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#106 : La momie

Brennan et Angela sortent en boite. Brennan donne un coup de pied à quelqu'un qui se retrouve projeté contre le mur. Grâce à ce coup de pied, le corps d'un homme momifié et une cachette d'amphétamines sont découverts. Booth et Brennan mènent l'enquête ...


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The Man in the Wall

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La momie

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Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) examine la

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) examine la "momie"

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)


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Mardi 06.09.2016 à 20:50

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Vendredi 26.01.2007 à 22:30

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 15.11.2005 à 21:00

Plus de détails

RéalisateurTawnia McKiernan

Scénariste : Elizabeth Benjamin

Guest : Morris Chestnut, Bokeem Woodbine, Anne Dudek, Charles Duckworth, Laz Alonso, Robert Gossett

Brennan et Angela sortent dans une boîte de nuit appelée "The Bassment". Lorsque Brennan qualifie la musique de "tribale", en la comparant à la musique indonésienne et aux Chanteurs de Gorge tibétains, un patron de boîte commence à se disupter avec elle. Brennan et Angela sont prises dans une rixe générale et Brennan envoie quelqu'un valser dans le mur. Elle le brise ainsi et révèle la présence d'un corps momifié et une planque de méthamphétamine.

L'agent Patrick Furst enquête, lorsque Booth arrive avec Tessa - ils étaient en tête-à-tête quand Booth a reçu l'appel. Il remarque que Brennan se comporte bizarrement. L'agent Furst l'informe qu'elle et Angela sont "défoncées" - quand le mur s'est brisé, un nuage de métamphétamine a recouvert la piste de danse. Brennan, planant complètement, annonce qu'elle est surexcitée de travailler sur sa "première momie moderne".

De retour au laboratoire, Brennan détermine que la victime est morte d'une overdose. Il est mort d'asphyxie après avoir inhalé la poudre. Il semble que la victime tentait de se glisser à travers l'espace étroit à l'intérieur du mur lorsque le sac de poudre a explosé, remplissant les alvéoles de ses poumons et rendant la respiration impossible. Hodgins indique qu'à en juger par les miettes âcres dans les oreilles de la victime, le corps a dû rester environ 6 semaines dans le mur.

Brennan réhydrate les mains de la momie pour obtenir les empreintes. Elle s'excuse d'avoir gâté la soirée de Booth. Celui-ci lui répond qu'ils étaient en train de plannifier leurs premières vacances ensemble. Il trouve une correspondance avec les empreintes de Roy Taylor (DJ Mount). Angela dit à Brennan que Roy Taylor était un des meilleurs DJ de Washington et que lorsqu'il a disparu, il commençait tout juste à percer.

Au FBI, Booth parle avec le propriétaire de The Bassment, Randall Hall, accompagné de son garde du corps. Hall dépeint DJ Mount comme une personne qui, à l'image de beaucoup de jeunes artistes avec lesquels travaille son label de disque, a grandi dans la rue et a eu des problèmes avec la drogue et la loi. Booth lui demande s'il avait des rivaux. Hall congédie son garde du corps et révèle qu'en effet, DJ Mount connaissait une rivalité de plus en plus forte avec un autre DJ du club : Simon Rulz.

Brennan retourne au club avec Zack. A l'intérieur du mur, elle trouve des empreintes de pas et de la poussière indiquant que quelqu'un se trouvait de l'autre côté de DJ Mount. Elle trouve également des traces de sang séché sur le mur et ce qui resemble à une boucle d'oreille (ce qui signifie que quelqu'un d'autre se trouvait dans le mur avec lui).

Au labo, Angela fait remarqué que la boucle d'oreille est en réalité une boucle de nombril. Hodgins a récupéré les particules des globes occulaires réhydratés de DJ Mount et trouvé une petite quantité de résidus de polyéthylène et de cristaux de méthamphétamine. Le polyéthylène provient des sacs plastiques. En se référant aux blessures sur la partie interne des lèvres de DJ Mount, Brennan détermine qu'il a été tué lorsque quelqu'un l'a étouffé en pressant contre son visage d'un sac plastique de crystaux de méthamphétamine. Booth pense que c'était peut-être le propriétaire de la boucle de nombril. A ce moment précis, Angela aggrandit une image de la boucle et trouve l'inscription - "Luv Rulz" (Bisous, Rulz).

Booth et Brennan rendent visite à Simon Rulz à son studio de musique. Ils apprennent que Mount s'est moqué de Rulz dans l'une de ses chansons. Booth lui demande si sa petite amie l'a aidée à se venger de Mount. Rulz dit que la fille à qui il a donné la boucle de nombril, Eve Warren, n'était plus sa petite copine. Il mentionne qu'Eve a une fille que son frère élève. Brennan remarque que la main de Simon Rulz est blessé. Il s'est fait tiré sur le poignet quelques années auparavant. La balle a explosé le radius inférieur et l'os pisiforme, endommageant les nerfs de sa main. Rulz leur dit qu'Eve consommait de la méthamphétamine et laisse entendre qu'elle arnaquait Mount avec.

Au labo, Zack découvre des dommages sur le ligament de la facette et le foramen sur le côté droit du coup de DJ Mount - qui indique que la tête a été forcée de ce côté. Il y a aussi un léger creux sur le crâne, à peine remarquable, qui pourrait être congénital ou bien une anomalie de l'os.

Booth et Brennan rencontrent le frère d'Eve Warren, George, à son studio de danse, Krump. Il leur dit qu'Eve lui a laissé sa fille Maya environ six semaines auparavant. Il ajoute qu'elle a aussi laissé de l'argent et qu'il ne l'a pas vue depuis. Il révèle qu'elle a des problèmes de drogues, et qu'elle traînait avec les mauvaises personnes. Il se montre très protecteur à l'encontre de Maya, et dit qu'il ne laissera rien lui arriver. Il avoue à Booth et Brennan qu'Eve lui a dit qu'elle aimait Mount. Qu'il lui avait promis de lui offrir une bonne vie à elle et Maya. Booth échange à George de l'argent qu'Eve a laissé.

Au labo, Hodgins teste l'argent qu'Eve a laissé pour son frère et se rend compte qu'il contient la même méthamphétamine que dans le mur. Brennan et Angela montrent à Booth une reconstitution de la scène de crime. Angela simule un scénario sur l'ordinateur qui prouve qu'Eve Warren n'aurait pas pu tuer DJ Mount. Eve et Mount marchait dans le mur, Eve à gauche de Mount, devant lui. Le cou de Mount a été tordu vers la droite, derrière lui. Cela montre qu'il y avait une troisième personne dans le mur qui les a surpris. Le corps de Mount bloquait l'accès à Eve pour cette personne, ce qui lui a permis de s'enfuir. Cette troisième personne est donc l'assassin de Mount.

Booth est au FBI avec le garde du corps de Randall Hall. Il a découvert que ce garde était un flic sous couverture. Son vrai nom est l'agent Robert Oakes et il a travaillé sous couverture pour le FBI pour chercher des liens entre le monde de la musique urbaine et l'industrie du disque. Oakes dit à Booth que Randall Hall s'appelle en réalité Terrence Baskin, et qu'il a laissé beaucoup de corps sur son passage quand il était à la tête du gang des Naylor Road. Le FBI sait que Hall fait passer de la méthamphétamine par le club, mais ils ne parviennent pas à en avoir assez pour le coincer. Les informateurs sont tués ou disparaissent. Oakes révèle que la nuit où Mount a disparu, Hall s'est fait arnaqué d'une grosse quantité de méthamphétamine et d'argent. Il semble donc être derrière ce crime.

Au Bassment, Booth et Brennan confrontent Hall, qui leur dit qu'il est totalement net maintenant. Il nie avoir tué Mount et prétend que celui-ci commençait juste à se faire de l'argent. Il souligne à nouveau la rivalité avec Simon Rulz et leur conseille de fouiller son studio de musique. Il leur dit qu'Eve a disparu et que Rulz a coulé du ciment pour son studio le lendemain du jour où elle et Mount ont disparu.

Avec Tutti, un chien dressé pour trouver les cadavres, Booth et Brennan font une recherche dans le studio de musique de Rulz. Tutty commence à aboyer sauvagement ; elle a trouvé quelque chose sous le ciment. Brennan dit à Booth d'aller chercher un marteau-piqueur.

De retour au labo, les empreintes dentaires confirment que le corps retrouvé est celui d'Eve Warren. A l'étage, dans le vestiaire, Tessa a apporté des vêtements de rechange à Booth. Angela et Tessa parlent des futures vacances de Tessa et Booth en Jamaïque. Angela effraie Tessa en lui disant qu'ils sont prêts pour les vacances tests avant de s'installer ensemble. Brennan arrive et dit à Booth qu'Eve Warren a été tué de la même façon que Mount, suite à une overdose de méthamphétamine. Pourquoi ? Parce que son poignet est cassé.

En utilisant l'Angelator, Brennan et Angela montrent à Booth comment Eve a été tué. Elle a été prise par derrière et claquée contre le mur. Son crâne montres des dommages sur les bords infra et supraorbitaux et le processus zygomatique. Un sac de cristaux de méthamphétamine a ensuite été appuyé contre sa figure. Son bras droit a été tordu derrière elle, séparant le cubitus de l'os scaphoide et du trapèze. La personne qui l'a tuée devait avoir la force d'utiliser leurs deux bras pendant l'attaque. Le dommage significatif du nerf du poignet de Rulz le pose en suspect.

Au FBI, Booth et Brennan interrogent Simon Rulz qui finit par avouer que Mount s'est fait tuer parce qu'il allait quitter le Label Bassment. Tout ce dont il avait besoin, c'était de l'argent pour racheter son contrat. Rulz leur dit qu'Eve ne pouvait tuer personne et que Randall Hall a construit un nouveau studio de musique le lendemain du jour où Mount et Eve ont disparu. C'est tout ce que Rulz peut leur dire, sinon il sait qu'il finira momifié dans un mur à son tour.

Au labo, Zack trouve une marque sur le manubrium d'Eve Warren qui correspond à la marque trouvée sur le crâne de DJ Mount. Brennan détermine qu'elle a été causée par quelque chose d'extérieur. Booth est maintenant convaincu que c'était une femme amoureuse qui a arnaqué Randall Hall pour pouvoir commencer une nouvelle vie avec Mount. Il ense que Randall Hall les a tués. Booth et Brennan arrivent au Bassment et confront Hall. Celui-ci nie avoir commis les meurtres. Booth le titille et Hall lui donne un coup de canne. Brennan voit le bout de cette canne et se rend compte qu'elle tient peut-être l'arme du crime entre les mains et dit à Booth d'arrêter Hall et de se saisir de la canne comme preuve.

Au labo, Zack et Hodgins trouvent la correspondance entre les marques et le bout de la canne de Randal Hall. Brennan apprend d'Angela que Tessa a pris peur et a annulé ses vacances avec Booth en Jamaïque.


[Int.-Bones’s Office-Evening]

(Angela walks in with her coat in hand and Bones is at her computer.)

Angela: Come on Honey. If we don’t leave now, we won’t get into the club.

Bones: Alright, I’m just finishing up a few emails.

Angela: Oh What?

(Angela walks around to the front of her desk and places her purse on it.)

Bones: My publisher wants to schedule a book tour. I’m just confirming dates.

Angela: Okay, that can wait, sweetie.

(Bones goes over to her coffee table.)

Bones: There’s a student that needs help identifying the cause of a fracture on a lateral epicondial.

Angela: TGIF? You heard of that?

Bones: Yeah it’s some kind of acronym but my inbox is full.

Angela: We know that’s not true.

Bones: And there’s a TV show that needs research. Not that they listen.

Angela: (takes the papers out of her hand.) We’re going.

Bones: (points) I really should catalog that skull it’s in the museums exhibit on the French Revolution.

(Angela starts removing her work shirt.)

Angela: Yeah, Pepe Le Pu is more important then booze, anyways. (hands Bones her coat.)

Bones: I don’t think that is his name.

[Int. club-Bones and Angela are at the bar having a drink.]

Angela: Feels good doesn’t it?  Being with people who are alive.

Bones: It’s very stimulating, I have to admit.

Angela: We are so going to tear it up tonight.

Bones: Wait, that’s slang, right?

Angela: Riiight.

Bones: Is my costume alright?

Angela: Sweetie, it’s not a costume, it’s a cut outfit and yes it looks perfect.

Bones: I know it’s very…it’s very warm in here.

Angela: No because it looks great. You are so getting checked out.

Bones: I love this music.

Angela: DJ Rulz, he is so hot.

(They make their way to the dance floor and begin to dance.)

Bones: It’s so tribal.

Angela: Don’t say tribal, sweetie.

Bones: Why? Oh, because of all the black people?

Angela: Sweetie, just for tonight have fun. Stop dissecting and take apart.

Bones: African Americans aren’t the only ones with tribal heritage.

Girl 1: You’re saying we’re natives in some tribe?

Bones: Well, Anthropologically speaking we’re all members of tribes.

Girl 2: You better shut your mouth.

Bones: No, I just meant Hip-hop mirrors the direct visceral connection you see in
tribal communication.

Male Dancer: What?

Bones: After the Cartesians split late in the 17th century, we separated our minds from our bodies, the numinous from the animalistic…

Girl 1: Are you calling me an animal, Boo?

Female Dancer 3: No fool. She's using Descartes' philosophy to say she's down with the music
Female Dancer #1: Who you calling a fool, fool?

(Female Dancer #1 pushes Female Dancer #2. FD #1 then goes to hit Bones.

Bones avoids her slap and hits her in the chest backwards.  Angela tries to leave with Bones.)

Angela: We’re going. We’re Going.

(Male dancer #1 goes to Bones and grabs her by the arm.)

Male dancer #1: You shouldn’t have done that bitch.

(Bones turns around and kicks him backwards in the chest. He falls into a walk crashing through it.  A cloud of white dust comes billowing out across the dance floor showering down on the dancers, Bones, and Angela. Angela brings her hand up to her mouth and tastes her finger.)

Angela: Uh oh.

(They see a dried out man in the wall.)

[Int.-Club-Staircase. Agent Furst is leading the way down the stairs with Booth and
Tessa trailing behind.]

Furst: Are you sure she can handle this?

Booth: Look, no one in our lab knows the first thing about dealing with a mummy. I would have had to call her in anyway.

Furst: She assaulted two agents who were trying to tape off the body.

(Bones comes up to them once they reach the bottom floor.)

Bones: They were trying to compromise the remains.

Furst:  A cloud of Meth covered the dance floor. (leans over to Booth) I think they’ve inhaled quite a lot.

Booth: (laughs) Are you two high?

Angela: Only by accident so it doesn’t count.

(Bones sees Tessa behind Booth.)

Bones: Why’d you bring Tessa? This doesn’t seem like such a great date.

Tessa: (crosses her arms) We were out to dinner when we got your call. Your
pupils are the size of saucers.

(A cop goes near the remains and Bones runs up to him.)

Bones: Wait, get away from the remains.

Booth: Bones, simmer down. (takes his notepad out.)

Body guard: How long is this going to take?

Booth: Who the hell wants to know?

Hall: I’m sorry he works for me. I’m Randall Hall, I run this place.

Booth: You run this place Mr. Hall which is interesting to know cause you know we found some drugs on this dead…

Bones: We found them. We found them.

Booth: Alright, we found some drugs on the dead guy. We’re going to want to
know where they came from? Why he had them?

Bones: Why?

Booth: Why he had them?

Bones: Why he had them?

Booth: Any idea of who he is? Any idea?

(Bones walks back to the body.)

Hall: The guy barely looks human.  What makes you think I would recognize

Booth: Bones? (walks over to her) Bones, how does something like this happen?

(Booth reaches his hand towards it and Bones grabs it twisting a little and walking
him backward.)

Booth: Ohh.

Booth: What happened?

Bones: The Egyptians would give the body a cedar oil enema and then rinse it with wine and cover it with salt, but I don't think that's what happened here.

Booth: Bones, you are totally wasted.

(Zach arrives on the scene with his kit and Bones goes running over to him.)

Bones: Zack, Zack! Zack. Come here, come here. Isn't this a beautiful specimen of mummification?

Zack: (to Booth) What's going on?

Booth: Let's just say your boss inhaled.

Bones: (pointing to mummy) See how perfectly dried and preserved the skin is.  You don’t find something like this everyday.

(Bones turns and looks at Tessa.)

Bones: Hey, Tessa.  Have you seen it?

(Tessa looks disturbed by her suggestion. Booth grabs Bones and directs her back towards the mummy.)

Angela: It’s so hard to believe that you two would be a couple, you know cop and lawyer, it’s very touching.

Tessa: I’m going to grab a cab.

Booth: Oh, no. Okay, hold on. (walks up to her.) Sorry, I apologize. Here. (he hands her money) I’m going to make it up to you, I promise okay? Ice cream later?

(Tessa looks disappointed and the quickly kiss.)

Booth: Take care.

Tessa: I’ll talk to you later.

Booth: I’ll talk to you later.

Bones and Angela: Awe.

Booth: Can we just stick to the business here? Thank you.

(Booth walks up to Hall)

Booth: I’m going to need a list of your employees, alright? We’ll find out…run it
through the system, see if anyone of them have a drug conviction.

(Booth goes over to Bones)

Booth: How long before you can ID him?

Bones: Well, I’m not at all tired so I’m sure I can stay up all night and work. (to
Zach) We have to be careful. We’re moving him; he’s very dry and brittle. (brushes the cobwebs out of the mummy’s face.)  My first modern mummy.

[Intro. Rolls]

[Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab.  Bones and her crew are standing around the mummy
which is now on a table.]

Hodgins: Crystal meth is made from cold medicine, lye, and the strike pads from matchbooks. The body was not designed to deal with that kind of assault.

Brennan: So I'm finding out.

Hodgins: Chamomile tea? It's very soothing.

Brennan: No, I just need your results.

Hodgins: How about a stick to pry the monkey off your back?

Angela: Are you sure you need me here?

Bones: It’s payback for showing me the good life.

(Booth walks up to the area.)

Booth: Okay, so how is my man the Tut?

Bones: In better shape then I am.

Hodgins: The Meth found in his lungs and nasal passages matches the Meth that
juiced Angela and the good doctor here.

Bones: Can you please keep it clinical?

Booth: So, uh, died of uh, an overdose?

Bones: Asphyxiation, Meth coated the alveoli in his lungs making breathing

Booth: So ah, he uh, he overdosed with his Meth behind the wall.

Hodgins: Well the space was too narrow for him to squeeze through, he got stuck, the bag broke and when he gasped for air, he inhaled and died instantaneously.

Bones: The dry air convection behind the wall removed most of the moisture from his body.

Booth: How long was he uh, in there?

Hodgins: Judging from the acrid mites in his ears. I would say six weeks.

Booth: Hey didn’t he have hands?

[Cut to: Another part of Lab.  There is a jar with one of the mummy’s hands in it.
Bones walks into the room with Booth.]

Bones: They are easier to work with dismembered. I’ve re-hydrated them so we can get some fingerprints.

(She removes the lid off the glass jar. Booth looks at the hand clearly sick to his stomach.)

Booth: Off that?

Bones: Sure.

Booth: You’ve ever been to Costa Rica?

Bones: I was flown down once.  They found a human skull 1200 years old. Why?

Booth: Oh I got some vacation time, I was going to get off on um, Thursday.

(swallows hard while he watches Bones peel the skin in one piece off the hand.) I heard Costa Rica was beautiful.

Bones: Hmm, fascinating wild life, lots of parrots.

Booth: Ooh, I don’t like parrots, no. People should really, really do all the talking. You know maybe I should…

(Bones puts her hand into the mummy's removed skin)

Booth: Oh, God. What are you doing?

Brennan: The Aztecs would filet people and then wear their skin as a body suit.

Booth: Ah, I guess you won't be needing mittens for Christmas, huh?

(She places her hand with the mummy glove on a fingerprinting machine and gets prints.)

[Cut to Booth sitting in a chair in the lab in front of a computer with fingerprints on the screen. Bones and Angela walk over to him.]

Bones: Did the FBI find a match?

Booth: Yep, his name is Roy Taylor.

Angela: Roy Taylor? You’re kidding. It’s DJ Mount.

Bones: I don’t know who that is.

Angela: Mount is one of the best DJ’s in D.C. He used to play at the club.
Everyone was wondering what happened to him.  His album is really going to take off after this.

[Cut to Bones’s Office. Booth walks into Bones's office while she's listening to hip-hop music.]

Booth: Never knew this side of you, Bones.

Brennan: It's DJ Mount.

Booth: You’re hung over. Doesn't this make your head explode?

Brennan: I grabbed a couple hours of sleep on my couch and showered in the lab's decontamination room.

Booth: Ooh, You really know how to live

Brennan: Angela said rap artists sometimes kill each other over the
music: Jam Master Jay, Tupac, Biggie.

Booth: Do you even know who you're talking about?

Brennan: Yeah, I've done my Googling.

Booth: Yeah.

Bones: Listen, you can hear the Alpha male asserting himself.

Booth: (makes some rap noises.) Yeah, fill your ass up…(makes more noises.) with lead, always a nice theory.

Bones: I’m heading back to the club to meet the FBI forensics team.  I’m getting
facts. (grabs her purse)

[Cut to: FBI headquarters. Booth’s office. Hall and his body guard are talking to Booth.)

Hall: DJ mount was started to break, finally making some money. For someone who’s never had anything, it can go to your head so he gets involved with drugs.

Booth: You didn’t know who he was hanging with or who might have been chasing him?

Hall: A dude like mount. He had a lot of enemies other artist’s rivalries. Everyone wants to be number one.

Booth: I mean you have to know who the rivals are Mr. Hall. It affects your bottom line.

Hall: (to body guard) Wait for me by the elevator.

(The body guard leaves and when he gets to the doorway he turns around and glares at Booth for a moment before continuing on.)

Hall: Rulz.

Booth: What Rulz?

Hall: That’s his name. (sighs) He performs at the club. I try to keep my crew together, Agent Booth. I always ended up running interference between those two.

Booth: Why?

Hall: Ask Rulz.

(Hall gets up and leaves.)

[Cut to: Club.  Zach is using a camera to look behind the wall further that the dancer fell through.  Bones is watching the small monitor.  Booth is in the background.]

Zach: Was it fun coming to the club?

Bones: Yeah before the drugs and the dead body.  Tilt, Tilt down.

Zach: Seems so primitive, being in a crowd of strangers gyrating to music.

Bones: (laughs) You’ve never danced?

Zach: I’ve been told I look like a marinate in a wind storm.

Bones: You would have fit right in last night.

Zach: Really?

Bones: (looks at camera) Footprints in the dirt in the termite shavings. Someone was on the other side of him.

Zach: Light. (turns to Bones) This leads to the outside.

Bones: We need to get inside that wall.

FBI agent: or take it down.

Bones: (to Furst) One last look?

Furst: Take em in show em around.

[Cut to: Booth’s office.  Roy Taylor’s father knocks on the open door frame with a box in his hand. Booth has his back to him.]

Mr. Taylor: Agent Booth?

Booth: Yeah? (turns around)

Mr. Taylor: I’m Roy Taylor’s father, maybe you know him as DJ Mount?

Booth: Mr. Taylor, please come in.

Mr. Taylor: Thank you for seeing me.

Booth: Please sit.

(Booth sits at his desk and Mr. Taylor takes a seat.)

Mr. Taylor: You’re the one looking into my son’s murder?

Booth: Investigating his death. Yes sir. I’m… sorry for your loss.

Mr. Taylor: I have some information you need.

Booth: About your son’s death?

Mr. Taylor: No sir, about his life. (places the box on Booth’s desk.) I’ve been
reading in the newspaper how my son was part of the Meth scene. How he was killed by drugs behind a wall…like that.

(Mr. Taylor opens the box and places a picture of his son in a graduation photo on it.)

Mr. Taylor: What my son did was graduate third in his class from high school.  He would of graduated first except he….he worked a full time job. (places some medals on his desk) Track and field medals (pulls out a trophy) baseball.  Roy never drank and he never did drugs.  Do you understand me sir?

Booth: Mr. Taylor…

Mr. Taylor: (angry) How they are portraying my boy in the newspapers is wrong. If his mother was alive it would kill her. I taught him a relationship with Jesus. Do you understand sir?  A personal relationship with Jesus.

Booth: Will all due respect sir, sometimes when kids grow up they change, they move away from what they were taught.

(Mr. Taylor takes a ceramic hand print out of the box and holds it up facing Booth.)

Mr. Taylor: Five years old he made this and a lady, who reads palms, she looked at it and she said…she said my boy was going to be a great man, a good man (sniffs) she read no evil in that boys hand.

(Booth takes the ceramic handprint from him and looks at it.)

Booth: I can see that now sir.

Mr. Taylor: (shaken up) Some inequity killed my boy. (tears are rolling down his face.) You know that word, Agent Booth? It’s from the Bible.

Booth: Deliver me from the workers of inequity and save me from bloody men.

(hands the ceramic back)

Mr. Taylor: You know your Psalms, sir? (sniffs) I can trust that you will find out what happened to my boy?

Booth: Yes sir.

Mr. Taylor: (puts things back in box.) Good then I’m glad I came by.

[Cut to: Club. Bones and Zach and an Agent are behind the wall with flashlights.)

Agent: Can we conform to as much forensic protocol as possible.

Zach: We’re not as bad as you think.

Agent: You know what those are?

Bones: Rats.

Zach: You’re trying to scare us with rats? We’ve been in places where the rats eat the laces right out of our boots.

Agent: Take it easy there Willard.

Zach: (aims flashlight on floor) There are the footprints.  There are marks on the
wall, It’s scraped.

Bones: Blood smear, dried.  I see something. (to Agent) Can I retrieve?

Agent: Yes. (hands a evidence bag to her.)

(Bones picks up something small with her tweezers and puts it in the bag.)

[Cut to: Lab. Booth is talking with Bones.  She has an image of the object she retrieved on a computer screen blown up.]

Booth: Apparently there’s a rivalry between Mount and this guy uh, Rulz.

Bones: We saw him perform at the club last night. Did you talk to him?

Booth: Oh, no I don’t have enough yet. If I go too soon, he could run.

(Angela walks up and sees the object.)

Angela: Wow that’s a beautiful piece, Zirconium or Diamond?

Bones: I’m more focused on the dried blood and flesh at the moment.

Angela: (to Booth) Do you buy Tessa jewelry?

Booth: You know I really don’t want to talk about that right now.

Angela: Too much of a commitment. I just thought because you two were going

Booth: (to Bones) Do you have anything yet?

Bones: Given the right of air convection and the degree of dehydration of the flesh…I’d say they were there at the same time.

Angela: Must of hurt like hell to get that thing ripped out of your belly button.

Bones: I thought it was an earring.

Angela: Look at the size of the stud. I had one of these before they became totally Miami divorcee.

(Hodgins enters holding a glass jar.)

Hodgins: Good news. I was able to pull some particulates.

(Hodgins puts the jar on the table in front of Bones next to the computer.  There
are two eyeballs floating in it.)

Booth: Are those?

Hodgins: Eye balls? Yeah, two types of foreign materiel in the eyes. Low density
polyethylene residue and Meth Amphetamine crystals.

Angela: Polyethylene?

Hodgins: It came from the plastic bag holding the Meth.

Bones: (points to belly ring) This can be cleaned now.

(She and Hodgins walk over to the table with the mummy on it and Angela and Booth continue to talk at the table behind them.)

Angela: Yeah that’s a real diamond. (to Booth) Hey why don’t you get her a belly button ring? That’s not too much commitment.

Booth: (laughs) Yeah that’s not…

Bones: (looking in mummy’s mouth) The inside of the lips was damaged by the teeth.  This was not an accidentally inhalation. (Booth walks over)  The Meth was pushed against his face with force. Someone was trying to smother him.

Hodgins: Which would explain how the particulates got into the eye.

Angela: So he didn’t OD. He was murdered.

Booth: So we just have to find out who owns this belly button ring.

(Close up of the belly button ring. It’s a silver heart with a diamond in the center
on one side and on the other is an inscription.)

Angela: (cleaning off the ring with a q-tip) Look at this, Luv Rulz.

Bones: Well at least we know who to ask.

[Cut to: Rulz place.  He and a buddy are listening to some tracks.]

Booth: Hello?

Rulz: Yeah it’s open.

Booth: Yeah it’s open, FBI, special agent Booth.

Rulz: What’s the FBI recruitin from America’s top model now?

Bones: I’m a forensic anthropologist with the Jeffersonian.

Booth: She works for the FBI.

Rulz: Yeah, I can live with that.

Booth: Yeah and Dr. Brennan also discovered that Roy Taylor was murdered.

Rulz: So?

Booth: So murder is whacked see cause those are the rules, Rulz.

Rulz: Maybe he had it coming to him.

Booth: Ah, so you and Roy Taylor don’t get along.

Rulz: That sucker ran me down man. Tried to slam me on one of his tracks and ain’t nobody do that.

Booth: And uh, (grabs a sheet of paper off the wall) what happens when they do?

Rulz: (snatches the paper) I take a piece of him. I got in his face one night at the basement and told him to disappear and I ain’t seen him since cause he knew to follow the rules. (laughs and sits on couch)

Booth: Ha, Ha and maybe your uh, girlfriend (shows him the ring in a bag) made sure your uh, problem just went away.

Rulz: That ain’t my woman no more. I kicked her sorry ass out months ago.

Booth: What is her sorry ass name?

Rulz: Eve Warren.

Booth: What was she doing with Mount?

Rulz: Take a guess. I guess it’s his turn.

Booth: She kept your ring?

Rulz: It’s a diamond man. Why she gonna get rid of that?

Booth: Any idea of where she is now?

Rulz: Probably ripping somebody else off. That girl don’t care about anybody but
herself. You know she got a kid? Don’t care about her neither, let her brother shoulder that, bitch.

Bones: What happened to your hand?

Rulz: Oh, I got shot through the wrist a few years ago.

Bones: Shattered the lower radius and the pisiform.

Rulz: Yeah. I got some nerve damage, too.

Bones: That's impressive.

Rulz: Yeah. I got shot in the back and through the leg, too. You wanna see the scars? (stands)

Booth: Thanks,  anyway let us know if you ah, hear from Eve?

Rulz: That’s all I got for ya all. I wanna get back to work. (to buddy) let’s hit it.

Booth: You let us know if you hear from her.

(Bones is still amazed by Rulz and doesn’t follow Booth as he leaves. Booth
notices this and turns around.)

Booth: Bones?

Bones: I like this music.

[Cut to: Bones and Booth in his SUV]

Booth: Okay, how about this? DJ Mount trusted Eve because they were sleeping together so she meets him in the wall, takes the drugs, kills him for Rulz then takes off.

Bones: Yeah, you should write fiction.

Booth: What? It’s reasonable.

Bones: It’s not based on evidence, it’s conjecture.

Booth: Look, I’m positing a scenario.  We’ve been through this before.

Bones: Yeah, and it always seems to be a waste of time, Now finding a marker on a bone.

Booth: I know, you know, I think I need a vacation.  I think you do too.

Bones: I’m not the one who’s snippy.

Booth: Snippy? (laughs) What are you like seventy?

Bones: See what I mean? I think you should find a nice relaxing place to go on that vacation. Somewhere where you can get a massage, maybe do some yoga.

Booth: I don’t do yoga okay, push ups, sit ups, pull ups…that’s what I do.

Bones: Yeah, that’s more cardiovascular.  Yoga deals more with…

Booth: Why exactly are we talking about this?

Bones: Because you’re tense.

Booth: Because we’re talking. (puts in a Rulz CD and starts bobbing his head with a fake smile on) I switched my music.

[Cut to: Lab. Zach is laying out the bones of the mummy on a table. Bones enters)

Bones: Roy Taylor?

Zach: Yes.

Bones: Anything pop out at you now that the bones are clean?

Zach: Some damage to the facet joint on four and then on C4 on the right side of the neck.

Bones: That suggests his head was forced that way.

Zach: One other thing, I was looking at the skull through the microscope (goes to computer screen) came across a slight depression, barely discernable.

Bones: Slight indentation.

Zach: Could it be congenital or a bone anomaly?

Bones: Yeah probably. (she picks up the skull) Did you ever go on vacation?

Zach: I take my vacation when you take your vacation.

Bones: What do you do?

Zach: Go back home to Michigan, see the family. I have three brothers and four

Bones: Do you enjoy that?

Zach: God no. I made the mistake of telling them I work with corpses and
skeletons.  They think I’m a freak.

Bones: Then why do you go?

Zach: It’s my family, they love me.

Bones: (hands him skull) Alright, take a closer look at the anomaly under the scanning microscope see what made that mark.

[Cut to Eve’s brothers dance studio. There are dancers out in the main area dancing.  Eve’s brother is in front watching them.]

Brother: What do you want?

Booth: Special agent Booth, FBI (nods to Bones) My associate Dr. Brennan.

Bones: What do you call this? (points to the dancers)

Brother: Romp. Kids they come here they dance they don’t gang back. So what do
you want?  Didn’t come here for a dance lesson. (enters his office where a little girl is sitting.)  Hey Mya, How ya doing baby? (picks her up.)C’mon now you’re going to go outside and play with the rest of the kids, Okay? (sets her down) there you go.

Booth: We would like to ask you a few questions about your sister Eve.

Brother: (sighs) What has she done now?

Booth: When was the last time you saw her?

Brother: About six weeks ago when she dropped off Mya.

Booth: She just dropped her off and left?

Brother: She told me she needed me to watch her for a couple of days, left me
some money.

Booth: Do you um, happen to have, I don’t know, a recent photo we might take?

Brother: (sighs) Evie said she had cleaned herself up, she was turning her life
around and I believed her. She never came back.  That little girl out there… that’s her daughter and she’s like a daughter to me too.

(The brother takes a picture out of a picture frame and hands it to Booth.)

Booth: Didn’t it bother you that Eve never came back? I mean didn’t you go look
for her?

Brother: (snorts) I learned to let her go.  Eve she’s had a lot of problems, drugs, hanging out with the wrong people. I mean if I track her down and she takes Mya
before she’s ready…I let nothing happen to that little girl.

Booth: Did you know Roy Taylor?

Brother:  Met him, DJ Mount, I like his stuff, he’ss pure, I play it for the kids.

Booth: We have reason to believe that she was with him the night he was murdered.

Brother: (shocked) Murdered? And you can’t find Evie?

Booth: No

Brother: (shakes head and sits) She told me she loved him, that she and Mount
were going to take Mya away out of D.C. and give her a better life, one we never

Booth: You said she left you some cash?

Brother: Yeah, for Mya.

Booth: I’ll buy what you have, two dollars to the one.

Brother: Sure whatever.

[Cut to: Lab. Hodgins is looking in a microscope and Booth is looking over his

Hodgins: You may want the stooges at the FBI who are experts due to your so called drug war to run a comparison but I’d say the Meth Amphetamine on these bills match the Meth found on DJ Mount behind the wall.

Booth: Yeah my guess is that Eve was with Mount at the time he was murdered.
Get this (pats him on shoulder) huh?…DJ Mount rejects Eve because of her questionable past so uh, hey, she gets mad she wants to leave with some
money, so what?

(Hodgins looks up at him.)

Bones: What?

Hodgins: Yeah, I don’t really think that much about that kind of stuff. I’m more
about bugs and minerals, sorry.

Booth: Ah, come on Hodgins. Hey, you’re a smart guy, you’re a smart guy (snaps his fingers at him) Come on look up from your microscope huh? These are real
people we are trying to figure out here. Okay.

Hodgins: Maybe she was using Mount, setting him up to get his drugs and

Booth: Very nice Hodgins.

Hodgins: Yeah?

Booth: Yeah.

Hodgins: The real question is where does she go next?

Booth: You are on fire man.

Hodgins: After she left her brother’s place because that is where she met her
untimely end.

Booth: You know what; I am going to turn you into an investigator yet.

Hodgins: Naw, no, no, no bugs and slime dude that is where I’m happy.

[Cut to: Angela’s office. Angela is sitting at a computer screen running a
simulation.  Bones is standing watching her.]

Bones: The damage to his c4 vertebrae was a result of his head being twisted so
far to the right.

Angela: (points to simulation) He was moving this way toward Eve.

(Booth walks in)

Booth: My bet was he was chasing her.

Bones: And that’s based on?

Booth: Money and Meth, She left that corridor carrying money saturated with the same Meth that killed Mount. She was moving fast.

Angela: She didn’t even stop when her belly ring got ripped out.

Booth: I mean money is a pretty good reason to get chased, Hmm? The only
question is why wasn’t he facing her?

Angela: It got tight back there, fifteen centimeters. Eve ripped out her belly button ring here and then left a smear of blood until the corridor widened here.
Bones: Oh, god. (exhales and looks sick.)

Angela: What?

Bones: That just uh, makes me a little sick.

Angela: You pick dead bodies out of mass graves and yanking out a belly button
ring makes you sick?
Booth: Okay, okay, okay. I’ve shot a lot of people in my time and I’ve got to admit that whole belly button thing makes me nauseas too.
Bones: Thank you.
Angela: At this point Mount must have looked behind him but kept going. Then the passage way narrowed so he couldn’t turn his head back toward Eve.
Bones: Then there is no way she could have shoved the Meth into his face. Eve didn’t kill him.
Booth: The third person surprised him that’s why he turned his head to look.
Bones: Mounts body prevented this third person from getting to Eve so she escaped.

Booth: But he got to Mount, shoved the Meth in his face and he killed him. Ah,
but the real question is who the hell is this third person?

[Cut to: Questioning room.  Booth is questioning the body guard.]

Body guard:  Why the hell did you pick me up?

Booth: I think you know why I brought you in.

Body guard: Yeah right.

Booth: I waited for you to contact me explain the situation but you didn’t do that.  That’s not polite.  What are you DEA, metro cop?

Body guard: I’m Special Agent Ronald Oaks.

Booth: One of us?

Oaks: My orders were not to break deep cover for anybody, out of deep regard
for my FBI brother I gave you the nod.

Booth: (laughs) That’s bull. (leans forward) I made you, now you’re making

Oaks: Do you got any keys for these cuffs?

Booth: Fine. (throws the keys to him) Your way, you know, I need more then a nod man. You know, I’m conducting a murder investigation. Now I need to know what you know.

Oaks: I’m fifteen months on a task force investigating the links between the
urban music business and gang activity.

Booth: So that’s why you got an axe to Randall Hall?

Oaks: Randal Hall is a clean alias. You ran him right?

Booth: Yeah.

Oaks: Came back clean.

Booth: Mm. Hm.

Oaks: Exactly, he’s real name is Terrance Baskin. Now we know that he’s pushing Meth through that club but we can’t get enough to touch him.  Our informants disappear, they either get bought off or they get killed.

Booth:  What about this murder?

Oaks: The night that DJ Mount disappeared, Hall got ripped off with a mountain
of Meth and a ton of cash.

Booth:  DJ Mount ripped off Hall?

Oaks: No it doesn’t scan. Mount was into Jesus not drug.

Booth: Who killed DJ Mount?

Oaks: Halls people do that type of stuff for him.  So if anybody asks why’d you have me arrested?

Booth: Weapons beef

Oaks: So I don’t get my gun back?

Booth: No (laughs) no.

Oaks: If we meet up again, if you get an excuse, hit me.

Booth: That uh, you can count on it.

[Cut to: Club. There is nobody in the club but Hall, Oaks, Bones and Booth. Hall
is talking to Booth with Bones standing by him and Oaks is sitting and reading a paper.]

Hall: I’ve been investigated for years.  Why do you think they never got me on

Booth: Because you’re so smart?

Hall: Because Terrance Baskin is my past. I’m one hundred percent clean now.  This is my life now. This and my record label not crystal Meth… not gang banging.

Bones: Yet much of the iconic quality of the urban music lies in the perceived or
actual rivalry between the principal artists.

Hall: Where did you find her?

Booth: Museum.

Bones: Was the rivalry between Mount and Mr. Rulz strong enough to…lead to

Hall: Sure they’re both capable, add in the fact that Mount was sleeping with Rulz
girlfriend, Eve. Yeah in fact…

Booth: Yeah?

Halls: Rulz built himself a studio around that time, poured cement for the pad a
day after they disappeared.

Bones: So?

Hall: I’m saying, Mount’s dead, Eve’s gone missing. You might want to consider that. (to body guard) Let’s go.

(They leave.)

Bones: What do ya think?

Booth: What do I think? I uh, think we need to find  a way to find a body buried
under a slab of cement?

Bones: Well can’t you get a warrant?

Booth: I’ll look around the premises, maybe but no way to tear it up.

Bones: Let me make a phone call.

[Cut to: Rulz studio.  There’s a female dog handler with her dog. Bones and
Booth are with them.]

Bones: (to Booth)  Toody has traveled the world finding dead bodies.

Booth: Does Toody always drool like that?

(Bones and the dog handler look at him annoyed.)

Booth: What? Am I going to hurt her or his feelings?

(Brushes his shirt off.)

Handler: Toody is the best cadaver dog in the world, Agent Booth.

Bones: It’s true. If you were a dead body, you’d want Toody looking for ya?

Booth: How can he smell anything buried under a building?

Bones: He can. Once I saw Toody find a dead body wrapped in plastic under
concrete after four years.

Handler: Toody can smell decaying blood on a tooth six feet under ground. I
mean so what he drools a little.  What’s up with that? You know, you’re eyes are
kinda close together but I don’t comment.

Booth: I apologize.

Handler: Is he sincere?

Bones: Yeah.

Handler: Alright then, we accept.

(Toody smells the floor then lies down and whimpers a little)

Handler: Good boy Toody.  Toody found something.

Booth: Maybe he’s just lazy.

Bones: Lying down is his indicator. (takes chalk and circles around Toody) Toody
found it.  There’s a body under here. You should get a warrant to bring in a jack
hammer for the floor. (pets dog) I’d start digging here.

[Cut to: Lab. Zach is holding up x-rays of teeth. Hodgins comes over with his

Zach: Dental records confirm that this is Eve Warren.

Hodgins: Insect activity confirms that she died around the same time DJ mount

Bones: Where did Booth go? I’ve got to give him the news.

Hodgins: His girlfriend brought him a change of shirt.

Zach: They’re up in the lounge.

Bones: What? Zach clean the bones.

Zach: We’ve already got cause of death and identity.  What am I looking for?

Bones: It might be grasping but that odd mark we found on Mount’s skull…see if
you can find anything like it on Eve’s remains for me.

[Cut to: Lab Lounge. Tessa is with Booth giving him his new shirt.  Angela is talking with them.]

Angela: Jamaica? God that’s incredible.

Tessa: Mm. It’s a bed and breakfast.  There are these coral cliffs…

Booth: Snorkeling, kayaking.

Angela: Oh, you two are so ready for the pre-shacking up test vacation.

Booth: What do you mean?

Angela: You have keys to each others places. You’ve done the weekend away a
couple of times. Yeah, it’s time for the ten day vacation. You know, Jamaica is
like a dry run for living together only with Rum punch and steel drums. (walks off.)

Tessa: (to Angela) Yeah, see you later. (to Booth) Living together…that’s silly.

Booth: Thanks uh, for bringing me a shirt.

Tessa: Yeah okay. I’ll talk to you later.

(Booth and Tessa kiss and she goes to leave as Bones walks up.)

Bones: Hi Tessa.

Tessa: Yeah, okay. Bye.

Bones: It’s Eve Warren.

Booth: Eve Warren. Okay, cause of death?

Bones: Same as Mount.

Booth: Meth overdosed.

Bones: Well pushed in the face but there’s more…I don’t think that Rulz killed

Booth: She was buried under his studio

Bones: But her wrists were broken.

[Cut to: Holographic part of lab.  Bones, Booth, and Angela are there.  They are
looking at Eve’s skeleton in the Hologram.]

Bones: Bone damage indicates that Eve was taken from behind and smashed into a wall.

Angela: Her skull shows damage to both the infer orbital and super orbital
margins and the zygomatic process.

Booth: Zygo…zu…You said she was killed by crystal Meth.

Bones: She was, she would have been hurt and stunned by the blow but not
killed, certainly not immediately.

Angela: The bag of crystal Meth was placed over her face actually ground into her
wounds into the airway.

Booth: Wait, Rulz couldn’t have smashed her into a wall?

Bones: Her radius was separated from the scaphoid and  trapezium.

Angela: Her right wrist was twisted hard behind her back.  There’s damage to both the elbow and the shoulder as well.  For that to happen, Eve’s attacker would have had to twist her arm up with his right hand while jamming the crystal Meth into her face with the other.

Bones: Both with a great deal of force.

Booth: Ah, Rulz has been shot twice in the right hand, I got it. He had nerve

Bones: There’s no way he had the strength to kill Eve Warren.

[Cut to: FBI headquarters, questioning room.  Bones and Booth are in the room with DJ Rulz]

Bones: You did not murder Eve Warren.

Rulz: This is a weird kind of interrogation, huh? Cops telling me what I didn’t do.

Booth: Well then do me a favor, tell me Bones is wrong and uh, confess to a
murder. Huh?

Rulz: Hell no man. What you think I’m some type of idiot.

Booth: Well do me a favor, deny it.

Rulz: Ah, see you got tricks. You’re going to twist all my words around so I better
not say anything at all.

Bones: You didn’t kill Eve Warren.

Rulz: So you say. The Rulz says say nothing.

Booth: He wants us to hold him.

Bones: Why?

Booth: Why? Because every time some rapper gets murdered his business goes straight through the roof.

Rulz: You know why should DJ mount get the bump? Maybe it’s my turn.

Booth: I’ll tell you what; I’ll make you a better deal.  You tell us what we need to
know and I’ll have those charges laid against you. Hmm, put you in the Remand

Rulz: For how long?

Booth: Well that depends on what you tell us.

Bones: Wait! Wait, you’re negotiating to put this guy in jail?

Booth:  I’ll sweeten the pot and charge you with Mount’s death too but you hire
ah, one of those moron lawyers and you ah, be thrown in lockup for what, maybe
a month?

Rulz: (smiling) Sweet

Bones: Where am I in backwards world?

Booth: What do you got?

Rulz: Look, I could tell you all why Mount got killed but you all have to figure out
the rest on your own.

Bones: Uh, we have to figure it out just from motive?

Booth: Hey look Bones, this is you know, sorta my thing.

Rulz: Mount was gonna jump.

Bones: You mean commit suicide?

Rulz: Where did you find her?

Booth: Museum.

Rulz: I mean labels, jump labels.

Booth: (laughs) You’re saying that DJ Mount was going to leave basement

Rulz: Look all he needed was the money to buy himself back, that’s why he got
himself killed. Now if Hall even finds out that I told you all that much, I’m going
to end up some dried out mummy in a wall.

Bones: But what about Eve?

Rulz: Man, Eve couldn’t kill nobody. You know, sex em to death maybe but that’s about it. Oh and there’s one more thing, the next day, Hall built me a new studio.  He took it out of my money too, so you going to put me in jail?

Booth: Hey, well you know, hey it’s the least we can do, Hmm?

[Cut to: Lab. The raised platform area. Booth and Bones are walking up the steps.]

Booth: Okay how about this? Hall has enough motive to kill Mount. Why? Because he’s jumping labels and he’s running away with some girl who’s stealing Halls Meth and money.

Bones: I’m starting to see how this whole motive thing works.

Booth: Thank you.

Bones: It’s still murky psychological guess work though.

Zach: Dr. Brennan, I uh, found a mark on Eve Warren. Here…on the manubrium.

Bones: Compare it to the mark on mount.

Booth: Okay, Eve tells Mount that she wants to start a new life so she rips off the dope and the cash thinking she can build a new future with it.

Bones: That’s a story, Booth. You need to find something real.

Booth: I mean why? It feels real to me. I mean Eve is a woman in love who’s trying to escape a world that is just crushing her. Hm? Alright, Mount finds out how much trouble the woman he’s in love with is in so he gives up his own life to protect her. That’s not enough.  They were hoping for a better life and they wound up dead.

Zach: Looks like a match.

Bones: Thanks, good job.

(Bones goes over to Zach at the computer to look at the comparisons side by

Booth: What the hell is that?

Bones: I’m not sure.  It’s a bone dimple but they both have it so it can’t be genetic. Something external caused it but I’m not sure what.

Booth: Randall Hall, he’s behind this.  Randall Hall, okay? He killed these two
people. We know it, he did it. We just can’t touch him and there’s no evidence
linking him to the drugs, the cash, or either body except for a couple of damn
bone dimples.

Bones: I’ll keep looking at the remains, maybe find the evidence we need.

Booth: I can’t let it stand.

Bones: What?

Booth: You know what? I’m going to spread the pain. Alright, that’s my new

(Booth turns and leaves. Bones chases behind him.)

Bones: Wait, I can help spread pain. Wait.

[Cut to: Halls club.  The club is empty.  Oaks and Hall are standing while Booth is sitting on a couch looking at a magazine.  Bones is there also standing off to the side.]

Booth: Yeah we know you did it.

Hall: What?

Booth: Killed Mount in that wall so he wouldn’t leave the label.

Bones: You killed Eve Warren.

Booth: Killed her and buried her under Rulz studio. In the meantime this is going to have to remain an active crime scene.

Hall: That’s harassment. I’ll sue. (walks over to Booth)

Booth: I’m going to harass you every chance I get.

(Hall pokes Booth in the chest with the top part of his cane.)

Hall:  I’m not somebody you want to mess with.

Booth: Did you just poke me? (laughs and stands) Did he just poke me with his
little stick?

Hall: This is my place. I want to poke someone I do it.

(He goes to poke Booth again but Booth grabs his cane and twists it.  Hall
stumbles backwards and Oaks pulls a gun on Booth pointing it at his head. 
Booth grabs the gun and twists it and hits Oaks in the face with the top part of the cane. He hands Bones his gun and she points it at Oaks on the floor.  Booth
points the cane at Hall on the floor.)

Booth: Alright, how easily do you think I scare?

(Booth holds the cane with both hands and lifts it up to break it over his knee.)

Bones: Hey Booth! Don’t break the cane.  Arrest him and confiscate the cane as

Booth: What?

Bones: I need the cane.

Booth: Arrest him for what? (points to Oaks) He’s the guy who pointed a gun at a
Federal agent.

Bones: Uttering threats or smelling bad or anything.  It’s the cane we want.

Booth: Fine, here. (hands cane to Bones) Randal Hall, I’m placing you under arrest for the assault of a Federal agent. (handcuffs Hall.)

Hall: This will never go to court.

Booth: Ah, let’s go find out. (to Oaks) Next time I take your gun away from you ,
I’ll shoot you with it.

Oaks: Well then I better not let you get my gun again.

(They smirk at each other.)

Booth: (to Hall) Come on. Let’s go.

[Cut to: Lab. Hodgins puts a bullet proof vest over Zach’s head.  Angela and
Bones are watching.]

Angela: (to Bones)  Get this, I called Tessa to tell her a couple of places she should check out in Jamaica, she’s not going.

Bones: What happened?

Angela: Well, she said that something came up at work but I know the truth.

Hodgins: How many times do you want me to poke Zack?

(Hodgins is holding the cane by the bottom. Zach is holding a clay canister in
front of him. Hodgins is going to poke the clay with the top of the cane to see the impression it makes.)

Bones: Just once, but as hard as you can.

Zack: As hard as he can? Why don't I hit him as hard as I can?

Hodgins: Because you have arms like noodles while I'm vigorous and burly.

Bones: (to Angela) What truth?

(Hodgins hits him with the cane.)

Zack: That all you got burly boy?

(Hodgins takes the canister from Zach and brings it over to a computer.)

Angela: They got freaked out by stage six.

Bones: What’s stage six?

Angela: One, spend the night. Two, spend the weekend. Three, exchange keys.
Four, sexy weekend get away. Five, extended vacation and inevitably followed by
six, move in together.

Bones: Okay, I’m an Anthropologist; I know the stages of everything. You made those up.

Angela: (laughs) I did not.

Bones: Yes you did.

Angela: They got to stage five and the baulked.

Bones: Not Booth. Booth did not baulk.

Angela: Sweetie it’s always the guy.

Bones: No, Booth is not a baulker.

Hodgins: (to Bones) Hey! The mark on Mount and the mark on Eve are the same.

Bones: He can’t resist hitting them with that stupid cane.  The end of the cane, (points to marks on screen) it’s a fit for both marks.  Hall is the killer.  Send the cane, the photos, and the medium to the FBI, let them confirm the match.

Hodgins: What? Wait, let them have all the glory?

Zach: My chest hurts.

Bones: Yeah, all the glory.

[Cut to: Wong Fu’s. Booth is at the bar with a drink listening to the news report on Tv of the case. He gets annoyed and clicks the TV off. Bones enters and sits down next to him.]

Bones: Getting yourself in the mood?

Booth: Trying. You know this really isn’t going to be the type of vacation I was
hoping for.

Bones: Oh?

Booth: Tessa’s not going something came up at work.

Bones: That’s too bad. I’m sorry. Hey, I like going on vacations by myself.

Booth: Really?

Bones: Sure, there’s nothing wrong with being alone.

Booth: No I mean you like to go on vacation?

Bones: Yeah, I go places all the time.

Booth: You ever just, you know, sit on the beach, pretend there are no such
things as skeletons?

Bones: Is that any fun?

Booth: When was the last time you got away?

Bones: Got away from what?

Booth: (laughs) Oh Bones, you know, cause what usually happens to me, I think
about not coming back.

Bones: Seriously?

(Booth stands and grabs his jacket putting it on.)

Booth: Yeah, you know, you go with someone, you joke about not going back to your real life, the two of you laugh but when you’re alone the world is full of possibilities.

Bones: (Smiles) See you next week.

Fade to Black.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

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Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

Supersympa, Aujourd'hui à 17:16

Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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