life into this.

Kane: And I suppose what your doing, putting nothing into solving the disappearance of your parents, I suppose that’s healthy?

(Bones looks down at the file. It is labeled Matt and Christine Brennan.)

Bones: We’re searching the golf course for more bone fragments. (she leaves)

[Cut to: Golf course. Day. There is an area roped off in red.  Lab workers along with the team are scouring the area for more bone fragments.  Booth is nearby the area watching them. Booth turns and sees Kane standing up on a hill top behind Booth watching also. Bones turns and sees Kane and he hangs his head.]

[Cut to: Lab. Hodgins is standing near a table with more bone fragments they found from the site.  Bones is standing at the top of the table with her arms crossed. Zack his sitting behind them with his back to them at a computer.]

Hodgins: Amazingly we found a finger with a nail still attached and underneath that nail…

Zack: Polyurethane, the tough stuff. The victim must have been scraping at something before he died. I… I can’t identify this bone anomaly.  It’s full of osteoids, thick, maybe part of the mandible?

Bones: (walks over to him and looks at the screen.) Human, something odd with the cell structure.

Hodgins: A wood chipper wouldn’t do that damage at the cellular level.

Bones: It’s a non-malignant bone tumor.  I need the most recent bone scans from Max Kane’s medical records.

(The phone on the table near them rings and Hodgins picks it up.)

Hodgins: (in phone) Hodgins.  (to Bones) It’s Booth.  The locals just arrested Jesse Kane for attacking Karen Anderson.

[Cut to: Booth’s SUV.  Bones is with him.]

Booth: The local Sheriff’s say Jesse Kane showed up at Karen Anderson’s house to confront her.  He was ranting about the murder of his dad.  Eddie tried to throw him out.  The two of them they exchanged punches.  The fact that Jesse confronted him doesn’t mean that he isn’t the killer.

Bones: I know.

Booth: Alright, you know what? He might have done this just to make us think that he was angry at her, alright? He’s smart.

Bones: No poking and prodding, do you think Jesse murdered his father?

Booth: You know Bones, all I’m saying is we get into these things, we look into murders, and we can’t let our heart strings get all plucked.  Okay? We got to poke at people wounds, we got to make them bleed a little, we got to make them tell us things that they normally wouldn’t want to tell us.  Alright?  We got to be willing to be hard on them is what I’m trying to say even when we know that we’re no different then them.

Bones: You didn’t answer my question.

Booth: Well I have an opinion.  You want to know? (she looks at him.) If I had to bet, I’d say he didn’t do it.

Bones: Me too.

Booth: I’m going off my gut.  I mean what…what’s persuading you?

Bones: The bone fragments at the golf course, they didn’t come from Max Kane.

Booth: That’s great. You knew that when you asked me what I thought. You testing out my instincts, Bones?

Bones: Poking and prodding.  I learned from the best. (pinches his cheek.)

(Booth laughs.)

[Cut to: Police station.  Bones is sitting across a table from Kane who is in handcuffs and a dark blue jump suit.  Booth is standing in the corner of the room.]

Kane: It’s not my dad?

Booth: No. We don’t know who it is yet.

Kane: How can you be certain?

Bones: We found a juxtacortical chondroma, a non-malignant bone tumor.  Your father’s x-rays showed no sign of such a tumor.

Kane: Maybe he got it after the x-rays?

Bones: The x-rays were taken two months before he disappeared.  It’s a slow growing tumor.  It would have taken years to get to the size and density that we found.

Booth: Look, I’m going to see if I can get this assault stuff to go away and get you out of here. (he leaves the room.)

Bones: I’m sorry Jesse.

Kane: For what? Suspecting that I killed my own father?

Bones: No, I’m not sorry for that.  I know what it’s like not to know what happened.  I know how painful that can be and I’m sorry for you.

[Cut to: Lab. Bones and team are sitting around a computer talking.  Booth is a few feet away leaning on a railing playing with a lighter in his hand.]

Hodgins: If the bones don’t belong to Max Kane, who’s our dead guy?

Bones: We can send out a description of the chondroma to area hospitals.  See if it leads to any missing patients.

Booth: (turns and faces them.) Yeah we can do that. (to Zack) List the pertinence.

Zack: Me? Are you talking directly to me?

Booth:  Yeah, you can tell because my eyes are looking at you.  My mouth is aimed in your direction.

Zack: But what about our guy thing? If you’re speaking to me then does this mean I’m not on the team?

Bones: Zack, lets concentrate on the work.

Zack: Pertinence.

Booth: Pertinence.

Zack: The victim died.  We…we don’t know how.  He was then frozen, dismembered with a Hietal carving knife, then pushed through a black mantis 1200 wood chipper.

Angela: The exact wood chipper you fed the frozen pig through.

Booth: The exact wood chipper that Ray Sparks had access to.

Zack: But Ray Sparks was in jail.

Hodgins: Ray was in jail when Max Kane disappeared.

Bones: But our victim isn’t Max Kane.

Angela: Well who else would Ray Sparks have motive to kill?

Zack: The victim is a middle aged male…

Booth: His brother.

Hodgins: What motive?

Booth: They both inherited the house.  Okay, you guys, you look at the tumor and Bones and I will go talk to Ray. Come on.

Zack: While you’re there, look for a large freezer.

Booth: Why?

Angela: The body was frozen.

Zack: Polyurethane is a common insulating liner in freezers.

Hodgins: We found it under the victim’s finger nail like he was scratching to get out.

[Cut to: Spark’s house. Day. Booth and Bones are in the basement looking for evidence.]

Bones: The detectives who picked up Sparks say he claims his brother was alive and well the last time he saw him.

(She walks over to a chest freezer that is open and Booth walks up behind her.)

Booth: Yeah he might have been for about thirty minutes until he ran out of air in here. (looks in freezer and sees old blood.) My guys found claw marks on the inner linings on both sides.

Bones: What kind of person could lock a living human being in a freezer? 

(Booth sees something in the bloody claw marks.)

Booth: What is that?

Bones: That’s a finger nail.

Booth: His own brother.

[Cut to: Jesse’s Hotel Room. Evening. Jesse is packing up his things and getting ready to move on.  Bones stands in the doorway. He looks up and notices her.]

Kane: Hey.

Bones: (enters) Booth got you out.

Kane: Twelve hundred bucks bail, I promised to stay away from Karen and Eddie.

Bones: I solved the case. I’m sorry it’s not your father.  We identified the victim.  His name was Frank Sparks. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you Jesse.

Kane: How do you live with it?

Bones: What, the disappearance of my parents?

Kane: The fact that nobody is looking.

Bones: I never thought about it that way until I met you.

(They smile at each other)

Bones: There’s a Zen quote; it says that if you want to find something, you have to stop looking.

Kane: I can’t do that. My dad’s watching and I don’t want to disappoint him again.

(They hug each other.)

Kane: Even if you don’t believe it, I know your parents are somewhere proud of what you do.

Bones: It’s not rational but I love the thought of that.

[Cut to: Wong Fu’s. Night. Angela, Hodgins, and Zack are sitting at a side booth.  Booth is sitting at the bar with a pen in his hand going over some paper work.  Bones comes walking in with a file in her hand and sits next to Booth.]

Booth: How did Jesse take it?

Bones: Like an orphan. (he stares at her.) What?

Booth: (chuckles) That’s just a little boring for you.

Bones: I didn’t mean it that way. I want to ask you another favor.

Booth: Oh jeeze, another favor.

Bones: I wonder if you wouldn’t mind taking a look at this. (slides the file over to him.)

Booth: The file on your parents? Yeah okay.

Bones: Do you want to think about it? It’s a pretty big favor.

Booth: You’d do it for me.

Bones: Yeah I would.

Booth: I’m proud you asked, Temperance.

(Zack walks up.)

Zack: Ah, Dr. Brennan, Angela wants to know if we should order anything for you.

Bones: No, I’m not staying.  Thanks Zack.

Zack: (to Booth) Guess we caught another one, right?  (Booth ignores him.) All for one and one for all.

Booth: (to Bones) I’ll take a look at this and see what they didn’t give you and I’ll get back to you. Okay?

(Zack smiles and walks back to his table.)

Bones: You’re back to ignoring Zack?

Booth: Alright look, I know you don’t approve but you know, it works for us; it worked for him so…

Bones: Yeah I get it and it’s kind of sweet.

Booth: Hey, you know, your people are my people.

Bones: What I have people? Hey, I have people.

(Bones smiles, gets up and leaves. Booth opens the file and looks at a picture of Bone’s parents and a picture of Bones as a little girl.  He smiles at the picture of her as a little kid.)


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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