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#113 : Le poids d’une promesse

Booth et Brennan, sur le point d'arrêter un homme  d'origine latino-américaine, se font surprendre par l'arrivée du gang de celui-ci et le laisse s'échapper. Dans un premier temps, ils découvrent, dans la voiture du jeune homme, un corps de jeune fille. Dans un deuxième temps, ils retrouvent le jardin dans lequel était enterré le corps et qu'il y en avait un second. Une enquête démarre alors pour le duo dans le quartier salvadorien de Washington, avec ses réfugiés et ses gangs.


3.79 - 14 votes

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Woman in the Garden

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Le poids d’une promesse

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Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne)


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 09.03.2007 à 20:50

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 15.02.2006 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Brennan et Booth sont appelés dans un quartier de El Salvadaoran, à la périphérie de Washington, après que la police a arrêté Jose Vargas, un membre du groupe Latino Mara Muerte. Lors d'une inspection de routine du coffre de Jose, ils ont découvert des restes déterrés d'une femme. Quelques tentatives de communication de la part de Brennan avec Jose et la foule à proximité s'avèrent inutiles. Une voiture noire descend la rue à tout vitesse et des membres du gang ouvrent le feu sur les forces de police ainsi sur sur Booth, Brennan et Jose. Celui-ci en profite pour s'enfuir. Une course s'en suit, et Booth ne parvient pas à rattraper le suspect qui s'échappe en passant par dessus une barrière en grillage.

Au labo, Zack, Hodgins, Angela et Brennan examinent les os et déduisent que le corps a été enterré pendant environ 6 mois. Un examen des dents montre que la victime souffrait de malnutrition et était originaire d'un pays d'Amérique Centrale. Brennan est touchée par cette femme non-identifiée. Elle offre le chapelet de la femme à Goodman pour qu'il l'examine et le compare aux iconographies religieuses. L'impact du décès de la femme prend encore plus d'ampleur lorsque Zack montre un coup sur le crâne qui indique qu'une batte de base-ball pourrait être l'arme du crime.

Booth interviewe Miguel Valleda, le chef de guerre du gang Venganza Eoja, espérant trouvé un lien avec la voiture et les coups de feu. Il menace de garder le tacot du gang sous des charges montées de toute pièce. Miguel mentionne l'ironie d'une descente où personne n'est blessé ; mais le membre du gang s'échappe, impliquant que le gang même de Jose, Mara Muerte, a commis le crime.

Brennan découvre que le victime était enceinte de cinq semaines. Hodgins apprend de l'échantillon de sol que le corps était enterré dans de l'engrais. Une fois qu'il fait le lien entre les données de l'engrais et la plante "Loroco" trouvé dans le même sol, l'équipe détermine qu'un potager pourrait avoir servi de cimetière. Brennan et l'équipe se met en route pour une mission de terrain.

L'équipe arrive à un jardin privé dans le quartier latino-américain. Hodgins trouve une plante Loroco de la même maturité que l'une d'elles incrustée dans la vicime. Brennan examine une poignée de sol et y trouve de l'Adipocere. Cela se forme sur le corps en réponse à la moississure de la terre. Elle trouve des coléoptères qui se nourrissent de chairs en décomposition, un morceau du chapelet et un morceau de terre fraîchement retournée, suggérant qu'ils ont trouvé le lieu où le corps était enterré. Un morceau d'adipocere étranger un peu plus loin leur indiquent une possibilité de double homicide.

Alors que Brennan voit un crâne, Booth propose l'hypothèse selon laquelle la police a interrompu un transfert de tacot visant à déplacer le corps de deux victimes assassinées. Brennan repère une blessure la tête causée par une hémorragie interne. L'ame utilisée a laissé une marque sur le crâne. Hodgins trouve des éléments de faune aquatique typique de marres et de fleuves. La preuve tangible vient d'une plante rare qui n'a pas été vue à l'état sauvage depuis 1800. Seul le sénateur Alan Corman possède actuellement une telle plante.

Dans la voiture, Brennan, Booth et Hodgins réfléchissent pour trouver des liens. Hodgins leur dit que le sénateur Corman est un grand supporter des hommes puissants d'Amérique Centrale. Indirectement, il soutient les régimes qui utilisent unité d'élites pour faire taire les gens qui expriment une opposition. Ce sont les mêmes personnes qui se sont enfuies aux Etats-Unis. Cela pourrait être un lien avec la victime.

Chez le sénateur Corman, Booth, Brennan et Hodgins interrogent le sénateur à propos de son association avec les immigrants de El Salvador. Il s'avère qu'ils travaillent pour lui sur sa propriété. Le sénateur Corman ne reconnaît pas une ébauche de Jose. Un tour du jardin permet de révéler les mêmes éléments de faune trouvés sur le squelette. L'équipe rencontre le fils du sénateur, Logan, un étudiant en paysagisme. Le gestionnaire de la maison, Hector, ne reconnaît pas le dessin de Jose ; cependant, Logan si. Deux plantes qui poussent dans les marres sont retrouvées. Cela mène Brennan au corps de la deuxième victime.

Le revêtement des insectes indiquent que la victime était un homme qui est mort six mois avant la première victime. Goodman dit à Brennan que le chapelet de la première victime provenait d'un village du Salbador appelé Milagro de la Paz. Angela termine le portait de la femme. Zack trouve une balle en plomb dans les os - le genre de balles dont les gangs aiment se servir.

Brennan et Booth entre en trombes dans l'appartement de Jose. Ils voient une photo de sa famille à Milagro de la Paz, le même village que la victime. Un mur secret cache la femme de Jose, Rosa, et leur nouveau-né. Booth tente d'intimider Rosa pour qu'elle leur donne l'information. Le côté doux de Brennan empêche Booth de passer aux mains.

Angela, Zack et Brennan examinent les os de la victime. Les deux corps ont un trou au milieu du sternum qui n'a aucun lien avec la blessure d'une balle. C'est une condition héréditaire qui montre un relation père-fille. L'équipe imaginent plusieurs scénarios amenant à la mort des victimes jusqu'à ce que Zack retrouvent une balle sur le père. L'os a guéri autour, écartant la possibilité qu'il soit mort d'une blessure par balle. Brennan regarde de plus près et voit un signe de carcinome métastatique. Il n'a pas été tué; il est mort d'un cancer de la prostate.

Après que Brennan s'excuse pour avoir fléchi devant la femme de Jose, Booth dit qu'il n'avait pas besoin de son information. Il a obtenu de l'unité du gang qu'elle fasse pression sur Robert Ortez, le chef du gang de Jose, Mara Muerte. En échange d'une remise de peine pour sa soeur, Ortez a offert Jose pour un interrogatoire.

Dans une rue sombre, une voiture passe et jette un corps. On voit que c'est Jose. Il a un message accroché à sa poitrine : PAQUET SPECIAL POUR L'AGENT SEELEY BOOTH, FBI.

A l'hôpital, Booth interroge Jose sur les victimes. Il menace de le faire déporter avec sa femme, en gardant son fils aux Etats-Unis. Brennan observe de près les radios de Jose et remarque le même trou au sternum que les deux victimes. Il est de leur famille. Les victimes étaient son père et sa soeur. Jose hésite à leur donner davantage d'information. Après une demande de Brennan, il capitule et leur donne le nom de son père et de sa soeur: Augustin et Maria Duarte.

Booth et Brennan interrogent le chef du gang Mara Muerte, Ortez, à propos de Jose. Ils apprennent que la soeur de Jose se fichait pas mal de son frère et des gens avec qui il travaillait. Ortez partage les mêmes sentiments, pour des raisons différentes. Brennan confronte Ortez dans le hall. Il est grossier et commence à l'agresser. Elle se défend et le met à terre en moins de deux.

Angela réprimande Brennan pour avoir attaquer un chef violent du gang. Brennan révèle son histoire sur ses voyages au Salvador où elle a travaillé sur une affaire impliquant une jeune fille exécutée. La fille a été jetée dans un puits. Brennan a été enlevée par les polices quand elle s'en est mêlée. Elle a passé des jours en prison, en danger de mort à cause des militaires de la police locale. Hodgins l'interrompt avec des informations concernant le type d'arme utilisé pour tuer Maria. Il s'agit d'un bois très cher utilisé pour les meubles, du style de ceux que le sénateur peut se payer.

Le sénateur nie avoir quoi que ce soit à voir avec le meurtre. Il prétend ne jamais avoir vu cette femme avant, bien qu'elle fût employée chez lui. Hector, le gestionnaire de la maison, avoue que le fils du sénateur, Logan, avait une liaison avec elle.

Ils interrogent Logan dans sa chambre. Il admet la relation, mais semble surpris à l'annonce de sa mort. Brennan découvre du sang séché et de la peau sur le pilier du lit. Il est fait du même bois qui a tué Maria.

Logan et son avocat, Neil Clayton, répond aux questions de Booth. Logan répond contre les protestations de son avocat. Il a commencé à avoir une relation sexuelle avec Maria six mois auparavant. Quand Booth lui dit qu'elle était enceinte, Logan devient bouleversé et distrait.

Angela et Brennan passent en revue les suspects possibles. A cause de la hauteur du pilier du lit, elles désignent le sénateur Corman, Logan et Hector. L'angle de l'impact ne correspond pas avec la taille des suspects même si elle a été portée. Et si elle était tombée d'une échelle, il n'y aurait pas eu assez poids qui expliquerait les blessures sur son crâne. Brennan suppose qu'elle a été tirée de l'échelle par quelqu'un d'autre. Cela donnerait la force nécessaire pour blesser gravement, voire tuer.

Après une interrogation plus poussée de Jose à l'hôpital, Brennan devine que son père est mort du cancer au moment à peu près où la femme de Jose est tombée enceinte. Jose voulait que son fils naisse en Amérique, alors il a enterré son père lui-même, dans le jardin. N'étant pas citoyen, il n'avait pas le choix. Et quand sa soeur est morte, il l'a enterrée au même endroit. Jose a rejoint le gang Mara Muerte pour obtenir de faux papiers et travailler pour le sénateur. Avant la mort de son père, il a juré qu'il prendrait soin de sa soeur. Elle n'a jamais su la vérité.

Booth et Brennan retournent chez le sénateur où ils répètent le scénario avec l'échelle dans la chambre de Logan. Entraînée en kinesiologie, Brennan demande au sénateur de la tirer de l'échelle. Elle sera capable de dire si l'angle et la force correspondrait à celles qui ont causé la mort de Maria. Le sénateur s'exécute et Brennan n'est pas satisfaite. Lorsqu'elle demande à Hector de faire la même chose, il hésite puis refuse. Finalement, il avoue tout. Il a dit à Maria qu'elle ne devait pas aller dans la chambre de Logan. Quand elle a désobéi, il l'a tiré avec force de l'échelle, et sa tête a heurté le pied du lit. Il lui a donné 500 dollars pour voir un médecin mais elle n'y est pas allée, de peur d'être déportée. Booth arrête Hector pour meurtre.

Booth apprend au QG du FBI que le gang Mara Muerte a mis la tête de Brennan à prix. Maria et son père sont enterrés dans un vrai cimetière, grâce à Brennan.

Booth rencontre Ortez dans une allée et le menace de vengeance si son gang touche à Brennan. Il lui enfonce le canon de son revolver dans sa bouche et lui dit très clairement qu'il n'hésitera pas à le tuer. Ortez acquièsce.

Jose et Rosa remercient Brennan pour l'enterrement. Il jure de payer sa dette. Sa famille repart au Salvador. Booth arrive en retard à l'enterrement et ne dit rien à propos de son entrevue avec Ortez. C'était purement altruiste : il aurait bien un coeur, après tout.

[Open. Ext. Columbia Heights, Washington, DC. Day. Police officers have pulled a man over in a red car.  They have him bent over the hood and are putting handcuffs on him. Booth and Bones pull up in his SUV]

Bones: Why did they call in the FBI to little Salvador.

Booth: (they both get out) Well you know, the car’s got Virginia plates, across state line and then there’s a suspected gang member and then there’s Rico to deal with. Look Bones, do you really want to know?

Bones: (they step under the yellow tape) No, I was just using it as an excuse to make conversation and reestablish our connection.

Booth: What?

Bones: Well I read a book about improving work relationships.  It’s not fair to expect you to tell me everything.

Booth: I appreciate the effort, Bones.

Bones: (looks around) It’s like they recreated their country here right down to being terrified of the police.

Booth: You know a lot of these people are undocumented.  They get nervous around law enforcement. (steps up to the police on the scene by the car) What do we got?

Police #1: Ran the stop sign, I pulled him over, he tried to run.

(Booth goes over to the guy and pats him down.)

Booth: Whoa look at this Mara Muerte tattoo.  It’s one of the most feared gangs in the territory.  No wonder he was chauffeuring a dead body around. Huh? Couldn’t you just join the boys club, pal?

Bones: (steps up next to Booth) And I’m here because…?

Police #1: (leads them to the trunk) Routine inspection of the vehicle, I found this.

(There is a body decomposing in the trunk.  Bones leans over with gloves on and starts to examine it.)

Booth: Oooh.

Bones: Vertical brow ridge suggests female recently dug up looks like. (she stands back up.) Could you hold his hands up please?

(Booth walks over and grabs the guys’ hands to show Bones)

Bones: We should analyze the dirt on his hands and compare it to the dirt on the shovel and on the remains.

Booth: (to gang member) Where was she buried?

Bones: Donde estaba ella enterro? (Where was she buried?)

(The gang member doesn’t answer.)

Bones: Por que le hizo la desentierra? (Why did you dig her up?)

Booth: Great now he’s ignoring us in two languages.

Bones: (to P.O. #1) Where is the nearest cemetery?

PO #1: The closest one I know about is Holyrude but that’s a good ten miles from here.

Bones: (to crowd) Desculpe-me? (excuse me?)  pode voce ajudar? (can you help us?)

(The crowd looks at her and says nothing.)

Bones: Nos preguntabamos si hay un cementerio por aqui? (we’re wondering if there’s a cemetery nearby?)

(The people start to leave.)

Booth: Maybe your Spanish is a little rusty?

Bones: They come from a place where getting involved gets you killed.

(A car drives by and shoots in the direction of Booth and Bones. Booth and Bones both duck and run around the back of the car to get shelter. )

PO #1: Get down! Get down!

(Booth lands on the ground behind the car with Bones and has his gun pulled. The guy in handcuffs slips his feet through them so they are in front of him now and gets up and runs.  The car speeds off.)

PO #1: Shots fired! Shots fired!

(Booth gets up off the ground and chases the guy in cuffs.)

Booth: (running after him) Hey!

(The guy runs down an alley with Booth following him.)

Booth: Hey!

(He turns down another alley and goes to jump a fence.)

Booth: Don’t make me shoot you!

(He gets up on the fence and Booth grabs his ankle.  He kicks his foot and Booth looses his grip because the sneaker comes off in his hand.  The guy lands on the other side of the fence on the hood of a car. He rolls off and continues running.  Booth hits the fence from the other side with his gun then turns and kicks a chair sitting in the alley. He kicks some more stuff and sees Bones looking at him.)

[Roll Intro.]

[Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. Day. Angela, Zack, and Bones are standing over the body which is on a table examining it. Hodgins is on a higher platform near them examining the shovel and other contents of the trunk.]

Zack: Decomp, insect activity, volatile fatty acid levels in the soil due to putrefaction suggests she was buried for approximately six months.

Hodgins: Typically, grave diggers are necrophiliacs looking for a little action.

Angela: Um, eww.

Zack: Dental exams show lower incisors in stride and enamel.

Bones: Indicating?

Zack: Mal nutrition which is consistent with amp metrics suggesting the victim was from Central America.

Bones: The body was found in a Salvadorian neighborhood.

Hodgins: In Pikeville, Tennessee, a guy dug up the graves of all these people cause he wanted to make sure they’re bodies were still there.  They weren’t.

Bones: Make a sketch of the face. I’m not sure if we’ll find a match.  She might have been undocumented. Goodman is an expert in religious iconography maybe he’ll be able to determine where this rosary was made.

Zack: Depression fracture on her occipital bone straddling the left lambdoidal suture.  Looks like one hard hit say congruent with a baseball bat.

Bones: She was religious.  She should have had a casket, proper burial with her name on a headstone. We are going to find out who she is and we are going to give her that.

[Cut to: J. Edgar Hoover Building, FBI. Questioning room.  Booth is questioning a guy with tattoos all over his body.]

Booth: Miguel Villeda, warlord of the Venganza Rojas street gang. According to this you are…you are one fierce, fierce guy.

Villeda: Well it didn’t stop your guys from picking me up.

Booth: They tell you why?

Villeda: Someone took a shot at some um, Mara Muertes Puma.

Booth: Not a shot, hmm.  A couple of dozen shots, a drive by, hardly anyone is stupid enough to shoot at those guys anymore.  Your name came up.

Villeda: It wasn’t my people so are you going to charge me with something or let me go?

Booth: (Flipping through a file) Extortion, drugs, assault, attempted murder. Hm? I could hold you for awhile if you want to play that game.

Villeda: What’s your problem, man?

Booth: What’s my problem?  My problem is that somebody shot at me, shot at me and my partner plus you know, a bad guy got away. So I’m a little cranky about the whole thing.

Villeda: Hm. Mira cavacho. I don’t really scare that way.  You know the whole in your face staring thing.

Booth: Mm hm. Give me a chance man, I’m just getting started.

Villeda: Mm. hm. so somebody shot at you huh?

Booth: That’s right.

Villeda: Think about it. When was the last time when you heard of a drive by where no one got hit?

Booth: Innocent bystanders mostly.  It’s not like you always hit what you aim at.

Villeda: Think. (points to his forehead) Just for a couple of seconds about why the guy never got hit.

(Booth thinks and then looks at Villeda like he understands.)

Villeda: Ah, yeah. You see. You got it now?

Booth: You’re saying that Mara Muerte did a drive by on their own guy?

Villeda: A drive by happens yeah and you all hit the deck and the gang banger (takes his fingers and walks them across the table.) makes a run for it.

[Cut to: Lab.  The skeleton is on the table with the bones all clean. Bones is looking at one of the bones in her hand. Booth comes running up the stairs to the platform.]

Booth: Okay, I have it on good authority that the guys who shot at our killer were doing it so he would have a chance to escape.

Bones: The victim was pregnant when she was hit over the head.

Booth: Pregnant? (he leans on the table.)

Bones: Yeah, five weeks along. Get your hands off of there.

(Hodgins is down lower next to the platform and talks loud to Bones so she can hear him.)

Hodgins: I ran samples from the body, shovel, and burlap through the gas chromatograph and it all came back full of organic compounds, plant detritus, root remnants, fertilizer…

Booth: Sounds like stuff you’d find in a cemetery.

Hodgins: Yeah well I also found this. Fernaldia pandurata otherwise know as loroco buds.

Bones: Loroco is an edible flowering plant.  It’s native to El Salvador.  It’s grown in vegetable gardens not cemeteries.

Booth: She was buried in a vegetable garden.

Bones: Mm.

Booth: Okay, can you recognize this Loco plant?

Bones: Loroco, I’ve eaten it but I wouldn’t recognize the plant.

Hodgins: It’s quite distinctive. I’m also analyzing the dirt and particulates on the shoe you got off the suspect, first glance it matches the vegetation you’ve already found but with a couple extras I’m still checking out.

Booth: Okay (claps hands) Hodgins, suit up you’re coming with us.  We’re going to the Barrio.

Hodgins: Field work. Cool. Do I get a gun?

Bones: You…you can’t arm Hodgins and not me.

Booth: What is it with you people and the guns, huh?

[Cut to: Booth’s SUV. Day Booth is driving, Bones is in the passenger seat, and Hodgins is in the back seat.  They are driving through the neighborhood where the drive by took place earlier.]

Hodgins: Look at this.  The government bankrupts itself giving tax breaks to the rich so there’s no money left to help these people with job training, educational resources, health care…

Booth: Just look for a garden with the plant.

Hodgins: Unless they land a job working for minimum wage that hasn’t seen a hike in eight years.

Bones: That’s for those who are here legally.  The undocumented do a lot worse.

Booth: What is this NPR radio, huh?  What are you two running for office?

Hodgins: (notices a garden out the window) Look, over there.

[Cut to: San Cristobel Community Garden. Day. Booth, Bones, and Hodgins walk through a fenced off garden near the roadside.]

Hodgins: (sees the plant and walks up to it.) Loroco plant, it’s the same approximate maturity that would have yielded the buds that we found.

(Bones sees a turned up dirty spot not to far away and sets down her bag next to it.  She then starts to move it around with gloved hands.)

Bones: Adipocere ear, forms on the body in response to moisture in the ground.

Hodgins: Trogidae beetles, they have a thing for decomposing flesh, found a couple on the burlap.

(Booth sees something on the ground and picks it up by hooking his pen underneath it.)

Booth: The rest of the rosary.

Bones: There’s another freshly overturned pile of dirt over here.

(Bones goes over to that pile and spreads some dirt with her gloved hands.)

Bones: More adipocere.

Booth: Not from the same body?

Bones: Another body was buried here but it’s gone now.

Booth: Double homicide.

Bones: Yep.

[Cut to: Lab. Day. Zack and Bones have a skull placed in a clear box with sand under it.  Bones is sawing into the back of the skull.  They both have goggles and face masks on. Booth walks up behind them.]

Booth: (leans in and talks loud) I spoke to the city development office.  The site was scheduled to be excavated next week for construction. My guess is…(Bones turns saw off and Booth talks normal) we interrupted a gang banger moving the bodies of two murder victims.

Bones: A gang banger who buries his victim with a rosary?

Booth: What? You find any gun shot wounds?

Zack: Nope, just head trauma.

(Bones starts the saw back up and Booth speaks loud again.)

Booth: You really like this part, don’t you?

Bones: I like answers, yes.

[Cut to: Lab. Bones puts the piece of skull under a microscope that’s hooked up to a computer. Zack and Booth are watching her.]

Bones: Localized staining on the endo-cranial surface indicating?

Zack: Subdural hematoma. The head wound caused internal bleeding but death was not instantaneous.

Bones: She may have been conscious for some time after the assault.

Zack: But there’s no sign of bone remolding.  She died soon after the assault. (Bones flips the bone fragment over.)There’s patterning on the ecto-cranial surface. Whatever weapon was used, it left a mark.

[Cut to: Lab. Booth and Bones are walking through it talking.]

Booth: Our gang unit is going to bring in the leader of Mara Muertes, see if we can identify the gang banger that got away.

Bones: Why would a gang leader cooperate?

Booth: I’m going to ask him very, very nicely, Bones.

Bones: You know that book I’m reading about getting along with your coworkers; it says that sarcasm is never helpful.  I can lend it to you if you want.

(Hodgins walks up to them and they all stop.  He hands them his findings.)

Hodgins: I found spodoptor ornithogalli and tetranychus-urticae on the suspect’s shoe and on the victim. I also found notonectidae and corixidae. It’s an aquatic fauna typically found only in and around ponds and streams.

Bones: There were no ponds and streams at the burial site.

Hodgins: Yeah and here’s the kicker.  There was also evidence of genetic material from a franklinia alatamaha on his shoe.

Booth: You’re kidding. I’m in shock, Frankie Alabama, you don’t say.

Bones: Did you hear what I said about sarcasm?

Hodgins: It’s a rare flowering plant that hasn’t been seen in the wild since eighteen hundred.  The only known specimen in this area, outside a specialized botanical garden, was given to Senator Alan Corman as a gift. Oh, I love going after senators.

Booth: Whoa, just you know, simmer down there Hodgins, okay.  We’re going to check out the botanical garden first.

Hodgins: Fine, it’s at the White House.

(Bones and Hodgins smile at each other and give each other a high five.)

Booth: (fake laughs) Okay you guys should do that even less then normal people.

Hodgins: Make sure to keep your eyes open for backswimmers and water boatman when you’re there. Remember the notonectidae can be different colors. You know some are…

Booth: That’s a nice try okay.  You’re coming with us.

Hodgins: I call shotgun.

[Cut to: Booth’s SUV. Day. Booth is driving, Bones is in the passenger seat, and Hodgins is in back.]

Hodgins: I called shotgun.  What does it mean to a society when the niceties are no longer observed?

Booth: Okay look, we’ve got two bodies. Alright? One unaccounted for, we’ve been shot at, and now we know there is a gang member walking around a US Senator’s place. Any theories?

(Bones and Hodgins shake their heads no.)

Booth: Oh, C’mon guys. Let’s think of it as a puzzle.  There’s a missing piece.

Bones: I like puzzles.  I find them relaxing.  I just finished the anatomy lesson by Rembrandt.

Booth: You’re kidding, right?

Bones: What do you find relaxing?

Booth: I restore vintage cars.

Hodgins: (leans forward) I know what I find relaxing.

Booth: Everybody finds what you find relaxing, relaxing.

Hodgins: Senator Corman is a big supporter of business leaders in Central America.  That means supporting repressive regimes that use death squads to silence any opposition from the working people which are the same people who flee to the states.

Booth: Okay, that’s great.  That’s good. Okay, let’s focus. That’s good cause now we have a link between Corman and the Salvadorians.

Bones: Now you think the Senator killed two people?

Booth: Nah, I just think we got another piece of the puzzle, that’s all.

[Cut to: Senator Corman’s house, Chevy Chase, MD. Day.  Booth, Hodgins and Bones are out back of the house with the Senator and his wife.]

Wife: Because of my husbands’ official work in El Salvador, we’ve formed a bond with the country and the people. The couple is sitting in a pair of wooden lawn chairs.  Bones sits in one opposite them while Booth stands to her right and Hodgins sits on the arm of one to her left.

Corman: In fact we have several Salvadorian immigrants working here at the house. I’ve actually sponsored quite a few for citizenship.

Hodgins: Citizenship screening would keep out members of death squads.

Booth: Hodgins!

Corman: Just because I’m anti-socialist doesn’t make me pro death squad.

Booth: Dr. Brennan has found evidence that a gang member has been on your property recently.

Wife: We employ twenty staff members give or take.

Corman: All of our staff members are either legal aliens or citizens.  Our house manager is in charge of hiring them and managing them.

Booth: (hands them a paper) Do you recognize this man?

Corman: No, I assume he did something worse then trespass on my property?

Booth: House manager is he from El Salvador?

Wife: Yes.

Corman: Agent, you didn’t answer my question.

Booth: We’re investigating a death, Senator Corman.  You understand why I can’t talk about it.

Bones: (stands) Perhaps we can show this picture to your house manager.

Corman: Of course.

(Booth, Bones, and Hodgins walk out into the yard with the Cormans where there are many people doing yard work. Hodgins points to a plant off to the side as they are walking)

Hodgins: Franklinia alatamaha, it’s beautiful.

Wife: Yes, we’re the only people cultivating it privately.

Bones: Senator, do you have a pond on the property?

Corman:  Yes on the other side of the shrubs, it’s small.

Bones: Could Dr. Hodgins take a look at it?

Corman: Of course, be my guest.

(Hodgins walks off to analyze the pond.)

Corman: (calls out to a man) Logan, come say hello.  We have guests. It’s our son.  He’s studying landscape architecture at Georgetown, likes to supervise the men sometimes. Logan, this is Special Agent Booth from the FBI, his associate Dr. Brennan.

Logan: What’s the FBI doing here?

Corman: They would like to ask Hector some questions.

Logan: Yeah. (turns and looks at a guy) Hey Hector, venire (come) hablamos para tu. (They want to speak to you.)

Hector: (walks over to them) Yes sir?

Booth: Hector, I’m Special Agent Booth. (hands hector the sketch of the guy) Do you recognize this guy?

Hector: No I don’t think so.

Logan: Ah, it could be Jose, he works here sometimes as a gardener.

Hector: (to Logan) Really? I don’t think so.

Bones: Jose who?

Logan: Jose Vargas.

Wife: Logan, Agent Booth said he was in a gang?

Logan: A gang? No, no way. Jose’s a nice guy, you know wife and kid.

(Hodgins reappears from behind some shrubbery with a gloved hand.)

Hodgins: I found both back swimmers and water boatmen.

(Bones walks with Hodgins to the pond. Booth and everyone else follow. Bones notices a spot on the ground that looks freshly dug.)

Bones: (to Hector) Usted estera plantaba recientemente pora aqui? (Did you recently do some planting over there?)

Hector: No senora.

Booth: What is it?

Bones: Me prestada una paleta? (May I borrow a trowel?)

Hector: Yeah. (he picks up a trowel and hands it to Bones.)

Bones: Gracias. (Thank You) (She moves the soil around and speaks to Booth) Looks like we’ve found the second body.

{Cut to: Lab

Hodgins: Puparial casings of tineid moths puts the time of death of this one at about a year, six months before the girl.

Zack: Heart shaped pelvic inlet, long abjections of bones to the rib cartilage suggests we have a male over sixty.

Bones: Amp metrics suggests Hispanic origins.

(Dr. Goodman walks up on the platform.)

Dr. Goodman: We’ve reassembled the rosary found on the young woman.  The carving of fire in the centerpiece is an architectural symbol found in an area of El Salvador since the Chaparrastique volcano erupted in 1787.

Bones: So this might indicate where the female victims from?

Dr. Goodman: Yeah, a village called Milagro de la Paz in the southeast of the country.

Bones: I was there three years ago identifying victims of the death squads.

(Angela walks up)

Angela: I finished the sketch of the woman. She was pregnant, starting over in a new country so I gave her a smile, made her look helpful.

Bones: Thanks Angela. Alright, let’s clean the bones so we can find a cause of death.

Zack: I think I just found it. (pulls a lighted magnifier over top of the body and Bones comes up to look.)

Bones: It’s a bullet. It looks like steel core, copper jacket.

Hodgins: (comes up behind them and looks over their shoulders) Military issue.  Those are the kinds of weapons gangs like.

Bones: They escape from the death squads and wind up being killed by the same weapon they were running from.

[Cut to: Booth’s SUV. Day.]

Booth: I got Jose’s address from Logan. Let’s check it out.

[Cut to: Jose’s apartment. Day. Booth and Bones enter carefully. Booth has his gun out and Bones is following behind him.]

Booth: (calls out) FBI, make your presence known.

Bones: (picks up a picture.) Look, he has a family, a baby. (calls out) Is anybody here. You don’t have to be afraid. Cualquiera aqui.  (Is anybody here?) No quiene que tiene miro.

Booth: Of course they are going to be afraid, Bones, I have a gun.

Bones: (picks up another picture.) Milagro de la Paz, it’s where the victims are from.

Booth: (picks up a bottle off of the TV) They had to have been her a few minutes ago the bottles still warm.

Bones: They’re still here.

Booth: How do you know?

Bones: (walks into another room) They’re prepared for this kind of thing. Hiding from death squads people learn to build false walls.

Booth: Closet, okay. Hold on Bones. Let’s just pretend that I’m the cop for a second, okay? Just.

(Booth knocks on the closet walls to see if there is a hidden room. He finds a section that is hollow and pulls it down. Booth aims his gun at whoever is behind it and sees a women holding her baby. He lowers his gun.

Woman: Yo no sey nada, por favor. Yo no hiza nada.


Bones: solamente quieremos saber donde esta Jose?


Booth: What’d you say?

Bones: That we just want to talk to Jose, that they will be safe, that they have nothing to worry about.

Booth: Do you want to be deported? Do you want to see your baby again?  Because if he was born here, he doesn’t have to go back with you.  We can keep him.

Bones: Booth! Stop! She’s frightened enough.

Booth: Bones, we have a double murder on our hands.

Bones: She didn’t do it.

Booth: Just tell her what I said. Okay? Tell her we’re calling immigration.  Tell her we’ll get to Jose.

Bones: No! She’s lived with terror and intimidation her whole life. I’m not going to add to it.

Booth: Alright, you know what? You’re acting like I’m going to hurt her or something. I’m just trying to get a little information.

Bones: I am asking you as a favor not to make me do this, to scare her. Please.

[Cut to: Lab. Day. Zack is looking at a computer screen with Angela, Bones, and Hodgins looking on. He’s looking at a close up of the male skeleton’s chest.]

Zack: This is interesting.

Angela: Interesting or horrible? Cause sometimes it’s the same thing with you.

Zack: This hole in the sternum. It’s definitely not a gun shot wound.

Bones: It’s a sternal foramen.

Zack: I found the same exact thing on the female victim’s sternum.  It seemed like a meaningless anomaly.

Bones: It’s a hereditary condition.  The two victims were related.

Zack: Well based on their ages father and daughter?

Angela: So father and daughter buried next to each other right.  Then dug up but then the father was reburied why?

Hodgins: The gang banger was probably taking the daughter to be reburied when the cops pulled him over.

Bones: This is the stuff that Booth is good at, the murky ways of the human heart.

Zack: Yeah.

Bones: All that.

Zack: We work with hard evidence.

Hodgins: We’ve used up all the evidence.

Bones: Okay, okay, let’s just you know what, let’s just pretend we’re Booth. Okay?

Hodgins: Ooh, let …let me try. (trying to act like Booth) The daughter got pregnant from the killer in El Salvador and then came here. The father catches up to him, they fight.

Angela: (laughs at him.) He joins a gang and then kills her.

Hodgins: The father comes after him seeking revenge and the killer kills him. Ahh, oh.

Bones: No, no! The father’s death preceded the daughter’s by at least six months.

Zack: (looking at the bones) I found something.  I can’t get this bullet out of the pelvic bone.

Bones: Oh wow.

Zack: The bone started healing around the bullet, see the remodeling.

Bones: This wound healed years ago. He didn’t die by being shot.

Hodgins: Tough old bastard.

Angela: How was he murdered?

Bones: He wasn’t murdered.

Zack: Metastatic carcinoma.

Bones: Probably originating in the prostate.

Angela: So he survives being shot then he dies of cancer?

Hodgins: Mega tough old bastard.

Angela: Yeah.

[Cut to: Booth’s office. Day. Bones walks in with a file in her hand.]

Bones: Anything?

Booth: Eh, immigration has the wife.  She got a lawyer from the Salvadorian league of something or other. She’s not giving us anything about Jose. (sits at his desk)

Bones: Are you mad at me?

Booth: Nope but you know I could have gotten something back there if you hadn’t gotten all mushy on me.

Bones: I was uncomfortable with…You always say I’m not a cop. You’re right especially in a situation like that.

Booth: Well it’s okay.  We’re not going to need her anyway.

Bones: Really? Why?

Booth: Ah cause I had the gang unit put a lead on Roberto Ortez. He’s the head of Mara Muerte.

Bones: The gang that Jose belongs to?

Booth: Yeah. I convinced Ortez to bring Jose in for questioning.

Bones: Why would he do that?

Booth: Ortez’s sister is in the can on possession charges.  I promised him I can make that go away.

Bones: Can you?

Booth: I don’t know.  It’s a local beef, I’m federal but hey I’m a cop and thank God for bad sister huh?

[Cut to: Darken street. Night.  A car pulls up and throws Jose out of the passenger rear side. He’s beaten up and has a note taped to his chest that reads: Special delivery for Agent Seeley Booth, FBI]

[Cut to: Hospital room. Jose is black and blue and has an oxygen line in his nose. Booth and Bones are talking to his doctor.]

Doctor: He has a collapsed lung, several broken ribs, one arm is broken, the other shoulder is dislocated.

Booth: But we can talk to him?

Doctor: You can try.

Booth: Okay thanks.

(Booth walks up to Jose’s bed)

Booth: (whistles) Your own guys, they did this to you? Jeeze I wish I had my own gang.

Jose: I don’t belong to no gang. I’m a gardener.

Booth: Ooh a gardener with a Mara Muerte tattoo on his neck, who can now understand English, and who likes to plant dead bodies.

Jose: Maybe that stuffs private.

Booth: Hey you know what? You’re an illegal immigrant, you’re a gang member, you’re under arrest for transporting a dead body in a stolen car, and you’re under suspicion for murder.  I’m going to call ICE and have you and your wife deported back to El Salvador.

Jose: I got a son.

Booth: Forget it, we keep the son.

Jose: (tries not to show emotion.) That’s my son. It’s my only son. You got kids?

Booth: No.

Bones: What? Yes you do.

Booth: Difference is I’m a fit father. I’m not going around murdering guys and little girls, burying them, digging them up.

Bones: (looking at Jose’s x-ray) Booth, I don’t think he murdered those people.

Booth: You can tell if he murdered someone by looking at his x-ray?

Bones: He has the same genetic condition the two victims had, a sternal foramen. They were probably his sister and his father.

Booth: Is that true. (Jose doesn’t answer) Hey, you know what Buddy? You want to be on my good side cause I wasn’t joking about keeping your kid.

Jose: Yes, was my sister, was my father.

Bones: Your father died of natural causes, fine but your sister was murdered.

Booth: You know what? Forget it. Gang is the only family Jose cares about. You know enjoy your trip back home and have fun explaining to your wife why she doesn’t have a baby in her arms.

Bones: Give us something.  Help us to do the right thing for your sister.

Jose: I cannot.

Bones: Just anything.  At least you could tell us their names.

Jose: You want their names huh? Dujuarte was our family name. Arejo was our sister. My father was named Augustine. That’s all I can tell you.

[Cut to: FBI, Questioning room. Ortez is being questioned by Booth and Bones.]

Ortez: Jose’s sister hated him.

Booth: Hated him, why?

Ortez: She didn’t approve of his associations.

Bones: You mean his associations like the leader of one of the most murderous street gangs in the country?

Booth: Look, if she hated Jose so much why was he moving her body?

Ortez: When the burial site was threatened, he wanted to move it to a better place and his father. Real family guy, you know. (leans forward and speaks to Bones) I’m not the leader of the whole gang just the DC chapter.

Booth: You shot at us so Jose could have a chance to get away.

Ortez: The Mara Muerte takes care of its own, even a throw away like Jose.

Bones: Can I ask you something?

Ortez: Go ahead.

Bones: (leans forward close to Ortez) Jose’s all beaten up so he won’t tell us anything but you, you don’t even ask for a lawyer but you hardly stop talking.

Booth: (warning her.) Bones.

Ortez: Hey, I’m the boss, lady. Okay. Jose’s a sobrenato. What is also true is the man is not as smart as me.

Bones: You intimidate him into silence but you can walk in here to the FBI say whatever you want and walk away like you own the place.

Ortez: That’s right.

Booth: Look, all I need to know is who would have the guts to kill his sister?

Ortez: Who cares man?

Booth: C’mon Ortez, the sister of the Mara Muerte.  It’s the most feared gang in the city.

Ortez: She wasn’t my sister, man.

Bones: (to Booth) It had to be somebody else in the gang, somebody more important then Jose.

Ortez: (smiles and leans in) You know what, lady? You think too much maybe you need a man like me to get your mind off of thing.  You know what I’m saying? I can be your thorens of adorn.

(Bones gets up and walks out mad.)

Ortez: Look, I don’t know who killed Jose’s sister but I’ll tell you what because I like you so much, I find out who did it, I’ll kill them. (laughs)

[Cut to: Hall area of FBI. Bones walks up to the elevator and hits the button. Ortez walks up next to her.]

Ortez: You’ve been waiting for me? Push that button again and we can go down together chulas.

Bones: You think you can intimidate people into doing what you want?

Ortez: Okay, I’ll push it myself.

(Ortez moves to push the elevator button and Bones turns around and blocks him.)

Bones: How do you handle someone who isn’t afraid of you?

Ortez: Just get out of my way. (she doesn’t move.) I said move your ass, ma’am.

(Ortez grabs her arm to move her. Booth walks up and sees it.)

Booth: I wouldn’t.

(Bones punches him in the chest then slams her palm up into his nose.  Ortez stumbles back and hunches over holding his hands on the sides of his nose.)

Booth: Oh. That’s going to hurt in the morning.

(Ortez wipes the blood away from his nose and then rears back to hit Bones. She ducks his swing and he goes to hit her again.  She blocks his swing with her forearm and punches him in the face.  He leans over again and she kicks him.  He falls on the floor on his side in front of the elevator. The elevator opens and Bones steps over him to get inside it.  She reaches over and hits the button.)

Booth: (to Bones) Feel better?

Bones: Yeah (smiles) I really do.

[Cut to: Bones’s office. Bones is sitting at her desk looking at the computer. Angela walks in.]

Angela: You beat up a gang leader?

Bones: Booth told you that?

Angela: (angry) You did. You …got into a fight with a gang banger. (sits)

Bones: You mad at me?

Angela: The guy is a killer, Brennan.

Bones: Angela relax. We we’re in the FBI building.

Angela: Look, I know you’re all about self reliance and fighting your own battles and standing up for yourself, but now as your friend and knowing how much you hate psychology here, you need therapy.

Bones: I’m sorry I upset you.  It’s just that I’ve dealt with him before.

Angela: With who?

Bones: People who get what they want through fear. Gang bangers, members of death squads…

Angela: I know it’s psychology again but you said him, like one guy.

Bones: I didn’t mean Ortez specifically. I meant people like him.  On my last trip to El Salvador…

Angela: Yeah, I remember. I tried to get you to go to Italy with me.

Bones: I was in a tent set up by one of the grave sites.  I was working with the remains of a young girl, maybe thirteen. She’d been shot in the head and dumped into a well.  This cop shows up and he might have been a soldier, it’s not easy to tell.  I thought he was there to guard me but he told me to stop.  When I refused, he called in two others.  They put a bag over my head and tossed me into a cell with a dirt floor and no windows.

Angela: For how long?

Bones: Later I found out it was three days but I thought It was a week, maybe more.  He came in everyday and made me believe I was going to die.(tears up) He said that he would shoot me and toss me into a well and no one would ever know who I was or what became of me.  I promised myself if I ever had the chance, I’d get even.  That doesn’t mean I need therapy.

(Angela nods and Hodgins enters.)

Hodgins: I identified the type of wood in the weapon that killed Maria.

(They look at him and he looks back at them.)

Hodgins: Am I interrupting a female moment?

Bones: No, what was the wood?

Hodgins: Cortozon cumeru, definitely not from a shovel handle.

Angela: What is made out of cortozon cumeru?

Hodgins: Very expensive furniture.

Bones: Senatorial expensive?

Hodgins: Most definitely.

[Cut to: Senator’s house. Day.  Booth and Bones are in the living room with the Senator, his wife,Kate, and Hector.  Booth has given Kate a sketch of Maria.  Her and the Senator are looking at it while Hector stands by.]

Kate: I don’t recognize her, no.

Corman: Neither do I, I’m afraid.

Booth: How bout you, Hector?

Bones: Her name was Maria.

Hector: (walks over and looks at sketch) She used to work as a maid here. She had papers.

Booth: Fake ones, probably supplied by our friendly neighborhood gang.

Corman: Hector couldn’t possibly be expected to identify forged papers.

Bones: What happened to Maria?

Hector: One day she didn’t show up for work, that’s all.

Booth: Did she interact with anyone here besides Jose?

Hector: I don’t know about that kind of thing.

Booth: What kind of thing, Hector?

Hector: I don’t know anything.

Corman: What do you mean, Hector?

Booth: Was Maria involved with the Senator?

Corman: What!? Of course not.

Hector: No, no not the Senator.

Kate: Well tell the truth Hector.  This is the FBI.

Hector: Logan. She was involved with Logan.

[Cut to: Logan’s room. Day. Booth is standing next to him. Bones is opposite him on the other side of a bed standing.]

Bones: What kind of involved?

Logan: I’d rather not say.

Bones: Maria is dead, Logan.

Logan: Maria is dead? (Logan is shocked and sits on the bed) Yes, of course that changes things.

(Bones notices the bed and knocks on the footboard.)

Logan: Maria and I were.

Booth: What you were lovers?

(Bones climbs up on the bed and looks at the tall post.)

Booth: Bones, what the hell are you doing?

Bones: How long have you had this bed?

Logan: Uh, since I was like fifteen.  Why?

Bones: (still inspecting the post) Do you know what kind of wood it is?

Logan: Cooroo, Cumaru something like that.  Why?

Booth: Cause Maria’s skull was banged in by something made out of Cumaru wood.

Bones: (sees the top of the post) There’s dried blood and skin on this post.

[Cut to: FBI questioning room.  Booth is questioning Logan and his lawyer is present. Bones looks on from the other room.]

Logan: (holding a picture of Maria.)  I caught Maria dancing once in the hallway.  She thought no one was watching but I was watching. I noticed her before. She was uh, very pretty, more then what this picture tells you.

Lawyer: Logan, I will say once again, I do not advise you answer any questions.  You’re not under arrest.

Booth: Perhaps you would like to check with the Senator and see if he’d rather I officially arrested Logan before I asked him these questions because I’m sure the press would love that. (to Logan) When did you start having a sexual relationship with Maria.

Logan: Perhaps six months ago.

Booth: You kept it a secret?

Logan: Maria was certain that if my parents found out, she’d be fired.

Booth: Were you aware she was in this country illegally?

Lawyer: I advise you do not answer that question.

Booth: Were you aware that she was pregnant?

Logan: My Maria was pregnant?

Lawyer: Logan there is no proof that you were the father.

Logan: No, shut up. Of course I’m the father.(cries)

[Cut to: Bones and Booth walking together through the FBI building.]

Bones: What about the father?

Booth: Ah, powerful man with lots to loose.  I mean why kill her? Why not have her deported in the middle of the night?

Bones: That leaves Hector.

Booth: Well he’s responsible for hiring the servants. I mean one of them gets pregnant, he feels like it’s his mess to clean up.

Bones: We still can’t figure out how Maria’s skull was fractured by the bedpost.

Booth: Well that’s sort of your line of work, Bones, okay (elevator opens and she walks in.) so go have fun.

[Cut to: Lab. Holograph room. Angela is entering data to reenact scenarios.]

Angela: Your top three suspects are Senator Corman, six feet one, Logan Corman, five foot ten, and Hector Santiago, five foot six.

Bones: Maria was five foot one.

Angela: The bed is a California king with seven foot posts.

(The holograph shows Logan arguing and fighting with Maria near the post.)

Bones: Assuming that they argued near the foot of the bed.

Angela: Given their relative height to the angle of impact doesn’t match.  Her skull connects well below where you found the traces of blood.

Bones: What if they were standing on the bed?

Angela: Well it’s high enough but her head struck the outside of the post.

Bones: How tall would our assailant have to be to fit the evidence?

(Angela enters how tall the assailant would be on her pad.  The image of Logan stretches until he’s a little taller then the post.)

Bones: Wow, that’s tall.

Angela: Its seven foot eight, somebody you would notice around the house.

Bones: Let’s think outside the box.

Angela: What do you mean, go non human?

Bones: No, what else explains striking the bedpost in that manner?

Angela: I guess falling.

Bones: Falling! Maria was a maid.  Do you have a schematic version of the room?

(Angela changes the holograph to the schematic of the room)

Bones: If she fell backwards…

(Angela adds Maria on a ladder cleaning a chandelier in the room next to the bed.)

Angela: But it doesn’t explain the damage to her skull?

Bones: Okay, what force does explain the damage?

Angela: Two hundred and six pounds per square inch which means she would have had fallen from a height of …ugh…it’s no good.

Bones: I know what happened.  She was yanked off the ladder.

Angela: You mean somebody pulled her off?

Bones: Yes, the missing eighty-four pounds per square inch can be explained by a hard yank from a full grown man.  I don’t know if its murder but someone is definitely responsible for Maria’s death.

[Cut to: Jose’s hospital room. Booth and Bones are talking with Jose.]

Booth: This is not about the gang.  The gang had nothing to do with her death.

Bones: Maria was pulled off that ladder.

Booth: Who are you protecting?

Jose: I got nothing to say.

Booth: What did the Senator offer you, huh? Asylum for the whole family?

Bones: I know what happened. Your father died of cancer around the same time your wife was pregnant. You wanted your child to be born an American citizen so you couldn’t report your father’s death for fear of being deported. You buried him yourself in the garden and when you sister died, you buried him in the same place.

Jose: As my father died, he said to me, you take care of your sister.

Bones: You joined Mara Muerte so you could get fake papers so she could work for the Senator.

Jose: Maria (laughs) Maria, she was so angry but she would get so angry sometimes she wouldn’t speak to me.

Booth: She didn’t understand what you had to do for her and your family.

Jose: It was the only way for me to keep my promise to my father. Look at me now huh? All because I wanted to give my sister and my father a beautiful place to rest. It’s near….it’s near a pond.  It’s beautiful man. It’s all for nothing, my family is ruined.

[Cut to: Corman’s house. Booth and Bones are in the bedroom talking to the Senator, his wife.  The bed has been removed.]

Bones: She didn’t fall.

Corman: No she was pushed.

(A man brings in a ladder.)

Bones: No senator actually she was pulled probably off that ladder.

Kate: Pulled. Pulled by who?

Booth: Perhaps by your son or the Senator.

Corman: Oh my God.  I do not pull maids off of ladder.

Booth: (to guy with ladder)  Mm. could you please open that up?

Kate: And why would they do something like that?

Booth: Because Maria was pregnant by your son.

Kate: What!?

Corman: Even if that were true, that is not how we would handle the situation.

Bones: Yeah, you would have her deported in the middle of the night.

Corman: It would be handled and not by pulling her off a ladder.

(The guy is finished setting up the ladder under the chandelier.  Bones climbs up it.)

Bones: Senator, would you mind reaching up?

Corman: What is that going to prove?

Booth: You refusing, Sir?

Bones: I’m trained in kinesiology, the study of human movement.

Corman: Oh and you’re going to be able to tell who pulled her off the ladder?

Bones: Absolutely, yes.

Kate: Oh for God sakes Alan just do it, just do it.

Corman: Fine.

(Corman walks over to Bones on the ladder and reaches up. Bones stands there for a minute and thinks. Corman walks back over to his wife.)

Corman: Well, was it me?

Bones: Hector?

Hector: Si? (Yes?)

Bones: Would you please pull me down off this ladder?

Hector: No, I won’t.

Corman: Hector, just do what she asks.

Kate: Hector. (gestures towards the ladder.)

Booth: How did it happen, Hector? You told her to stay out of Logan’s room, didn’t you?  You didn’t approve, you knew what was going on.

Corman: Hector?

Bones: If it wasn’t you just pull me down.

Booth: Maria defied you, she went to Logan’s room, you got angry, you pulled her off the ladder.

Bones: (climbs down.) It was an accident.

Hector: Yeah, it was an accident.

Bones: (to Booth) I can’t believe that worked.

Booth: Ah, psychology Bones is a very powerful force.

Hector: I gave her five hundred dollars and I drove her home.  I…I thought she was going to go to a doctor.

Booth: She was afraid she would loose her job and get deported.

Kate: You should have told us.

Hector: You don’t want to know. You don’t want to know about any of this.  I know my job.  I know what you want.

Booth: Hector Alvarado, I’m placing you under arrest under suspicion of manslaughter. (Booth cuffs him.)

[Cut to: FBI headquarters. Booth has just gotten off the elevator and an Agent comes walking up to him.]

Agent: Booth?

Booth: Yeah.

Agent: Message from the gang task force unit.(reads paper in his hand)  Uh, Mara Muerte has put a hit out on your lady scientist.

Booth: (takes the paper) Oh man.

Agent: Any response?

Booth: Yeah just tell them I got the message. Tell em thanks.

(The Agent walks away. Booth is upset and paces a bit then sits down on a bench near the elevator.)

[Cut to: Grave yard. Day. There is a funeral going on for Jose’s father and sister.  There are two caskets with red roses on top of them. A priest is doing the service in Spanish. Logan is there and so are Bones and Angela.]

Angela: This is nice of you. Not many people would pay for a funeral like this.

Bones: Where’s Booth. (sighs) He said he would come.

[Cut to: Booth sitting in his SUV watching an alley way. He sees Ortez walk down the alley and Booth jumps out of his car.  Booth runs up behind him quietly jerks him around and slams him into a wall.]

Ortez: What are you crazy? This is my neighborhood.

Booth: You put a hit out on my partner?

Ortez: This is not going to be nice.

(Booth punches him in the face. Then he grabs him by the throat and pulls out his gun.  He puts the gun under his chin while he’s holding his neck.)

Booth: I never said anything about FBI.  She’s my partner ese and if anything happens to her, I will find you and I will kill you. I won’t think twice. Come here look at my eyes. (he cocks his gun and puts it in Ortez’s mouth) Look at my face, if anything happens to her, I will kill you.  This is between you and me. What nobody sees, nobody knows. You’ve got nothing to prove. You understand? You understand?

(Ortez tries to say yeah.)

Booth: Yeah I thought so. Now if you don’t mind I’ll leave first cause I’ve got somewhere I have to be.

(Booth uncocks his gun, turns and takes a few steps. Then he turns around again quickly, cocks his gun, and aims it at Ortez’s head. He stares at him for a few moments then walks away.)

[Cut to: Cemetery. Bones is talking to Jose.]

Jose: I will pay you back for this funeral.

Bones: Don’t worry about it.

Jose: It’s my family it’s my duty.

Angela: Aren’t you leaving for El Salvador tonight?

Jose: Well my child is an American.  He’s not going to grow up the way Rosa and I did.

(Rosa speaks in Spanish)

Jose: She says that we are going to bring him back.

Bones: I understand. One way or another, your son will have a better life then you did.

Rosa: Gracias.

Jose: Gracias.

(They walk away. Booth runs up.)

Booth: (to Angela) Am I in trouble:

Angela: You’re late for a funeral of course you’re in trouble.

Booth: (to Bones) Sorry. I apologize. I…everything okay here?

Bones: Where were you?

Booth: I had something to do.

Bones: More important then a funeral?

Booth: I thought so at the time.


Kikavu ?

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28.09.2022 vers 16h

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19.02.2021 vers 18h

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !