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#419 : Publier ou périr

L'équipe se rend à un centre de recherche connu après avoir trouvé un morceau de météorite dans l'oreille d'une victime. Ses restes pulvérisé ont été découverts dans un sac poubelle.


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The Science in the Physicist

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Publier ou périr

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vidéo promotionnelle 4x19


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Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) en combinaison

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) en combinaison

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) dans la pièce

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) dans la pièce

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) devant le corps

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) devant le corps

Plus de détails

Un photographe fait un photoshoot. Il demande à la femme qu'il photographie de prendre différentes poses. Derrière eux, des corbeaux se battent. Le photographe les prend en photo et exige que la jeune mannequin se mette à côté d'eux. Elle se rend cependant vite compte qu'ils mangent un corps en décomposition.

Booth et Brennan arrivent. Booth demande à Brennan ce qu'elle voit. Elle répond : "rien". Booth lui demande si c'est une blague, elle répond que non. Les os de la personne sont complètement pulvérisés. On dirait qu'elle a été percutée par une balle.

Les restes ont été emmenés à l'Institut Jefferson, dans des sacs poubelles. Jack pense que la victime est morte il y a 24 ou 48 heures. Il trouve plusieurs choses que Nigel commente, ce qui semble agacer Cam et Jack. Ils découvrent une sorte de morceau d'une perle noire.

Angela et Brennan sont au Royal Diner. Angela trouve l'endroit sympa. Brennan lui demande où elle en est avec son abstinence sexuelle. Angela lui répond qu'elle fait ce que Sweets lui a dit et que pour le moment ça va. Elle continue en indiquant qu'elle met de côté le sexe de côté pour se focaliser sur le côté relationnel. Elle voit alors son père sur le trottoir d'en face. Brennan demande à Angela pourquoi elle le fait. Angela ne répond pas mais lui demande de payer car elle doit partir. Brennan lui demande pourquoi et Angela lui explique qu'elle doit sauver la vie de Jack.

Retour à l'Institut Jefferson où Cam dit à Booth qu'elle a trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant. Il n'y a pas de sang dans les tissus, la victime était morte avant d'être réduite en miettes. Booth rétorque que cela ne l'avance pas. Ce qu'il veut c'est quelque chose pour arrêter la personne qui a fait ça. Il sort, suivi de Cam. Jack arrive et leur annonce qu'il a trouvé quelque chose de gros. Angela entre à son tour et exige qu'il quitte la ville. Booth interrompt Angela, il veut d'abord connaître la preuve. Jack leur explique que c'est un morceau de météorite. Booth les stoppe et ramène la discussion sur l'affaire. Cam précise que la personne est morte puis s'est ensuite faite pulvérisée. Booth acquiesce et s'en va.

Jack et Nigel font une expérience: ils ont un canon et s'apprêtent à lancer un boulet mais Brennan arrive et les questionne sur l'utilité d'une expérience que les mathématiques peuvent prédire. Jack lui répond que les mathématiques sont théoriques et que ce qu'ils font c'est de la pratique. Ils veulent expliquer comment le corps a été pulvérisé. Elle leur dit que leur expérience n'est pas nécessaire et qu'elle n'est pas pertinente.

Jack et Nigel le font malgré tout dès que Brennan sort du bureau. Ceci crée une explosion. Booth plaque Brennan contre le mur. Celle-ci murmure alors à Booth qu'ils doivent sortir avant que la porte ne se referme.

Booth et Brennan arrivent au laboratoire de recherche où se trouve la météorite. Ils parlent à un homme travaillant sur le site. Il les emmène voir le responsable des lieux. Celui-ci est aveugle. Il salue Booth et alors que ce dernier veut présenter Tempérance. L'homme la connaît déjà. Il a inventé un système qui bippe dès qu'il s'approche de quelque chose. C'est comme s'il voyait. En fait, Brennan a fait des travaux là-bas, dans la section recherche anthropologique, mais ceux-ci n'ont pas été acceptés.

Booth donne à l'homme le fragment de météorite et celui-ci sait ce que c'est rien qu'en le touchant. Il indique que c'est un morceau de météorite, le morceau qu'il avait fait monté sur une bague pour ses fiançailles. Sa fiancée portait la bague. il souhaite savoir si elle va bien. Booth lui demande quand il l'a vue pour la dernière fois. Il y a quelques jours, répond-il. Elle travaillait sur une découverte, la plus grosse du siècle et de la science. Il demande ensuite ce qui se passe. Brennan lui annonce qu'ils ont trouvé des restes humain sur le lieu où ils ont trouvé la bague de sa fiancée. L'homme s'assied. Booth explique qu'il souhaiterait parler avec la personne qui l'a vue en dernier. Il lui donne le nom d'un étudiant.

Booth et Brennant questionnent le jeune homme. Ils lui demandent quand il a vu le docteur pour la dernière fois. Le garçon déclare qu'il souffre d'une maladie l'empêchant de remettre les évènements sur une ligne temporelle. Brennan lui demande sur quoi il travaille. Le jeune homme lui répond qu'il étudie la communication entre les organismes, d'un point à un autre. Brennan trouve cela impressionnant et dit que Booth ne comprend pas, mais ce dernier définit correctement le sujet de l'étude car il sait de quoi il s'agit. Brennan demande si le docteur devait publier ces travaux. L'étudiant leur répond qu'il ne sait pas. Le jeune homme signale que Jennyfer, une autre étudiante, travaillait sur un sujet que le docteur devait logiquement publier.

La jeune femme en question fait des recherches sur la radioactivité de certains produits. Brennan trouve étonnant que le docteur veuille publier ses travaux. La jeune fille confirme qu'en effet il n'y avait aucune chance qu'elle publie ses recherche. Elle voulait changer de voie. Booth lui demande quand elle a vu le docteur pour le dernière fois. Trois jours plus tôt, répond-elle. Elle demande ce qu'il se passe et Brennan indique qu'il est possible qu'elle soit morte.

Nigel a étalé les os et il y en a énormément. Jack dit que ça correspond à la victime suspecte et Nigel remarque sur un ton assez désolé "le docteur Saroyan va vouloir une identification ADN". A cet instant, Cam passe et les prend en flagrant délit. En effet, elle leur a interdit d'être tous les deux au même endroit. Cam découvre avec Nigel que le corps a été congelé puis brisé. Elle lui donne la permission de faire l'expérience le prouvant.

Booth et Brennan sont dans le bureau de la victime qui ressemble plus à une salle de réunion. Elle ne travaillait que sur les chiffres. Booth ne comprend rien et Brennan et le responsable du laboratoire se regardent. Booth leur demande d'arrêter. Il parle alors à l'aveugle de l'étudiant que Booth et Brennan ont rencontré à leur arrivée et qui les a amené à lui. Il explique que Diana, la victime, a couché avec lui.

Au FBI, Sweets l'interroge. Brennan et Booth le regardent faire. L'étudiant lui a précisé qu'il avait couché avec elle mais qu'il n'était pas amoureux. Sweets remarque qu'il couchait avec Jennyfer aussi. En fait, entre tous les suspects, il y a une attirance sexuelle à laquelle ils cèdent très volontiers. Booth rétorque que c'est impossible. Tout le monde ne peut pas être "rationnel" ( en référence à Brennan). Booth entre dans la salle d'interrogatoire. L'étudiant lui explique qu'ils étaient du même âge et se stimulaient mutuellement. Il couchait aussi avec Jennyfer qui couche de son côté avec l'autre étudiant. Il ajoute que Jennyfer n'aurait pas pu tuer Diana parce qu'elle a couché avec lui puisque qu'elle couche aussi avec Landis. Mais suppose que Jennyfer a peut être tué Diana parce qu'elle eu des rapports avec Li et avec Landis.

Jack et Nigel sont sur une des passerelles du laboratoire et jettent une dinde congelée pour prouver leur hypothèse. Hypothèse qu'ils exposent aussi inintéressante soit elle. Jack lâche la dinde. Celle-ci rebondit et frappe Angela en plein visage. Brennan et Sweets interrogent un nouveau suspect. Brennan lui explique qu'il n'était pas d'accord avec les travaux de recherche du docteur ce qui fait de lui un suspect. Ils parlent de ses études sur la planète, le cosmos et le système solaire. Sweets et Brennan continuent à discuter. L'homme demande qui est mort. Ils répondent qu'il s'agit Diana. Brennan lui précise qu'il avait accès à l'hydrogène qui a gelé la victime.

Cam est au labo et annonce à Brennan que Diana souffrait d'une maladie. Le seul souci, c'est que la contamination est récente alors que cette maladie met normalement plusieurs années pour atteindre ce stade. Quelqu'un l'a empoisonné.

Sweets, Nigel et Jack sont au Royal Diner alors que le père d'Angela arrive. Il pointe Jack du doigt. Jack craint que le père d'Angela ne veuille le mettre en pièce. Nigel déploie sa culture avec ostentation et Jack lui répond ironiquement qu'il se sent beaucoup mieux.

Brennan examine les os. Cam arrive. Brennan suggère qu'elle ait été contaminée par des radiations à son travail. On retrouve ensuite Booth et Brennan dans le bureau de la victime, en combinaison. Une équipe de décontamination fait le tour de la pièce, sans résultat. Booth et Brennan enlèvent leurs casques. Brennan remarque une tache sur la chaise de Booth. Cette tache est la source de la contamination. Booth se lève d'un coup et lui demande si elle n'est pas folle de le laisser s'asseoir sur une chaise contaminé. Elle lui rappelle qu'il porte une blouse et qu'il y a donc aucun risque. Booth décide tout de même d'aller sous la douche. Brennan lui signale qu'elle l'a touché avec ses propres mains, sans gant.

On retrouve Nigel qui regarde à son tour les os. Il a trouvé des traces circulaires sur la clavicule. Cam lui dit de montrer ça à Jack afin qu'il fasse une analyse au spectromètre. En compagnie de Brennan, Jack étudie la chaise. Il indique que la décoloration n'est pas radioactive. Il rajoute cependant qu'elle l'a été même si elle ne l'est plus. Il parle de passé, présent et futur et Brennan s'en va.

Booth et Brennan se dirigent vers le laboratoire. Ils entendent ce qui semble être une dispute. Il s'agit en réalité de deux des étudiant en pleins ébats sexuels dans la pièce en question. Booth et Brennan entrent et les surprennent. Ils ressortent rapidement et attendent que le couple ait terminé.

Booth est assis contre le mur. Il explique à Brennan qu'il ne comprend pas que tout le monde couche avec tout le monde. Brennan dit que c'est un moyen comme un autre de recommencer. Cela exaspère Booth. Brennan continue en indiquant que c'est seulement du sexe. Booth rétorque qu'il ne voit pas ça comme ça mais qu'il n'est cependant pas quelqu'un de prude. Il ne comprend pas que le responsable du laboratoire puisse déjà penser à sortir avec elle alors que sa fiancée vient juste de mourir. Brennan dit qu'elle est parti, qu'il a accepté. Booth considère que quand une personne compte vraiment...elle laisse une marque...et qu'il faut seulement attendre qu'elle s'efface, ensuite... mais qu'on ne peut passer par-dessus avec une autre...Brennan constate qu'il est prude et Booth s'écrie " MOI " (en français). Brennan explique que travailler avec des personnes créé certains liens.

La porte s'ouvre, les étudiant ont terminé. Jennyfer arrive et s'excuse. Elle leur demande ce qu'ils veulent. Le garçon sort. Jennyfer le remercie et il s'en va comme s'ils n'avaient rien fait. Booth et Brennan lui demande ses échantillons de la substance radioactive. Alors qu'elle prend le support, elle remarque qu'il manque des bouteilles. Brennan demande qui a accès à ces bouteilles. Tout le monde, répond-elle.

Le père d'Angela est dans la rue et joue de la guitare. Les gens l'applaudissent. Sweets arrive et demande au père d'Angela comment un artiste comme lui peut-il jouer dans la rue. Sweets rajoute qu'il veut l'aider avec Jack et Angela. Il pose sa main sur l'épaule du père d'Angela qui lui lance un regard noir. Sweets n'insiste pas et s'en va rapidement.

Cam, Nigel et Angela pensent que la victime a été secouée, tuée puis congelée et brisée. Brennan arrive derrière eux et dit qu'elle a subit des vibrations pas des secousses ce qui a rendu les os fragiles comme du cristal. Jack examine des particule au microscope, il donne raison à Sweets. Jack veut savoir ce que le père d'Angela lui a dit. Sweets avoue n'avoir pas eu de réponse et avoir pris la fuite, trop impressionné.

Booth et Brennan essaient de déterminer ce qui aurait pu faire vibrer Diana au point de briser les os. Brennan proposent qu'ils retournent au laboratoire. Il arrivent dans la pièce où se trouve la chambre de résonance. Ils y entrent et se retrouvent enfermés. Des ondes sonores atroces sont générées et provoquent l'évanouissement de Booth et Brennan.

On retrouve Booth et Brennan en dehors de la chambre. Brennan hurle à Booth "vous allez bien, vous m'entendez?" Conséquence de son séjour dans la chambre, ses tympans sont un peu endommagés mais pas de manière irréversible. Booth crie qu'il va bien.

Jack a analysé les fractures que Nigel a repéré sur la clavicule Il y a des traces d'encre. Diana a été tué avec un stylo par deux coups dans le cou, un par la droite et un par devant.

Angela et son père sont au Royal Diner. Angela explique à son père que sa rupture avec Jack était une décision mutuelle. Son père lui dit qu'il ne tuera pas Jack alors.

Au FBI Booth, Brennan et Sweets sont avec les trois suspect qui auraient pu tuer Diana et donc les suprimer eux aussi. Brennan et Sweets parlent du meurtrier. Ils ont trouvé du sang dans la chambre de résonance. Brennan précise que le Luminol réagit avec une substance sur laquelle un des étudiants travaillait. C'est le meurtrier. L'aveugle se lève et veut frapper l'intéressé grâce à ses lunettes à sonar mais il rate et frappe Booth. Brennan lui explique qu'il s'est trompé et frappe le bon. L'aveugle demande le numéro de Brennan mais elle refuse. Tout le monde sort. Brennan attrape Booth et regarde si son visage ou sa mâchoire n'ont pas été touchés. Booth la rassure et ajoute qu'elle est la seule personne intelligente qu'il apprécie. Brennan le remercie. Ils sortent, laissant Sweets dans la salle d'interrogatoire.

Booth et Brennan sont au bar. Brennan raconte que Diana n'a pas voulu publier les recherches du coupable alors il l'a tuée. Ils parlent ensuite de la façon dont Diana est morte avec le stylo. C'est effrayant. Booth lui dit que cet homme n'est pas comme elle. Brennan lui rappelle qu'il lui a dit qu'elle était parfois effrayante. Booth s'excuse et avoue que dans cette affaire il n'était pas dans son élément. Il s'est senti idiot face à tout ces génies. Brennan tente d'être gentille en lui disant qu'elle le savait déjà qu'il était idiot. Booth n'est pas très content mais elle tente de se reprendre en expliquant qu'elle s'en fiche qu'il soit idiot ce qui ne rassure pas Booth pour autant. Le reste de l'équipe arrive et Brennan essaie tant bien que mal de se rattraper, en vain jusqu'à ce qu'elle indique que peu importe le niveau d'intelligence mais plutôt la manière dont on s'en sert. Booth sourit et la remercie. Booth et Brennan se lance un regard lourd de sens. Angela demande alors si quelqu'un a vu Jack.

Ce dernier se réveille en plein milieu du désert avec un tatouage avec marqué "Angela for ever" avec le portrait de la jeune femme tatoué à côté.


source: https://www.bones-online.com


(A vacant lot)
PHOTOGRAPHER: Okay, give everything, my darling. Everything. Utter draw, stop or clasp gloss. Okay, keep her lit. (instructing assistants) Keep her bathed in the glow. Alright, yes. Okay good. (to the model) Now look up. Alright, yes, nice, okay. Right in front of you. That’s it. That’s the future. Yes, okay. (crows start to caw) What the hell is that?
MODEL: Pigeons or blackbirds or crows. Something along those lines.
PHOTOGRAPHER: (to his assistant) Telephoto. (the assistant brings over a new lens)
MODEL: (to herself) God, he has an idea.
PHOTOGRAPHER: (taking pictures of the crows) This is what we need. Caw, caw. Yeah, flap, flap. Yeah, yeah. Give me more. Yes, this! Aviary! Wings! Yes! Beaks! Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw. Those creatures…they are death. (to the model) Flap you’re arms, chaste at the way, but remain beautiful. You understand?
MODEL: Running through a vacant lot. (laughs). And a bunch of birds. In six inch heels.
(The model runs into the group of crows. They fly up around her and she screams)
PHOTOGRAPHER: Ooh, excellent. Good, good, good. You’re a leopard. Leap! You’re an angel. Yes, beautiful! Beautiful! Terror! Fear! Okay, gaze heavenward. Look at the beastly birds, my darling. Look up. Oh, I love it! Yes! (the model stops moving. She’s seen something in the grass. It is an ear) Gaze heavenward, darling. Yes, look up at the beastly birds. Look up at the…
(the model screams. The camera flashes become those of the forensic crime scene team. Techs are walking all around the crime scene gathering evidence. The model and photographer are being interviewed. Brennan kneels down to investigate the remains. Booth stands behind)
BOOTH: Okay, so what’s it look like to you?
BRENNAN: An ear.
BOOTH: Did you just make a joke?
BOOTH: Cause that wouldn’t be like you.
BRENNAN: (shaking her head) I didn’t. It looks like an ear.
BOOTH: What do you make of the stuff in the blue bag then?
BRENNAN: It looks like chili con carne.
BOOTH: Could this be the rest of the person who lost the ear?
BRENNAN: I don’t know. It looks like chili con carne. There’s no single piece here bigger than the skull of an australopithecus.
BOOTH: Sports terms, Bones. Remember we talked about this.
BRENNAN: Oh um… (she demonstrates the size with her hands)
BOOTH: Ah, softball. Good, you’re getting better. Size of a softball.
BRENNAN: At first guess, the total mass in this garbage bag does not add up to an entire human being.
BOOTH: Right. I’ll just get forensics to scour the entire lot.
BOOTH: (leans down and whispers) Hey, would you even want to guess what happened to this human being?
BOOTH: I knew you’d say that. I just have to ask. (stands straight and yells) Alright, let’s scour it up.

(Medico-Legal Lab: the Platform)
(Cam, Vincent Vincent and Hodgins are looking over two bags of human remains)
CAM: I’ve been a pathologist for 13 years and I admit, I am…a little nauseated.
VINCENT: It’s going to fall to me to empty these bags, isn’t it? (Cam and Hodgins look at him) Alright, fine. I may need a pot of tea waiting.
HODGINS: (moving a light over one of the bags) Maggots place time of death somewhere between 48 and 72 hours.
CAM: I’m gonna go with the wood chipper on this.
HODGINS: (picking something out of the remains) In this case it was a gold wood chipper. This looks like gold.
VINCENT: The ancient Samarians were prone to spreading gold dust over the body during funeral rights.
CAM: Did the Samarians chop up the body into little tiny bits first?
VINCENT: Not to my knowledge.
HODGINS: (picking out another substance from the remains) What is this?
CAM: A black pearl?
VINCENT: Pearls: symbolizing eggs or rebirth and resurrection were used in many south seas funeral rights.
CAM: Did they chop the bodies into little tiny bits first?
VINCENT: Uh…(Cam nods her head) I’ve begun to apprehend your point, Dr. Saroyan.
CAM: Find out how many corpses we’re dealing with.
HODGINS: I’ll find out if these are really gold flecks and pearl fragments.
(Cam and Hodgins both walk away leaving Vincent with the two bags of remains)

(The Royal Diner)
(Angela and Brennan are eating and drinking coffee)
ANGELA: Celibacy is a lot like fasting.
BRENNAN: So you’ve become sexually anorexic?
ANGELA: At first you’re out of sorts and agitated and then you sort of push through to a kind of clarity.
BRENNAN: Have you reached clarity?
ANGELA: No. I’m still at the agitated and horny stage.
BRENNAN: Why are you fasting sexually?
ANGELA: Sweets thinks it will do me good to put sex on the back burner in order to related to people in other…(she looks out the window and sees her father standing in the street. Heavy electric guitar is heard in the background)
BRENNAN: Why are you listening to Sweets?
ANGELA: (still looking outside in shock. She turns back to Brennan) Um… (she turns to look back outside and her father is gone)
BRENNAN: Angela, I asked, “Why are you listening to Sweets?”
ANGELA: Sweetie, can you pay for this? I have to go.
BRENNAN: Sure, why?
ANGELA: I have to save Hodgins’ life. (She pauses then walks out. Brennan looks confused)

(Medico-Legal Lab – The autopsy room)
(Cam is inspecting the remains. Booth is standing, looking in the opposite direction)
CAM: I found something interesting on the cellular level.
BOOTH: I don’t care about the cellular level.
CAM: No hemorrhagic tissue.
BOOTH: (turning around) What?
CAM: It means the victim was dead before being chopped up. You care about that right?
BOOTH: No, not really. What I’m interested in is how this guy got chopped up.
(Cam takes off her gloves and grabs the remote for one of the monitors. She zooms in on a picture of a cell)
CAM: Now this here shows that the cell burst from the inside out.
BOOTH: Gives me nothing. (Booth turns and begins to leave)
CAM: Frostbite can do that.
BOOTH: Oh, what? Like climbing a mountain?
CAM: (running after him) Yes! Exactly! The water in the cells crystallizes and explodes.
(Hodgins walks up to them as they reach the platform area)
HODGINS: I have got an absolutely fascinating clue to tell you.
(Angela runs in, interrupting)
ANGELA: Hey, hey. Uh, you have to leave town.
HODGINS: What? Why?
BOOTH: No. Fascinating clue first.
HODGINS: The pearl we found in the victim wasn’t a pearl. (back to Angela) Why do I have to leave town?
ANGELA: My father is here.
CAM: (to Hodgins) What was it then?
HODGINS: carbonaceous chondrites. It’s what meteorites are made out of. (to Angela) You’re father blames me for our break-up?
ANGELA: Well he has sort of a blind spot when it comes to me so I think you should just get out of town until I can call him off.
BOOTH: Stop. Okay, stop it. Dead guy. What about the dead guy?
CAM: It’s obvious. He was frostbitten while climbing Everest. Then struck by a meteor then dumped into a vacant lot in two garbage bags and eaten by crows.
BOOTH: (walking away) Alright, obvious. It’s so obvious.
CAM: Hey, it’s a start.

(Opening Credits)

(Medico-Legal Lab – Experiment room)
(A crash dummy is standing with a target on its chest. Vincent circles around it and removes the target)
VINCENT: The slowest meteorite travel at 25,000 miles per hour.
HODGINS: (setting a dial on a piece of equipment) Uh-huh.
VINCENT: I’m not just spouting useless facts. You do not have a chance at recreating those velocities with a glorified blow-gun. You simply want to fire a cannon at a dummy.
HODGINS: (with a pair of noise canceling headphones around his neck and goggles on, he offers a pair to Vincent) You staying or going?
VINCENT: (taking the headphones and goggles) Another set of eyes and ears taking note can never be a miss.
(They put on the goggles and headphones and about to fire when Brennan walks in. She looks at what they are about to do)
BRENNAN: What possible information could this experiment provide us that you couldn’t get mathematically?
HODGINS: Mathematics is theory. This is a real world recreation.
BRENNAN: In order to prove what exactly?
VINCENT: That a frozen person struck by a meteorite would turn into chili con carne.
BRENNAN: NASA has no record of a meteorite of the size and type striking North America at the time of death.
BRENNAN: According to NASA, the meteorite matching these characteristics is right here in D.C.
HODGINS: I’m all set up and everything.
BRENNAN: You’re experiment is not pertinent. (She leaves)
(Hodgins and Vincent look at each other and then proceed to put the headphones back on)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The floor)
(Booth is standing around as Brennan walks towards him from the experiment room)
BOOTH: So you find out where the meteor came from?
BRENNAN: From the solar nebula.
BOOTH: Alright. Anything more current than that?
HODGINS: (from inside the experiment room) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!
(Booth and Brennan both turn to look when an explosion goes off in the room shaking the walls. Booth throws Brennan against the wall in an effort to protect)
BOOTH: What the hell was that?
(Hodgins and Vincent walk out of the room coughing and trying to clear the smoke)
HODGINS: We’re okay. Everything’s fine. (Cam walks up to them)
BRENNAN: We should get out of here before lockdown. Let Cam deal with them.
BOOTH: Yeah. (They grab hands and run out just as the alarms go off the and doors shut)
CAM: (to Hodgins and Vincent) You know you’re grounded, right?

(The Collar Institute for Physics Research)
(Booth and Brennan step up to a meteor displayed in the middle of the lobby)
BOOTH: So you think the piece of meteor we found in the murder victim came from this?
BRENNAN: Yeah, it’s an exact match. The sillicate oxite ratios are indistinguishable. Well, you’ve heard of Landis Collar, right?
BOOTH: Sure I have. Mmmhmmm. Blind guy. World’s leading expert in super-conductivity.
BRENNAN: Do you even know what super-conductivity is?
BOOTH: I know it’s better than normal conductivity.
(A young man dressed very casual approaches Booth and Brennan)
MAN: Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan. I’m Christopher Beaudette, senior scholar here at the Collar. Shall we?
BOOTH: Yes. (they follow Beaudette) So you work in super-conductivity.
BEAUDETTE: Uh, no, Agent Booth. I’m doing research into generating power from earthquakes.
BOOTH: Groundbreaking.
BRENNAN: (laughing at the pun) That was a funny joke.
BEAUDETTE: (sarcastically) Yeah. One I’ve never ever heard before.
BOOTH: (to Brennan) Are these people here smarter than you?
(Landis Collar approaches)
COLLAR: (joining the conversation) That would depend on how one defines intelligence. I’m Landis Collar. Thank you, Christopher.
BEAUDETTE: Landis. (he leaves)
BOOTH: I’m Special Agent Seeley Booth. This here is uh…
COLLAR: (finishing his sentence) Dr. Temperance Brennan.
BRENNAN: Is that clicking noise attached to your blindness, Dr. Collar?
COLLAR: Yes. Prototype. Sonic Echo Locater. (demonstrating while speaking) It allows me to (he grabs Brennan’s arm) apprehend my surroundings. Have you forgiven me?
BOOTH: Forgiving him?
BRENNAN: I was turned down for a fellowship here at the institute.
COLLAR: No, no. That is not true. Your anthropological research was rejected because it looked to the past, not the future. ad etierno ad glorium ad posterus.
BRENNAN: (translating the Latin) To eternity, to glory, to the future.
BOOTH: Right. Then why say your motto in a dead, ancient language?
BRENNAN: Okay, Booth.
COLLAR: How can I help?
BOOTH: (takes out the evidence bag with the meteorite piece) Uh, this…if you put your hand out I’ll…here you go.
BRENNAN: What Agent Booth has given you is…
COLLAR: I know what it is. (pause) It’s a piece of my meteorite.
BOOTH: That’s impressive for a blind man.
COLLAR: I know because I had it made for Diane.
BOOTH: Diane?
COLLAR: Dr. Diane Sidman, my fiancé. The meteorite was set in her engagement ring.
BRENNAN: (to Booth) Well that would explain the gold flecks.
COLLAR: What’s happened? Is Diane alright?
BOOTH: When was the last time you saw Diane?
COLLAR: A few days ago. She was ill which is understandable considering the pressure she’s under.
BOOTH: Pressure?
COLLAR: She’s editor-in-chief of the Collar Journal, perhaps the most important venue for scientific publishing in the world. (he turns to Brennan) Pleas, what has happened?
BRENNAN: We have discovered some human remains which contain what is most certainly your fiance’s engagement ring.
(Collar looks down and turns his Sonic Echo Locater back on. He walks over to a bench and sits)
BOOTH: We’d like to talk to anyone who may have interacted with Diane before she disappeared.
COLLAR: You must speak with Diane’s students, chief among them Jennifer Keating and Milton Alvaredo. I’ll have Dr. Beaudette bring them to you. (he stands and returns the meteorite piece to Booth) If you need anything else I’ll be in my office.

(Another section of the Collar Institute)
(Booth and Brennan are following a student, Milton Alvaredo)
MILTON: My god, Dr. Sidman is dead?
BRENNAN: We have not yet made a positive identification.
BOOTH: When was the last time you saw her, Milton?
MILTON: Um, I suffer from a kind of chronological dyslexia which makes it very difficult for me to place discrete events accurately on a linear timeline.
BOOTH: Whoo. (to Brennan) This one’s all yours.
BRENNAN: What exactly are you working on?
MILTON: I’m endeavoring to find a way to transmit single celled organisms using common pond scum from one location to another.
BOOTH: Ever try a spoon?
MILTON: I’ve had some success vibrating two separate samples of single cell scum in complete symmetry in a quantum level.
BRENNAN: That’s very impressive. (to Booth) You wouldn’t understand, Booth.
BOOTH: Of course I do. Beam me up, Scotty.
MILTON: Very good. Yes, exactly.
BRENNAN: Dr. Sidman must have been eager to publish that in the journal.
MILTON: Very excited, yes. Pending a few questions.
BOOTH: Is this publishing thing important?
BRENNAN: Publisher parish!
BOOTH: I mean is it motive?
MILTON: For murder you mean? Definitely.
BRENNAN: Definitely.
MILTION: But only on the level of vengeance. Killing her would not reverse the decision unless of course the person who killed her wanted to take over her position. I last saw Diane when Jennifer asked us to stop arguing so loudly.
BRENNAN: Jennifer Keating, Dr. Sidman’s other grad student?
MILTON: Yes. Jenny works in cosmogenic isotope research. It can make her cranky. (he walks away)
BOOTH: This place is making me cranky.

(Collar Institute – Jennifer Keating’s Office)
JENNIFER: I asked Milton to quiet down, not Diane. I would never get made at Diane.
JENNIFER: She’s editor-in-chief of the Journal.
BOOTH: (to Brennan) Publisher parish, right? (to Jennifer) What were they arguing about?
JENNIFER: I have no idea. Could have been about anything. Landis encourages a free exchange of ideas and it can get pretty intense.
BRENNAN: You specialize in cosmogenic isotope research?
BOOTH: Cosmogenic?
BRENNAN: It’s a new way of dating artifacts using 14-C isotopes.
JENNIFER: Through accelerated mass spectroscopy.
BOOTH: Oh. That’d make me cranky too.
BRENNAN: I can’t imagine that your project excited Diane Sidman.
BOOTH: Vini vidi vici. Look to the future. Carbon dating is all about the past.
JENNIFER: You’re right. There was no way she was going to publish me. This time next year I’ll be looking for post-graduate work.
BOOTH: Was that the last time you saw Diane Sidman?
JENNIFER: Yes. Three days ago. Why? Is something wrong?
BRENNAN: It is possible that she is dead.

(Medico-Legal Lab: the bone room)
(Vincent has all the bone fragments laid out on the table and is explaining his findings to Hodgins)
VINCENT: Bones account for approximately 15% of the mass of a human being. Given that the total bone mass here comes to 8.9 kilograms, that would suggest a human being who weighed approximately 59.33333333 kilograms.
HODGINS: 131 pounds. Well, it matches the victims stats. (Hodgins pulls up Diane Sidman’s file on the monitor)
VINCENT: Oh, it’s Diane Sidman alright. Dr. Saroyan got DNA confirmation.
(Cam walks by the room. She sees that both are in the room alone and does a double take)
HODGINS: There are not other particulates outside of the gold flecks and meteorite.
(Cam enters the room)
CAM: What’d I tell you?
(Hodgins and Vincent slowly turn around)
HODGINS: That we aren’t allowed in the same room without supervision.
CAM: Why?
VINCENT: Because we were stupid enough to fire a cannon indoors.
CAM: And?
HODGINS: You know you’re here which counts for supervision so (see Cam’s face) I’ll leave. (Hodgins exits)
VINCENT: There’s a deep pitting in these bones which may or may not be connected to the fractures. Also, I excluded wood chipper as a possibility.
CAM: How?
VINCENT: Whirling blades would create parallel and evenly spaced fractures. (pointing to monitor) These patterns appear to be completely random. Even more puzzling, they are unusually clean.
CAM: (studying the photos) What if the cellular damage and the fractures were caused by the same thing? (changing the image on the screen to a close up of the cells) The cells could have burst as a result of ice micro crystals having formed as the body was rapidly frozen.
VINCENT: You mean freeze the body and then shatter the bones? (Cam nods) Liquid nitrogen? (She nods again. He looks nervous as he points to the door)
CAM: You have my permission to confer with Dr. Hodgins on the subject. (She turns to leave)
VINCENT: In the same room, yes? Just to be clear.
CAM: (as she exits) Any damages come out of your pay.

(Collar Institute – Diane Sidman’s work area)
(Landis Collar is leading Booth and Brennan into the room. There are equations and mathematics over every whiteboard surface. There are two tables both with nothing but lamps on them)
COLLAR: As requested, Diane’s work area.
BOOTH: Woah. Looks like somebody cleaned it out.
BRENNAN: Oh, no, Booth. Dr. Sidman was a theoretical physicist. She didn’t do experiments. She figured everything out through equations. (She gestures to the ones on the wall)
COLLAR: Diane was a member of the Large Hatrin Collider team.
BOOTH: Isn’t that that thing in Europe that’s going to create a black hole and end the universe?
BRENNAN: There’s only a very small chance of that actually occurring.
COLLAR: And yet Diane received a number of death threats.
BRENNAN: Diane Sidman’s role was important to the Large Hatrin Collider team?
COLLAR: The effort to find the Higgs Boson will be set back months.
BRENNAN: (very interested) The God particle?
BOOTH: What’s that?
COLLAR: Uh, theoretical particle which explains why matter has mass.
BOOTH: Mass and matter aren’t the same?
(Collar and Brennan look at each other as if Booth must be joking)
BOOTH: Oh come on. Don’t look at each other like that. I bet neither one of you know how to make your own beer.
BRENNAN: You realized you just said “Don’t look at each other” to a blind man?
BOOTH: You have records of the threats made against her?
COLLAR: Yes. Ever since one of our scientists was attacked for his work in cloning.
BRENNAN: Milton Alvaredo suggested that we look at whomever was going to replace Diane Sidman as editor-in-chief.
COLLAR: That would be the senior scholar, Chirstopher Beaudette.
BRENNAN: You can understand how that makes him a suspect.
BOOTH: I’ll tell Sweets to look into the threats to see if they’re worth following up. (He turns to begin to leave)
COLLAR: If it matters, Diane and Christopher were also enjoying a sexual relationship.
BOOTH: (stepping towards Collar) Woah. If it matters? I thought you were going to marry her.
COLLAR: At which time by mutual agreement, Diane and Christopher’s sexual relationship was to cease.
BRENNAN: Completely rational.
BOOTH: Except for the completely insane part where somebody killed Diane Sidman.

(FBI Interrogation Room – The Observation Section)
(Sweets is in the Interrogation section with Beaudette)
SWEETS: (from the room, through the speaker) I’ll be right back, Dr. Beaudette. (He leaves the room)
BOOTH: You know it’s a good thing they didn’t accept you at that place.
BOOTH: It’s creepy. Everyone there is creepy.
BRENNAN: Well if you think they’re creepy then you must think that I’m creepy.
BOOTH: Well, you have a creepy mode, Bones.
(Sweets enters the observation section)
SWEETS: Very interesting man. Highly self-aware, major league smarty-pants.
BOOTH: Ah, right. Little brain checks in, big brain checks out.
BRENNAN: Uh, I don’t know what that means. Little brain, big brain?
SWEETS: He freely admits he had an ongoing sexual relationship with the victim.
BRENNAN: Ohhhh. That little brain.
SWEETS: But, he denies ever having been (using air quotes) “in love” with her.
BOOTH: What’s with the hooked fingers?
SWEETS: Well he said (using air quotes) “in love” very sarcastically like it was something that happened to (using air quotes) “lower primates.”
BOOTH: Okay. Who else was he sleeping with?
SWEETS: I didn’t ask.
BRENNAN: What does that matter?
BOOTH: Because maybe not everybody is so (using air quotes) “adult” or (using air quotes) “rational” or hey, (using air quotes) “clear thinking.” Or (using air quotes) “heartless” as him. (He leaves the observation room to go interrogate Beaudette again)
SWEETS: That was a lot of quotation marks.

(Booth enters the interrogation room)
BOOTH: So, sexual relationships are pretty casual over there at the Collar Institute, right?
BEAUDETTE: We’re young, close-quarters. We stimulate each other.
BOOTH: Mmmm. Who else were you sleeping with?
BEAUDETTE: Jennifer. Who was also seeing Milton.
BOOTH: So is it possible that Jennifer was trying to get rid of a romantic rival?
BEAUDETTE: By that retrograde manner of thought, Landis could have killed Diane for sleeping with me. Or I could have killed Diane for sleeping with Landis. Or Miltion could have killed Diane for sleeping with me and Landis.

(Medico-Legal Lab)
(Hodgins and Vincent are about to perform an experiment. All the scientists are watching)
HODGINS: Ladies and gentleman. What I propose to show you today is how our victim’s skeletal structure came to shatter into tiny bits. Mr. Nigel-Murray. (both men place their protective masks down)
CAM: (to Angela on the floor) He enjoys this way too much.
ANGELA: Basically, Hodgins sees himself as Dr. Nemo.
HODGINS: (pulling out a turkey from a freezer) Liquid nitrogen freezes at 63 degrees Kelvin which is -210 degrees Celsius or -346 degrees Farenheit.
VINCENT: It’s unnecessary to say degrees Celsius. It’s implicit.
HODGINS: Shhh. (taking the turkey from Vincent) When I drop this super cold turkey.
VINCENT: Once again, technically not super cold.
HODGINS: (ignoring him) It will shatter into hundreds of bits on the concrete floor. (Cam and Angela back up a few steps) Shards are going to fly in every direction so…ready? 3…2…1…
(Hodgins drops the turkey where it bounces and comes flying towards Cam and Angela. Cam moves out of the way fast enough but Angela is too slows. She gets hit by the flying bird in the eye. The bird crashes behind her and Cam immediately checks to see if she’s alright. Hodgins races to the stairs to climb down the upper platform.)
ANGELA: It’s just a glancing blow.

(FBI Interrogation Room)
(Sweets and Brennan are in the room with a Asian man)
SWEETS: Dr. Lance Sweets. I work for the FBI as a psychological profiler.
MAN: Psychiatrist or psychologist?
BRENNAN: He’s just a psychologist.
SWEETS: Uhh, the point is I looked through over 800 threats made against Dr. Diane Sidman. You, Dr. Mullins, are the only person I thought merited questioning.
MULLINS: Using psychology?
SWEETS: That’s correct.
(Mullins gives a short laugh and smirks, glancing towards Brennan)
MULLINS: You might as well picked my name from a hat.
BRENNAN: Normally, I’d agree but your disapproval of Dr. Sidman’s work makes me wonder if you’re a religious fanatic.
MULLINS: No. Like most reasonable human beings, I’m an agnostic.
SWEETS: You have a doctorate in physics from Princeton, right? Yet, you work as a welder?
MULLINS: Welding is a real job. Unlike…psychology.
BRENNAN: How can a reasonable human being with a physics degree honestly believe that a particle accelerator in Europe is going to create a black hole which will destroy the solar system.
MULLINS: Would you like a list of Nobel Laureates who agree with me? The odds are 1 in 50 million. Slight, I admit. Too high when you not only consider the loss of humanity but the only planet in the cosmos that we know for certain is capable of generating and sustaining life.
SWEETS: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. (to Brennan) Um, I hate to say it but I’m totally with him on this one.
BRENNAN: Would you kill someone on 50 million to 1 odds?
MULLINS: Kill someone? Who’s dead?
BRENNAN: Diane Sidman.
SWEETS: Of the 800 threats I studied, 106 of them were from you.
BRENNAN: Evidence indicates that Diane Sidman was frozen using liquid nitrogen after she was killed.
SWEETS: Then her body was dropped and shattered.
MULLINS: (laughing) Ridiculous. A frozen cadaver would simply bounce. (to Sweets) Any moron should know that.
BRENNAN: The point is, as a welder you have access to liquid nitrogen.
MULLINS: My IQ is 162.
SWEETS: What about it?
MULLINS: I’m smart enough to know when to shut up and ask for a lawyer. Except I’ve got one last thing to say. Knowing that Diane Sidman is dead, I’m going to sleep about 50 million times better tonight.

(Medico-Legal Lab – Cam’s Office/Autopsy Room)
(Cam is on the computer. Brennan enters hurriedly)
BRENNAN: I got here as soon as I could. What’s up?
CAM: Lab results, from the CBC and biopsy on our victim.
BRENNAN: Abnormal proliferation of leukocytes in the thoracic and lumbar bone marrow.
CAM: These numbers are fatal.
BRENNAN: She died of leukemia?
CAM: Diane Sidman had a full physical two weeks ago. Guess what? (Brennan shrugs) Clean bill of health.
BRENNAN: How does a perfectly healthy young woman develop advanced leukemia in two weeks?

(The Royal Diner)
(Sweets, Hodgins and VINCENT are eating)
VINCENT: Leukemia doesn’t just appear in two weeks.
SWEETS: What about radiation?
HODGINS: There’s gotta be some source of radiation in that place to cause cancer. Someone accidentally irradiates this poor woman and then covers it up by freezing her and smashing her remains into little…bits. (Hodgins looks out the window and sees Angela’s dad)
SWEETS: You know, ironically, intelligent people are known to commit murder in ludicrously complicated ways, virtually insuring their capture. (Sweets turns to see what Hodgins is staring at) Isnt’ that…
HODGINS: It’s…uh…Angela’s dad.
(Vincent leans over to see. Angela’s dad points at Hodgins in a threateningly manner)
VINCENT: It’s not uncommon for men to fear that a lover’s male parent.
HODGINS: You know what creeps me out? You know that way English people say lovah.
SWEETS: You know attacking Vincent like that clearly indicates that what he said is true.
HODGINS: The man is from Texas. He told me that if I messed up…uh, I don’t remember what he said exactly but he mentioned the key G-demolish and it sounded pretty bad.
VINCENT: The blues is known as the devil’s music because those most adept are thought to have made a pact with the devil and thus fear no earthly law because they’re already doomed to eternity in hell.
SWEETS: Harsh.
HODGINS: Thank you, Vincent. I feel much better now.
SWEETS: I happened to have a great deal of insight into the whole blues culture. I could talk to him for you.
HODGINS: (he looks out the window again.) Uh thanks. But, uh, too late. (Angela’s dad is gone)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The bone room)
(Brennan is there inspecting the bones. Cam enters)
CAM: Have you found something?
BRENNAN: Posterior of the T7. (she shows Cam the bone)
CAM: Looks very smooth.
BRENNAN: This indentation could very well be the result of a tumor.
CAM: A possible source of Diane Sidman’s leukemia.
BRENNAN: A tumor this size over two weeks would require a radiation source of between 1000 and 5000 REMs.
CAM: And that would have burned the victim. We would have seen that.
BRENNAN: It must have been a steady exposure over time.
CAM: The woman spent almost all her time at work.

(Collar Institute – Diane Sidman’s work area)
(Brennan and Booth are in blue hazmat suits with masks behind one of the work boards. Techs are tracing the place for signs of radiation. One tech comes to Booth and Brennan and removes his mask)
TECH: Everything’s coming up clean.
BOOTH: Nothing?
TECH: Nope. (Booth and Brennan come into the main area)
BRENNAN: There should still be some evidence of radioactivity.
TECH: There’s nothing radioactive in this room. (he shrugs and walks away)
(Brennan and Booth take off their masks. Booth sits in the chair)
BOOTH: God, I don’t know how you wear these things. (Brennan sees something on the chair. She walks to him) Hot suits.
BOOTH: What?
(Breannan sees a spot on the chair. She matches it to where it would touch Booth’s spine. Booth has no idea what’s going on)
BOOTH: Ooh, right. There. (She leans him back in the chair) What are you doing, Bones?
BRENNAN: Well this stain here must have hit Diane Sidman almost exactly where the tumor formed.
BOOTH: (leaping out of the chair) You’re testing me on the cancer chair?
BRENNAN: What? You’re wearing a suit plus it’s not radioactive anymore. We’re going to need to take this chair.
BOOTH: No, no, no, no. You don’t just go around doing human testing on people, Bones. I got to go to the bathroom. (he turns and runs out)
BRENNAN: Well I touched it with my bare hands. See? (she touches and then looks to the door shrugging her arms.)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The bone room)
(VINCENT is staring at the bones. Cam enters)
VINCENT: You may be wondering why I’m going through these bones again.
CAM: Probably because you feel bad that Dr. Brennan found evidence of a tumor that you missed?
VINCENT: The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.
CAM: So she said hopefully, metaphorically you’re looking for insect legs?
VINCENT: And I may have found some. These cylindrical notches on the left clavicle. (He pulls up an image on the monitor) See?
CAM: Two of them, yes.
VINCENT: They may be stab wounds.
CAM: Okay. I’ll have Dr. Hodgines check them for microscopic particulates, if he hasn’t lit out for Timbuktu yet.

(Medico-Legal Lab: Hodgins’ workstation)
(Hodgins is presenting his findings on the chair to Brennan)
HODGINS: The discoloration in the fabric was not radioactive but because of your suspicion I tested for daughter isotopes.
BRENNAN: Daughter isotopes?
HODGINS: Daughter isotopes are what’s left behind after radioactive isotopes decay.
BRENNAN: So there was a radioactive isotope on Diane Sidman’s chair.
HODGINS: Yeah. A strong one. Is anyone at that place doing cancer research?
BRENNAN: No. It’s not that kind of place.
HODGINS: Yeah. Right. “To eternity. To glory. To the future” (he scoffs)
BRENNAN: You disapprove of the Collar Institute?
HODGINS: Up and forward are only two directions. Science should look in all directions. You taught me that.
HODGINS: Every day.
BRENNAN: Thank you. (she smiles and walks away)

(the Collar Institute: at the bottom of a stairwell leading to a lab)
(Booth and Brennan are approaching the lab door. There are passionate moans and screams from a woman coming from inside. Booth pulls out his gun)
BOOTH: Get to the door.
BOOTH: Just get the door.
BRENNAN: What? Now?
(Brennan reaches and opens it. Booth enters, gun ready. The noises were coming from Jennifer and Milton who have just finished having sex. They turn and look to Booth and Brennan)
BOOTH: You’ve got to be kidding me. It’s like ClubMed Mensa around here. (He turns to leave. Brennan follows, stifling a laugh) What are you laughing at?
(Milton kisses Jennifer. They go back to their business)

(The Collar Institute: The hallway outside Jennifer’s office)
(Brennan is pacing while Booth sits against the wall.)
BOOTH: You know, most people you bust in on having sex with a gun, you know, (he whistles) it kinda disrupts the mood.
BRENNAN: Perhaps they decided to start all over again from the beginning (she leans against the wall and slides down into a sitting position next to Booth. She laughs and Booth looks away, embarrassed) It’s just sex Booth.
BOOTH: It’s not that. Look, I’m not a prude.
BRENNAN: Well…you have what they would call hang ups.
BOOTH: (looks around to make sure no one is around.) You know that guy Landis?
BOOTH: He’s about to make a move on you.
BRENNAN: (she shakes her head) How do you know?
BOOTH: Because it is the rational and smart thing to do and he is all about that. I see how he looks at you.
BRENNAN: How he looks at me? He’s blind.
BOOTH: It’s too literal, Bones. His fiancé was just murdered and he’s already moving on.
BRENNAN: Well she’s gone. He has accepted it.
BOOTH: Look, good people. They leave marks on each other. The least we could do is let them fade away naturally, not you know, scrape them off, or paint over them with new marks.
BRENNAN: So you’re not a prude?
BOOTH: (laughs) Moi? Hey, I am a very fun and (he stands and does a little dance) very sexy guy. (Brennan laughs) That’s right.
BRENNAN: (standing) So you just think that if two people care about each other they leave metaphorical marks which should be allowed to fade naturally?
BOOTH: You heard me but you just didn’t understand me.
BRENNAN: Ya, I wonder that about you call the time. (Booth looks at her quizzically)
(Jennifer exits her office and walks towards her disrupting the moment)
JENNIFER: My apologies. Were you looking for me?
BRENNAN: We need to see your radioactive isotopes. (Milton comes out of the office)
BOOTH: Hey, how you doing there, pal? Did you knock one out of the park?
MILTON: I’ll be off then, Jennifer
JENNIFER: Good-bye, Milton. Thank you very much.
MILTON: You’re more than welcome. (he climbs the stairs to leave)

(Collar Institute: Jennifer’s office)
(Jennifer is leading Booth and Brennan to the isotope storage wall)
BOOTH: Thank you, Milton. No, thank you, Jennifer. They’re so polite here except for the murder and cheating.
BRENNAN: We can get a warrant for the isotopes if that’s what you require.
JENNIFER: (putting on gloves) That won’t be necessary. I don’t know what use you could have with these. I haven’t used them for months. (She removes a tray and stares at it. Two bottles are missing)
BRENNAN: Something wrong?
JENNIFER: (looking very confused) Some of my vials are missing.
BOOTH: Hmmm?
BRENNAN: We’ll need to know how many people aside from yourself had access to them in the last month.
JENNIFER: Everyone in the institute had access. Everyone.

(A street corner)
(Angela’s dad is playing guitar and spectators are watching and dropping money in his case. Sweets approaches and listens for a bit.)
SWEETS: This guy’s good.
SPECTATOR: Hell yes.
(Angela’s dad finishes the song and everyone claps and cheers. They throw money down and head off. Sweet’s approaches Angela’s father.)
SWEETS: Why would a guy like you play on a street corner?
ANGELA’S DAD: Well I guess that would depend on who exactly you think I am.
SWEETS: I’d like to speak with you about Hodgins.
SWEETS: I’d like to help.
ANGELA’S DAD: No thanks, son. I can handle Hodgins all on my own.
SWEETS: Oh, no. I mean I’d like to help with the situation. See, I’m a psychologist. It’s kinda my mojo.
ANGELA’S DAD: You misunderstand the term. (He begins to play another song)
SWEETS: (touching Angela’s dad’s shoulder) What I meant was… (he glares at Sweets. Sweets removes his arm. They stare at each other and Angela’s dad begins to play again. Sweets walks away a little scared.)

(Medico-Legal Lab: Angela’s office)
(Angela is showing 3D graphics of the bones and Diane on the computer to Cam and Vincent)
ANGELA: Vincent pointed out that each break appears to have happened at the weakest part in each bone.
VINCENT: X-rays permeate on that. The most damage was done to the weakest bones. The anvil, the hyoid, these points on the spine.
CAM: I don’t get what that means.
VINCENT: Essentially the skeleton broke apart at the weakest points.
ANGELA: The way a building would fall apart during an earthquake.
CAM: The victim was killed, we’re not positive how yet, then frozen then shaken until all the bones fell apart?
BRENNAN: (having just entered the room) Not shaken. Vibrated. Vibrated until the frozen bones shattered like crystal.
(Angela plays the shattering scenario on her computer with the bones breaking at the weakest points)

(Medico-Legal Lab: Hodgins’ platform)
(Hodgins is looking through a microscope. Sweets comes up)
SWEETS: Hodgins!
HODGINS: (jumps) Don’t sneak up like that. I could put out an eye on my microscope.
SWEETS: You got to run.
HODGINS: You talked to Angela’s father?
ANGELA: (running to them) Oh god. Well what did he say?
SWEETS: I have no idea. But he’s very…he’s got a very disturbing effect. Sinister.
HODGINS: I am not scared of him.
SWEETS: Okay. Okay, you know that whole…that whole sell your soul at the crossroads thing? I’m buying it. (Hodgins shakes his head) You got to run for it man.
ANGELA: I told you so. (she leaves)
SWEETS: Yeah. Hey, you know what? I secretly had a thing for Angela (Hodgins looks up) Now. It’s gone. Like wiped from the memory banks. (Hodgins looks at Sweets. Sweets walks away but does one last glance back.)

(Booth’s Car)
BOOTH: So it had to be Milton Alvaredo, right?
BOOTH: He’s the one who’s working on transporting matter through vibrations, right?
BRENNAN: (impressed) You understood that?
BOOTH: Hey… He kills Dr. Sidman, flash freezes her and then tries to transport her to outer space, the moon, whatever. And ends up with frozen chili con carne.
BRENNAN: I’m very impressed, Booth.
BOOTH: Yeah, well I’ve learned a lot from you. (looks away and then quietly says) And a lot from watching the Discovery Channel with Parker.
BRENNAN: Milton Alvaredo is not our only suspect.
BOOTH: Jennifer Keating. Well I mean her only motive is revenge and like you said, that’s just not logical. And despite her being, you know, a…sex kitten scientist, she’s still logical.
BRENNAN: No, not Jennifer Keating. Christ Beaudette. His project concerns extracting energy from earthquakes.
BRENNAN: Plus Dr. Collar’s working on echo location for the blind.
BOOTH: So basically we’re back to square one.
BRENNAN: I suggest we find an apparatus capable of shattering a flash frozen human cadaver.
BOOTH: Apparatus… (he looks confused)
BOOTH: Right. Gotcha.

(Collar Institute: A experimentation lab)
(Booth and Brennan enter)
BOOTH: Hello? Dr. Earthquake? (no one responds) Okay, so tell me what I’m looking for.
BRENNAN: Any apparatus that might facilitate the creation of a sonic standing wave.
BOOTH: (leaning against a large silver container) Right. Tell me what I’m looking for again.
BRENNAN: (turns and looks at where he is. She sees the container and points) You’re leaning on it.
BOOTH: Right, I knew that (he turns to open it up) Look at this. (he opens the heavy door) Right, I’ll just get forensics to uh, look for blood.
BRENNAN: (inside the container) No, there won’t be any blood. The remains were frozen solid by this point. (Booth steps inside) The natural frequency of the human body is between 3 and 7 hertz.
BOOTH: Humans have natural frequencies?
BRENNAN: Naturally that would increase dramatically if the body was subject to (someone slams the door shut locking them in)
BOOTH: Woah. (he slams against the door trying to open it) Hey.
BRENNAN: (screaming) Forget it, Booth. We’re in a high pressure chamber. That door can withstand the force of at least… (the chamber makes a noise as if turning on) Oh no.
BOOTH: Oh no. What oh no?
BRENNAN: (scared) We have to get out of here.
BOOTH: We have to get out of here or what, we’ll explode?
(An extremely high pitched noise starts forcing Booth and Brennan to grab their heads in pain. They scream and lean against the wall)
BRENNAN: Booth, what we have to do here is we have to try to counter…counteract the wavelengths.
BOOTH: The what?
(Brennan begins screaming a really high pitched noise. Booth emulates.)
BOOTH: It’s not working.
BRENNAN: If we stop our brains will turn to pudding.
(They begin making siren noises again. They can’t keep it up for long and they fall to the floor. Right before passing out, Booth grabs his gun and shoots at the window in the door.)

(Collar Institute: Experiment Room)
(Brennan comes over Booth who is passed out on the floor outside the chamber. She is yelling very loudly)
BRENNAN: Booth? Hello? (he wakes up) Booth, are you okay? (he stares at her confused) Are you alright? Can you hear me?
BOOTH: (shouting) What?
BRENNAN: (shouting) Are you alright?
BOOTH: (shouting) I’m alright. How about you? (he moans and feels his head)
COLLAR: I called the paramedics, they should be here any second.
BRENNAN: (still screaming and helping Booth to stand) Landis pulled us out.
COLLAR: I heard shots.
BOOTH: (shouting) Woah.
BRENNAN: (shouting) Booth, are you okay?
BOOTH: (shouting) It was my shooting that saved our lives.
COLLAR: You should have been dead in 5-7 seconds
BOOTH: (shouting) Bones, it was my gun.
BRENNAN: (interrupting Booth, still shouting) My sonic interference idea worked.
BOOTH: (shouting) It wasn’t your siren.
BRENNAN: (shouting) Can you hear me? (Booth moans and holds his hand to his head)
BOOTH: (shouting) Bones, it was my gun.
BRENNAN: (shouting) If I hadn’t started my interference we’d be dead before you started shooting.
COLLAR: You two might want to try resting before communicating. I don’t need to be deaf as well as blind.
BOOTH: (shouting) What?

(Medico-Legal Lab: Hodgins’s workstation)
(Hodgins and Vincent are looking at a picture of the clavicle on the computer)
HODGINS: Alright, now this notch you found in the clavicle?
HODGINS: I found minute traces of graphite, clay and co-polymer.
VINCENT: Pencil lead? Which of course is not lead at all. (Hodgins glares at him) Uh, is that even possible?
HODGINS: (takes pencil out of Vincent’s pocket to demonstrate with) Alright. Say a fairly heavy mechanical pencil, right? (demonstrating violently) To the windpipe, or the carotid. Victim dies, is deep frozen and then shattered.
VINCENT: Uh, the freeze dried chunks are swept into garbage bags and dumped for birds to eat.
(Hodgins hands Vincent is pencil back. Vincent jumps)
VINCENT: Ooooh. (laughs) No. No. Please, you keep it. I don’t think I could ever regard it again since…(pantomimes the stabbing motion. Then pats Hodgins on the shoulder) Thank you very much. (he walks away)

(The Royal Diner)
(Angela and her father are eating)
ANGELA’S DAD: I warned the man, Angie. I told him that if he hurt you he would have me to contend with.
ANGELA: Did you take off your glasses when you said it?
ANGELA’S DAD: (laughs and removes sunglasses) I definitely did.
ANGELA: It was a mutual break-up.
ANGELA’S DAD: Were you hurt?
ANGELA: (shakes her head) Dad…
ANGELA’S DAD: Could he have stopped it?
ANGELA: Yeah…Yeah…But so could I.
ANGELA’S DAD: Well, his daddy can come down…and kick your ass. (she laughs) I can’t do everybody’s job.
ANGELA: I wish you wouldn’t.
ANGELA’S DAD: Okay, sweet girl. I will ameliorate my vengeful intentions.
ANGELA: Ameliorate? (she shakes her head) Honest?
ANGELA’S DAD: (nodding his head) Honest. Honest as a Texas sundown. (He puts his glasses back on)

(FBI Interrogation Room)
(Booth, Brennan and Sweets are there interrogating Milton, Collar, ad Beaudette)
BRENNAN: One of you killed Diane Sidman.
BOOTH: And tried to kill us.
SWEETS: I think we can rule out sexual jealousy as a motive for this murder.
ALL 3 SUSPECTS: Of course we can.
BRENNAN: Yea, of course we can.
BOOTH: Woah, wait a second why? Because these robots don’t feel like humans?
SWEETS: No. Because radiation poisoning is the opposite of a crime of passion.
BRENNAN: Well my people say that Diane Sidman was stabbed to death with a pencil.
SWEETS: Well indicating that the murderer suddenly became impatient or approached a deadline. If you figure out that deadline, you’ll figure out your murderer.
BRENNAN: Well it has to be the publishing deadline from the Journal.
BOOTH: (showing pictures of the chamber to the suspects) Look at this, huh? We found blood in your resonance chamber. (to Collar) Obviously you can’t see that but it’s right there.
BRENNAN: (pointing to the first picture) That’s not blood. (pointing to the second picture) That’s not blood.
BOOTH: (behind his hand to Brennan only) Luminol means blood.
BRENNAN: (at a whisper) There’s no evidence of smearing)
SWEETS: If the murderer had seen blood he would have cleaned it up.
COLLAR: Luminol reacts with copper, iron, peroxides and cyanide.
BEAUDETTE: Which provides for a number of false positives: vegetables, fruit pulp…
MILTON: Cleaning agents, insecticides…
BRENNAN: Various glues, rust remover, ketchup, seaweed, sap, algae.
SWEETS: Is this luminal stuff every useful? (Brennan gives him a look) I’m just asking because…yes, it is. (Brennan nods) Fine, I’ll shut up.
BOOTH: What?
BRENNAN: Luminol reacts with pond scum.
BOOTH: So? (Brennan glances at Milton) Right…Right. Pond scum Scotty. You’re our guy. You’re under arrest. Knew it all along. Let’s go. Come on. Up. (Collar stands and walks over to punch Milton. By accident he hits Booth) Ahh. God. Ow.
COLLAR: That’s for killing my fiancé.
BRENNAN: One person to your left, Dr. Collar.
(Collar faces Milton, pauses, then punches him)
COLLAR: My apologies, Agent Booth. My echo locater must have malfunctioned. (Booth stands to cuff Milton. Collar turns and walks towards Brennan) This may not be the most apropos time, but…
BOOTH: Oh, here we go!
SWEETS: Here we go, what? (Booth motions towards Collar and Brennan)
COLLAR: I was wondering…could I have your phone number?
BOOTH: Told ya.
SWEETS: Really?
BRENNAN: I have been considering how to respond if you asked and have decided upon, “No.” (Collar looks a little shocked)
BEAUDETTE: (standing) I can go right?
BOOTH: (opening the door) Yup.
BEAUDETTE: Cause I have some actual save-the-world work to do. Dr. Collar. (Collar takes his hand and follows Beaudette out the door)
(Booth takes Milton and begins to lead him out. He moans in pain a little from being punched)
BRENNAN: You okay? (she holds his chin to inspect his face)
BOOTH: Yeah, I’m alright. You know you’re the only smart person I really like.
BRENNAN: Thank you. (they begin to leave)
SWEETS: Oh, that’s…what about…what about me? (Booth slams the door without responding)

(The Founding Fathers)
(Booth and Brennan are at the bar)
BRENNAN: So Diane Sidman agreed to publish Milton Alvaredo only if he shared credit with her.
BOOTH: Right, so she said that he was using his theories about that God particles…
BRENNAN: Particle. There’s only one.
BOOTH: Right. Particle to vibrate the pond scum.
BRENNAN: He gives her cancer, but she lives too long.
BOOTH: Wow. Then he kills her with a pencil and feeds her to crows so he doesn’t have to share a credit. Wow, that is cold.
BRENNAN: And creepy? (Booth looks at her)
BOOTH: I didn’t mean to call you creepy.
BRENNAN: You said I have a creepy mode.
BOOTH: I apologize. Okay, look, I wasn’t in my element.
BRENNAN: What? Every element is your element.
BOOTH: No, that is not true. Okay, listen. (he pauses) We just got to stop hanging out with geniuses because you’re going to figure out that I’m really stupid.
BRENNAN: What? Don’t worry about that. I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are.
BOOTH: (thinks about that for a sec) Hmmm
BRENNAN: What I just said is true and yet it really sounded wrong. What I should say is I don’t care how stupid you are. (Booth doesn’t say anything) It’s not any better?
BOOTH: No. No. Not at all.
(Vincent, Sweets and Angela all come into the bar and sit around Booth and Brennan)
BRENNAN: Well, there is intelligence that I have and Mr. Nigel-Murray.
VINCENT: Oh, thank you.
BRENNAN: And…Sweets…even though his is so misdirected as to be meaningless.
BOOTH: Right.
SWEETS: Wow, back hand full of knuckles with that compliment.
BRENNAN: And Hodgins, and Angela…not so much but she’s very talented.
ANGELA: (sarcastically) Thank you…very much.
BRENNAN: (not picking up on the sarcasm) You’re welcome. But then there’s another quality which is the ability to use intelligence. That is what you have.
BOOTH: (he thinks about that and then smiles) Thanks, Bones. (they have a moment)
ANGELA: Hey, wait a minute. Speaking of Hodgins…has anybody seen Hodgins? (they all shake their heads) Oh God.

(the desert)
(Hodgins wakes up. His upper left arm is bandaged. He is in pain. He looks down and takes off the gauze pad. There is a tattoo of Angela’s head with the words “Angie Forever” below. He lays back and sighs as crows fly overhead.)


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