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#412 : Quel cirque !

Deux soeurs siamoises sont retrouvées mortes dans le désert. Booth et Brennan sont envoyés sur place et décident de se faire passer pour un couple marié, afin d'infiltrer le monde du cirque.


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Double Trouble in the Panhandle

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Quel cirque !

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Monsieur Loyal

Monsieur Loyal

"Buck" (David Boreanaz) et "Wanda" (Emily Deschanel)

"Buck" (David Boreanaz) fait du lancer de couteau

"Wanda" (Emily Deschanel)

"Buck" (David Boreanaz) et le personnel du cirque

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) sous-couverture

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) sous-couverture

Les employés du cirque

Les employés du cirque

Plus de détails

Booth et Brennan retrouvent deux shérifs à la frontière entre le Texas et l'Oklahoma. Deux squelettes ont été découverts. Il ne reste rien à part les os. Il s'agit des squelettes de deux sœurs siamoises, d'après les premières constatations de Bones. Les deux Shérifs se bagarrent pour savoir sous quelle juridiction tombera l'enquête, celle du Texas ou de l'Oklahoma ? Booth règle la question, c'est le FBI qui enquêtera.

A l'Institut Jefferson, Brennan, Camille et Vincent Nigel-Murray examinent les restes. Comme à son habitude, l'étudiant de la semaine dispense son savoir un peu à tort et à travers et révèle qu'une naissance de jumeaux siamois se produit une fois toutes les 85 000 naissances. Les deux anthropologues estiment l'âge des victimes entre 19 et 21 ans. D'après Angela, elles ont été faciles à identifier, vu le peu de sœurs siamoise de cet âge qu'il peut y avoir sur le sol américain à notre période. Elle est prête à dévoiler le résultat de ses recherches lorsque, tout joyeux, Hodgins arrive avec une théorie sur le lieu de vie des victimes d'après ce qu'il a pu trouver avec les restes : elles faisaient partie d'un cirque. Angela confirme en montrant une affiche de cirque où les deux sœurs sont annoncées : Julie et Jenny Van Owen, les sœurs siamoises jongleuses.

Alors que Booth et Brennan sont en consultation dans le bureau du Sweets, ils lui parlent de l'enquête en cours. Sweets les prévient qu'il sera très difficile de faire parler les gens du cirque, qui sont très secrets, très renfermés. Ils ne parlent qu'aux autres gens du cirque. Il tient cela de sa propre expérience. Enfant adopté, Sweets a voulu retrouver sa mère, elle-même artiste de cirque, et n'a jamais réussi à obtenir la moindre information. Bien qu'il se moque de lui, Booth prend en compte son objection, surtout lorsque Brennan révèle qu'elle-même a eu à faire aux gens du cirques lors de ces études et n'avait obtenu aucune information, quand bien même elle était devenue assez douée à la corde raide. Les deux équipiers prennent alors une décision radicale et surtout qui les réjouit pour poursuivre leur enquête : ils vont intégrer le cirque sous couverture.

Avant de partir sous couverture, les deux partenaires discutent avec la mère des sœurs, Sandra Hicks. Cette dernière en veut au cirque qui pour elle, a volé ses filles. Elle projette de les poursuivre en justice pour des dizaines de motifs, avec l'aide de son avocat de mari, Dell Hicks. La dernière fois qu'elle a vu ses filles, 4 mois plus tôt, Jenny, la jumelle dominante, lui a demandé de rester en dehors de leur vie, et Julie n'est pas intervenue. Brennan l'interroge sur la possibilité d'une séparation chirurgicale des sœurs, qui ne semblait pas, selon l'anthropologue, présenter de réels dangers. Sandra révèle que le docteur Muir et Jenny pensaient eux aussi que c'était sans danger tandis que Julie et Sandra estimaient l'opération trop risquée.

Dans le bureau du Docteur Muir, ce dernier explique que même s'il pensait que l'opération de séparation était sans danger, il n'avait plus son mot à dire, les sœurs avaient décidé de rester collées et il ne pouvait aller contre cette décision. Brennan demande si les sœurs pensaient qu'être séparées briserait leur carrière. Muir n'en a aucune idée, il sait simplement qu'elles adoraient leur vie dans le cirque, et qu'elles avaient un nouveau gros projet pour leur show.

Un van avec le visage de Booth et Brennan peint sur la carrosserie se gare au « Bingham's Circus of Wonders », actuellement installé au Texas. On peut lire sur la carrosserie « Les couteaux de la mort de Buck et Wanda Moosejaw ». En tant que Buck et Wanda, les deux enquêteurs discutent avec Henry Simmons, propriétaire et Monsieur Loyal du cirque. Il accepte de leur offrir une chance, sans les payer. S'ils sont bons et conquièrent le public, alors ils auront leur contrat. Booth décide de lui donner un avant-goût de ses capacités de lanceur de couteau. Il lance d'une seule main, trois couteaux qui se plantent directement dans un des poteaux de bois. Bones est impressionnée et l'exprime, ce qui semble bizarre à Simmons et s'interroge sur leur nouveauté dans le métier. Tant bien que mal, Booth et Brennan le rassurent. Simmons, toujours un peu suspicieux, appelle Lavalle, un nain, pour qu'il leur montre où s'installer.

De retour dans leur van, Booth appelle tout de suite Sweets. Ce dernier leur propose de leur envoyer un lexique. Il leur donne aussi un conseil : « Comportez-vous comme si vous vous intéressiez plus l'un à l'autre, qu'à aucun d'entre eux. Ils viendront d'eux-même vers vous ». Ils raccrochent, et pour bien montrer qu'ils s'intéressent plus l'un à l'autre, ils secouent leur van. De l'extérieur, Henry et Lavalle observent cela et espèrent simplement qu'ils sont aussi bon à l'extérieur de leur van qu'ils semblent l'être à l'intérieur.

Booth et Brennan rejoignent ensuite la troupe sous le chapiteau. Booth demande après Julie et Jenny, prétendant avoir travaillé avec elles en Alaska l'année précédente. Simmons et Lavalle leur indiquent qu'elles ont quitté le cirque. Henry leur montre le message qu'elles ont laissé derrière elles. Elles ont écrit que, bien qu'elles aiment le cirque, elles doivent partir, avancer dans leur vie. Les deux artistes s'en vont, laissant le message à Brennan.

Dans le labo, Camille et Vincent regardent une vidéo des jumelles en train de jongler. Angela a plus d'information désormais. Brennan lui a envoyé une photo du message. D'après Vincent, Jenny était gauchère et pourtant, sur le message, Jenny a été signé de la main droite. Le message est donc un faux.

Dans le chapiteau qui fait office de cantine, Brennan et Booth prennent leur premier repas de cirque. Booth se fige un instant en passant devant les clowns avant de s'asseoir avec Henry, Lavalle, Madame Nina et Magnum l'homme fort ! La chance est du côté de Brennan et Booth, la conversion tourne autour de Jenny et Julie. Elles manquent à tout le monde au cirque, sauf peut-être aux clowns car elles leur avaient emprunté des accessoires sans leur demander leur permission. Nina rappelle que Julie avait un petit-ami, un homme extérieur au monde du cirque.

Dans leur minuscule van, Booth et Brennan discutent avec Camille et Hodgins grâce à la webcam de l'ordinateur portable. Hodgins ne peut pas croire que l'une des sœurs ait eu un petit-ami. Il n'arrive pas à imaginer comment c'était possible, sexuellement parlant. Camille, de son côté, est plus intéressée par le mode de couchage des deux enquêteurs et demande s'il n'y a qu'un seul lit dans le van. Brennan recentre la conversation sur l'enquête et leur demande de vérifier s'il y a des indices qui permettraient d'identifier le petit-ami en question. Hodgins a trouvé du gel pour cheveux sous les ongles de Julie et précise l'odeur. Booth, en tant que fils de coiffeur, identifie tout de suite la marque : Smoothsure Power Hold, et le docteur Muir en avait une grosse couche sur ses cheveux.

Booth et Brennan empruntent une moto avec un side-car pour aller interroger le docteur. Pendant ce temps, au labo, Vincent découvre des fractures jumelles sur le crâne des deux siamoises, exactement au même endroit, comme dans un miroir.

Dans le bureau du Docteur Muir, ce dernier admet qu'il avait effectivement une relation avec Julie. Il sortait au début avec Jenny mais est tombé amoureux de sa sœur. Jenny était furieuse à propos de ça. Leur mère n'aurait pas été contente de cette relation non plus, donc ils l'ont gardée secrète. Le Docteur Muir tente de se justifier : « On peut avoir beaucoup d'intimité avec un masque pour les yeux et un lecteur MP3 avec le volume au maximum ». Booth ne peut supporter d'en entendre plus. Il arrête Muir pour suspicion de meurtre. Le reste, bien que dérangeant, n'est pas illégal.

Lors de leur retour au cirque, Brennan veut absolument parler de leur numéro. Ils doivent jouer le soir même. Booth ne voit pas pourquoi ils continueraient. Pour lui, ils ont déjà arrêté le coupable. Mais le téléphone sonne et le bureau du FBI leur indique que Muir avait un alibi solide. Ils devront donc faire leur numéro !

Au labo, Camille, Vincent et Angela tentent de découvrir comment les fractures du crâne se sont produites. Ils en arrivent à une théorie, leur tête sont entrées en collision après qu'une des filles a été frappée au visage avec un objet contondant qui n'aurait pas laissé de trace, comme les fausses altères de Magnum, l'homme fort, ou les accessoires des clowns !

Au cirque, Booth et Brennan sont prêts pour leur numéro. Booth est déguisé avec une moustache et un long manteau de fausse fourrure à la mode Russe, tandis que Brennan porte une coiffure inspirée de la princesse Leïla, un costume fait d'un maillot et d'une cape en or. Booth est plus que subjugué par la beauté de Brennan dans son costume.

Il reprend ses esprits et les deux enquêteurs fouillent dans les accessoires des clowns. Brennan en profite pour suggérer d'en utiliser certains pour leur numéro. Cependant, les clowns les attrapent et sont en colère qu'encore une fois, les gens pensent qu'on peut se servir dans leurs affaires sans leur en demander la permission. Les clowns deviennent très agressifs. Simmons arrive et calme le jeu. S'ils veulent se battre, ça les regarde mais après le spectacle, pas avant ! Alors que Booth se retourne pour partir, il frappe accidentellement Brennan dans l'œil avec un énorme marteau en mousse. Brennan récolte un œil au beurre noir mais ça ne l'empêchera pas d'être sur la piste le soir même.

Le spectacle commence et Booth et Brennan paradent avec les autres artistes autour de la piste. Brennan, qui maintenant porte un cache-œil, est totalement prise par son rôle et semble très enthousiaste à l'idée d'être sur la piste, au contraire de Booth qui est plus réservé. De retour dans les coulisses en attendant leur tour, le tension monte. Brennan veut encore discuter de leur numéro et propose accessoires sur accessoires pour agrémenter leur numéro, tandis que Booth n'est intéressé que par une seule chose : ne pas tuer Brennan. Ils n'ont pas le temps de se disputer, c'est à leur tour.

Booth et Brennan entrent en piste et le public applaudit. L'équipe peut suivre le spectacle depuis le labo grâce à une webcam installée dans le chapiteau. Booth semble particulièrement nerveux, contrairement à Brennan qui, elle, est prête à commencer. Elle se tient contre une planche, entourée de ballon. Booth hésite et envoie finalement le premier couteau...qui perce un des ballons ! Il jette le second couteau....envoi réussi. Il prend de plus en plus confiance et les trois derniers ballons sont aussi crevés sans que Brennan ne soit blessée. Le numéro est réussi, Booth est soulagé et commence à saluer....jusqu'à ce qu'il entende le public réagir. Il se retourne et Brennan s'est installée à nouveau contre la planche, avec cette fois ci, une pomme géante au dessus de la tête. Booth n'en est pas bien heureux, mais est obligé de relever le défi. Il envoie le couteau....et réussi à nouveau. Il croit que c'était son dernier, mais Bones à encore un accessoire dans son sac...un nez de clown. Elle l'enfile et se met de profil. Elle n'attend plus qu'une chose, que Booth perce le faux nez...sans toucher le sien. Booth est terrifié à l'idée de blesser Brennan, mais il n'a pas le choix. Il prend son temps, et après de long roulement de tambour lance son dernier couteau... et réussit parfaitement ! Le public applaudit, émerveillé. Même Simmons et Lavalle sont largement impressionnés.

Dans les coulisses, après s'être félicités l'un l'autre, Booth et Brennan observe le numéro suivant le leur. C'est autour de Magnum, l'homme fort. C'est en l'observant que Booth commence à le soupçonner. Il pourrait avoir eu la force nécessaire pour tuer les sœurs siamoises avec un accessoire de cirque.

Après le spectacle, Booth et Brennan vont parler avec Magnum et ne prennent pas de gants. "Julie et Jenny sont mortes. Mais vous le saviez déjà, n'est-ce pas ?", lance Booth. Magnum s'échappe en cassant un pilier qui tenait des filets, emprisonnant Booth et Brennan dans une toile géante et les empêchant de le poursuivre alors qu'il part en courant.

Une fois libéré, Booth lance un avis de recherche sur Magnum, tandis que Brennan écoute les dernières conclusions de Vincent. Il a trouvé des fractures sur les os de leurs pieds et jambes... Brennan s'inquiète ensuite de l'appréciation de ses collaborateurs sur leur show et s'excite lorsqu'ils lui disent qu'ils ont adoré. Elle est prête à recommencer avec encore plus d'accessoires et d'entrain mais Booth met le hola. Le numéro de ce soir était leur seul et unique ! De plus, ils doivent maintenant interroger les autres artistes.

Sous le chapiteau, Simmons leur demande des explications à propos de ce qu'il s'est passé avec Magnum. Brennan révèle alors leur véritable identité et leur dit qu'ils ont des soupçons sur lui pour le meurtre de Julie et Jenny. Et quand Booth leur montre sa plaque, le chapiteau se vide. Les artistes ne veulent pas parler à des étrangers du monde du cirque. L'enquête semble maintenant terminée, puisque il n'y a plus de pistes à explorer.

Brennan décide tout de même de faire un essai sur la corde raide, au plus grand déplaisir de Booth, inquiet pour elle. Elle commence à marcher sur cette corde et se révèle effectivement douée. Mais très vite, faute d'entrainement, elle perd l'équilibre et tombe dans le filet...elle comprend alors comment sont mortes les jumelles. Ce n'était pas un meurtre, c'était un accident. Elles tentaient d'être les premières siamoises du monde à avoir un numéro sur la corde raides. C'est en tombant qu'elles se sont cognées fortement la tête l'une l'autre et en sont mortes.

Magnum revient vers eux pour s'expliquer. Il n'aurait jamais fait de mal aux sœurs. Booth et Brennan le croient. S'ils n'ont pas fait appel aux autorités, c'est à cause de la mère des siamoises. Le cirque n'aurait jamais pu faire face financièrement à un procès. Booth l'arrête tout de même pour ne pas avoir prévenue les autorités et avoir enterré le corps seul, mais Brennan lui promet de lui trouver un bon avocat.

Le lendemain matin, Brennan et Booth sortent de leur van pour se retrouver... seuls. Tout le cirque est parti durant la nuit. Les deux enquêteurs deviennent nostalgiques à propos de leur numéro lorsque Booth retrouve le flyer. Leur mission sous couverture est terminée, mais aucun d'eux n'a envie de partir...


source: https://www.bones-online.com

(Opening Scene: Brennan and Booth are walking in an open field, Booth heavily sweating, Brennan checking her GPS)

Booth: That must be them, near that big piece of nothing
Brennan: According to my GPS it’s about where Texas turns into Oklahoma
Booth: Oh great. We’re in the middle of a jurisdictional pissing contest. (Booth’s out of water) I’m out of water, give me yours. (sees sheriff’s) Hey!
Sheriff 1: Hey (short pause) Are you all FBI?
Booth: FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth. (points head at Brennan) this here is Doctor Temperance Brennan from the Jeffersonian.
Sheriff 2: Welcome to Oklahoma ma’am.
Sheriff 1: Welcome to Texas.
Booth: Guys? welcome to the United States of America
Brennan: Where are the remains please?
Sheriff 1: Oh right here. (turns around, and they all walk over to the remains)
Brennan: Hardly any flesh left, it’s very dry here so I’m guessing the time of death was some months ago.
Sheriff 1: How do you think they died?
Sheriff 2: They left Oklahoma, hit Texas than died of despair
Sheriff 1: No they’re definitely Oklahomans, if they’re from Texas they had sense enough to carry water
Brennan: That wouldn’t show up in the bones. (Sheriff nods disappointed)
Booth: No clothing….
Brennan: Might have blown away
Sheriff 2: Maybe a young couple? some sort of suicide pact?
Brennan: Sub-pubic angle suggest two females
Sheriff 1: Oh. Lesbian suicide pact.
Sheriff 2: Definitely Texans then.
Brennan: The victims are Pygopagus, or some would say Illeopagus
Booth: What’s that?
Sheriff 2: Greek?
Brennan: Conjoined twins
Sheriff 1: What’s that?
Sheriff 2: Siamese twins
Brennan: The point of attachment is posterior
Booth: Joined at the ass
Sheriff 1: (laughs) Definitely Texans
Sheriff 2: So what do we got here doc?
Booth: Well…it’s a federal case boys, FBI will take jurisdiction (both sheriffs nod disappointed)

(Scene fading out)

(Cut to the lab, Brennan and Vincent Nigel-Murray are examining the body)

Vincent: Conjoined twin births occur one every 85000 births, the same frequency as hermaphroditic births.
Cam: Oh Mr. Nigel-Murray, we’ve so missed your insights.
Vincent: Thank you.
Cam: Why weren’t the remains dispersed by scavengers?
Brennan: Well the depression on the earth suggested that they were buried in an extremly shallow grave. The remains were spotted by an oil survey team from a helicopter.
Vincent: Begging/Breaking the question what exposed the bones. (Angela enters platform)
Angela: Well…there was a sandstorm in that area eight days ago. Sustained winds of sixty miles per hour. Gustav about eighty.
Brennan: They’re molars have not completely emerged and route development is incomplete.
Vincent: Indicating that the victims were between 19 and 21 years of age.
Angela: Guys? Hello? Id-ing them is not going to be a problem. How many sets of conjoined twins can there be?
Vincent: (thinking) uhm. Over the last fivehundred years approximately sixhundred sets, over seventy percent woman.
Cam: I did not expect him to know that.
Vincent: Well…all facts are useful, it’s just the context that shifts.
Angela: I bet I could just go search missing siamese twins and find them in like ten minutes.
Cam: By all means, give it a shot.
Vincent: the victims had to separate spinal coloms fused distally at the lower sacral level extending to the pelvis, no other vertebral anomalies.
Brennan: Neither one of them could have survived the death of the other.
Vincent: So murder-suicide, suicide-murder or vice versa.
Brennan : That was vice versa. (Nigel looks confused, Hodgins enters the platform)
Hodgins: Soil beneath the skeletons was full of weirdness, quite a bit of decomposed cotton.
Brennan: We didn’t see any fabric.
Hodgins: Wow it’s decomposed very cheap stuff too, I think they were wrapped in a sheet.
Cam: Naked wrapped in a sheet, Sweets will have to say something about that
Hodgins: Also I found soil dwelling Mite Genus Arrenurus, the nearest place they could have picked soil mites was hundreds of miles away. And decomposed popcorn.
Cam: They were killed at the movies?
Hodgins: I have a theory
Vincent: The circus
Hodgins: (Looking at Vincent) Kind of stole my thunder there. But yeah, yeah the travelling circus. (Angela appears)
Angela: I found them
Cam: Already? (Angela shows them an animation of the circus, a poster pops up picturing conjoined twins Jenny and Julie van Owen.
Angela: Hah!
Cam and Angela: The circus
Vincent: (smiling) The circus
Hodgins: (smiling as well) The circus
Vincent: Abacadabra was first uttered to cure hay fever. (They all look impressed)

(Cut to: Brennan and Booth in Sweets office)

Sweets: Conjoined twins wrapped in a sheet?
Booth: According to Hodgins.
Sweets: It would help to know how they were wrapped.
Brennan: Well…All the evidence has gone with the wind
Sweets: No other clothing?
Brennan: According to Hodgins
Booth: The murderer didn’t want anyone to identify them from their clothes
Sweets: They’re conjoined twins, you might as well bury them with their driver’s licences in their hands. Wrapped naked bodies often indicate a careful burial or of course sexual assault
Booth: Ok you know? that’s uhmm. That’s creepy (stands up) We gotta get going there Sweets
Sweets: Where?
Booth: Texas, that’s where the circus is.
Sweets: (Standing up as well) Uhhhhh. Circus folk are extremely tight lipped and close nip. They won’t tell you anything.
Brennan: How do you know?
Sweets: I…you know…I’ve read articles.
Booth: you’re the worst liar I’ve ever met. You read articles?
Brennan: Even I know he’s lying.
Sweets: Okay. I’m adopted. You know what? My story isn’t important here.
Booth: No It’s very important, go ahead.
Sweets: I…… (sighs) When I reached the age of majority (Brennan sits down again) I tried to find my birth mother, a psychic who worked in the circus and carnaval circuit in Florida.
Booth: Bio-mom is/was a carnie
Sweets: Let’s stay on track. The point is no one would talk to me.
Booth: Were you wearing a suit?
Sweets: You’ll be wearing a suit and they won’t open up to you either. I’m just trying to be helpful here.
Brennan: I suspect Sweets is right. I studied a carnaval for 6 weeks as research for my cultural anthropology dissertation. No one would tell me anything, even though I became quite adept on the highwire.
Booth: Fine if they’re gonna talk to their own, we will go undercover.
Sweets: What?
Brennan: If we’re joining the circus we’ll need an act, I…I’m quite adept on the highwire.
Booth: No you know what? We’ll have a knife throwing act.
Brennan: I can’t throw knives.
Booth: I can. I had the best knife-skills in the rangers.
Brennan: Are we going to join the circus.
Booth: We are gonna join the circus

(Theme Song)

(Brennan and Booth in a car, Booth’s driving)

Booth: So we’re gonna talk to the twins mother here in Forth Worth and than pick up our mobile home. And we’ll join the circus right outside Waco.
Brennan: Our mobile home?
Booth: Yeah Bones, circus folks crisscross the country in a mobile home. I have the field office here painting up something special for us.
Brennan: Is that all you need to get a job at the circus, a mobile home?
Booth: You know what? It’s gonna help, it’s showy, showpeople.
Brennan: It’s always possible we’ll talk to the girls mother and solve this whole case tonight right?
Booth: Hope not.
Brennan: hah?
Booth: huh?

(At the mother’s home)

Mother: I should have never let those girls leave this home, worst thing that can happen to a mother isn’t it? Finding out that you outlived your child, unnatural.
Brennan: except for societies with high infant mortality rates
Booth: My understanding is that you tried to sue the circus several time mrs. Van Owen
Dell: It’s mrs. Hicks.
Mother: Dell Hicks is my husband, and my lawyer. Dell helped me sue the circus for.
Dell: Loss of income, alienatien of affection, civil right’s abuses, animal abuses, improper hiring, emotional distress, mental anguish.
Booth: Any of these go to court?
Dell: It’s just a matter of time agent Booth.
Booth: You really hated that circus.
Mother: They stole my daughters. I’ll do anything to get back to them for that.
Brennan: When did you last see your daughters?
Dell: Four months ago.
Mother: They told us to but out of their lives.
Dell: Jenny did.
Mother: If one of the girls wanted something it was the same as both wanting it.
Dell: If Jenny wanted something they both wanted it. It didn’t matter what Julie wanted.
Brennan: I took a look at the remains and I had to wonder if you ever considered having them surgically seperated.
Mother: It was to dangerous.
Brennan: I disagree
Dell: So did Jenny and Dr. Muir.
Mother: Well Julie and I thought it was to dangerous.
Brennan: Your daughters disagreed on whether or not they should be seperated?
Booth: Is dr. Muir’s office here in Forth Worth.

(Cut to dr. Muir’s office)

Dr. Muir: I’m sure you understand that my responses to your questions about the van Owen sisters is somewhat tempered by patients privilege.
Booth: They’re murder victims, patient privilege no longer applies.
Dr. Muir: Oh yes. Of course. I’ve never had a patient murdered before.
Brennan: You thought that the twins could safely be seperated?
Dr. Muir: Yes.
Brennan: I agree
Dr. Muir: As did Jenny but Julie and her mother disagreed, she and her ambulance chaser husband tried to sue me.
Booth: So…How did you leave things?
Dr. Muir: Well in the end it didn’t matter what the rest of us thought, Julie and Jenny were gonna have to come to an agreement.
Brennan: I wonder if they thought they could continue to work in the circus if they were seperated.
Dr. Muir: Well, they both loved the circus. Jenny told me once they had some ideas on how to expand their act.
Booth: Sounds like Jenny was the bossy one and Julie was a little nicer.
Dr. Muir: They were like any other sisters, they had distinct personalities and strength (silence) If there’s anything I can do to help the FBI
Booth: Tell you what? Why don’t you send the records to the FBI in washington.
Dr. Muir: Why can’t you simply take them with you?
Booth: We have another appointment.
Brennan: Thank you for your cooperation.

(Cut to a riding trailer)

Brennan (katherine hepburn accent): The FBI did a wonderful job with this trailer.
Booth: Ok. Just loose the Katherine Hepburn voice.
Brennan:I’m just trying to find my character, you know acting.
Booth: Don’t it sounds ridicolous, okay Bones?
(the trailer stops)

Booth: What’s my name there Wanda?
Brennan: It’s written right there on the side of the truck. Which ‘’high wire’’ is not.
Booth: It’s just sometimes you get irritated and you say ‘’Booth’’ without thinking.
Brennan: I don’t do anything without thinking ever, Buck.

(together they walk into the circus tent. Inside the circus folks are practising their acts. Booth and Brennan stand In front of the circus owner Henry Simon)

Henry: Buck and Wanda and their knived of death huh? Never heard of you.
Booth: Well we worked the pacific north-west; Canada, Alaska.
Henry (looking at Brennan): I guess that makes you the beautiful assistant than?
Brennan: Yes, Wanda. I’m also quite adept on the high wire.
Henry: I got to admit it would be nice to have a knife throwing act around.
Booth: well, folks they love a little danger. (flips a knife with his hands)
Henry: So what’s your thing?
Booth: Our thing?
Henry: Yeah your gimmick, you know? Cowboy and Indian princess, Pirate and kidnapped princess, Jack the ripper and…princess.
Brennan: We’re russian
Booth: Or they cowboy and Indian princess thing?
Henry: No no no, the russian thing sounds good.
Booth: It does.
Henry: Yeah.
Booth: Yeah Ok yeah, we are RUSKA. (holds up knife)
Henry: Alright. Why don’t you do the first show for free and if I like you than we’ll talk famen. (Booth throws 2 knifes and Brennan looked at him impressed)
Brennan (impressed) Wow. (Henry looks u) You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Henry: Lavelle? (booth sighs) You two ain’t the first of may are ya?
Brennan: No in fact we are not the first of may
Booth: we are no first of may, we’re no first of may. (Lavelle appears)
Henry: This is Lavelle, he’s our 24-hour man. Lavelle meet Buck and Wanda Moosejaw, they do a barber act.
Lavelle: Moosejaw? What are you Indian?
Booth: Canadian
Henry: Lavelle’ll show you where to park your digs. You can get ready for the show.
Lavelle: Any good?
Booth: How about that (points at the knives he just threw)
Lavelle: Hell, being able to do something well doesn’t make you any kind of a showman.
Brennan: Oh, we’ll show people alright? You will be a mess.

(brennan and booth enter their trailer)

Booth (annoyed): Russian? You had to pick russian?
Brennan: I know Brilliant right? It just popped into my head
Booth: You know what? Don’t pop things Bones. (booth is trying to call Sweets and he picks up) Sweets! What the hell is a first of may?
Sweets: A newbie, a rookie.
Brennan: Why would a little person be referred to as a 24-hour man?
Sweets: Oh, had a little trouble with the lingo huh? He is the advanced person, he goes to town ahead of the circus and sets everything up. If you like I could e-mail you a lexicon.
Brennan: I would certainly appreciate that.
Sweets: Sure. Uhm…Can I offer a piece of advice?
Booth: Well…That’s why we called you Sweets.
Sweets: Don’t try too hard to be their friends, act like you’re more interested in each other than any of them alright? They will come to you.
Brennan: Okay. Thanks Sweets.
Booth: So uhm, sex right? (silence)
Brennan: Oh, good idea.
Booth: Okay.
Brennan: What I think we need to do is get a synco-pated rythym going that takes adventage of the natural frequency of the springs. (they use their hands to bounce against the walls of the trailer, resulting in a creaking sound.)
Booth: wo wo wo, wait, wo. Are you this spontanious during real sex?
Brennan: yes I am.
(they look at each other awkwardly and continue the bouncing.)

(Lavelle and Henry standing outside)

Lavelle: What do you think?
Henry: I hope they’re as good outside the trailer as they are in.
Lavelle: I give’em good marks for staying power.

(Lavelle and Henry are sitting in the tent, going through the paper work)
Henry: I don’t know
Lavelle: I can try

(Booth enters the tent)

Henry: Getting settled in Moosejaw?
Booth: Yup. Nice tent, very...
Henry: It’s a piece of crap
Lavelle: Let’s pray there’s no wind or rain. Hate for it to collapse on paying customers.
Henry: Is there something we can help you with?
Booth: Aim me at the Van Owen sisters.
Lavelle: The Van Owen sisters?
Booth: Yeah. Sisters. Jugglers. Julie and Jenny. Joined at the hip. Literally
Lavalle (laughs): Yeah funny. How’d you know them?
Booth: We worked a carnie in Alaska together last year. Nice kids. They said they were coming down to work at .....
Henry: I’m afraid you missed them, Julie and Jenny they, they moved on (to Lavelle) when was it Lavelle?
Lavelle: uhm after Petersburg weren’t it
Brennan(calling out): Buck???
Booth: Wanda, Julie and Jenny don’t work here anymore.
Brennan: Where did they go?
Henry: You know what? I think I got a note in here somewhere from when they left (gives Brennan the note)
Brennan: ‘’ thanks for everything. We loved working here and we live all of you but we’ve decided to take another direction in our lives. You’ll always be family. Love, Julie and Jenny’’
Booth: That didn’t sound like them
Henry: It sounds like Julie
Booth: Not Jenny.
Brennan: well maybe they were forced to leave under duress
Lavelle: Listen to the five dollar words the target can use.
Booth: She likes to read the dictionary.
Lavelle: Tough girl Jenny
Henry: The rubes sure love them
Brennan: them quitting probably hurt your box office.
Henry: Sweetheart, I got nothing but trouble at the box office.
Brennan: I’m sure we’ll run into the girls somewhere or another. There’s not many circuses anymore right?
Lavellle: Food’s ready to mestant, If you two can drag yourselved out of your trailer, I’ll introduce you to the rest of the gang
Booth: duressed? You are smart... (sarcastic)
Brennan: Just because I’m in a carnaval –
Booth: oh forget it,
Brennan (continued):doesn’t mean I can’t read books and have a good vocabulaire

(Cut to: The Lab, Cam and Nigel are watching a movie where Jenny and Julie perform their knife juggling act, they look bored)

Cam: Is it more impressive that they can do that joined at the hip, or less?
Vincent: Twins die an average of ten years apart, even when they’re genetically identical
Cam: Not helpful
Vincent: X-rays from the girls doctor in Dallas. Ok, notice the anti mortem bone lesion in the carpel capitate suggesting a stab wound on the hand.
Cam: did you see the video? They were juggling machetes
Hodgins: I found particulates of magnesium carbon on both girls. (to vincent) Do you have any fascinating trivia on that subject?
Vincent: One mans trivia is another mans wisdom.
Hodgins: The choque used in flooring, fire prooving, cosmetics, toothpaste and laxidants.
Vincent: obviously we are on the lookout for a clean tooth, eyeshadow wearing, constipated contractor.
Hodgins (disbelief): Wow
Angela: Hey, Brennan send a photograph of the note the twins left at the circus.
Cam: How long will it take you to analyze it?
Angela: I found something pretty interesting just by looking at it. (the note appears on the tv screen) (to vincent) you said Jenny was the left-handed twin.
Vincent: Yes
Angela: Correct. The smudges and the slangs on the letter indicate that the note was written by the left-handed twin
Vincent: On a standard keyboard there are over 3000 words that can be touch typed with the left hand alone.
Cam: It’s not typed, it’s handwritten.
Angela: How many can be typed with the right hand?
Vincent: 450. Thank you ever so much for asking me.
Cam: Please don’t encourage him.
Angela: the point is; Jenny was signed with the right hand while Julie signed the note with the left. (everyone looks quizzical) This note was obviously not written by them, guys. It’s fake.

(cut to the circus. Brennan and Booth are walking to a table with their food. Booth sees clowns)

Booth: ooohhh. Okay. Look at them...clowns.
Brennan: The psychiatric term for fear of clowns is coulrophobia.
Booth: It’s not fear, it’s hate. Okay? Big difference. (To Henry who’s also sitting at one of the tables) You mind?
Henry: Sure have a seat, Buck, Wanda, this is Magnum the strong man and this is Madame Nina (Camera shows to faces)
Brennan: Oh. Are those your legal names?
Madame Nina: Is Wanda yours?
Lavelle: Buck and Wanda, they knew Jenny and Julie.
Magnum: I miss those girls.
Madame Nina: We all do.
Henry: Not the clowns.
Booth: Why is that?
Madame Nina: The girls were trying a new act. They borrowed some of the clowns’ equipment without asking.
Henry: You know what? They should have stuck to juggling.
Madame Nina: They were just trying to help save the circus.
Magnum: but they wanted more time in front of the audience.
Madame Nina: Not Julie. She wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend.
Booth: Julie had a boyfriend?
Brennan: But her sister was literally right beside her all the time.
Magnum: People can’t help who they fall in love with.
Henry: You fall in love with an outsider, that’s the end of the circus life.
Booth: Who was it?
Madame Nina: He was a gillie.
Booth(whispering to Brennan): What’s a gillie?
Brennan (whispering back): A gillie is an outsider.

(Cut to Brennan and Booth in their trailer. Talking to the lab through the webcam)

Brennan: So one of the girls had a boyfriend. (annoyed) Booth you’re sitting in my clothes.
Booth: I’m sorry but it’s kind of thight in here.
Brennan: Which is why you shouldn’t throw your underwear on the floor.
Booth: it fell.
Brennan: Don’t blame gravity for a lack of tidiness.
Cam: Is there only one bed there?
Hodgins: Oh. Can we please hit rewind. One of the girls had a boyfriend?
Brennan: Yes.
Hodgins: Only one of them? (laughs) I mean. How did they? You know when they’re? I just don’t see physically how they...
Booth: Okay look. That’s not the issue.
Brennan: Just take that image out of your mind and pretend their seperate individuals and ask yourself if you found anything that suggested a relationship. (Hodgins is looking confused)
Booth: Hodgins?
Hodgins: huh? Yeah sorry. Still working on the mind picture eradication thing.
Brennan: Did you find anything on one of the sisters that you didn’t find present on the other.
Hodgins: uhh...yeah actually...yeah I did. A residue of polyelectrolyte polymers under the fingernails of Julie and not Jenny. It was polyfenal pyrrolidone.
Brennan: What is that? Make-up?
Hodgins: It’s not make-up it’s hairgel. Seems like Julie was running her fingers through someone’s hair.
Booth: Julie was the one with the boyfriend?
Brennan: Can you identify a brand?
Hodgins: No. But it would smell a lot like sandalwood.
Booth: Oh. Smooth shore power hold.
Hodgins: Hmmm yes. That’s definitely on the list of possible products, yeah.
Booth: Dr. Muir was wearing a ton of hairgel that smelled just like sandelwood (Brennan looks surprised) What? Son of a barber, I know my traditional hairproducts.
Brennan: So Julie was having an affair with Dr. Muir?
Booth: Tell you what? If we leave now we can question him and be back in a couple of hours.
Brennan: No!!! Not in this thing and we have a show, we can’t be late.
Booth: We’re not circus performers okay? We solve murders.
Brennan: Yeah, we’re undercover murder solvers and if we don’t make it back in time we’ll blow our cover.
Booth: Tell you what? I will search for a faster vehicle. But first I gotta scavenge some russian you know some russian costumes because somebody said we did a russian act.
Brennan: It was a great idea.
Cam: Dr. Brennan? If you do have to perform any chance you can set up a webcam so we could watch? You know to see if we might be of any help with the case I mean.
Brennan: Yeah absolutely. Anything to help.
(Cam keeps her hand in front of the webcam and gives Hodgins the thumbs up. He smiles)

(cut to: Brennan and Booth on a motercycle)

Booth: Did you bring our real clothes?
Brennan: Yes they’re in the bag. Where did you learn to drive this thing?
Booth: You’re kidding me right? I’m a cop.
Brennan: We should really talk about our act.

(cut to: Vincent is examining the bones)

Vincent: Two complementary fractures on each of the victims craniums.
Cam: Like their heads were cracked together?
Vincent: Interesting fact.
Cam: Yes but is it pertinent?
Vincent: Indeed. In the fraternity of forensic anthropologists these are known as ‘’kissing fractures’’
Cam: So heads knocked together is the cause of death?
Vincent: Little known fact; There were actually six men known as the three stooges
Cam: So we’re going with the three stooges as the cause of death?
Vincent: Such would be my inclination.
Cam: I’ll let you pass that nugget on to dr. Brennan when you tell her about the fractures

(Cut to: Brennan and Booth in dr. Muirs office)

Dr.Muir: I already send off the girls’ medical records. I’m not sure how else I can help you.
Brennan: I want to run my fingers through your hair
Dr.Muir: Why?
Brennan: to prove you were in a sexual relationship with Julie van Owen
Dr. Muir: And running your fingers through my hair will prove that?
Brennan: yup.
Booth: I’ll tell you what, look Dr. Brennan up on the internet. She’s getting pretty famous for this kind of stuff.
Dr. Muir: You’re not gonna understand this.
Booth: You had a threesome?
Dr. Muir: Absolutely not. I dated Jenny first and then I fell in love with Julie, and Jenny didn’t really like that.
Brennan: That’s why he recommended seperating the twins.
Dr. Muir: No that’s not true. My recommendation was totally objective.
Booth: Maybe the mother found out and sued his whole life away?
Dr. Muir: which is the only reason we kept the relationship a secret.
Brennan: Relationship? Sexual relationship?
Booth: How? When you were...I’m trying to understand...when you and Julie...
Dr. Muir: The girls had seperate genitalia, a fair amount of privacy could be achieved by an eye mask and an mp3 player turned up really loud. Julie liked the ‘’Kings of Leon’’, Jenny like ‘’Maroon 5’’
Brennan: The American medical association is going to take away your license.
Booth: that’s a motive for murder.
Brennan: We should arrest him.
Dr.Muir: On what charges?
Booth: Definitely positive on the suspicion of murder thing. You know the other thing is just...eh...it’s a little confusing.

(cut to: Brennan and Booth on the motorcycle. They’re on their way back to the circus)

Brennan: Can you go faster? We’ll miss the show.
Booth: No we’re great in time Bones. Alright? Relax. (Booth’s phone rings) A little help there Bones, Phone’s ringing and I’m kind off busy. (Brennan reaches into Booth’s pocket)
Brennan: Shouldn’t we talk about our act? We need costumes
Booth: We’re not needing the russian costumes, we’re dropping the act.
Brennan: What? You can throw knives I thougth!
Booth: Yeah I know we can but we caught the bad guy. We don’t need to go undercover. (Brennan is still reaching for the phone in Booth’s pocket) What are you doing? Digging for loose change?
Brennan: Oh. Got it. (she flips the phone open) Special Agent Booth’s phone, Dr. Temperance Brennan speaking. Dallas field office, it’s for you
Booth: of course it is, it’s my phone. Well...than ask them what they want/
Brennan: What is this about please? They say all of Dr. Muirs alibi’s checked out and that they can’t hold him for murder.
Booth: He didn’t kill the twins?
Brennan: He couldn’t have driven all the way to the Texas/Oklahoma border during that time...Now can we talk about our act? I do know a few words in russian
Booth: Oh no.

(cut to: The Jeffersonian, inside Angela’s office)

Angela: Vincent provided me with the approximate forces that would take to the cause kissing fractures to the twins’ skulls
Vincent: Approximately 300 pounds plus square inch, which is by the way the same as a pitbull bite.
Cam: were they attacked by a pitbull?
Angela: Not a likely scenario. No.
Cam: See how this works Mr. Nigel-Murray. A kind of mental winnow proces.
Angela: Ok. Scenario number one; whiplash.
Vincent: no.
Angela: no?
Vincent: There’d be evidence of trauma in the vertabrae as well.
Cam: Excellent mental winnow
Angela: Okay, scenario number two; a fall.
Vincent: No the rest of the skeleton would have shown evidence of a fall.
Angela: Alright, scenario number three; resulted seperably by a weapon.
Vincent: That’s possible.
Angela: No actually it’s not.
Cam: Why not?
Angela: Because the wounds are absolutely symmetrical here. (points to computer screen that shows the fractures on both girls’ cranium) The possibility of an assailant striking them seperately at the exact angle with the exact same force that ain’t gonna happen. Okay...well, the heads could’ve been conked together.
Cam: There’d be evidence on the soft tissue of the face.
Angela: No there was no soft tissue left.
Vincent: What if the blunt instrument was soft?
Angela: Like a pillow? Oh wait a second...Clown props.
Cam: I’ll call Booth and dr. Brennan.
Angela: Nice.
Vincent: When Cortez conquerred the Aztecs clowns were among the many treasures he carried back to Clement VII
Angela: Thank you. That’s......(she sighs)

(Cut to: The circus terrain, Booth stands in front of the trailer, he’s dressed up. Lavelle approaches him.)
Lavelle: You ready?
Booth: Yes, ready to throw knives at beautiful woman
Lavelle: Not at I hope.
Booth: Right. No, of course. Around her. (the trailer opens and Brennan steps outside. She’s dressed up as well) Wow Wanda,you...you look..wow.
Brennan: You to Boris.
Booth: You make beautiful Natasha.
Lavelle (laughs): You act like this is the first time you’ve done this.
Booth: Well, we like to keep things fresh.
Lavelle: As so I’ve seen. (he walks away)
Brennan: So I stand against a board right with balloons around me and you pop them with your razor sharp knives.
Booth: Right, unless we do our actual jobs and find the murder weapon.
Brennan: What’s with the mustache?
Booth: It totally had a nice russian form.
Brennan: it looks like a small animal.

(cut to: Brennan and Booth going to items that belong to the clowns)

Brennan: There’s a giant plastic ice-cream cone, a giant plastic shoe, a giant plastic phone, a giant plastic plier.
Tumbles: ho ho ho, wanna tell me what you’re doing here?
Booth: What you’re gonna play tough? You’re clowns. I throw knives.
Clown 2: Let’s kick his ass
Booth: Bring it on Bozo.
Brennan: Oh. We’re just looking for a prop, that’s all. Buck here is gonna knock this nose of my head with a knife.
Tumbles: Why does everyone think the clown stuff is there for everyone. This is our stuff.
Clown 2: Let’s kick his ass you guys.
Brennan: traditionally clowns are fun-loving and anarchistic, you are rigid and humorless.
Clown 2: Let’s kick both their asses.
Booth: You better have your biggest ass kicking shoes on. (henry appears)
Henry: Stop. You wanna have a clam, that’s your business. But after the show. (They look at each other) Tumbles I’m serious
Tumbles: Let’s go guys.
Booth: not so funny now ain’t Tumbles.
Henry: That’s enough Moosejaw. We’re lining up. You two damn well better be ready.
Brennan: I’m ready, how about you?
Booth: You know ready, (he turns around and accidentally hits brennan with the hammer) Oh god Bones.
Brennan: My eye
Booth: Are you okay?
Brennan: I’m okay.
Booth: We can’t do the show now.
Brennan: What? No! the show must go on
Booth: Says who?

(Cut to: The circus. The show is about to start

Henry: Ladies and Gentleman and children of all ages, welcome to Binghams Circus of Wonders, the most sensational, death-defying one ring spectacular on earth.

The performers appear and the crowd is clapping and cheering. The opening act is started. Brennan and Booth walk into the tent as Natasha and Boris. Brennan is waving enthusiatically

Brennan: They’re clapping for us Boris, smile Boris and wave. Show them your knives. Come on, where’s the Buck Moosejaw I married. (Booth finally does as told and he and Brennan are showing the knives)

(Cut to: Booth standing near the tent, Brennan appears)

Brennan: Hey...hey? I got preps
Booth: props for what?
Brennan: preps, objects for you to throw knives at.
Booth: No, you will stand against the board still. I am going to throw knives around you but not too close.
Brennan: That does not sound like a very good act. I’m sure the crowd is expecting a lot more than that
Booth: There is no act. There’s just me trying not to kill you
Brennan: You said you were very good trained in knife throwing skills by the military
Booth: I am very good, but it’s you I’m concerned for.
Brennan: If you say you’re skilled than I have no reason to- (Brennan stops because Magnum appears)
Magnum: You know it’s not good for Barbers to fight before the show, those things are sharp.
Booth: Let’s just get through this alright? Mrs. Moosejaw
Brennan: Okay.
Booth: Look at them, Clowns are using these fake barbles. One of them could have knocked the twins and smashed their heads together.
Brennan: The bar joining the foam...
Booth: they’re clowns, they have their ways.

(The clown act is over and Lavelle walks over to them)

Lavelle: You’re up.
Henry: And now direct from their triumphant tour of Europe and the Far East. Binghams Circus of Wonders is proud to present the razor sharp skills of the most thrilling, the most breathtaking, the most dangerous knife throwing skills in the world. Boris and Natasha and their Russian Knives of Death.

(Cut to: The lab, the squints are following the show on the computer)

Angela: What’s up with Brennan’s eye
Hodgins: Eyepatch. It looks very rakish.
Cam: plus she only has to be half as scared

(Cut to: The circus tent)
Booth: Bones just keep your arms outstretched like this okay? Be very, very still.
Brennan: Okay. Shouldn’t the balloons be closer to my body.
Booth: Not if you want to live.

Brennan is positioned between the balloons and Booth takes of his coat. The audience is still laughing and cheering. Booth starts to throw the knives and the balloons pop as they are hit by the knives. Everyone in the lab is clapping and cheering. Brennan steps away from the board and Booth enthusiastically uses his voice to produce a hard low sound.

Booth: Natasha’s balloons are no match for Boris’ knives of death.

Brennan walks over to him and Booth keeps making the sound and Brennan walks to a bag and takes out a tomato props. She shows it to the people and they all yell. Everyone in the lab looks confused, as does Booth who has no idea what she’s doing. Brennan positions herself against the board with the prop tomato on top of her head.

Brennan: Boris (says something russian) spill the life of your (says something russian again).

Booth looks confused, and makes some sounds. Brennan points at the tomato with one finger.

Booth: Definitely.

Everyone in the lab looks confused.
Hodgins: Are they sure they know what they’re doing?

Booth hesitates and finally throws the knife. The knife ends up in the tomato. Everybody is clapping and cheering including the lab and Henry. Brennan walks over to Booth and they make a bow together.

Brennan: You reall are as good as you said. You should try a blindfold.
Booth: Says the half blind woman.

Brennan walks back to the bag and takes out a fake clown nose and shows it to the audience. Booth looks surprised. Everyone at the lab looks surprised as well. Brennan wears the fake nose and stands against the board once more.

Cam: Is it me or does she seem a little to in to this?
Sweets: Well, there is of course a sexual component to an act of this sort, the knife representing th-
Cam: We get it
Sweets: Dr. Brennan is showing remarkable trust and willingness

Booth is nervously pacing around.

Man in the audience: Be careful Buck she only got one eye left.

People laugh, Booth is waiting to throw the knife, everyone holds their breath. Booth throws the knife...........and it hits the fake nose. Brennan gasps. Everyone is cheering and clapping louder than before. The squints laugh and clap as well. Booth shows his knives to the crowd one last time.

Henry: Well how about that? Let’s hear it for them folks, Boris the brave and the knee knockingly lovely Natasha.
Brennan: Come on Boris.
Henry: Let them hear it folks.

Brennan and Booth stand behind the curtain.

Brennan (enthusiastically): They loved us! You were great. Superb hand eye coordination, Buckie.
Booth: I could have killed you.
Brennan: Therein lies the excitement for the spectators

They look through the curtain and they see magnum.

Henry(announcing): -Superstrong mighty magnum!
Booth: My god.
Brennan: What?
Booth: Magnum, look.

They both look. An acrobat is launched by Mangnum, he lands on top of the other acrobat.
Brennan: He definitely has the upped body strength to swing the foam barbell hard enough to cause those fractures.
Henry(talking to the audience) check out those arms of steel.

Brennan and Booth walk out of the tent. They see Magnum sitting at a table.

Booth: Hey there, big guy. You got a minute?
Magnum: For what?
Booth: I want to ask you a question about my friends, Julie and Jenny.
Magnum: Look, this is getting old. I told you they were here, they left that’s all I know. Check with some other circuses maybe.
Brennan: They’re dead, but you knew that didn’t you?
Magnum: Dead? What are you talking about?
Booth: Their heads were smashed together. Weren’t they Magnum.

He runs away, booth follows him. He pushes against a big pole, it goes down and a net lands on top of Booth and Brennan.
Booth: Jeez. That guy is strong.
Brennan: He is called a strongman
Booth: Can you help me get out of it?
Brennan: I’m trying to get out.

Booth and Brennan are inside their trailer, Booth is on the phone. Brennan is talking to Cam and Vincent on the webcam.

Booth (into his phone) Look I wanna put a BOLO on this guy right away. Magnum the Strongman, real name; Norman van Clock. Of course he’s big, he’s a strongman. Look...he’s wearing a tank top that says Magnum it shouldn’t be too hard.
Brennan(to Booth): Mr. Nigel-Murray found some additional bone anomalies. (To vincent) Can you explain?
Vincent: Anomalies from the greek anomalias-
Cam: I think we could move this along a bit faster Mr. Nigel-Murray.
Vincent: I found slight longitude north fractions on the distal end of all four lower leg Bones, and stress fractures on the cuboids.
Brennan: Fractures to the lower leg and feet.
Booth: Does this guy torture them first? You know rubber hose to the feet.
Vincent: That wouldn’t have been consistent with the injuries, which are isolated to those specific areas.
Brennan: Can you send me the X-rays?
Vincent: The X-rays-
Cam: They’re on their way.
Vincent: I was more than capable telling her that.
Cam: I was afraid you’d start talking about Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, and the discovery of the X-ray.
Vincent: November the 8th 1895 an image of his wife’s hand
Cam: I rest my case. By the way we all loved your show.
Brennan: oh thank you! Did you hear the cheering?
Booth: Yeah, that was all for me.
Cam: Booth was undeniably good.
Brennan: However he’s not as imaginative as far as the act goes.
Booth: Look. There’s a difference between imagination and tempting faith.
Brennan: I’m just asking for a little flair.
Booth: Flair? You want flair?
Cam: Can I ask about the eye?
Booth: No (he flips the laptop shut)
Brennan: I was thinking I could wear a head of fruit, and than you could slice to each fruit while-
Booth: Bones, it’s over. No more undercover. The act...it’s over. (after a silence) We have to go question the other performers.
Brennan: Right...

(Cut to: Brennan and Booth inside the circus tent, Henry and Lavelle walk up to them)

Henry: Hey, you two wanna explain what happened to Magnum?
Brennan: He trapped us in the net.
Lavelle: For no reason?
Booth: We asked him about the twins
Henry: Asked what?
Brennan: If he knew anything about how they died (everyone steps closer including the clowns)
Tumbles: You want us to take care of this.
Henry: Settle. Who are you people.
Booth (flashing his badge): FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth
Brennan: And dr. Temperance Brennan of the Jeffersonian institution.
Booth: Okay euhhh...The van Owen twins were murdered. Our prime suspect right now is Magnum.
Brennan: He had the reckons at strength. (the circus people walk away from them)
Lavelle: Magnum never killed anyone
Booth: People can you please come back now. (to Henry) Can you tell them to get back?
Henry: None of us are gonna help you.
Brennan: Don’t you care what happened to the twins.
Henry: you aren’t one of us.
Lavelle: You don’t get it do you? How could you you’re gillies
Brennan: No we’re not gillies, our act was good.
Lavelle: Yeah. You’re gillies.
Booth: Right.
Brennan: We have no case.
Booth: Yeah we will when we bring Magnum in.
Brennan: We have no definitive forensics tying him or anyone else to the murder.
Booth: Yeah you will. When you get back to the lab you’ll find evidence, the boniest maximus will have his initials on it or something. (Brennan looks up)
Brennan: I really was pretty good on the high wire. (Booth looks up) I’m gonna try it.
Booth: Up there? Now? Wait a second Bones, you’ll fall, it’s too high.
Brennan: There’s a net
Booth: you got now depth perception, you got a patch on your eye. You won’t be able to see.
Brennan: No, it’s more a case of feel Booth. I can do it with my eyes shut.
Booth: You shut your eyes and I will shut mine because I’m not watching. (Brennan climbs up the ladder to the high wire)
Brennan: My teacher said I was one of his best students.
Booth: This is crazy. (Brennan steps onto the highwire with a pole in both her hands and walks slowly)
Brennan: Booth...Look!
Booth: I told you I’m not gonna look. I’m keeping my eyes shut, this is absolutely...(he opens his eyes) Oh my god. Bones! You’re a fearless.
Brennan: My feet. I’m not in shape for this.
Booth: Look at you, you’re doing great! You think maybe you could ride a bike on that thing and maybe spin a ball on your nose at the same time?
Brennan: Aoww, my cuboids
Booth: What?
Brennan: The cuboids are the bones in my feet.
Booth: Bones are you alright? (she’s losing her balance) Bones?
Brennan: Yeah Im fine. (she falls down and ends up in the net.
Booth: Bones are you alright?
Brennan: Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. (she stands up) I know what happened
Booth: That’s pretty obvious; you lost your balance.
Brennan: No, to the twins. They weren’t murdered, the stress fractures to their fibulas and cuboids they were caused by walking on the high wire. And, and the kissing fracture, their heads snapped together when they fell into the net. That’s why there was no other trauma.
Booth: Oooh. A conjoined twin high wire act.
Brennan: Henry said that Jenny wanted to be famous. They’re act would have been completely unique.

(Cut to: Brennan and Booth walking on the circus terrain)

Brennan: I thought so first
Booth: Yeah. They covered up an accident by making it look like a murder.
Magnum: I didn’t kill them. I didn’t kill them. I loved them, I would never hurt do.
Brennan: We know
Magnum: I buried them, they needed a proper burial.
Madame Nina: Don’t say anything Magnum.
Brennan: You asked them not to go on the high wire but that’s exactly what they wanted to do.
Booth: It’s probably the only thing Julie and Jenny ever agreed on.
Brennan: when they dropped to the net, the force of their fall snapped their heads together.
Booth: Yeah an accident like that their mother would definitely have sued. The circus wouldn never have survived... You know I’m gonna have to arrest you for interference with a dead body.
Brennan: We’re sorry. Are we?
Booth: Yeah, sorry.
Brennan: We’re going to get you a good lawyer, Cause I don’t wanna sue the circus down because of me.
Magnum: Just don’t bring them into this.
Booth: Which you’re gonna have to explain is why you wrapped them in a sheet, because that’s something a woman would do out of respect.
Brennan: You’ll also have to explain how you forged their handwriting on a note.
Magnum: Yeah, I will. Thanks.
Booth: Well, I’ll just call the Dallas field office and have’em pick him up.
Brennan: You think he’ll run again?
Booth: No. He won’t run.

(Cut to: The trailer stands all alone on the terrain, Booth steps out and picks up a paper, Brennan steps outside with coffee)

Brennan: They’re gone.
Booth: Yeah.
Brennan: We slept through it?
Booth: Yeah. Look at that (he looks at the paper and reads) Boris and Natasha and their russian knives of death. Guess we all got it in us, because I would have run off and joined the circus.
Brennan (looking at paper): We did it.
Booth: Buck and Wanda were damn good.
Brennan: Buck was more dashing than you. I mean Buck, drove a motorcycle
Booth: Well Wanda was funner than you.
Brennan: How?
Booth: Well she let me knock off a rubber nose from her face with a knife. You would never let me do that, you are way to rational.
Brennan: Where do you think they are now?
Booth: Over the horizon.


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !