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#110 : Beauté fatale

Goodman demande à Brennan de mener l'enquête avec Booth à Los Angeles concernant des morceaux de corps de jeune femme qui ont été retrouvés à l'aéroport. Pendant que Zack, Hodgins et Goodman s'occupent d'authentifier un squelette datant de l'âge de bronze.


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The Woman in the Airport

Titre VF
Beauté fatale

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Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) devant le corps

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) devant le corps


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Plus de détails

RéalisateurGreg Yaitanes

Scénariste : Teresa Lin

Guest : Claire Coffee, Harry Groener, Michael B. Silver, Marika Domingzyk, Natalija Nogulich, Jann Carl, Adam Grimes, McNally Sagal

Brennan et les fouines examinent les restes de ce qui pourrait être le plus beau spécimen jamais découvert de l'âge de Bronze. Avec son style habituel, Booth arrive pour présenter une affaire "sexy" venu tout droit d'Hollywood : les restes d'une femme ont été retrouvés éparpillés à l'Aéroport International de Los Angeles. Brennan est réticente à l'idée de ne pas étudier le guerrier de l'âge de bronze, mais Booth convainc Goodman que cette affaire médiatisée pourrait donner plus de panache encore à l'institut. Une fois de plus, Booth remporte la partie et Brennan doit s'occuper de son affaire.

A L.A., Booth et Brennan enquêtent sur le site où le corps a été retrouvé éparpillé par des coyotes. Ils sont briefés par l'agent spécial Tricia Finn qui les escorte jusqu'à la morgue de L.A. Arrivée là-bas, Brennan examine les os de la victime pendant que l'agent Finn lui parle de son intérêt pour la comédie, espérant que Brennan pourrait lui avoir un rôle dans l'adaptation cinématographique de son nouveau livre. Brennan ne savait même pas que son roman allait être adapté au cinéma. Perturbée par ce qu'elle voit, Brennan fait remarquer que le crâne de la victime a été complètement changé par la chirurgie - à tel point qu'elle ne sera peut-être pas capable de l'identifier.

Par vidéo interposée, Zack expose à Brennan ce qu'il a découvert : cette jeune femme d'environ 20 ans porte des marques de couteau - une sur le sternum, deux sur les côtes. La dégradation de ses os suggèrent qu'elle a été abandonnée à l'air libre pendant environ une semaine, tandis que d'autres marques montrent que les coyotes ont mangé sa chair. La mâchoire et la jambe droite étaient cassées. En regardant de plus près, Brennan trouve un implant mammaire avec un numéro de série qui pourrait renvoyer à un chirurgien.

Suivre cette piste l'amène rapidement à un cul-de-sac - les implants ont été déclarés volés par un chirurgien plastique, le Dr Anton Kostov. Booth retrouve le bureau de celui-ci à Beverly Hills. Le docteur explique que trois semaines auparavant, un autre implant volé a été retrouvé lorsqu'il a été retiré d'une call girl par un chirurgien dans la vallée. Peut-être que le chirurgien connaît la victime.

Troublée, Brennan fait un bilan avec Angela pour voir comment elle s'en sort avec la reconstruction du visage de la victime. Angela fait remarquer que le femme ne s'est pas contenté de la chirurgie plastique. Elle a aussi changé son crâne - les os des joues sont rabotées, son menton est mofidié et sa mâchoire restructurée. Il y a trop de changements pour donner un rendu précis de ce à quoi elle a pu ressembler.

Booth, Brennan et l'agent Finn suivent la piste de leur call girl jusqu'à une prostituée de luxe - Ivana Bardu d'Aphrodie Escorts. Ivana regarde les portaits proposés par Angela et réduit les possibilités en évoquant Rachel - une des filles qui est partie pour une semaine à Las Vegas avec un client de longue date : le Dr Anton Kostov. Elle a disparu depuis deux semaines.

Booth reconnaît cela comme un avertissement pour Kostov; il connaissait Rachel comme patiente et en tant que client. Brennan fait remarquer que Rachel aurait pu avoir plus d'une intervention chirurgicale. La chirurgie sur l'os de ses joues est très inhabituelle et spécialisée. Hodgins déclare que les restes ont aussi de la fibre de verre marine, indiquant que Rachel peut avoir été au contact de la mer ou sur un bateau peu avant de mourir. En plus des interventions chirurgicales, la victime a eu la jambe écrasée dans un accident de voiture quand elle était adolescente. Zack déclare que les isotopes d'oxygène et de strontium dans l'émail de la molaire indiquent qu'elle a passé son enfance en Nouvelle Angleterre tandis que la dentine montre qu'elle a vécu entre 6 et 10 ans en Californie du sud. Ils parviennent ainsi à définir où la victime est née et a grandi.

A la grande consternation de Brennan, Booth commande une call girl : Leslie Snow, la "meilleure amie" de Rachel. Leslie arrive sur le toit de l'hôtel, avec une allure sexy, pensant que Booth est un client. Celui-ci lui annonce la mort de Rachel. Bouleversée, elle lui révèle que le "vrai" nom de Rachel était Candice Haden. Elle dit aussi que Rachel sortait avec un garçon, Nick, qui a fait une apparition dans la série "24 heures chrono". Quand Nick a découvert que Rachel était une call girl, il s'est énervé et a cassé sa fenêtre.

De retour au QG du FBI, l'agent Finn confronte Booth pour savoir pourquoi il ne cesse de l'écarter de l'enquête. Il lui répond qu'il n'aime pas qu'elle utilise le FBI comme un tremplin pour vendre un scénario. Il a trop de respect pour le Bureau pour tolérer ce genre de comportements.

Sur le tournage d'Extra Sudio avec Penny Marshall, Brennan est interviewée par Jann Carl à propos de la possibilité d'adaptation de son roman, Bred in the Bone. Brennan est plus distraite que jamais lorsqu'il s'agit de se faire bien voir par Hollywood et quitte le plateau en plein milieu de l'interview pour suivre une piste.

Sur la plage, Brennan rejoint Booth pour interroger Nick Harbison, le petit ami de Rachel, au milieu d'un match de volleyball. Il leur dit que son nom était "Sandra Kane". Il ne l'a jamais bien connu et l'a perdue de vue après leur rupture. Il n'a rien à voir avec le meurtre.

Brennan et Booth retournent enquêter chez le Dr Kostov. Il soutient qu'il n'a rien à voir avec le meurtre et qu'il ne savait même pas qu'elle était morte la première qu'ils sont venus le voir. Ils n'ont rien sur lui et il ne veut pas leur donner plus d'information. Toutes leurs pistes les amènent à un cul-de-sac. Ils ne savent pas à quoi elle resemblait, ou même ce que son vrai nom était. Booth n'a même pas un sentiment de la personnalité de la victime.

Au labo, Zack réalise que l'arme du crime doit être un grande version de l'outil utilisé sur la mâchoire de la victime. Ils parviennent à identifier le seul chirurgien d'Amérique du Nord qui fait ce genre de procédures, le Dr Henry Atlas. Booth et Brennan lui rendent visite dans son cabinet avec un mandat. Atlas est obligé de reconnaître que Rachel était une patiente et que son vrai nom était Susan Shephard. Ils confisquent ses instruments, suspectant que l'un d'eux pourrait l'arme du crime.

A la morgue, Brennan teste les instruments d'Atlas sur de l'argile et en trouve un dont elle pense qu'il pourrait être l'arme du crime. Dans la pièce d'interrogatoire du FBI, Booth et Brennan disent à Atlas et à son avocat qu'ils ont trouvé une correspondance sur l'arme du crime, ont récupérer des preuves sur le bateau d'Atlas et un témoignage de son équipage comme quoi il s'est disputé avec Rachel/Susan peu avant sa mort. Atlas avoue finallement qu'il échangeait des interventions plastiques contre du sexe et que Rachel/Susan est devenue accro à la chirurgie. Il ne l'a pas tué; il a juste refusé de pratiquer d'autres interventions. Un témoignage plus poussé révèle que Rachel n'était pas la seul call girl qu'Atlas fréquentait de l'agence Aphrodite. Il a commandé un fille avant Rachel, qui était plus "flashy" - portant des diamants incrustés dans ses ongles... Booth rappelle à Brennan que Hodgins a retrouvé un morceau d'ongle sur la victime. Le nom de la call girl avant Rachel était... Leslie Snow.

La nuit, sur le toit de l'hôtel, Leslie Snow arrive pour rencontrer Booth, avec un large sourire, maintenant qu'elle le connaît mieux. Booth joue le jeu, prend sa main, et retire un ongle avec un diamant dessus. Leslie a assassiné Rachel par jalousie. Elle pensait que Rachel lui volait l'homme, le Dr Atlas qui devait être son échappatoire de cette vie. L'agent Finn et d'autres agents arrêtent Leslie et l'emmènent. Booth rejoint Brennan qui regarde la scène d'un peu plus loin. Elle est contente qu'il ait arrêté le meurtrier mais est tout de même triste que la véritable identité de la victime n'ait pas été découverte. Booth lui un donne un article de journal qu'il a retrouvé... Son vrai était "Alison Holmes" de Bangor, dans le Maine. Il a fait des recherches sur l'accident de voiture dans lequel sa mère est morte - son cadeau à Bones. Elle est touchée, reconnaissante. Avec cette dernière information, les restes d'Alison seront rendus à la famille.

[Int. Open. Lab area with all the drawers.  Dr. Goodman is looking at a skeleton and artifacts on a lighted table. Bones and Zack are with him looking at it too.]

Dr. Goodman: These remains dating from the Iron Age were found at the bottom of shaft three at the site.  There were five sets of human remains found.  This is the only one found whole.

Zack: He’s in good shape.

Bones: Fifteen hundred years old, he shouldn’t look this good.

Dr. Goodman: Which is why we’re here.  We’re going to either authenticate the find as a set of human remains from the Iron Age of unfound or dash the hopes of a thousand scholars.  Let me know how it turns out.

Bones: Dr. Goodman, this is extremely prestigious aren’t you going to be part of the team?

Dr. Goodman: No I have an institution to run.

Zack: Didn’t you use to be an Archeologist?

Dr. Goodman: Yes, Mr. Addy.  Thanks for reminding me.

Bones: (to Zack) x-rays, pictures, we’re going to do this without touching the actual skeleton as much as possible.

Zack: Kid gloves?

Bones: Latex should be alright, Zack.(pauses) Zack were you being metaphoric?

Zack: I decided to give it a shot which is also metaphoric.

[Cut to: Bones’s Office.  She walks in and sees Booth sitting at her desk with a big smile on his face.]

Bones: (sighs) I need a receptionist.  I can’t just have anybody waltzing in here.

Booth: Take a look at this. (holds up some papers)

Bones: (she takes the papers from him) A bunch of red circles?

Booth: Each circle shows were a body part was found.

Bones: What is this an airport?

Booth: Los Angeles International.  Local pathologist says the remains are in pretty bad shape.

Bones: So he punted it to the FBI.

Booth: Airports, the fall under Federal jurisdiction.  Excellent use of the word punt.

Bones: I can’t go to Los Angeles.  I have an Iron Age warrior to authenticate.

Booth:  Iron Age warrior, when was the Iron Age?

Bones: Fifteen hundred years ago.

Booth: Fresh body bits just a little more urgent.

Bones You do realize there are a lot more fresh bodies then there are perfect specimens from the Iron Age?

Booth: You know when you say things like that it’s just to bug me, right?

[Cut to: Dr. Goodman’s office.  He is seated and Booth and Bones are seated across from him at his desk.]

Dr. Goodman: Do we have to go through this every time?

Booth: Exactly.

Bones: Booth can’t just walk in and say (snaps fingers) pack your bags we’re going to LA.

Booth: Oh, yeah yeah the whole Ice Age warrior thing.

Dr. Goodman and Bones: Iron Age.

Bones: And that’s not the only thing.

Dr. Goodman: Homeland Security has asked Dr. Brennan to identify three bodies found dead in…

Bones: I’m not allowed to say.

Dr. Goodman: The point is Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan is in great demand on several pressing cases and she’s needed here at the museum.  Why should I send her to California?

Booth: Sexy case in Hollywood.  How much more good press could the Jeffersonian get?

(Dr. Goodman leans forward at this desk with his hands folded like he’s interested.)

Bones: But Dr. Goodman you said the Iron Age warrior was of the highest priority.

Dr. Goodman: I can step in on that case.  You pack your bags.

(Booth smiles and looks at Bones.)

[Cut to: Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA.  Booth is driving a blue mustang convertible and Brennan is in the passenger seat.  They both have sunglasses on.]

Bones: This car doesn’t feel very FBIy.

Booth: Bones this is a nineteen sixty-six mustang.  It’s a classic and what goes better then that with the FBI?

Bones: How come on the rental agreement under model you made the guy write sedan?

Booth: C’mon. We’re in California. (puts his arm behind her shoulders.)  Look palm trees.

Bones: You know I like to drive sometimes.

Booth: Look our contact out her is Special Agent Trisha Finn.

Bones: I’m an excellent driver.

Booth: Okay Rainman.

Bones: I don’t know what that means.

Booth: I’m always gonna drive. You know that, right?  Me behind the wheel you over there on the grandma side.

Bones: I’m not above telling Deputy Director Cullen what kind of car you rented.

(The camera switches to Bones driving now with a smile on her face.  Booth is sulking in the passenger seat.)

[Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. The skeleton of the Iron Age guy is on a different table.  Dr. Goodman is pacing back and forth looking at it.  Hodgins is standing on the other side of the table with his arms crossed and Zack is at the end of the table.]

Hodgins: Do you want us to do something or just stand here and watch?

Dr. Goodman: I’m getting a feel for the fellow.

Zack: A feel?

Hodgins: Look, there’s no bugs on him, haven’t been for over a thousand years.

Dr. Goodman: There may be spores and pollens, correct?

Hodgins: Probably not.

Dr. Goodman: Dozen of species of pollens have been discovered from the crustaceous era.  How long ago was that?

Zack: (raises hand) sixty-five million years.  That was a pretty good come back.

Dr. Goodman: When authenticating a find like this we have to be at the top of our game.

Hodgins: We all know that you’re going to say I’m unable to authenticate with confidence.

Zack: Why would he do that?

Hodgins: When you declare something authentic you run the risk of being proven wrong.  That doesn’t happen if you equivocate. As head of the Jeffersonian, Dr. Goodman will place the reputation of the institution over everything else.

Dr. Goodman: I’m an archeologist.  My findings will be congruent with the facts.

Hodgins: With all due respect, you used to be an Archeologist.

(Hodgins and Dr. Goodman glare at each other)

Zack: I have no idea what’s going on between you two right now.

[Cut to: Sandy Beach area. There’s yellow tape strung about securing the crime scene. Bones and Booth are there looking at the area. It has a lot of red flags scattered around it stuck into the sand.]

Bones: Agent Finn, why was the body removed from the crime scene?

Finn: Call me Trisha, Dr. Brennan.  The body was removed because parts were visible to arriving flights. (Hands Bones a file) Here’s a map of the crime scene with a legend. Now there’s a marked cone at the location of each body part and each photograph corresponds to a cone.  That’s how they do it in your book.

Booth: She got that from me.

Bones: This is not a dismemberment.

Booth: Okay, are you sure Bones?  I mean this is Los Angeles, you know, they’re showy.

Finn: Is it possible that the body parts were ground up in a landing gear then dumped when the airplane landed?

Bones: The dispersal rate is wrong.  It looks like to me like the body was pulled apart by a pack of dogs.

Finn: More likely Coyotes.

Bones: Coyotes are at the airport?

Finn: We got Coyotes everywhere.

Bones: (to Booth) Did you know that?

Booth: No, I thought Coyotes were a cowboy thing.

Bones: I’d like to see the remains now.

[Cut to: Cold Examination Room, LA county morgue.  This room is a very narrow, long room.  It is mostly all white.  There is a table in the middle of the room where the body is laying.  There are computer desk at the front of the room. Bones is looking over the body while Booth and Finn look on.]

Bones: I need all the dirt, silt, bits and pieces collected with the body parts sent back to the Jeffersonian immediately.

Booth: You know what I like when there’s no flesh on the bones.  Just a personal preference.

Bones: (picks up the arm and looks at it.) There’s not much left anyway.

Finn: Eww, Dr. Brennan as a screen play writer myself I’d be happy to help you in anyway I can with regard to your movie.

Bones: Excuse me?

Finn: Someone told me they’re thinking of making your book into a movie.

Booth: Say something Bones.

Bones: Well all I know is I’m supposed to meet some big movie producer while I’m here if I have time which I probably won’t.  Does the pathologist need any further access to the remaining soft tissue?

Finn: Uh, no.  He got everything out of it he could.  So my own screen play is about this FBI agent who finds herself on the trail of a former boyfriend. (Bones tears what is left of the skin from the face) Oh, uh , God.

Booth: It’s okay if you have to leave.

(Finn walks out quickly covering her mouth and moaning.)

Bones: (holds up the skull and looks at it.) This is not good.

Booth: Yeah thanks for that insight.

Bones: No, I mean the architecture of the skull has been radically altered.

Booth: You mean by rotting and being eaten by coyotes and having the face ripped off by you?

Bones: No, by surgery…lots of surgery.  I’m not sure I’ll be able to tell who this was.

[Roll Intro.]

[Cut to: Cold Examination Room, LA county morgue. Bones has a screen set up with a satellite link to her lab.]

Bones: Are you getting the feed Zack?

Zack: (pops in view on the screen) Yes, Dr. Brennan. I’m looking at the x-rays you beamed to me.

Bones: I’m going to have the bones cleaned but there are still vestiges of flesh.

Zack: Hodgins got the clothing remnants and silt this morning.

Bones: Are you there Ang?

(Angela pulls Zack out of the way and sits down.)

Angela: Hi. Is it sunny sweetie? Tell me it’s sunny.

Bones: It’s sunny.  I sent you the entire skull.

Angela: You want a reconstruction?

Bones: If you can.

Angela: If I can?  Have I ever failed you?

Bones: This one’s different.  You’ll see what I mean when you get it.  Zack?

Zack: (peeks in the camera) Here, Dr. Brennan.

Bones: I make this a young woman.

Zack: Early twenties from the look at the x-rays.

Bones: Cause of death?

Zack: I see evidence of stabbing.  One hit to the sternum, two to the pistole cartilages.

Bones: Estimated time of death?

(Angela scoots over in her chair so Bones can see her in the corner of the screen behind Zack’s head.)

Zack: Degradation of the remains suggests the body was left out in the open between a week and ten days and the marks on the bones suggest carnivorous feeding beyond insects, birds, and rodents.

Bones: Coyotes.

Zack: They have Coyotes?

Bones: Yes.

Zack: That explains the dispersal of remains.  A pack of Coyotes finds the body, pulls it apart, and spreads out to eat in solitude.

Bones: The teeth are veneered.

Zack: The jaw has been broken and reset same with the right leg.  Have you seen any movie stars yet?

Bones: No, why?

Zack: Apparently it’s a contest when you go to LA in which the winner is the person who sees the most celebrities.

(Zack goes out of the screen and Angela is once again fully visible.)

Angela: You have a whole skull, right?

Bones: Yes.

Angela: So why is this going to be so difficult?

Bones: You’ll see. Ang, on the Iron Age project Goodman does this thing; Hodgins isn’t going to like it.

Angela: What thing?

Bones: He theorizes in a way.  It sounds like he’s making stuff up.  It’s hard to explain but it’s going to irritate Hodgins.

Angela: Honey, you’re in California, forget the Iron Age.  Say these words Sky bar go there tonight, tell me everything.

(Zack swings the camera to him and puts his face up to it.)

Zack: Dr. Brennan, one of these x-rays shows two dark clumps near the pelvis.

Bones: Behind what’s left of the spleen.

(Booth walks in.)

Booth: I got a list of missing persons, women in their early twenties. (He sees Bones rip something out of the body) Oh boy do I really have to be here for this part?

Zack: Do you think she swallowed that?

Booth: Could be because she was a drug mule.

Bones: (holds something round and yucky in her hand) It’s an implant, breast implant.

Booth: Those come with serial numbers.

Bones: We should be able to identify our victim in a couple of hours.

[Cut to: Lab. Platform area. Dr. Goodman is standing over the skeleton and Hodgins and Zack are standing on either side of him.]

Dr. Goodman: Unlike other burials of the time in which the remains were found in a semi fetal position, this fellow was found on his back, arms at his sides, with a piece of decorated antler on his chest.

Hodgins: Do you actually need me here?

Dr. Goodman: The antler honors him as a hunter although his weapons tell us he was a warrior.

Zack: He was in his mid-thirties when he died.  He was 1.88 meters tall.

Hodgins: You know there’s all the detritus from Brennan’s Hollywood crime to sift through,

Dr. Goodman: Six foot one, a big man for his time, feared by his foes, respected by his neighbors.

Hodgins: Encourage that much conjecture in Archeology, huh?

Dr. Goodman: His bones bear the marks of battle.  His weapons are of good quality, well used. He’s old for a warrior yet how did he die Mr. Addy?

Zack: Looks like Tuberculosis.

Dr. Goodman: A proud man.  This is not the ending he would of wanted yet he was surrounded by family and friends, good death.

(Hodgins looks up at the ceiling and rolls his eyes annoyed.)

Hodgins: Oh please. Now you’re describing a scene from Lord of the Rings.

Zack: I liked that movie.

Dr. Goodman: He was buried with respect, weapons, jewelry.  His family did not stint or pilfer. Have you found any spores or fungi, Dr. Hodgins?

Hodgins: Yes, they correspond both with the time he lived and the geography in which he was found.

Dr. Goodman: Hm.

Hodgins: What?

Dr. Goodman: I’d like details.

Hodgins: You mean like a written report?

Dr. Goodman: Yes, our findings will have to bare scholarly scrutiny from our peers.

(Hodgins looks at him annoyed and walks away.)

Dr. Goodman: (to Zack) What’s his problem?

[Cut to: Ext. Rooftop of Bones’s hotel.  There is a pool on top and several beautiful women in bathing suits sunbathing and talking to other men.  Brennan is leaning forward on a handrail looking at some papers.  Booth is standing next to her leaning backwards against the rail Agent Finn is walking towards them.]

Booth: My hotel doesn’t even have a pool.

Bones: Well you’re welcome to use mine.

Finn: Well the breast implant lead went nowhere.

Bones: What about the serial numbers?

Finn: Uh, the implants were reported stolen six months ago.  Our victim must have gotten them off the black market.

Bones: There’s a black market in breast implants?

Finn: Yeah we have the name of the doctor from whom the implants were stolen.

Bones: Who uses a black market breast implant?

Booth: Back alley plastic surgeons use them.  They’re not even real doctors.

Finn: Are you going to write the screen play?

Bones: What screenplay?

Finn: The one based on your book.

Bones: Well I guess maybe the producer I’m meeting will tell me.

Booth: Okay guys, let’s turn our attention back to the murder victim.  I’d like to go pay a visit to Dr. Boobs.

Finn: Why? If implants were stolen from him, he won’t know anything.

Booth: Because it’s the only lead that we’ve got Finn and leads are great for screen plays or even say if you’re actually working a real case. (Finn looks at him like she finally gets it and Booth whistles.)

[Cut to: Lab.  Angela is in an office.  She has pictures of the skull laid out on a table measuring certain aspects of it.  Zack walks in.]

Zack: I have something for you.

Angela: (sighs) Is it chocolate?

Zack: No.

Angela: I find my interest has flagged.

(Zack pulls out the skull cleaned behind his back.)

Angela: Nice. (she takes it from him.) Who is it?

Zack: It’s the Hollywood murder victim.

Angela: Oh my God.  I see what Brennan means.  This woman has had a lot of surgery.

Zack: What’s with Goodman and Hodgins?

Angela: Oh, they’re guys.  They should just lay them out on the table and measure.

Zack: Lay what out on the table and measure?

Angela: Okay, awkward moment. Let’s just say they have different approaches and they’re guys, okay?

Zack: I’m a guy.

Angela: You’re more highly evolved. (puts a few markers on the skull) This girl didn’t just change her face, she changed her skull.  This is going to make Brennan nuts.

Zack: You know one thing.

Angela: What’s that?

Zack: She’s going to be beautiful.  Why would anyone go through all this pain and not end up beautiful.

Angela: Do the names Michael Jackson or Joan Rivers mean anything to you?

Zack: One of them.  The other I’ll look up.

[Cut to: Dr. Anton Kostov’s Institute for Aesthetic Surgery.  Booth and Finn seated in the waiting room and Bones is pacing back and forth talking. There are women waiting in the area too.]

Bones: Every culture nurtures ideals of beauty toward which people strive. Fine but in the future people will look back upon the surgical alterations…

(Booth pulls down the magazine he’s reading and peeks over it at a girl who is waiting.  She looks back at him with an annoyed look)

Bones: (sits) of the nose or breasts or buttocks with the same horror that we regard binding of the feet or the use of bronze coils to extend the neck.

Booth: Do you want to speak up because it’s really hard to hear every word in this very very quiet waiting room?

Bones: It’s barbaric.  It’s painful. (looks at the woman waiting.) It’s wrong.  This murder victim may never be identified because some glorified barber with a medical degree had the arrogance to think that he could do better then the millennium of evolution.

(Booth hides his face in the magazine.)

Finn: Do you know what producer you’re meeting with, Dr. Brennan?

Bones: No my publisher didn’t give me a name.  I don’t know what a producer does specifically.

Finn: Nobody does but it’s really important.

Secretary: Dr. Kostov will see you now.

Booth: (gets up) You can remain here Agent Finn.

Finn: Yes sir.

[Cut to: Kostov’s office.  He’s seated at his desk Booth and Bones are standing on the other side of it.  Booth lays down an evidence bag with the breast implant in it.]

Booth: Do you recognize this Dr. Kostov?

Kostov: That would be your high profile double lumen full filled saline.

Booth: Yeah it’s from a shipment of implants you reported stolen six months ago.

Kostov: I have a hard time believing you’re returning one implant to me.

Bones: I found it in the remains of a murdered girl.

Booth: Have many more of those stolen implants been recovered?

Kostov: Yeah. Approximately three weeks ago there was a uh, faulty one had to be removed by a surgeon out in the valley.

Booth: From whom?

Kostov: I…

Bones: I don’t know what that means.

Booth: LA speak for call girl.

Kostov: LAPD was investigating. They can tell you what agency the girl was working for. (looks at Bones) You have the most beautiful bone structure.

Bones: I can’t take credit it’s genetic.

Kostov: How old are you?

Bones: Why do you want to know?

Kostov: Well it’s never too early to watch problem areas (gets up and walks over to her) that jaw, little pouches beneath the eyes.  Do you mind?

Booth: You touch her, she’d break your arm.  She thinks what you do is…

Bones: Barbaric. (glares at him.)

Booth: (laughs) No, don’t look at me.  I like my face the way it is.

[Cut to: Hotel Roof Night. Bones is in a weird bed. It is candy apple red and made of hard ceramic with holes in either side so you can get into it. There is a light built in at the top.  She’s lying on her stomach with her computer in front of her.  She has a satellite link to Angela and is talking to her over the computer.]

Angela: Sweetie, I’m having a hard time with this skull.

Bones: Did you try filling in the surgical scoring.

Angela: I can’t be definitive.  All the usual indicators have been modified.  I reconstructed three facial variations.  She had her cheek bone shaved, her chin changed, her jaw reconstructed. (sends images of the girl on the computer to Bones)  That’s just what she did to her bones.  We don’t have a clue what she did to the soft tissue.  Her nose, her brows, her cheeks.

Bones: Just start with her basic architecture.  We’ll go from there.

Angela: The basic architecture is what I can’t find.

Bones: You’re going to have to make a best estimate.

Angela: Did you just tell me to guess?

(Angela is looking at a big screen with Bones in the middle of it on her side.)

Bones: No, I said make a best estimate based upon on your experience and expertise.

Angela: Okay, well dress it up however you want but it’s still a guess. Look my experience and my expertise don’t extend to this. A facial reconstruction might not be helpful in this case.

Bones: Angela I told you it would be hard just…do what you can.

Angela: Okay Bren, you’re being a little edgy and tart with me and all I’m trying to do is tell you the truth.

Bones: What this young woman did to herself, it’s as if she completely removed her own identity. Who hates herself so much that she not only changes her looks but her core architecture?  If we don’t know who she is, then how will we be able to catch the person who murdered her?

Angela: Is that your way of apologizing?

Bones: Yes Angela.

Angela: I accept. Love your guts, sweetie.

[Cut to: Los Angeles Field Office, FBI.  Bones, Finn, and Booth are sitting in a lounge area questioning a Miss Bardu who runs an escort service.]

Bones: According to LAPD, a black market breast implant from the same shipment showed up in another girl from Aphrodite Escorts.

Finn: Are you missing anyone?

Booth: We’re not looking into your business, Miss Bardu.  We’re just trying to solve a murder.

Bardu:  I haven’t heard from Rachel in two weeks.

Finn: Is that unusual?

Booth: I prefer to ask the questions my own way, Agent Finn.  Thanks.

Bardu: Rachel booked out at a one week rate.  She knows to check in with me if the client wants to extend the contract.  It’s time to worry.

Bones: (hands Bardu pictures that Angela made)  Do any of these woman resemble Rachel?

Bardu: If I had to pick one, this is the closest but not really.

Booth: Hm, does Rachel have a last name?

Bardu: Rachel wasn’t even her real first name.

Finn: Ah she goes by Rachel Ashaunce.

Bardu: Rachel went to Vegas with a long time customer.

Booth: I need his name. Miss. Bardu it’s always the same story, beautiful young woman…somebody wants to meet her, somebody can’t have her, somebody dies.

Bardu: Dr. Anton Kostov an assembly line nip tucker in town.  If that’s all?

Booth: Do you have a card Miss. Bardu?

Bardu: We provide a law enforcement discount.

Booth: (takes card) Ah.

Bones: Miss. Bardu, do you have any idea of what Rachel looked like before her plastic surgery?

Bardu: Which time?

[Cut to: Holograph lab. Angela, Dr. Goodman, Zack, and Hodgins each stand on a side of the small platform where the holograph appears. The holograph is of the Iron Age remains skull.]

Angela: The skull is in extremely good shape.

Zack: Cranial measurements are congruent with age and sex as Kelts and Pre-Aryans.

Dr. Goodman: Which matches the location of the find.

Angela: I used Zack’s new tissue depth for the markers. However, every skull requires its own unique demands.

Dr. Goodman: Are you certain of your calculations Miss. Montenegro?

Angela: A lot more certain then I am on Brennan’s Hollywood hooker case.

Dr. Goodman: This is a Pict. Picti actually mean painted ones in Latin.  The Romans feared them.  Very little is written about them or by them. Fierce warriors’ falsely reported to be small in stature.

Hodgins: He’s a Pict, so what?

Dr. Goodman: The Pict’s are from the far far north of the British Isles, far above Adrian’s wall.  The remains were found in an archeological site in southern England, A far ways.

Hodgins:  A Pict can’t go for a walk?

Dr. Goodman: These remains represent an archeological anomaly.  This is unique in that no Pict has ever been found this far south before.

Zack: If we could remove the clothing and take a closer look at the bones.

Hodgins: It’s a face.  Maybe Angela got it wrong.

Angela: Hey!

Hodgins: Zack screwed up the measurements.

Zack: Hey!

Hodgins: This whole Pict business sounds like one of your stories.

Dr. Goodman: (sighs) Enough. (he leaves the room)

Angela: (to Hodgins) Are you trying to get fired?

Hodgins: Science is no country for story teller’s baby.

[Cut to: Cold Examination Room, LA county morgue. Booth and Bones are looking at the computer screens.  On the screens are the jaw bone and other bones.]

Booth: Kostov knew Rachel as a patient and she knew him as a client.

Bones: Kostov wasn’t the victims’ only plastic surgeon.  These are ten times magnifications of the victims jaw bone surgery. Kostov doesn’t do work this sophisticated.

Booth: Meaning she had more then one plastic surgeon.

(The computer screen to the left changes and Zack appears on the screen.)

Zack: Zack Addy.  I live to serve.

Bones: Zack this facial surgery…the edges of the bone are almost scalped as if the blade simultaneously cut and applied torsion.

Zack: You need to know if this procedure is recognized and sanctioned by the American Medical Association.

Booth: You think Kostov is performing illegal surgical procedures?

Bones: It won’t help us discover the identity of our victim (Hodgins throws Zack out of the way behind her.) but it might help us catch her killer.

Booth: That’s the point Bones.

Bones: What?

Booth: To catch the murderer.

Hodgins: I’m sending you a catalog of all the stuff they sent me. Soil samples, pollen, particulates, etcetera that were on the body parts.  Nothing too surprising except for E glass fibers.

Bones: Well she didn’t pick that up in a field.

Hodgins: No, it’s marine fiber glass.  The victim was on a boat shortly before she died.  Also look at this (a blown up fingernail pops up on the right screen.)  a fingernail probably her own.  I sent it to the FBI crime lab so they can run DNA tests.  That’s Zirconium by the way not a diamond.  So I’m guessing she wasn’t your top drawer high class prostitute.

Zack: All the osteological preservations are consistent with recent elective surgeries except the compound fractures in the right tibia and fibula which indicate traumatic compression and (int…)

(Booth picks up Bones’s cell phone and bounces it off the table.)

Bones: The victim had her leg crushed probably in a car accident around age thirteen.  Excuse me!? That’s my cell phone.

Zack: I analyzed the molars.  Oxygen and stranti mycotoxin in enamel indicate early childhood in New England while the dentin suggests six to ten years in southern California.

Booth: (in phone) Hey, Miss. Bardu.  Hi Special Agent Booth.  I’ve reconsidered your offer.  I was wondering if I could have one of your ladies visit me today?

Bones: (to Booth) You’re ordering a prostitute from my cell phone?

Booth: I was wondering if Rachel ever took part in any of those two on one specials.

Hodgins: Hey the old two on one special, classic.

Zack: What’s a classic?

Booth: That’s great. Just send me whoever she worked with the most.

Bones: You’re ordering a hooker to my hotel?

Zack: Did I hear you say hooker?

Hodgins: How come I never get to go on these out of town trips?

Booth: (to Bones) ‘Cause you have much looser daily allowances then I do.

Bones: Well have fun.  I have to get up early tomorrow.

Booth: Why?

Bones: I’m meeting a producer.

[Cut to: Rooftop of Hotel.  Booth is seated in a lounge chair facing Leslie, the girl Miss. Bardu sent him.  They are talking.]

Leslie: Oh, you’re one of those guys.

Booth: What guys?

Leslie: One of those guys who say they just want to talk.

Booth: I do just want to talk.  I’m an FBI agent.

Leslie: Okay, I get the drill.  What am I playing?

Booth: (removes his sunglasses and smiles at her.) No really. (pulls out badge.) Leslie, I really am an FBI agent. I just want to ask you some questions that’s all.

Leslie: About what?

Booth: About your friend Rachel. Look I’m sorry but I think…I think she’s been murdered.

Leslie: This can’t be happening. Oh God, Rachel was so nice.  She was really an actress. You know, the way I’m really a singer.  We all say we’re something different then what we are. None of us want to be what we are.

Booth: Did you know Rachel’s real name?

Leslie: Candace, Candace Hayden but I doubt that was her real name.  She said she was from Stockton but I told her I was from Quarterlane but I was lying.

Booth: Do you know why anyone would want Candace dead?

Leslie: We see things we shouldn’t all the time. We know things about powerful people they don’t want us to know.

Booth: Did Candace have anyone in her life?

Leslie: Nick for awhile.  I forget his last name but he played some kind of terrorist on 24. He got killed in like four seconds.

Booth: Did Nick know Candace was a call girl?

Leslie: No, not at first.  When he found out he got really mad.  He smashed out all the windows in her car.

( A security guard walks up to them.)

Security: I’m sorry Miss but you’re going to have to leave.

Booth: Listen buddy, I don’t know what your problem is but this is my little sister. Okay, I’m visiting from Quarterlane.  I asked her here for a drink which is taking a hell of a long time by the way.

Security: I’m sorry sir but we have strict rules…

Booth: You might want to have a little respect. (shows him his badge) Check on those drinks for us okay pal.

Security: Yes sir.

Booth: Thank You.

Leslie: (to Booth) Thank you. So we’re just going to sit here and have a drink? That’s all?

Booth: That’s all Leslie.  Have a drink, enjoy the view, pretend we belong. Later catch a murderer.

[Cut to: FBI office, CA. Booth is walking through and area with desks and computers.  Finn runs up behind him.]

Finn: Agent Booth, can I have a moment please? (he stops and faces her.) Um, have I done something to offend you?

Booth: Look I’m really not into this whole west coast in touch with your feelings thing so…

Finn: Yeah, um I’m really good at my job and I’ve been nothing but cooperative and helpful to you but you just freeze me out.

Booth: Mm. Hm.

Finn: And I know you have nothing against working with women because you’re partners with Dr. Brennan so your problem must be with me.

Booth: Look I don’t have anything against you Agent Finn.  I just don’t like the way you view the FBI.

Finn: What do you mean?

Booth: This is a proud and noble job but you’re using it to get to something else.  My advice, write your script, get an agent, hell have a little plastic surgery but quit using my Federal Bureau of Investigation as a stepping stool into something that you think is better because in my book there is nothing better.

[Cut to: “Fox and Friends”, set fox television sound stage.  Mary Hartman is interviewing Bones and Penny Marshall]

Mary: I’m here with Penny Marshall one of the most prolific hyphenates in Hollywood.  Actress, producer, and director of such hits as A League of Their Own and Big.  Her latest project is Bred in the Bone. It’s a thriller based on the best selling novel by crime fighting anthropologist, Dr. Temperance Brennan. Okay, so how did this all come together?

Bones: I have no idea.

Penny: Well my brother Gary gave me the book and I liked it and then this whole bidding war started and I usually don’t get into that kind of this but in this case…

Mary: A bidding war?  That’s got to be a thrill for a first time author.

Bones: Well I wasn’t actually there.

Mary: You must be a big fan of Penny’s films so which one is your favorite?

Bones: I enjoyed her humorous treatment of the time space paradox.

(They both look at her confused then Mary gets it.)

Mary: Big!

Penny: (smiles to Bones) That’s very funny. Time space Paradox.

Mary: Penny who is going to write the script?

Bones: Don’t I get to do that?

Penny: We’ll talk.

(A cell phone rings both Penny and Bones reach for theirs.  It’s Bones’s cell phone.)

Bones: Cut, stop, whatever you say. (in phone) Brennan, well I want to come with you. (to Penny and Mary) I have to go because we have a suspect and I have to go. (she walks off.)

Penny: Would you look at that passion?

[Cut to: The Pier, Santa Monica, CA.  It’s a sunny day with a lot of people moving about in bathing suits and playing volleyball.  Agent Finn, Booth, and Bones are in casual wear watching the people playing volleyball.]

Booth: There’s a pretty good chance one of these leaping losers is our killer.

Bones: You always think it’s the boyfriend.

Booth: Well he loved her, he found out she was a prostitute.  I’d say anyone who plays this stupid game is capable of murder.

Bones: Well then you got this case sewed up. (pushes his arm) Why don’t you just go an arrest them all?

Booth: (to players) Excuse me guys, ladies? Ladies, Gentlemen excuse me? (they just ignore him.) Please?

(Bones takes off running in the middle of the players and catches the volleyball in the air then kicks it away. All the players are wondering what’s going on.)

Booth: (holding up his badge) Okay everyone who isn’t Nick Hudson go get the ball.

Bones: Go fetch.

(Nick is left standing alone in the center of the volleyball area.)

[Cut to: Nick sitting down on a bench talking to Booth and Bones. Booth is standing with one foot on the bench and leaning his arms on his knee.  Bones is standing off to the other side of the bench with her hands on her hips.]

Nick: God she was so sweet. Actually thought about getting back together with her even though…

Bones: You broke out all the windows in her car.

Nick: Well what would you do if you found out your girlfriend was a prostitute?

Booth: When did you last see Rachel?

Nick: Sandra.  Her name is Sandra Cane at least as far as I knew.

Booth: When did you last see Sandra?

Nick: About a month ago.  I was tending bar at a function at the Colonnade.

Booth: Did you speak to her?

Nick: No, no I was working so she…I didn’t kill her.

Bones: How could you not know what she was doing for money?  Did you even know her at all?

Nick: She said she was modeling.  The thing about Sandra is that as pretty as she was she was just never pretty enough. She would be all black and blue and then she would heal and she would look beautiful.  I mean really really beautiful and you’d be sure something was going to break for her and of course it wouldn’t and then she would be back in front of that mirror. And no matter what I said…Look, look I never knew her.  I never ever understood her. I’m probably the last guy you should be asking about her.

Booth: (to Bones) He’s an actor of course he’s convincing.

Bones: I don’t know.  He doesn’t seem to work very much.  He’s playing volleyball in the middle of the day. (Nick looks up at her annoyed) Just an observation.

[Cut to: Lab. Balcony area.  Dr. Goodman is standing facing Angela, Zack, and Hodgins.]

Dr. Goodman: I have an announcement.

Hodgins: You’re unable to positively authenticate the skeleton.

Dr. Goodman: That is correct.

Hodgins: Told you.

Dr. Goodman: Given the inconsistencies between the specimens’ geographic location and physio argumentum artifacts I cannot in good faith authenticate the find.

Angela: Is this because of how I made him look ‘cause there’s a certain amount of subjectivity involved in recreating a face.

Dr. Goodman: Certain amount, yes but the fact is he displays Pictish features.  For all we know this skull doesn’t belong to this body.

Zack: Even though on x-rays it looks at though the head is properly attached to the spinal cord. We could actually go in and look, confirm the authenticity.

Dr. Goodman: I declined to continue the authentication at this time.  We will store the remains in the intern.

Hodgins: (yells) I knew this was going to happen!

(Dr. Goodman looks angry and walks up to him.  They are nose to nose.)

Angela: Hodings.

Dr. Goodman: Because we have been colleagues on this more then superior and subordinate, I have allowed you to be insubordinate but I warn you Dr. Hodgins that is over.

Hodgins: Do you want my letter of resignation?

Zack: You know what would be better put them on the table and measure, Alright?

Angela: Okay look, everybody just turn and walk away.

Hodgins: If you want me to resign, just say so.

Dr. Goodman: Miss Montenegro is right.

(Dr. Goodman walks away.)

Angela: (to Hodgins) You think you just won something. I’m telling you Goodman was the bigger man.

[Cut to: Bones, Booth, and Kostov walking down a street.]

Bones: Isn’t it against your ethical code to have sexual relations with a patient or do you guys even have an ethical code?

Kostov: Sex with patients is frowned upon.

Booth: That’s why he said the implants were stolen.  There is no way to prove that he was the one who installed them.

Kostov: I did not know Rachel was dead when you last visited. I did not kill Rachel.  I made her beautiful.

Bones: You mean you took what was unique and particular about her and destroyed it.

Kostov: You have a serious neurosis on this subject.

Booth: Do you have a boat?

Kostov: I do four boob jobs a day, forty grand a pop. Of course I have a boat.  That’s all you get without a lawyer.

Booth: So what do you do huh? Pay him in hair plugs?

[Cut to: Lab.  There is a close up picture on a computer screen of weird tool marks on the skull. Zack is looking at it and Hodgins is behind him at a desk looking at something else.]

Hodgins: So what are you doing? Still working on the murder weapon?

Zack: Maybe it’s not a knife, maybe it’s some kind of sharpened screwdriver.  Why are you being so mean to Dr. Goodman?

Hodgins: I’m not being mean.  I’m being critical of his process.

Zack: Why are you being so critical of his process?

Hodgins: Goodman should be looking at the facts.  Is the skeleton authentic or not? That’s all. Instead it’s all a mish mash of conjecture. What I think is that he’s forgotten how to do the science and he doesn’t want to admit that. Why a screwdriver?

Zack: Because it’s more torsion in the cut then a flat bladed knife could bear without snapping.  It twists without breaking.  The killer would have to be incredibly strong and even then the blade would snap.

Hodgins: That’s what Brennan said about the jaw surgery thing.

Zack: What?

Hodgins: Look, I…I don’t know I do bugs and silt but she said the words torsion and twist and cut.

(Zack looks at the wound and then at the jaw surgery.)

Zack: This is the type of situation where people say oh my God.

Hodgins: Then pretend you’re a person and say it.

Zack: Oh my God.

[Cut to: Booth is driving the mustang and Bones is in the passenger seat.]

Booth: Scenario number one, prostitute gets breast augmentation from plastic surgeon in return for sex.  She threatens to tell on him.

Bones: Plausible.

Booth: Scenario number two, jealous boyfriend…well yada yada …you know the rest.  Which do you like?

Bones: Neither.

Booth: Because there’s no real evidence.

Bones: Unless you count a volley ball.  Sounds like you’re getting ready to quit.

Booth: Quit? No. It’s just the Deputy Director wants me to hand the case over to the LA field office. We’re supposed to give Agent Finn what we’ve got and go home.

Bones: What? Forget it. You don’t even like Agent Finn. You think she’s an idiot.

Booth: Bones, the whole case is…is a bust. It’s a blank. I mean we don’t have anything.  We checked her apartment, nothing. There are no pictures, nothing.  We don’t know what she looked like.  We don’t know her name.

Bones: It’s like she lived on the world instead of in it. Cullen is calling you back because he thinks I am at a dead end. You have to tell him he’s wrong.

(Booth pulls the car over and parks.  He looks at Bones.)

Booth: Is he wrong?

Bones: We know we’re looking for someone who grew up in New England and moved here about eight years ago.  Her leg was crushed in a car accident when she was thirteen.  She was on a boat shortly before she was murdered. We know some of her names and some of her faces.

Booth: That’s all your stuff, okay. Usually by now we know more about my stuff.

Bones: We have separate stuff?

Booth: Yeah by now I usually have a feel for the person. What they wanted.  How they felt. What was going on in their lives? With this girl, nothing.

Bones: She thought she was ugly. She did everything she could to make herself beautiful and all she did was make herself more invisible.

Booth: Everybody in this city thinks they’re ugly, huh, and nobody is. I’m starting to get why you hate anonymous death so much.

Bones: We were born unique. Our experiences mold and change us. We become someone. All of us and to have that taken away by murder, to be erased from existence against our will, it’s just…

Booth: Evil?

Bones: Unacceptable.  These bones you bring me, I give them a face. I say their names out loud. I return them to their loved ones and you arrest the bad guy.  I like that.

Booth: So do I.

Bones: I feel like we should be arresting these doctors because whether they killed her or not they…they still erased her.

Booth: Well, maybe I could hold off calling for a day.

Bones: It’s not good enough.

(Booth starts the car again.)

Booth: You’re welcome.

(He pulls away from the curb and drives away.  Bones’s cell phone rings and she pulls it out to answer it.)

Bones: (in phone) Brennan.

Zack: (on other end.) The murder weapon is a larger version of the surgical implement used on the victim’s jaw.

Bones: You compared the bones to the marks left on her jaw?  That’s brilliant Zack.

Zack: It was Hodgins. Well Hodgins quoting you so it was us. Go team. Now get this according to the National Plastic Surgery Association, there’s only one surgeon who does this procedure.

Bones: Tell me he’s in LA.

Zack: He’s in LA.

(She hangs up the phone.)

Bones: (to Booth) Dr. Henry Atlas, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills. Go.

(Booth hits the gas.)

[Cut to: Dr. Atlas’s office. Bones and Booth are questioning him.]

Atlas: I’m ethically bound to ask you for a warrant before revealing the identity of any of my patients.

Booth: Let me try this then.  The uh, jaw procedure which Dr. Brennan described to you is…

(Booth notices a picture of a sail boat on the wall.)

Atlas: My innovations, yes. There is an adage in my business, you can’t alter the bone. I’ve proven it incorrect given my patients.

Bones: How many have you done?

Atlas: Perhaps half a dozen and if you get a warrant I will release the names of my patients otherwise…

Bones: Do you use special operating instruments?

Atlas: Yes, I designed them myself specifically for the procedure.

Bones: Have you patented them or shared the design with anyone?

Atlas: Not yet.

Booth: Nah, He’s waiting until he has enough success stories to cash in.

Bones: Well he’s going to be sure of one success story.

Booth: That’s right we got here Sandra Cane, Rachel Achaunce. Candace Hayden.  Do these ring a bell?

Atlas: As I have indicated.

Booth: A search warrant here. (hands him the warrant.) to collect your surgical instruments.

Atlas: You’ll…You will shut me down.  You will cost me a fortune.

Bones: The only ones we require Dr. Atlas are the ones you designed yourself.

Atlas: She told me her name was Susan Sheppard.

(Atlas pulls a case out of a draw and opens it on his desk. Inside are the tools he made.)

Bones: (looks at them) Brilliant.

[Cut to: Dr. Goodman’s office. He’s sitting at his desk reading a paper and Hodgins knocks on the door then enters.]

Hodgins: You wanted to see me?

(Dr. Goodman gestures for him to sit down and he does.  Dr. Goodman then stands up.)

Dr. Goodman:  You are a very difficult and stubborn man, Dr. Hodgins. Right now I would like nothing more then to fire you. In my position very few people tell me the truth anymore.  I find I enjoy it in some perverse way.

Hodgins: Are you willing to admit you bailed on the authentication?

Dr. Goodman: Yes.

Hodgins: Seriously?

Dr. Goodman: But not for the reasons you think. True, we might be able to authenticate the skeleton by taking it apart, destroying it. If he’s a fake, that would be fine. Nothing lost but I think he’s the real thing.

Hodgins: You do know he has been dead for fifteen hundred years, right?

Dr. Goodman: I am an archeologist.  This is what we do.  We step outside the facts and tell ourselves the story of an individual or a culture and if the story I tell myself about this man who lived fifteen hundred years ago is true.  If he was laid to rest by people who respected and loved him, don’t I owe it to him not to let the pure scientist desecrate his remains?

Hodgins: Or you could be totally rational and say you were waiting for imaging technology to improve to the point where it wasn’t necessary to disassemble him.

Dr. Goodman: Oh, yes. I suppose I could say that. It’s less…

Hodgins: Sentimental for the pure scientists.

(They shake hands.)

[Cut to: Cold Examination Room, LA county morgue. Bones has all of Dr. Atlas’s tools spread out on a table.  She takes each one and jabs them in a clay square to see if the mark matches the one on the skull. She finds one that matches.]

Bones: (in phone) I’ve got the murder weapon.

[Cut to: Questioning room in the LA FBI.  Booth and Bones are sitting across the table from Dr. Atlas and his lawyer..]

Bones: We have the murder weapon. We have trace evidence from your boat.

Booth: We have testimony from your staff that you argued with a woman you knew as Susan Sheppard shortly before she died.

Lawyer: So what you need now is a confession.

Booth: You’re patient list is what is know as a uh, A-list right? Oscar winners, supermodels, agents, moguls…so how is it that a call girl makes the grade?

Lawyer: You can answer that Henry.

Atlas: I did Susan’s work pro bono.

Bones: Why?

Atlas: Because she volunteered.

Bones: She was a guinea pig.

Booth: How did you meet her?

(Atlas doesn’t answer)

Booth: Aw, come on.  I mean Susan didn’t just walk into your office, did she?

Lawyer: Oh, just tell them Henry.

Atlas: Through another call girl. One I used regularly.  Sometimes these girls from the high class establishments start to have expectations beyond the professional.

Booth: What? She thought you were going to marry her?

Atlas: Something along those lines, yes. So I made a change, I started requesting Susan.

Bones: Did you trade plastic surgery for sexual favors.

Lawyer: Obviscate Henry.

Atlas: We did each other favors, went fine for a few months.

Booth: Until Susan wanted you to marry her too.

Atlas: No, in my opinion, Susan was becoming addicted to plastic surgery.  I refused to do any more procedures.  That’s what my staffer was arguing about.

Booth: What was Susan like?

Atlas: She was the girl next door, simple, healthy.  The girl before Susan was the opposite, very flashy.  She had diamonds in her incisors…diamonds in her fingernails.

Booth: Bones, didn’t Hodgins find a fingernail?

Bones: Yes with a fake diamond in it.

Booth: Susan was the girl next door type.

Bones: It wasn’t her fingernail.

Booth: Jealously, like I said. (to Atlas) So what was the name of the escort before Susan? (Atlas says nothing.) The flashy one? The one that thought you were going to marry her?

Lawyer: Tell the man what he needs to know Henry.

[Cut to: Hotel rooftop. People are dancing and drinking. Booth is sitting in a chair glancing at his watch.  It’s obvious that he is waiting for someone.  Bones is standing across the way watching him. Leslie comes up to Booth and sits down. They talk and Booth leans over to whisper something in her ear.  He then looks at her hands and takes a fingernail off. He gestures behind her with two fingers for the agents to come arrest her.

They walk up and handcuff her. Leslie leans forward and whispers something in his ear.]

[Cut to: Bones with her hand on a railing near the edge of the roof. Booth walks up to her.]

Booth: She thought Atlas was going out of that life.

Atlas: He wanted the girl next door. You were right, jealousy.

Booth: Well it’s an old story. Bet your fifteen hundred old friend back home heard a version. Leslie thought Rachel was stealing her man so she killed her.

Bones: What did she ask you?

Booth: What?

Bones: She asked you something after she was arrested.  What was it?

Booth: She asked me (pauses) if I thought she was beautiful.  I got one more thing. (he pulls some papers out of his back pocket.) I had the Bureau search for adolescent girls that were injured in car crashes in the upper north east ten to twelve years ago.

(Booth hands Bones the paper and it’s a newspaper.  There is an article titled “Local Woman Killed In Car Crash, Daughter Survives.”]

Booth: Daughter’s right leg was crushed.

Bones: (reads the article) Allison. Her name was Allison Holmes.

Booth: Her father and her brother are still alive somewhere in Bangor, Maine. We will return the remains.

Bones: Thanks Booth.

Booth: You know Bones, you do your thing.  I do mine.

Bones: (looks at a picture of her in the paper) Look at her.

Booth: Yeah, pretty little thing.


Kikavu ?

Au total, 174 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

26.11.2023 vers 13h

16.06.2022 vers 16h

02.03.2022 vers 13h

14.11.2021 vers 15h

06.04.2021 vers 17h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !