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#420 : L'amour a ses raisons

Un corps a été retrouvé dans un centre de recyclage, compacté avec des cartons. L'équipe du Jefferson est appelé pour enquêter sur le meurtre.


4.08 - 12 votes

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The Cinderella in the Cardboard

Titre VF
L'amour a ses raisons

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Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) devant le corps

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) devant le corps

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley) et Daisy Wick (Carla Gallo)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley) et Daisy Wick (Carla Gallo)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley) et Daisy Wick (Carla Gallo)

Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley) et Daisy Wick (Carla Gallo)

Booth et Brennan retrouvent Sweets et Daisy au bar

Booth et Brennan retrouvent Sweets et Daisy au bar

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) enquêtent

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) enquêtent

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) devant le corps

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) devant le corps

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) enquêtent

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) enquêtent

Plus de détails

Dans une usine de recyclage, deux hommes se moquent d'une femme qui travaille dans l'usine, ils la provoquent. Mais, alors que les deux hommes tirent sur une pile de cartons compressés, ils découvrent le portrait de la Vierge Marie en sang séché. Ils font le signe de croix devant, l'un d'eux appelle même sa mère pour le lui dire.

Booth, Brennan et Cam arrivent sur les lieux de la découverte. Booth se pose devant les cartons et se signe. Brennan stoppe toute ferveur religieuse en indiquant qu'il y a sûrement un corps derrière, et le prouve. Ils couchent alors les cartons et Booth ouvre le paquet, il y a bien un corps en plein milieu et peu ragoûtant. Même Brennan fait une drôle de tête.

Retour à l'Institut Jefferson où l'équipe commence à examiner le corps. L'étudiant de la semaine est Wendell. Cam et Brennan sont d'accord sur le fait qu'identifier les blessures sera difficile. Cam trouve des asticots ; elle demande donc à Jack de les prendre ainsi que des particules sur les cheveux. Wendell remarque que les orteils de la victime sont bizarres et soupçonne qu'elle a été torturée. Mais Brennan le corrige et indique que les orteils ont été raccourcis chirurgicalement. Wendell se demande pourquoi et Cam lui répond que les femmes adorent les chaussures.

Booth et Brennan sont au FBI avec le chirurgien, il confirme l'identité de la victime. La femme s'appelait Maryl Masako. Elle allait se marier. Brennan déclare que le mariage entraine des rituels bien étranges, Booth lui répond que le mariage est important pour tout le monde. Brennan lui rétorque que c'est ridicule car personne ne peux garantir ses sentiments pour toute une vie. Booth réplique que ça se fait avec le temps. Brennan estime que rien n'est immuable. Booth se lève et se penche légèrement vers Brennan et lui assure que parfois l'amour l'emporte sur la logique. Brennan se penche aussi et dit que c'est un processus qui provoque l'illusion et que les personnes rationnelles et intelligentes, en clair elle, ne se marieront jamais. Booth lui dit de ne jamais dire jamais. Brennan lui assène que c'est un paradoxe. Le chirurgien demande s'il doit rester parce que s'ils ont des problèmes de couples il peut partir. Brennan et Booth s'éloignent l'un de l'autre et disent qu'ils sont juste partenaires. Ils lui apprennent que la femme est morte.

Booth est au FBI, avec le fiancé de la victime. Ce dernier explique que Maryl voulait que tout soit parfait pour son mariage. La meilleure amie de Maryl est là aussi, elle leur apprend que la victime organisait son mariage depuis des années déjà avant même d'avoir un fiancé. Maryl voulait être une mariée, elle a fait ça pour que ce soit parfait. Booth demande au fiancé quand il a vu sa promise pour la dernière fois. Plusieurs jours auparavant, répond-il, pour tester les gâteaux de mariage. Booth demande ensuite s'il était d'accord pour l'opération. L'homme dit qu'il aimait Maryl peu importe comment elle était. Booth lui exprime ses condoléances. Le fiancé ne sais pas quoi dire, c'est sa meilleure amie qui demande à ce que le meurtrier soit retrouvé.

Wendell a emprunté la machine fluoroscopique. Angela arrive et lui demande où il a pris ça. Il répond qu'il l'a pris dans un autre département qui ne l'utilisait pas et précise qu'il a laissé un post-it pour signaler qu'il l'avait emprunté. Angela lui demande s'il se moque d'elle, il répond que non. Wendell lui dit que Cam lui a ordonné de travailler sur le corps et que s'il ne fait rien Brennan le tuera. Angela signale qu'il n'aurait pas dû prendre la machine. Wendell lui répond qu'il en a besoin, c'était une opportunité. Cam arrive et annonce à Wendell qu'elle a reçu un appel du département d'Egyptologie parce que l'une de leurs machines a disparue. Wendell répond que leurs momies sont morte depuis des centaines d'année et qu'il y a des priorités. Cam s'apprête à répondre mais Wendell la coupe en disant qu'il a trouvé quelque chose. Puis il se rend compte de son impolitesse. Il a repéré des fibres. Cam les prend. Ça vient d'un jean d'homme. Angela dit qu'elle a vu quelqu'un avant de mourir.

Booth et Brennan vont dans la boutique où la victime a acheté sa robe de marié. Il y a pas mal de femmes et la vendeuse sort de nouveaux modèles. Les clientes se précipitent dessus. Booth déclare qu'elles sont cinglées. Brennan lui dit qu'elle ressent ça par rapport au mariage. Booth attrape Brennan par les épaules pour la guider. La vendeuse arrive. Elle dit à Brennan qu'elle est jolie, que sa taille est par là. Booth l'informe qu'ils ne sont pas là pour les robes. Brennan confirme avec fermeté. La vendeuse les regardent et leur dit qu'il est clair qu'ils sont faits l'un pour l'autre. Booth et Brennan rient et demandent qui est le responsable du magasin. C'est elle, indique la vendeuse. Booth montre sa plaque et explique que Brennan est sa partenaire. Brennan remarque des roses dans une vitrine, avec une date. Elle demande pourquoi les roses ne sont pas desséchées. Ce sont des roses éternelles (ce sont des roses traitées à la glycérine. Le produit arrête le processus de pousse et laisse la rose dans l'état où elle est. Le résultat est très naturel). Booth dit a la vendeuse qu'il enquête sur un meurtre. La victime a acheté sa robe ici. La vendeuse lui répond qu'elle se souvient d'elle, elle s'était battue avec leur meilleure consultante pour mariage. Booth demande si elle travaille aujourd'hui. Elle l'a renvoyée. La réputation du magasin était en jeu, elle n'avait pas le choix. Booth lui demande si sa vendeuse avait des amis ou des ennemis. Elle leur répond que cet endroit était sa vie. Le vendeuse va chercher l'adresse de son ancienne employée.

Booth commence à prendre une robe et la met devant Brennan, il lui dit que ça lui irait bien. Brennan lui dit que ce n'est pas parce qu'elle n'aime pas tout ça qu'elle n'est pas une personne attentionnée. A ce moment, une femme sort de la cabine d'essayage, Booth affirme que c'est Daisy. Elle n'est pas avec Sweets. Brennan se retourne mais Booth la prend par les épaules, la sert contre lui et la retourne. Booth lui rappelle que Daisy est la petite amie de Sweets. Brennan veut se retourner de nouveau mais Booth la sert fort. Il lui redit de ne pas se retourner. Brennan lui demande pourquoi. Booth lui répond qu'elle essaie une robe de mariée et que l'homme qu'elle enlace n'est pas Sweets. Brennan conclue donc que Daisy trompe Sweets. Elle veut le dire à Sweets. Booth est contre, ce sera leur secret selon lui. La vendeuse arrive et leur donne l'adresse. Elle prend un voile et dit à Brennan que ce sera parfait pour elle. Brennan lui réplique que c'est un signe de virginité et qu'elle est sexuellement active. Booth la coupe et ils partent.

Retour au FBI où Brennan discourt sur la monogamie. Booth n'est pas ravi. Elle considère que Sweets doit savoir que Daisy le trompe. Booth lui dit que ce ne sont pas leurs affaires. Brennan répond qu'il faut qu'ils soient honnêtes. Booth lui répète que ce ne sont pas leurs affaires. Sweets arrive à ce moment là et leur demande ce qui n'est pas leurs affaires. Booth dit qu'ils discutaient de l'affaire. Sweets lui répond que c'est tout à fait leur affaire. Booth réplique que non. Sweets demande s'il n'a pas raté quelque chose. Brennan commence à évoquer Daisy, Booth l'interrompt afin que Brennan ne fasse pas l'erreur de lui avouer que Daisy le trompe. Booth demande son avis à Sweets. Sweets le leur donne et pour éviter que Brennan dise quoi que ce soit, il explique qu'ils doivent y aller et fait tout pour qu'elle se taise.

Booth et Brennan interrogent la coordinatrice de mariage. Elle dit qu'elle a travaillé dans la boutique pendant 29 ans, qu'elle réussissait à rendre des femmes jolies pour leur mariage mais Maryl était aussi laide à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur. Booth lui demande de lui parler de Maryl. Elle explique que Maryl avait choisi une robe extravagante, que chaque semaine elle la retouchait selon la prise de poids ou la perte et qu'au moment où la robe était parfaite, elle en a demandé une toute simple. Elle lui a signalé pourtant que cette robe était parfaite mais Maryl a répondu qu'elle ne savait pas ce qu'elle faisait. Brennan lui demande si elle a frappé Maryl. Elle avoue que oui, mais seulement après que Maryl l'a frappée. Booth suppose que puisqu'elle a été renvoyée elle pourrait être très en colère. La femme assure qu'elle a pris sur elle. Booth lui parle alors de ses comptes et d'autres choses en rapport avec sa vie. Il lui demande où elle était le soir du meurtre. Chez elle, toute seule indique-t-elle. Brennan répond qu'elle n'a pas d'alibi.

Cam et Wendell sont sur la plateforme et examine le corps. Ils se disent qu'il faudrait décoller le corps des cartons pour l'analyser. Jack arrive et leur annonce qu'il a trouvé dans le corps de la glycérine mais qu'il lui faut des prélèvements. Encore une fois la question se pose de comment décoler le squelette sans endommager les os... On retrouve Wendell avec Angela et deux autres personnes. Ils tentent de passer une plaque de métal sur le corps afin de le retirer. Angela trouve ça dégoûtant. Wendell, une fois tout cela fini, signale qu'elle est prête à être servie. Tout le monde le regarde bizarrement et il ajoute "si elle était une pizza".

Brennan et Booth sont au restaurant. Brennan demande à Booth s'il pense que la consultante a tué la mariée. Booth lui répond qu'il en doute mais qu'il peut se tromper. Brennan lui rappelle que d'habitude il est plus sûr que ça. Oui, mais il n'a jamais été marié. Brennan lui dit qu'il ne le sera jamais. Booth lui répond qu'il le sera. Brennan lui rétorque qu'il ne peut pas être sûr de ça. Booth lui dit que la prochaine fois, elle devrait parler de ça à Sweets. Brennan lui dit que Sweets sort avec une fille qui est fiancée, qu'il n'est donc pas le mieux placé pour lui donner des conseils. Booth lui rétorque qu'elle est effrayée par l'amour. Brennan fait les gros yeux. Sweets arrive avec Daisy.

Daisy dit qu'elle est très heureuse de voir Brennan. Brennan, pour sa part, regarde Booth, elle n'a pas l'air enchantée. Booth lui fait comprendre par des petits gestes de ne rien dire. Là, Daisy voit qu'elle a l'air mal a l'aise. Brennan lui demande si elle peut parler librement. Booth tape sur la table et déclare qu'ils doivent partir. Brennan dit qu'ils n'ont pas encore dîné. Brennan dit à Booth que Daisy n'a aucun problème de faire ce qu'elle fait, et Booth fait comprendre à Brennan qu'elle doit se taire. Il la prend par les épaules pour la faire partir. Sweets leur demande s'ils veulent venir manger un barbecue avec eux mais Daisy dit qu'elle a quelque chose de prévu . Brennan demande si elle est occupé avec Sweets et Booth répète que ce ne sont pas leurs affaires. Il pousse ensuite Brennan dehors.

Angela sèche les cartons pour voir si elle trouve quelque chose. Brennan est à ses côtés et lui parle de Daisy. Elle est fiancée et elle sort en même temps avec Sweets. Angela explique que Sweets aime Daisy. Brennan lui dit que Booth ne veux pas qu'elle l'en informe. Angela est du même avis que Booth. Elle discute avec Brennan et lui demande de lui donner la solution liquide. Brennan lui dit qu'elle a raison. Angela dit a Brennan qu'elle pourrait le lui dire si elle préfère. Mais Brennan lui répond que Sweets est un psychologue, il devrait se rendre compte par lui même de ce qui se passe. Angela passe de la solution sur le carton et trouve une adresse.

C'est un club, où Booth et Brennan se rendent, un genre de boîte de nuit avec des bulles qui volent et une musique assez forte. Brennan remarque les bulles, voilà d'où vient la glycérine qu'il y avait sur le corps. Booth et Brennan vont au bar demander des informations. Le barman raconte que la victime était là et qu'elle a beaucoup bu. Booth lui demande s'il l'a vu partir seule ou avec quelqu'un, puis le numéro de la carte de crédit qui a servi a payer les consommations. Là un employé emporte des cartons. Brennan lui demande ce qu'ils en font. Il répond qu'ils les compressent dans la benne, derrière. Booth et Brennan vont voir et trouvent le gravier qui était présent dans les cheveux de Maryl. Brennan enfile ses lunettes et regarde à la lampe bleue si elle trouve des traces de sang. Booth trouve le portable de Maryl. Brennan, elle, a repéré du sang.

Angela essaye de faire fonctionner le téléphone de Maryl. Elle y arrive et a ce moment là, le téléphone de la victime sonne. Brennan dit à Angela de répondre. C'est une photo de Jack qui apparaît. En fait il s'est inscrit dans une agence de rencontres et quand deux personnes de l'agence passent l'une à coté de l'autre la photo est envoyée d'un téléphone à l'autre. Brennan s'étonne que Maryl, fiancée, puisse s'être inscrite sur un site de rencontres. Jack avance qu'elle a peut être oublié de résilier. Booth estime quant à lui que c'est pour le sexe. Brennan demande à Jack s'il est inscrit pour ça, étant donné qu'Angela et lui sont compatibles sexuellement. Jack répond qu'il voulait une relation pas du sexe. Angela affirme qu'elle peut le faire. Booth demande à Jack s'il connaissait la fille avant qu'elle ne soit une pizza. Jack répond que non. A ce moment là le téléphone de Jack sonne pour un autre rendez-vous.

Booth et Brennan vont à l'agence. L'homme leur donne des statistiques. Booth lui parle de Maryl. L'homme n'est pas ravi, il a peur de perdre ses investisseurs si l'affaire s'ébruite. Il fait des recherches sur son ordinateur et leur indique qu'elle a eu 20 contacts le mois dernier et qu'elle en a vu 14. Brennan demande quand a eu lieu son dernier rendez-vous. C'était le jour de sa mort. Brennan lui demande un nom: Owen Smith.

Booth a fait venir le fiancé de Maryl qui ne peut pas croire qu'elle le trompait. Brennan est de l'autre côté du miroir et demande à Sweets ce qu'il pense des petites amies infidèles et s'il saurait si Daisy le trompait. Sweets répond par l'affirmative. Brennan lui demande alors si elle peut lui parler sincèrement et librement. Sweets acquiesce et demande si elle croit qu'il ment. Brennan le rassure sur ce point mais parle de lui et Daisy. Brennan lui annonce que Daisy est fiancée et qu'elle couchait avec lui avant que son fiancé n'arrive. Sweets ne la croit pas mais Brennan lui dit que c'est vrai. Brennan lui affirme qu'ils l'ont vu essayer une robe de mariée avec son fiancé et qu'ils se sont enlacés. Sweets ne la croit toujours pas, il l'aurait su. Brennan explique que Booth ne voulait pas qu'elle lui dise, que ce n'était pas leurs affaires mais maintenant il va pouvoir aller de l'avant. Sweets est anéanti. Il demande à Brennan de le laisser seul un moment. Elle sort en disant que de toute façon Booth a terminé. Sweets a l'air en colère.

Retour à l'Institut Jefferson où Wendell a trouvé des fractures incompatibles avec la compression des cartons. Il en repère une importante au niveau du visage. Angela fait un recoupement, c'est une marque de pneu. On lui a roulé dessus. Cam dit que la victime a été écrasée (par la voiture) avant d'avoir été écrasée (par les cartons).

Retour dans le bureau de Booth. Brennan annonce a Booth qu'elle a avoué à Sweets pour Daisy. Booth lui demande pourquoi elle a fait ça. Elle dit qu'elle avait l'impression de mentir a Sweets, elle n'aimait pas ça. Elle demande alors a Booth pour les autres. Booth demande quels autres, Brennan lui dit les autre suspects, ( elle saute du coq à l'ane notre Temp'). Booth explique qu'a-priori l'homme des rencontre par téléphone ne serait pas en cause. Booth srevient sur le cas de Sweets en disant qu'il va venir ici pour pleurnicher ce qui a effectivement lieu. Il demande s'ils ont une minute. Brennan répond que oui. Sweets voudrait parler à Booth seul. Brennan sort.

Sweets explique à Booth ce que Brennan lui a dit concernant Daisy. Booth lui assure qu'il est désolé. Sweets répond qqu'il va bien et qu'il apprécie que Brennan ait été honnête avec lui. Booth se lève et lui dit que non. Sweets explose. Non il n'est pas heureux que Brennan le lui ait dit, il se sent idiot. Booth l'invite à s'asseoir. Sweets lui dit qu'il comprend maintenant toutes ses excuses lorqu'il voulait un peu d'intimité. Il n'arrive pas à comprendre comment il n'a rien vu. Booth lui dit que ça arrive. Sweets lui demande conseil, il n'a pas d'ami homme pour parler de ça. Booth lui demande s'il va se battre pour elle. Sweets aimerait savoir ce qu'il ferait. Booth lui répond "si vous étiez un de vos patients, vous vous diriez quoi?". Sweets est impressionné car il a retourné la question à la personne. Sweets comprend ce qu'il doit faire et veut une accolade de Booth mais ce dernier refuse catégoriquement.

Retour à l'Institut Jefferson où Angela explique que Wendell a suggéré que la fille a été écrasée par un SUV. Elle met en route l'Angelator. Cam demande à Brennan si elle a raconté a Sweets pour Daisy. Brennan répond que oui. Angela fait tourner la simulation. La femme traverse et a voiture la percute de plein fouet. Le conducteur a ensuite reculé pour lui rouler sur le crâne. Cam espère que la femme était morte au moment où le SUV lui a roulé dessus. Brennan dit que ce qui est arrivé à la fille est bien pire que ce qui est arrivé a Sweets. Elle part informer Booth.

Jack fait des analyses. Wendell arrive et indique à Jack qu'il aimerait l'inviter pour boire un verre avec ses amies. Il sait que Jack est célibataire, il lui offre une opportunité de rencontrer des gens.

Brennan et Wendell sont sur un parking et cherchent la voiture du dernier rendez-vous de Maryl. Ils trouvent le SUV de l'homme. Ce sont les même pneus que ceux qui ont écrasé la victime. Wendell trouve sur le pare-choc avant ce qui pourrait être du sang. Brennan demande à Wendell de détacher son collier afin de mesurer le pare choc parce que le département d'Egyptologie a pris son ruban à mesurer et a laissé un post-it. Les dimensions coïncident. Wendell repère sur le pneu des cheveux noir de Maryl. Ils ont trouvé l'arme du crime.

Booth interrroge le suspect. C'est l'ex-copain de Maryl, il voulait qu'elle lui rendent la bague de fiançailles qu'il lui avait offerte. Elle a cassé leur fiançailles quand elle a rencontré son nouveau fiancé. La bague appartenait à sa grand mère. Elle ne pouvait pas lui rendre, elle l'avait vendu pour payer son mariage. L'homme dit qu'il a reçu le message "Date ou Hate" ( de l'agence de rencontre) et que la fille a mis "Date" (rendez-vous), du coup elle trompait son propre fiancé. Booth lui demande s'il était en colère et il répond que oui. Booth le regarde et le suspect explique qu'il ne peut pas le blâmer pour ça. Le téléphone de Booth sonne, c'est à propos de son SUV. Il demande à l'homme s'il a quelque chose à dire avant qu'il réponde. Ce dernier demande un avocat. Les résultats montrent que c'est bien le sang et les cheveux de la victime. Seul souci, il a pu rouler dans la rue où elle a été écrasée. Brennan lui dit qu'elle a menti au suspect, il était en colère. Booth exige plus de preuves. La conversation dérive sur Sweets. Booth lui demande "si vous essayez une robe de mariée et que je vous dit que je ne l'aime pas, que faites vous?" Brennan répond "ou je change ou je suis d'accord avec vous" Booth déclare "bonne réponse".

Angela et Jack regardent les photos des individus qui ont rencontré Maryl. Une des photos n'est pas normale, l'homme est trop jeune, certains traits ne correspondent pas.

Sweets est dans son cabinet et tourne en rond. Daisy arrive et lui demande pourquoi il lui a demandé de venir en plein journée, elle veut l'embrasser mais il l'arrête et lui demande de s'asseoir. Daisy s'inquiète de ce qui ne va pas. Sweets lui explique alors qu'il s'est dévoué pour leur couple, il lui a tout donné. Daisy lui demande si il est en train de rompre avec elle. Sweets lui rapelle qu'elle est fiancée avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il ne veut pas être son jouet parce qu'elle a des problèmes avec son fiancé. Daisy ne comprend pas. Il continue en indiquant qu'il comprend maintenant toute ses séances de yoga. Daisy lui confirme qu'elle y était. Sweets lui dit que Booth et Brennan l'ont vu essayer une robe de mariée avec son fiancé. Daisy lui dit que sa cousine avait choisi la robe pour son mariage mais ne l'avait pas essayée. Elle n'était pas en ville et comme elles ont la même taille et les mêmes mensurations, elle a essayé la robe à sa place. Sweets lui demande qui était l'homme avec elle. Daisy répond que c'est le fiancé de sa cousine, pas le sien. Elle aime beaucoup son Lance. Sweets se rend alors compte qu'il était jaloux. Daisy trouve qu'ils sont beaux tout les deux, que ça peut arriver parfois. Ils se jettent fougueusement l'un sur l'autre.

Brennan, Angela et Jack sont devant un écran d'ordinateur. La photo qu'Angela trouvait bizarre est en fait un mélange de 4 photos de rendez-vous de Maryl mélangées, un photo montage. Jack dit que le meurtrier a créé un profil parfait. Brennan assure que le coupable devait avoir accès à toute les photos.

Booth et Brennan interroge l'homme du site de rencontres. Il leur demande pourquoi il aurait créé ce profil. Brennan lui dit qu'il n'est pas beau et énumère ses défauts. Booth lui indique qu'une équipe examine son SUV en ce moment. Il dit que c'était un accident et Brennan répond que non. Il lui a roulé dessus deux fois, après l'avoir renversée. Mayl lui a dit qu'elle voulait l'homme de la photo, pas lui. Il était en colère. Elle fumait dans la ruelle, il voulait lui parler. Elle lui a fait un doigt d'honneur et l'a laissé là. L'homme raconte qu'il ne sait pas ce qui s'est passé.

On voit Jack dans la rue. Il marche et arrive devant le bar où Wendell est avec ces 4 amies, le téléphone de Jack sonne. C'est la photo d'Angela qui est transmise par l'intermédiaire du site de rencontre. Jack la cherche du regard mais ne la voit pas. De son côté, le téléphone d'Angela sonne aussi et c'est la photo de Jack qui apparaît. Jack laisse l'invitation de côté et part rejoindre Wendell.

Brennan arrive chez Booth. Elle s'excuse car elle aurait dû appeler. Booth l'invite à entrer. Brennan explique qu'elle a vu Sweets et Daisy. Celle-ci ne le trompait pas. Brennan avait tort. Elle essayait la robe pour sa cousine. Brennan dit qu'elle aurait dû écouter Booth. Il l'assure que la prochaine fois elle le fera et lui propose d'aller manger dehors, il l'invite. Brennan dit qu'elle a besoin d'un verre et demande s'il en veut un. Booth répond que oui. Elle sert un verre à Booth et garde la bouteille pour elle. Brennan explique qu'intellectuellement la jalousie n'existe pas mais qu'elle est réelle pour les gens. Elle a pu le voir par elle même. Booth lui demande à quelle occasion. Elle est jalouse de Jack, Angela, Cam et lui. Elle est jalouse parce qu'il arrivent à aimer quelqu'un de tout leur cœur et elle non. Booth lui dit que ça arrivera, il lui promet que ça arrivera.


source: https://www.bones-online.com


[OPEN: INT. GARBAGE DUMP – DAY. Two workers, JUAN and BARNEY, are standing around, about to move packed cardboard.]

JUAN: Hey, who's the new guy?

BARNEY: That's not a guy. (turns to female worker, whistles) Hey, baby! (to JUAN) I swear to God, I'd give my left cajone to take her for a spin.

JUAN: Hey, the Lord is not pleased with lustful thoughts, man.

BARNEY: Hey, He put her here. If He wants me to keep it in my pants, tell Him to send me a sign.

[JUAN and BARNEY pull a block of packed cardboard, turning it to its side.]

JUAN: Holy Mary, Mother of God.

BARNEY: (kneeling down) It's the Blessed Virgin. Please forgive me.

[JUAN makes a sign of the cross while BARNEY dials a number on his cell phone.]

JUAN: (into phone) Mama! Llame al padre Fisher, digale que miré la bendita Virgen; aquí en el trabajo. Sí, es un milagro mamá. Es un milagro! [Translation: Call Father Fisher, tell him that I saw the Blessed Virgin; here at work. Yes, it's a miracle, Mom. It's a miracle!]

[CUT TO: INT. GARBAGE DUMP – DAY. Police tape is surrounding the scene. Curious workers are observing. Enter BOOTH, BRENNAN, and CAM.]

BOOTH : All right, let's go everybody. Move back. Hello? FBI. Watch out. Excuse me. Watch out. You folks clear a path, please. (ducks under police tape) Thank you, let's go.

POLICE OFFICER: Folks, I'm gonna ask you to please stay back. This is an active crime scene.

BOOTH: Whoa. (makes a sign of the cross) Oh, my God. It's the Virgin Mary.

CAM: Have you googled the grilled cheese Jesus? 'Cause that was just a faulty griddle.

BRENNAN: We're here because someone suspected a crime, Booth.

BOOTH: Oh, I'm just saying, life is a lot more than what you can cook up in your chemistry sets. Miracles do happen.

BRENNAN: Well, religious visions are nothing but pareidolia, random stimulus being perceived as significant.

BOOTH: Oh yeah, did you ever hear of the Shroud of Turin, Dr. Burn-In-Hell?

CAM: Sorry, big guy. That was debunked 20 years ago. Carbon dating doesn't lie.

BRENNAN: Neither does phenolphthalein. (holds up pink cotton pad) This was not a miracle. It's dried blood.

BOOTH: Oh, all right. Let's get this bale of hay down. Come on.

[Two police officers begin moving the packed cardboard.]

BOOTH: All right, here we go. Don't got all day. There you go.

[BOOTH cuts the wiring attaching the cardboard together.]

CAM: All right. Let's do it.

[BOOTH, BRENNAN, and CAM begin moving the cardboard. A few layers down, a dead body is revealed.]

BRENNAN: Careful.

BOOTH: Whoa! Okay. Okay, I'm going to give you this one. Maybe it's not a miracle.


BRENNAN: The fractures I can see are consistent with the baling machine.

CAM: Based on lack of hemorrhagic tissue, she was dead before ending up on the baler.

BRENNAN: Can we remove her from the cardboard?

CAM: Not until she's completely processed. I don't even know how I'm going to tox her. The cardboard soaked up most of her bodily fluids.

WENDELL: Her blouse looks like it's got patches of glaze on it.

BRENNAN: Could be extruded body fat.

CAM: Ooh, hello, maggots. Maybe Hodgins can use these little devils to give us time of death.

WENDELL: The second joints of the victim's middle toes have been shaved. I think she was tortured.

BRENNAN: (examining the toes) No. The victim had her toes surgically shortened.

WENDELL: On purpose?

CAM: For vanity. Women love shoes.

[CUT TO: INT. FBI BUILDING – BOOTH'S OFFICE – DAY. BRENNAN and BOOTH are speaking to DR. MARCUS SCHEER, the victim's plastic surgeon.]

SCHEER: Like I said on the phone, this is definitely my patient. I remember I threw in a toe tuck for free.

BOOTH: A toe tuck?

SCHEER: What can I say? Toes are the new nose.

BRENNAN: The Board of Plastic Surgeons hasn't approved this for elective surgery.

SCHEER: They haven't condemned it either.

BOOTH: Right, okay. So, who's our girl?

SCHEER: Oh, um, Meriel Mitsakos. She wanted the surgery 'cause she was getting married. Had her eye on a pair of Christian Louboutin sandals, but her middle toes stuck out. I said it was an easy fix.

BOOTH: What, you cut her toe off, so she could fit into a pair of shoes?

BRENNAN: Self-mutilation for an antiquated ritual. It's barbaric.

BOOTH: Well, come on, marriage is very important to a lot of people, Bones.

BRENNAN: It's ridiculous. No one can guarantee how they're going to feel about someone for life. We're not a monogamous species.

BOOTH: Marriage has been around since the beginning of time.

BRENNAN: Women from Amazonian tribes expressed their love by spitting in their partners' faces. I hope we've progressed past that.

BOOTH: Okay, well, you know what? Sometimes love trumps logic.

BRENNAN: Love is a chemical process which causes delusion. An intellectually rigorous person would never get married.

BOOTH: Never say never.

BRENNAN: That's a paradox. It makes no sense.

SCHEER: Am I still needed here? Because if you two are having relationship issues…

BRENNAN: (grimacing) We're not a couple.

BOOTH: We just work together, that's all.

[Uncomfortable looks are exchanged.]

BRENNAN: Merial Mitsakos was murdered.

BOOTH: And as of now, you're the only one we know who's taken a knife to her.


[CUT TO: FBI BUILDING – CONFERENCE ROOM – DAY. BOOTH is asking the victim's fiancé, BOB CAVERLY, and the victim's best friend, GENIE GORMON.]

CAVERLY: Meriel wanted everything to be perfect for our wedding.

BOOTH: Including her feet?

CAVERLY: I told her I loved her just the way she was, but that… that doctor made her… feel like her feet were unsightly. You checked him out, right?

BOOTH: Yeah. He was in Europe at the time of Meriel's murder.

GENIE: Meriel was my oldest friend. I was going to be her maid of honor. She asked me in tenth grade.

BOOTH: Why would Meriel plan a wedding if she didn't have a groom?

GENIE: You had to know her. Meriel got everything that she wanted. And all she ever wanted was to be a bride.

CAVERLY: But don't misunderstand. We loved each other very much.

BOOTH: Listen, Mike, when was the last time you saw her?

CAVERLY: Four days ago. About 2:00. We had a… wedding cake tasting.

BOOTH: I don't want to come off as sounding offensive, but do you think maybe she got cold feet?

CAVERLY: We were in love. All we wanted… was each other.

BOOTH: I'm very sorry for your loss.

GENIE: Just find out who did this to Meriel.

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – EXAMINATION PLATFORM – DAY. WENDELL is pulling a fluoroscopy machine over the body. Enter ANGELA.]

ANGELA: Where did this come from?

WENDELL: The Egyptology department.

ANGELA: They let you borrow it?

WENDELL: Oh, well, no one was using it.

ANGELA: Tell me you're kidding.

WENDELL: No. I left a note.

[ANGELA chuckles in disbelief.]

WENDELL: Uh, well, Dr. Saroyan won't let me take the victim off the cardboard, and Dr. Brennan's going to kill me if I don't get her complete X-rays, right?

ANGELA: Wendell, you cannot just take a—

WENDELL: Fluoroscopy machine. I've always wanted to use one, and this is the perfect opportunity.

[Enter CAM.]

CAM: I just got a call from Ethan Lawrence in Egyptology. Something about a Post-it note where his fluoroscopy machine used to be.

WENDELL: Oh, um, well, their victims have been dead for thousands of years. There's very little chance of catching the perpetrators. I figured it was a priority thing, right?

CAM: No, really it's more of a firing and arrest thing. Did you really think for one minute—

WENDELL: I found something! Looks important. Very important. Would have gone unnoticed without the, uh, fluoroscopy. (looks at CAM) I'm sorry. Did I interrupt you, Dr. Saroyan?

ANGELA: Oh-ho-ho, he's good.

CAM: Just show me.

[WENDELL zooms in to the pelvic bone.]

CAM: Something embedded in the anterior superior iliac spine.

[CAM uses tweezers to remove something from the body.]

WENDELL: What is it?

CAM: A straight pin.

ANGELA: Right. Dead bride wearing a strapless bra, plus a straight pin. She must have had a bridal gown fitting right before she died.

[CUT TO: SOME BRIDAL PLACE – DAY. Shoppers are checking out bridal gowns. Enter BOOTH and BRENNAN.]

BOOTH: Yeah, well, according to her maid of honor, this is where she ordered her dress.

[Enter LUCIA BERTOLINO, manager of the store. She is pushing a rack of gowns.]

LUCIA: Size six, coming through!

[A hoard of women begins scrambling toward the rack, running into BOOTH and BRENNAN.]

BOOTH: Ow, ow. Ladies, watch the toes. Man, these women are crazy.

BRENNAN: Well, you know how I feel about weddings.

BOOTH: Yeah, what's happening here is definitely not about love.

LUCIA: Hello. (looks BRENNAN up and down) Ah, you're beautiful. (pointing) Your size is on that rack.

BOOTH: Oh, no, we're not looking for a dress.

BRENNAN: No, never. Ever. Ever.

LUCIA: Oh, cold feet. You'll get over it. You two are obviously meant for each other.

[BOOTH and BRENNAN look at each other and chuckle awkwardly.]


BOOTH: We're, uh, looking for the manager.

LUCIA: I'm Lucia Bertolino. Is there a problem?

BOOTH: I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth. (flashes badge) This here is my partner Dr. Temperance Brennan.

BRENNAN: (points to a bouquet of flowers in a glass case) How are these treated?

LUCIA: We dip them in glycerin. They're free-dried. They last forever.

BOOTH: I'm sure they do. Listen, we're investigating a murder. We believe the victim was here getting a bridal fitting shortly before she was killed. Uh, a Meriel Mitsakos.

LUCIA: Oh. Hard to forget Miss Mitsakos. She had a fight with Anya, our best bridal consultant. She was screaming at her, and calling her incompetent.

BOOTH: Right. Is Anya here today, working?

LUCIA: Actually, I had to let her go. Anya slapped her. Miss Mitsakos threatened to sue. I didn't have a choice.

BOOTH: Did Anya show any other signs of violence?

BRENNAN: Was she dealing with something else in her life?

LUCIA: Oh, this place was her life.

BOOTH: Well, I'm going to need her contact information.

LUCIA: Oh, Anya couldn't kill anyone.

BRENNAN: Well, had she ever slapped anyone before?

LUCIA: (realizing) Let me get it for you.

BOOTH: Thank you.

[Exit LUCIA.]

BOOTH: (reaching for a gown) Oh, come on, Bones, huh? (picks up a gown) You must've dreamt about being a bride before your heart turned to stone.

[A shopper plucks the dress out of BOOTH's hands.]

BRENNAN: Just because I don't want to take part in a meaningless ritual doesn't mean that I'm not a warm and affectionate person. There are even some children who have taken to me.

[BOOTH looks over to see DAISY WICK standing on a platform, trying on a dress. An unknown man is standing in front of her.]

DAISY: Oh, my God, I love it! Isn't it perfect? Do you think it's perfect?!

BOOTH: (to BRENNAN) It's Daisy!


BOOTH: (grabbing BRENNAN) Turn around. Turn around. That's Daisy Wick. Sweets' girlfriend. Don't look. No, she cannot see us.


BOOTH: Why? Because she is buying a wedding dress, and some guy is hugging her.

BRENNAN: She's marrying someone else without telling Sweets? Don't you think he'd be upset about that?

BOOTH: Yeah, of course.

BRENNAN: Well, I like Sweets. We should tell him.

BOOTH: No, no, no. No. No. It's got to be our little secret. Shh.

[Return LUCIA with the information BOOTH had requested.]

LUCIA: Here's Anya's information.

BRENNAN: Oh, thank you.

BOOTH: Thanks.

LUCIA: (picking up a veil off a rack, to BRENNAN) You know, this veil would be perfect for you, dear.

BRENNAN: Oh, well, it's a symbol of virginity, and I've been sexually active since I was—

BOOTH: (interrupting) Okay, Bones, we really have to get going. (to LUCIA) Thank you so much for your help. (guiding BRENNAN away) Come on, this way.


BRENNAN: A woman buys a wedding dress to get married, Booth. You know, if you're such a strict adherent to monogamy, then shouldn't you warn Sweets that he's being cuckolded?

BOOTH: There are complicated emotions that are involved here. It's definitely not your thing.

BRENNAN: It's a matter of honesty.

BOOTH: Bones, just trust me on this one, all right? It's none of our business. It's none of our business.

[Enter SWEETS.]

SWEETS: What's none of your business?



BOOTH: Hey! We were just discussing our latest case.

SWEETS: The dead bride?

BOOTH: Yeah.

SWEETS: That would be completely your business though, wouldn't it?

BRENNAN: (nodding) Mm-hmm.

BOOTH: No, we were just…

SWEETS: Am I missing something?



BOOTH: No, crazy. Daisy. You must really miss Daisy.

SWEETS: Yeah, we manage.

BOOTH: Let me ask you a question. Could dealing with crazy brides all day make someone, you know, snap and commit murder?

BRENNAN: No, the bride snapped first. She had a fight with the bridal consultant.

SWEETS: Right. Well, if the bride's physical or emotional needs are not met, yeah, she might act out. Violence is rare though. Infidelity is more common; using some disposable sap as an emotional Band-Aid.

BOOTH: Right.

BRENNAN: Fascinating.

BOOTH: (to BRENNAN) Let's go.

BRENNAN: (to SWEETS) So a woman could be buying her wedding dress with her fiancé, and spending her free time with her lover.

BOOTH: Right, but, uh, physical violence is definitely a possibility, right?


BOOTH: So we gotta get going. Come on, Bones.

SWEETS: It is, but you interrupted Dr. Brennan.

BOOTH: (over BRENNAN's protests, to SWEETS) We have somewhere we have to be. We're late. See you later. Later.

[BRENNAN hands SWEETS her coffee mug. Exit BOOTH and BRENNAN.]


ANYA: I worked at Bertolino's for 29 years. No matter what a bride looked like coming in, when I was done with her, she was beautiful. But that one, Miss Mitsakos, ugly from the inside out.

BOOTH: Okay, why don't you just tell us about Meriel.

ANYA: Every time she dropped a pound, she made me adjust that bodice, which would have been fine, but Friday, she decided instead of a drop waist, she wanted a natural waist. She suggested I start from scratch. She insinuated I didn't know what I was doing; that her dress issues were my fault. She pushed me away. Pushed me!

BRENNAN: And then you slapped her?

ANYA: No. I slapped her after she threw the pins at me.

BOOTH: You got fired. You must have been angry.

ANYA: I pride myself on being a gentlewoman. I would rather not talk about this any further.

BOOTH: I understand. Just one more thing. You had Meriel's personal information – her account, address, et cetera. Can you account for your whereabouts the day after you got fired?

ANYA: I know what you're implying, Agent Booth. I was at home. I live alone. But I have spent the last 29 years bringing joy to young women.

BRENNAN: So, no alibi.

ANYA: I am a gentlewoman.


CAM: Hodgins found gravel in her hair, but death by gravel is unlikely.

WENDELL: Time to get her off the cardboard?

CAM: How? She's basically been absorbed into the substrate. We could cut underneath, but that runs the risk of compromising the bones.

WENDELL: We have to scrape her off.

[Enter HODGINS. He approaches the computer.]

HODGINS: Look at this. Tox screen results on the pureed maggots: tequila. The maggots were hammered.

CAM: Which means Meriel was, too.

HODGINS: Yeah, but it gets better. The weird glaze on the vic's clothing wasn't extruded fat. It was glycerin.

WENDELL: According to Dr. Brennan, Bertolino's uses glycerin to preserve bridal bouquets.

CAM: Looks like Bridezilla might have messed with the wrong old lady.

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – EXAMINATION PLATFORM – DAY. Enter CAM, HODGINS, ANGELA, WENDELL and a lab assistant with a large metal platter.]

WENDELL: I used to work at Anthony's Famous in Georgetown.

HODGINS: Oh, that is some seriously good pizza.

WENDELL: The secret is the crust. It's all in the crust.

CAM: Does this relate to our victim at all?

WENDELL: This is basically how we get the pizzas out of the oven. And every pie was perfect. Everybody ready?

ANGELA: This is so far out of my job description, it's not even funny.

HODGINS: Okay, we are in.

CAM: Mm, she's sticking.

WENDELL: It was always tough getting the pie out. The cheese would bubble over onto the oven and stick. The pie could break apart. I wouldn't serve a pie like that.

CAM: Can we save your war stories for a more appropriate time, Mr. Bray?


CAM: (as she and the team slide the platter between the body and the cardboard) Careful. Careful of the skull.

HODGINS: Okay, perfect.

WENDELL: Now that's something I'd serve.

[CAM and ANGELA shoot WENDELL looks.]

WENDELL: (backtracking) If she were a pizza… which she's not. So-so, I'll-I'll stop now.


HODGINS: Carefully. Careful.

WENDELL: Can I remove the flesh?

CAM: Knock yourself out.

[INT. FOUNDING FATHERS BAR AND GRILL – DAY. BOOTH and BRENNAN are discussing the case over coffee.]

BRENNAN: So, do you think the bridal consultant killed Meriel?

BOOTH: Not really, but, you know, hey, I've been wrong before.

BRENNAN: You're usually quite certain.

BOOTH: No, that would be you, Bones, okay? (mocking BRENNAN) I'm never getting married.

BRENNAN: You've never married.

BOOTH: Well, I will.

BRENNAN: That's impossible to know.

BOOTH: You know what? Obviously, you have issues with this, so next time we see Sweets, you should bring it up?

BRENNAN: Sweets is having an affair with a woman who's engaged. He's hardly one to give advice.

BOOTH: You know what? You are scared. That's what it is. You're scared of love.

[Enter SWEETS and DAISY.]

SWEETS: Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth. Hey, mind if we join you?

BOOTH: Look at that. It's Sweets and Daisy.

DAISY: Dr. Brennan, it's so good to see you. I want you to know, that even though you fired me twice, I have nothing but warm feelings toward you.

BRENNAN: Then you wouldn't mind if I spoke freely?

DAISY: Of course not.

BOOTH: All right! (rising from his seat) We were just leaving.

BRENNAN: No, we haven't gotten our food yet.

BOOTH: We don't need the food.

DAISY: (sitting in BOOTH's seat) Oh, great!

BOOTH: And she sits.

DAISY: (to BRENNAN) You know, every time I get stuck on my dissertation, I think to myself, "WWBD."

BRENNAN: I have no idea what that means.

DAISY: "What Would Brennan Do?" I mean, it really should be "WWDBD" – "What Would Dr. Brennan
Do?" but that seems unnecessarily formal since I'm only thinking it silently.

SWEETS: (chuckles) Isn't she cute?

BOOTH: (mockingly chuckles) Yeah, she's adorable. (to BRENNAN) Come on.

BRENNAN: Multiple wives is the norm in most of the world. Sweets and Daisy would have no problem if the same were true here.

SWEETS: Beg your pardon?

BOOTH: You see, Bones is just so into the murder of this bride, that the facts just start pouring out.
(to BRENNAN) You would really kick ass on that Millionaire show. Come on.

DAISY: I can only imagine what it would be like to have your brain.

BRENNAN: That's true.

BOOTH: Oh, look at that. Text flying in. We gotta go.

BRENNAN: I don't see a text.

SWEETS: Hey, how about the four us grab some Mongolian barbecue tonight?

DAISY: Oh, I'm busy. I already have plans.

BRENNAN: With whom?

BOOTH: That's none of our business.

DAISY: I have yoga class. (to SWEETS) You don't mind, do you, Lancelot? (grabbing SWEETS' tie) It makes me limber.

BOOTH: Oh, here we go. We really have to get going here. Come on. Come on. Let's go.

SWEETS: Uh, so we can take your table?

BOOTH: Have the food, too.

SWEETS: All right!

DAISY: Wow, they're so nice.

BRENNAN: (to BOOTH, on their way out) If they want a healthy monogamous relationship, they should be forthright and honest.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, that's not the way a relationship is supposed to be.

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – EXAMINATION ROOM – DAY. BRENNAN and ANGELA are working with the cardboard.]

ANGELA: Most of the boxes don't have any identifiable markings, but the surface scratches on this one look like they may be handwriting.

BRENNAN: Daisy Wick is having an affair.

ANGELA: Really?

BRENNAN: She's getting married, and she's cuckolding on her fiancé with Dr. Sweets.

ANGELA: Poor Sweets. He loves her.

BRENNAN: Booth doesn't want to tell him. He says it's none of our business.

ANGELA: Exactly.

BRENNAN: But wouldn't it be kind to spare Sweets any emotional pain Miss Wick's infidelity might cause him?

ANGELA: If Sweets is in love with Daisy, and she's cheating on him, somewhere inside he knows. And if he doesn't, then it's because he doesn't want to. Will you hand me that lemon juice?

BRENNAN: I think you are correct.

ANGELA: Good. A person's love life—

BRENNAN: The scratches on the cardboard should take on a higher concentration of lemon juice than the surface area.

ANGELA: You just want to tell him, don't you?

BRENNAN: Sweets says that he's an expert in human psychology. He should be able to handle a problem this common.

ANGELA: Come on, sweetie, be kind.

BRENNAN: Of course.

ANGELA: Look, it looks like we can read the writing on the box. Okay, "Champagne Lounge, 271 Beloit Avenue, Washington, DC."


BOOTH: I'll tell you what. You know what, Bones? These bubbles are gonna stain my suit.

BRENNAN: These bubbles are formed using glycerin. Maybe that's how the glycerin got on Meriel's clothes, not the flowers.

BOOTH: Yeah, right.

[BOOTH and BRENNAN approach the BARTENDER.]

BOOTH: Hey, Buddy, over here.

BARTENDER: What can I get you?

BOOTH: Information. You working here Friday night?


BRENNAN: Do you recognize this woman?

BARTENDER: Oh, wish I didn't. She sent her drink back three times. Dirty martini? Too dirty. Mojito? Too sweet. Vodka on the rocks—

BOOTH: All right. Who was she with?

BARTENDER: I don't know. Some guy.

BRENNAN: Well, her fiancé's about 185 centimeters, rectangular cranial structure, dominant maxillary bone.

BARTENDER: Look, all I remember is that the dude paid for her drinks.

BOOTH: Probably used a credit card, so why don't you go look for those receipts for me?

BARTENDER: Must have served a thousand drinks Friday. When I get a chance, I'll look for it.

BOOTH: You should get the chance soon. Or better yet, why don't you think about it while I go card these two blondes over here.

[The BARTENDER turns back to retrieve receipts.]

BOOTH: Thanks.

BRENNAN: (noticing boxes) What do you do with those boxes?

BARTENDER: Recycling dumpster off the back alley. Why?

[CUT TO: EXT. ALLEY BEHIND CHAMPAGNE LOUNGE – NIGHT. BOOTH and BRENNAN leave the club and enter the back alley.]

BOOTH: All right, well. All right, you know, it always stinks in the back alley, doesn't it? (to a young couple making out against the wall) Come on. Okay, let's go. Break it up. FBI. Come on. Back inside.
All right, no worries. Thank you.

BRENNAN: Pea gravel. (leaning down to pick up a handful) Hodgins can determine if it's a match for what we found in the victim's hair.

BOOTH: Right. (takes out phone and dials) Yeah, Special Agent Booth, 22705. Look, I need a crime scene unit here at 271 Beloit. Back entrance. Thanks.

[BOOTH takes out a flashlight and begins looking around. BRENNAN is scanning the area with a UV light. BOOTH finds a jewel-covered cell phone.]

BOOTH: Oh! Look at that, huh? (leaning down to pick it up) I think I may have found the woman's cell phone. Yeah.


BOOTH: What do you got?

BRENNAN: Come here.

[BOOTH approaches. BRENNAN removes her UV goggles and puts them on BOOTH's face.]

BOOTH: Oh, thanks. (looking down) We got some blood there, huh?

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – ANGELA'S OFFICE – NIGHT. ANGELA is working on the recovered cell phone. BRENNAN is watching.]

BRENNAN: Booth says that if we can pull the call history, he won't have to subpoena the phone company records.

ANGELA: Yeah, I've heard of that place, the Champagne Lounge. A lot of couples use the alley for a quickie. (about the cell phone) Okay, well, it looks like it's just the battery.

BRENNAN: Maybe she was regretting her decision to limit her sexual activity to one man.

ANGELA: You just can't let it go, can you? (tweaking the cell phone) All right, this ought to do it. All fixed.

BRENNAN: Well done.

[The cell phone rings.]

ANGELA: Oh, my God, she's getting a call. What-what... what do you want me to do?

BRENNAN: Answer it.

ANGELA: Oh, my God. It's Hodgins.


HODGINS: Okay, this is embarrassing.

BOOTH: Yeah, it's worse than that because your picture just popped up on a dead woman's cell phone.

HODGINS: Because my phone was within 100 yards of hers.

BOOTH: Hey, don't go all squinty on me, okay, Hodgins? I want an explanation.

HODGINS: It's a dating service.

ANGELA: You're using a dating service?

HODGINS: Yes. Along with millions of other people. It's called "Date or Hate?" When a potential match
is within 100 yards, both our cell phones ring. You can either press "date" or "hate." If we both press "date," then we get each other's cell numbers.

BRENNAN: But Meriel was engaged. Why would she be using a dating service?

HODGINS: I don't know. Maybe she forgot to cancel.

BOOTH: Guys, sex. It's a no-brainer.

BRENNAN: Is that your reason? Because weren't you and Angela sexually compatible?

[ANGELA and HODGINS exchange looks.]

HODGINS: It's not about the sex. I was looking for a meaningful connection.

ANGELA: I get it, Jack.

HODGINS: You do?


BOOTH: Hey, guys, dead body, all right? Murder. Did you know the victim before she was a pizza?

HODGINS: No. But she would definitely have many other potential dates. You should talk to the agency. The "Date or Hate?" offices are local.

[HODGINS's phone rings.]

BRENNAN: (looking at the screen) Doesn't she work in the cafeteria?

BOOTH: Ouch. She just pressed "hate." You're out.

HODGINS: (taking phone back) Okay, all right, just...

[CUT TO: INT. DATE OR HATE HEADQUARTERS – DAY. BOOTH and BRENNAN meet with the owner of Date or Hate, KURTIS ROSSI.]

ROSSI: We have 8,000 registered users in the DC area, and almost 200 marital success stories.

BOOTH: Well, one of your registered users, a Meriel Mitsakos, was murdered.

[ROSSI appears uncomfortable, sighing deeply.]

BRENNAN: Did you know the victim?

ROSSI: No, but I'm in the process of securing venture capital to take my company national. If this gets out, I could lose my investors.

BOOTH: Right. Well, we're going to have to take a look at Meriel's "Date or Hate?" activity.

ROSSI: Oh, that's private.

BOOTH: Well, she's dead, Mr. Rossi. Or maybe your investors would like the publicity of a court order.

ROSSI: (sighs and turns back to his computer) In the last month, she was matched with 20 potentials. She hit "hate" on 14 of them, "date" on five. She never responded to the last guy – a Jack Hodgins from earlier today.

BRENNAN: When did she last press "date"?

ROSSI: 7:45 p. m. last Friday.

BOOTH: That was the night she was murdered.

BRENNAN: Do you have a name?

ROSSI: Owen Smith. He pressed "date," too.


CAVERLY: I don't believe it. There's no way Meriel was cheating on me.

BOOTH: You're sure?

CAVERLY: We were engaged, Agent Booth.

[CUT TO: INT. FBI BUILDING – OBSERVATION ROOM – DAY. SWEETS is taking notes. BRENNAN is standing by.]

BRENNAN: Would you want someone to tell you if your girlfriend was cheating? Or do you favor denial?

SWEETS: No, I mean, I'd know if Daisy were cheating on me, Dr. Brennan. I'm trained to recognize the subtleties of human behavior. So, it's a moot point.

BOOTH: (over speaker, to CAVERLY) You know, I think you found out she was cheating. I mean, she wasn't really discreet.


BOOTH: (continuing) Using your cell phone to meet other guys. It's understandable that you snapped.

CAVERLY: Are you sure about this list?

BOOTH: Yeah.


BOOTH: (over speaker, to CAVERLY) That's what makes it so understandable. Where were you the night that she disappeared?

CAVERLY: (over speaker, to BOOTH) Dance class. Genie told me how important that first dance was to Meriel, and I just wanted to be perfect for her.

BRENNAN: (turning to SWEETS) In our sessions, you put a high premium on honesty, don't you, Dr. Sweets?

SWEETS: Of course. You think he's lying?

BRENNAN: Uh, no. I'm talking about you and Daisy. (long pause) She's engaged to be married, and she's sleeping with you behind her fiancé's back.

SWEETS: What? No. You're wrong, Dr. Brennan. That can't be. You're wrong.

BRENNAN: Obviously, you can't read all the psychological subtleties that you think you can. (pause) Booth and I saw her trying on her wedding dress with her fiancé. He hugged her and twirled her around in the air.

SWEETS: That's impossible, Dr. Brennan. I would have known.

BRENNAN: This is denial, right?

SWEETS: No, I mean... (realizing, quietly) Oh, God.

BRENNAN: Booth felt that I shouldn't tell you, that it was none of our business, but I think that now you can make an informed decision. Either share Miss Wick… or move on.

SWEETS: I'm sorry. Could-could you excuse me for a moment. I need-I need a minute to myself.

BRENNAN: Sure. Booth is finished anyway, so…


[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – ANGELA'S OFFICE – DAY. ANGELA is seated at her desk. CAM and WENDELL are standing behind her, watching.]

WENDELL: I found fractures on the piece of the cranium inconsistent with the compression from the baler.

[ANGELA is flipping through images of the crushed body.]

WENDELL: (pointing) Stop. That's a good one. Dr. Brennan thought we might be able to find the cause of the fracture by reexamining photos of the tissue.

CAM: Isolate her head full frame.

ANGELA: I don't see anything, guys.

WENDELL: We're not looking on the surface, we're looking beneath it.

ANGELA: Okay, well, I need to enhance the details. I can shower the image with various wavelengths of light. Next, I apply the filter software. Finally I blacken the blacks, maximize contrast, and sharpen the focus.

CAM: Perimortem bruising.

ANGELA: That's a tire tread.

WENDELL: She was run over by a car.

CAM: Seems like our victim was flattened before she was flattened.



BOOTH: So her fiancé's alibi checks out. He was dancing the night away.

BRENNAN: I told Sweets about Daisy.

BOOTH: (annoyed) Bones, why?

BRENNAN: Well, I felt like I was lying to him by keeping it to myself. How about the others?

BOOTH: Huh? The others? He was dating other people?

BRENNAN: No, the other suspects in Meriel's murder. What about Owen Smith?

BOOTH: The Bureau's doing a background check. Smith, he was using a disposable phone, and his e-mail accounts were cancelled. According to Kurtis, it's a common MO for married men to get a little something-something on the side. Why did you have to tell Sweets? He's going to come in here, he's going to cry and stuff.

[Enter SWEETS. He knocks at the door.]

SWEETS: Excuse me.

BOOTH: (under his breath) Oh, God.

SWEETS: Um, you have a minute?

BRENNAN: Of course.

SWEETS: I was talking to Agent Booth. I'd like a minute alone.



SWEETS: Well, I'll get right to it. Uh, Dr. Brennan told me that Daisy is engaged to another man.

BOOTH: I'm sorry, Sweets. I…

SWEETS: It's okay, it's okay. Dr. Brennan was being honest. I appreciate it.

BOOTH: (sighs) No, you don't. (getting up) Come on.

SWEETS: I don't! I don't! I feel like an idiot!

BOOTH: Have a seat. Come on.

SWEETS: Daisy, she's been canceling on me all the time lately. Like yoga the other day, and, you know, recently, at night, when she's over, the frequency of our (gesticulating) our intimate relations… she says that she's been tired because of her dissertation.

BOOTH: I get it.

SWEETS: It was right in front of me, right in front of me all along. (sighs) I'm a failure, as a lover and a psychologist.

BOOTH: No, no, it's not true. Sweets, these things, they happen.

SWEETS: Okay, what should I do? I don't have many manly-man friends like you that I can talk to. What would a guy-guy do in this situation?

BOOTH: Are you asking me if you should fight for her?

SWEETS: Do you think I should?

BOOTH: If you were your own patient, what kind of advice would you give yourself?

SWEETS: Impressive. Turn the question back on me. It's a classic therapeutic technique. (beat) It's really, really annoying.

BOOTH: Did it work?

SWEETS: Yeah, I should confront her. I should be candid. You're right. You're right. It's the only way. Thank you.

BOOTH: Any time.

SWEETS: It was very helpful.

BOOTH: The session's over.

SWEETS: (chuckles) Um, hey, you think maybe we could… hug? Like men, of course. It'd be comforting for me—


SWEETS: —under the… No?

BOOTH: No. I don't hug things out. You know, we just kind of (punching SWEETS on the arm) good slug on the arm. It's more of a manly thing to do.


BOOTH: Okay.


BOOTH: Okay?

SWEETS: Could you do it again?

BOOTH: Sure. (punches SWEETS on the arm, laughs) Want more?


BOOTH: Oh. See ya.

SWEETS: Thank you.

[Exit SWEETS, grimacing in pain.]

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – ANGELA'S OFFICE – DAY. Enter BRENNAN, ANGELA, and CAM. They approach the Angelator.]

ANGELA: Wendell's data suggests that she was struck by an SUV.

BRENNAN: The patella fractures are several centimeters higher than a standard car bumper.

ANGELA: (to CAM) You didn't find any incised wounds with glass or paint, did you?

CAM: No, why?

ANGELA: I'm just confirming that the victim didn't wrap around the hood, which means that her center of gravity thrust her backward, something like this.

[ANGELA enters variables into the Angelator.]

ANGELA: (to BRENNAN) Hey, uh, whatever happened to your online dating thing?

BRENNAN: I didn't have the time to properly sort through all the potential matches.

CAM: (to ANGELA) You thinking of trying it?

BRENNAN: I think Sweets should sign up.

CAM: Did you really tell Sweets that Daisy was cheating on him?

BRENNAN: Everyone seems to think that I've done something terrible. I didn't want to lie.

CAM: In this case, it was definitely the way to go.

ANGELA: Okay, ladies, It's ready.

[A model forms on the Angelator. A model SUV runs into a model person, sending her flying. The three women flinch.]

ANGELA: In newer model SUVs, the grill protrudes almost as far as the bumper. It's like being hit by a battering ram.

CAM: I thought you said you found tire treads on her head?

ANGELA: No, I'm not finished. Assuming this was done on purpose, the driver backed up to see where his victim had landed. And then, he gunned it.

[The Angelator shows the model SUV running over the model victim's head.]

BRENNAN: The multidirectional fractures on the skull are consistent with a tire's downward vertical force.

CAM: The killer ran her down, and then made sure she was dead by running her over again.

BRENNAN: That is much worse than anything I might have done to Sweets. I'll call Booth.

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – HODGIN'S WORKSTATION – DAY. HODGINS is standing in front of a microscope. Enter WENDELL.]

WENDELL: Excuse me, Dr. Hodgins.


WENDELL: I wanted to tell you that I'm going to the Founding Fathers for a drink tonight with some friends. Girlfriends.

HODGINS: Girlfriends.

WENDELL: Yeah. I've got a bunch of friends who are girls and we get together and hang out like we're guys. (pause) It's not as confusing as it sounds. Most of them are single.

HODGINS: (chuckles) Trying to fix me up there, Wendell?

WENDELL: I'm offering you an opportunity to meet some great people.

HODGINS: Who have breasts.

WENDELL: That they do. I think they'd like you.

HODGINS: You don't really know me.

WENDELL: I grew up on the streets, Dr. Hodgins. It doesn't take me long to get a feel for someone. First round's on me.

[CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT – DAY. BRENNAN and WENDELL are searching for an SUV matching the given description.]

BRENNAN: Booth got the name of the victim's drinking partner from the bartender at the Champagne Lounge. Joe Fillion. He works in this building.

WENDELL: (pointing) There's another SUV. DC plates, F793A4.

BRENNAN: Those plates are registered to Joe Fillion.

WENDELL: So this guy ran her down, then backed up and ran over her again? That's a bad date. (crouching down next to the SUV) These stains could be blood.

BRENNAN: What was the height of the patella fractures?

WENDELL Uh, 54 centimeters.

BRENNAN: (turning around) Undo my necklace. I need to measure if the point of impact matches.

WENDELL: What happened to your measuring tape?

WENDELL: I don't know. It's missing. There was a Post-it note from the Egyptology Department in its place.

BRENNAN: (measuring) Exactly one and a half lengths high. Consistent with the patellar point of impact.

WENDELL: The victim's skull was crushed by a tire.

BRENNAN: It was the approximate cause of death, yes.

WENDELL: The victim had black hair, right?


[WENDELL picks up hair off the tire with tweezers and shows them to BRENNAN.]

BRENNAN: I think we found the murder weapon.


BOOTH: So, were you at the Champagne Lounge to meet women in general or Meriel in particular?

FILLION: No, I was meeting Meriel. Look, there's no secret – her friend Genie knew. I wanted to get my engagement ring back.

BOOTH: You were engaged?

FILLION: Yeah, she broke it off when she met that Mike guy. The ring was my grandmother's.

BOOTH: Did she give the ring back?

FILLION: No. She sold it to pay for her wedding.

BOOTH: She sold your grandmother's ring?

FILLION: Are you kidding me? That's only the half of it. When we were talking, her cell phone rang. It was one of those "Date or Hate?" match thingies. And Meriel presses "date."


FILLION: I mean, can you believe that? She's screwing over her new fiancé, too.

BOOTH: Wow, that must've made you mad, Joe.


FILLION: Oh, come on, look, man, you're not going to blame me for this. All right, no, look, she is not going to screw me again!

BOOTH: Whoa, look at that. That is the Lab calling. They tore apart your SUV. Anything you want to tell me before I pick this up?

FILLION: Yeah. (pause) I want a lawyer.


BOOTH: Well, you know, he didn't do it. At least not with that vehicle.

BRENNAN: What about the hair and the blood?

BOOTH: Uh, he hit a dog last week. When he talked about it, he burst out into tears. You know, he was more upset about that than he was about Meriel.

BRENNAN: Well, she lied to him and he hates her for it. Cam thinks that I should've deceived Sweets, too. You know, I don't understand. Our lives are devoted to the pursuit of truth.

BOOTH: Bones, you can't go around telling everybody what's on your mind even though it's the truth. Okay, look, what if you and I were going out, right, and you were, you know, taking forever to get ready and you came out in this dress, and I told you I didn't like it. What are you gonna do?

BRENNAN: I'd reevaluate, change, or ignore you.

BOOTH: Of course you would, Bones, good answer.


ANGELA: These are the guys that Meriel met on that "Date or Hate?" We're looking for Owen Smith. (finds the photo) Here he is, Owen Smith. Hmm, he looks weird.

HODGINS: Why? The guy looks perfect.

ANGELA: I know, that's what's weird. He doesn't look real, right? Seems too young for plastic surgery, but these wide flaring cheekbones – there's no way that they could coexist with this nasal bridge.

HODGINS: He is real. Owen Smith, her final date. Connected at 7:45 the night she disappeared.

ANGELA: (placing photo down) I don't know…


DAISY: (eagerly approaching) What's so important, Lancelot? You miss me too much?

SWEETS: (solemnly) Please, sit down, Daisy.

DAISY: What's wrong?

[They sit down.]

SWEETS: I've-I've devoted myself to this relationship. I've given you everything. My heart…

DAISY: Are you breaking up with me?

SWEETS: I love you, but I can no longer…

DAISY: You are breaking up with me.

SWEETS: Tears will have no impact on me, Daisy.

DAISY: Why? What have I done?

SWEETS: You're engaged to someone else, for God's sakes! I'm not gonna be your little boy toy because you have a dysfunctional relationship with your fiancé.

DAISY: What?!

SWEETS: All those classes that you go to… You probably don't even take yoga, do you?

DAISY: If I wasn't taking yoga, how could I do a Shirshasana?

SWEETS: What about the wedding dress? Booth and Brennan saw you trying it on at the bridal shop cavorting with your fiancé.

DAISY: Baby, my cousin is out of town. Bertolino's was having their annual sale. We're the same size. It was 50% off, one day only.

SWEETS: Okay, and that man you were with?

DAISY: Her fiancé. Not mine. I love my Lancelot.

SWEETS: Oh, my God. I was so jealous. How could I have doubted you?

DAISY: We're both beautiful people, Lance. I mean, we're bound to get jealous sometimes.

SWEETS: I wish we could run home together right now.

DAISY: (running to lock the door) I can't wait that long.

[They begin undressing and fall to the floor in a passionate frenzy.]

[CUT TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB – ANGELA'S OFFICE – DAY. BRENNAN and ANGELA are looking at the computer. Enter HODGINS.]

BRENNAN: I can't believe I didn't see that before.

HODGINS: See what? What are we looking for?

ANGELA: Okay, Owen is a composite of these four other dates. Look, he has Graham Mou's chin, Mel Jensen's eyes, Frank Henley's mouth, and Mickey Jasper's nose and cheekbones.

HODGINS: Someone created the perfect man in order to meet our victim.

BRENNAN: Someone who had access to all these photos.


ROSSI: That's insane. Why would I create a fake persona just to meet some girl?

BRENNAN: Because your facial morphology is subpar. Your supraorbital torus is too high and thick, you lack a mental eminence—

BOOTH: Bones? He gets the picture.

ROSSI: This is crazy.

BOOTH: Right, we checked with the DMV. We know that you drive a sport utility vehicle. You see, the forensic team is examining your SUV right now.

ROSSI: (after a long pause) It was an accident.

BRENNAN: Hitting her once might have been an accident, but running over her twice seems very deliberate.

ROSSI: She said she wanted a funny, smart, successful guy. That's me. (pause) I just wanted a chance.

BOOTH: Really, and you thought she'd overlook the fake photo that you put in there, too, huh?

ROSSI: All these beautiful women on my service, but… none of them will look at me. I'm better than half the losers that sign up.

BRENNAN: She laughed you off and you followed her?

ROSSI: No. I was driving down the alley on my way home. She was having a smoke. I rolled down my window to talk, just talk, and she gave me the finger and walked away.

BOOTH: And you ran her down.


ROSSI: I don't know what happened. I'm a nice guy. I'm smart. (long pause) I'm just what she asked for.

[CUT TO: EXT. FOUNDING FATHERS BAR AND GRILL – NIGHT. HODGINS sees WENDELL and his friends through the window and smiles. His phone rings. It's the Date or Hate service; ANGELA's photo pops up. He looks around. Elsewhere, ANGELA's phone also rings. She sees HODGINS's photo. They both place their phones away and continue on. HODGINS enters the Founding Fathers and greets WENDELL and his friends.]

[CUT TO: INT. BOOTH'S APARTMENT – NIGHT. There's a knock at BOOTH's door.]

BRENNAN: (through door) Booth, it's Bones.

BOOTH: Yeah. (opens door) Hi.

BRENNAN: Hey. I should've called.

BOOTH: No, come on in. You kidding me?

BRENNAN: I saw Sweets and Daisy, and I was wrong. She wasn't cheating on him.

BOOTH: Well, that's a good thing, right?

BRENNAN: Well, I wanted to spare him pain, but all I did was cause it. (sits down on the couch)

BOOTH: You meant well.

BRENNAN: I made him so jealous, I almost ruined their relationship. I should've listened to you.

BOOTH: Maybe next time you will. (pause) Hey, I was just gonna go out and grab a bite to eat, some Chinese, maybe some—

BRENNAN: (getting up) I'd rather drink. Do you want one?

BOOTH: Yeah, we could do that. My good bottle of scotch. Bottoms up, Bones.

BRENNAN: You know, intellectually I know that jealousy is absurd. But I see that it's real for people. (looking down) I even experience it myself.

BOOTH: So… (taking a seat) who are you jealous of?

BRENNAN: Angela. Hodgins. Cam. You.


BRENNAN: Because you all want to lose yourself in another person. You believe that love is transcendent and eternal. I want to believe that, too.

BOOTH: Hey, you will. I promise. Someday you will. You will someday, okay? You will.



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Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

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Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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