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#414 : La chute des héros

Booth est kidnappé par le Fossoyeur et l'équipe du Jefferson doit le trouver et le sauver avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Mais des éléments du dossier viennent à manquer et Brennan et Hodgins sont soupçonnés du vol.


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The Hero in the Hold

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La chute des héros

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Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) et Jared Booth (Brendan Fehr)

Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) et Jared Booth (Brendan Fehr)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) et Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin)

Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne), Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor) et Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) dans le bateau

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) dans le bateau

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et son ami dans l'eau

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et son ami dans l'eau

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jared Booth (Brendan Fehr)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Jared Booth (Brendan Fehr)

Plus de détails

Au FBI, Brennan, Hodgins et l'auteur du Fossoyeur Thomas Vega font face au Juge Dix Williams et l'assistante du procureur Heather Taffet. Ce n'est pas une visite de courtoisie. Taffet a récemment récupéré le dossier du Fossoyeur après que l'ancienne assistante du procureur Kim Kurland a été tuée dans un accident de voiture. Elle s'est rendue compte qu'il manquait des feuilles à son dossier. Elle accuse Hodgins, Brennan et Vega d'avoir volé les preuves qui manquent. Le juge leur ordonne de les rendre avant la fin de la journée.

Dans son appartement, Booth ajuste avec soin sa ceinture "Cocky". Alors qu'il admire son costume, son téléphone sonne. Brennan a peur que Booth soit en retard à sa cérémonie - elle est distinguée pour ses réussites scientifiques. Booth ment et dit qu'il arrive. Elle devine le mensonge quand il raccroche pour répondre à sa porte.

Brennan entre précipitemment dans l'Institut Jefferson pour trouver Sweets, Cam et Angela qui l'attendent. Ils sont aussi tous habillés pour la cérémonie. Tandis qu'ils sortent du laboratoire, le téléphone de Brennan sonne. Elle entend une voix déformée : "J'ai kidnappé Seeley Booth. Il a été enterré vivant. Il lui reste 21 heures à vivre. Rapportez les preuves à la borne SW5 DC, en échange desquelles vous aurez les coordonnées GPS. Si vous contactez les autorités, je le saurai et Seeley Booth mourra. C'est mon dernier appel."

Booth se réveille désorienté mais il parvient à allumer la petite lumière de sa montre. Il est prisonnier. Il tape sur les murs de sa cage, luttant pour se libérer.

Pendant ce temps, Cam, Brennan, Sweets et Angela fouillent l'appartement de Booth. lls découvrent que celui-ci a été enlevé par sa fenêtre. Angela veut appeler la police mais Sweets sait qu'ils doivent payer la rançon. Brennan n'a pas les preuves que le Fossoyeur veut. Angela prend son téléphone et appelle Hodgins. Lui aussi a été accusé, alors il sait peut-être quelque chose.

Booth continue d'essayer de se libérer. Il repère ses clés de voitures et les utilise pour ouvrir le verrou au-dessus de sa tête. Grâce à sa force, le verrou finit par céder. Booth enlève le reste du verrou et voit une lueur.

Hodgins, motivé par l'adrénaline, retrouve Brennan au laboratoire. Il est prêt à travailler sur l'affaire. Combien de temps ont-ils ? Brennan ne partage pas son enthousiasme. Elle exige qu'il lui rende les preuves immédiatement.

Booth desserre un autre verrou. Il pousse et la porte en métal cède. Il passe sa tête par le trou et se retrouve dans une grande pièce. Il sort de sa prison et se rend compte qu'il est en fait dans un sous-marin jaune. Booth examine l'endroit où il se trouve. Il n'est pas seul. Le caporal Teddy Parker émerge de l'ombre. Booth croit qu'il hallucine parce que Teddy est un ancien camarade de guerre mort des années auparavant.

Au laboratoire, Hodgins montre à Brennan une caisse en métal. Elle contient une multitude de preuves ainsi que l'unique chose que veut le Fossoyeur : un morceau du pare-choc de sa voiture. Il reste 19 heures à Booth. Hodgins veut que l'équipe utilise 10 heures à identifier le Fossoyeur. Brennan décident qu'ils peuvent en prendre 8 pour mener une enquête. Après cela, ils sauveront Booth.

Dans le bureau d'Angela, Angela et Brennan analysent l'enregistrement qu'a fait Brennan de l'appel du Fossoyeur. La voix est impossible à idenifier mais Angela la compare avec l'appel qu'ils ont reçu lors de l'enlèvement de Brennan et Hodgins. C'est la même personne qui a appelé. La seule autre chose qu'Angela parvient à identifier est le bruit de fond. Brennan et Angela l'écoutent en boucle. Elles entendent des vagues et des mouettes. Le Fossoyeur est près de la mer.

Booth utilise une hélice du sous-marin pour ouvrir une porte. Teddy lui en apporte une autre quand la première se plie. Booth la prend et force sur la porte jusqu'à ce que de l'eau commence à gicler. Le débit devient de plus en plus intense. De l'eau entre par tous les trous.

Au labo, Angela fait écouter l'enregistrement des mouettes à Cam et Hodgins. Cam entend autre chose : un carrousel. Le Fossoyeur était près de la promenade de King's Beach. Hodgins fait le rapprochement : Vega habite juste à côté de la promenade.

Brennan et Hodgins traversent le parking de Vega. Alors qu'ils se préparent à le confronter, Brennan remarque la voiture de Vega. Quelqu'un est à l'intérieur. Ils s'approchent lentement et trouvent Vega mort dans le siège avant. Ils se demandent s'ils devraient emmener le corps au laboratoire mais ils sont interrompus par l'agent Payton Perotta. Elle leur ordonne de s'éloigner de la voiture.

Booth et Teddy essaient de garder la tête hors de l'eau, alors que la pièce continue de se remplir. Booth voit une porte au-dessus de leurs têtes. Ils parviendront à l'atteindre quand le niveau de l'eau sera assez élevé.

Dans le parking, Perotta interroge Brennan et Hodgins. Ils lui expliquent qu'ils devaient retrouver Vega pour une interview quand ils l'ont trouvé mort. Perotta avoue qu'elle les suivait, car ils sont soupçonnés d'avoir volé des preuves. Brennan suggère alors que Vega était en possession de ces preuves. C'est pour cela qu'il a été tué. Perotta laisse partir Hodgins et Brennan mais ils auront de ses nouvelles.

Booth et Teddy se hissent hors de l'eau sur le ponton qui mène jusqu'à la porte. Booth se prépare à affronter une autre porte. Teddy espère qu'ils trouveront quelque chose de mieux que derrière la première.

En voiture, Hodgin appelle Angela au laboratoire pour lui dire que Vega est mort. Leur situation vient de devenir précaire : Hodgins et Brennan ont parlé au FBI. C'était contre les règles du Fossoyeur. Ils doivent rendre les preuves, maintenant, s'ils ne veulent pas risquer la vie de Booth.

Alors que l'eau monte aux chevilles de Booth, Teddy sort de l'eau avec un periscope du sous-marin. Il le donne à Booth, qui le bloque dans la roue de la porte. Ils l'utilisent pour faire tourner la roue et ouvrir la porte. Booth et Teddy s'engouffrent par la porte avant que l'eau ne puisse les suivre.

Teddy et Booth se retrouvent dans une pièce remplie de créatures marines en plastique. Ils arrivent à une barrière fermée à clef. Teddy commence à forcer la serrure avec un maillon des menottes de Booth. Celui-ci regarde, en pensant que Teddy n'était qu'un gamin quand il est mort. 20 ans. Teddy demande à Booth s'il a des enfants. Il lui parle de Parker. Teddy est touché, réalisant que Booth a nommé son fils en son honneur. Booth trouve une autre écoutille. C'est un hublot. Booth voit de l'eau à perte de vue : ils sont sur un beateau. Teddy remarque quelque chose d'autre : ce bateau est blindé d'explosifs.

Booth cherche une issue sur le bateau pendant que Teddy le suit avec une lampe-torche. Il passe en revue leurs options : mort par explosion, noyade ou hypotermie. Si Booth meurt, il n'y aura personne pour se souvenir de Teddy. Booth mentionne Claire, elle se souvviendra. Elle met des fleurs sur sa tombe tous les ans. Booth ne lui parle jamais parce qu'elle le considère responsable de la mort de Teddy. Booth se la reproche aussi. Demain, c'est l'anniversaire de la mort de Teddy. Si Booth survit, dira-t-il à Claire que Teddy l'aimait ? Booth remarque un mur avec le schéma d'un verrou, indiquant des escalier. Ils vont exploser une partie du mur pour se retrouver dans les escaliers.

Au laboratoire, Jared explique qu'il a rapporté les restes, prétextant une opération militaire. Quand la ruse sera découverte, il perdra son boulot. Brennan remarque une fracture sur les radios de la victime. Il s'est défendu. Le Fossoyeur devrait avoir des blessures, au moins des côtes brisées.

Sur le bateau, Booth utilise les explosifs à sa disposition pour faire exploser le mur. Teddy arrive avec une charge. Tout ce dont ils ont besoin est une source d'énergie. Teddy décide de se séparer de sa torche.

Au laboratoire, Taffet arrive pour réclamer les restes de Vega. Elle leur montre le mandat et Brennan détecte quelque chose d'étrange. Elle n'arrive pas à tendre le bras. Brennan la pousse au niveau des côtes et Taffet se plie de douleur. Hodgins croit qu'elle pourrait être le Fossoyeur. Jared suggère qu'ils l'enferment.

Dans la pièce des casiers de l'Institut, l'équipe entoure Taffet. Elle ne veut rien dire alors Hodgins propose un grand nettoyage de printemps. Jared nie l'existence de ces fichiers gouvernementaux top secrets... au début. Puis il décide d'aller chercher le dossier de Taffet. Cam l'ammène à un ordinateur.

Sur le bateau, Booth se prépare à déclancher l'explosion. Il doit fermer le circuit, tout en étant assez loin pour ne pas être blessé. Teddy court s'abriter.

Au laboratoire, les fouines attendent avec Taffet. Ils envisagent de la tuer mais Jared revient. Dans son dossier, il a découvert qu'elle a été mariée pendant un mois à un certain William Burton. Elle a utilisé le mariage pour créer une autre identité. Avec cette identité, elle a loué un entrepôt à Spring Hill. Jared envoie des agents fouiller cet entrepôt. Ils trouvent un van, un tazer, des bottes et une combinaison.

Sur le bateau, Booth pousse la boucle de sa ceinture vers les les fils pour compléter le circuit. Teddy a peur que Booth soit trop près. Il va être blessé. Teddy va vers les fils et prend la boucle de la ceinture. Booth se lance vers lui. Teddy fait glisser la boucle de l'autre côté. Ca touche les fils, complétant le circuit. Il y a une énorme exploion. Teddy et Booth se mettent tous deux par terre.

Au labo, le fouines ne parviennent pas à raisonner Taffet. Les objets de son entrepôt arrivent et l'équipe se dépêche de reprendre le travail, analysant les nouveaux indices.

Sur le bateau, Booth bouge après l'explosion. Il ne voit pas très bien mais il parvient à retrouver Teddy. Celui-ci est en sang. On croirait une répétition du jour où il est mort. Booth demande à Teddy d'être ses yeux. Il le soutiendra pour s'échapper ensemble. Teddy dit à Booth d'aller vers la lumière.

Au labo, Hodgins trouve des moustiques de marais et des éclats de peinture sur les bottes de Taffet. Il sort en courant pour analyser la peinture pendant qu'Angela feuillette le dossier de Taffet.

Pendant ce temps, Booth et Teddy progressent vers les escaliers. Teddy arrête Booth un moment. Il ne veut pas que Booth se reproche sa mort. Ce n'était pas sa faute. Booth a dit à Teddy de s'abriter mais il n'a pas écouté. Booth continue de porter Teddy vers les escaliers.

Au labo, Hodgins a les résultats de la peinture. Taffet était sur un vieux vaisseau de la marine, ces dernières 24 heures. Selon le fichier qu'Angela lit, Taffet a travaillé comme bénévole à l'aquarium. Ils préparaient un bateau à prendre la mer. Jared donne un coup de téléphone pendant qu'Angela annone à Brennan la nouvelle. Avant de partir sauver Booth, Brennan donne un coup de valise à Taffet.

Brennan vole vers le bateau dans un hélicoptère. Jared a été arrêté par la Marine et doit la mettre au courant par téléphone. Ils n'ont pas pu arrêter l'explosion parce quelque chose n'allait pas avec le transpondeur, alors Brennan a cinq minutes pour trouver Booth. Brennan panique. Elle n'a pas assez de temps. Malheureusement, c'est tout ce qu'ils ont avant l'explosion.

Teddy et Booth émergent sur le pont. Booth voit l'hélicoptère au-dessus de sa tête. L'hélicoptère se pose et Brennan l'appelle. Booth se retourne pour Teddy mais il n'y a personne. Il hésite, ne voulant pas partir sans lui, mais les cris de Brennan le font courir. Il arrive à temps à l'hélicoptère. Ils décollent tandis que le bateau explose. Brennan prend Booth dans ses bras et ne veut plus le lâcher.

Au cimetière national d'Arlington, Booth remercie Brennan de lui avoir sauver la vie. Elle lui offre une nouvelle ceinture "Cocky", ce qu'il apprécie grandement. Il lui raconte l'histoire de Teddy. Brennan trouve beaucoup d'explications possibles pour son hallucination mais Booth est sûr que Teddy était réel. Il lui dit qu'il est enterré dans ce cimetière et il va transmettre un message de sa part. Booth repère Claire et va vers elle. Ils se prennent dans les bras. Alors que Brennan les regarde, Teddy s'approche d'elle. Sans réaliser qui il est, les deux échangent des plaisanteries. Teddy fait un signe à Booth, qui lui fait un signe à son tour. Croyant que Booth lui fait signe à elle, Brennan fait signe aussi. Claire pose des fleurs sur la tombe de Teddy.

source: https://www.bones-online.com


(FBI – The Conference Room)
(Brennan, Hodgins and Thomas Vega are sitting at the table with Judge Williams)
JUDGE WILLIAMS: Dr. Brennan, Dr. Hodgins, Mr. Vega, thank you for coming.
VEGA: You get a notice to appear in front of a federal judge, you appear.
BRENNAN: I assume this has something to do with the Gravedigger.
HODGINS: The only thing the three of us have in common is that kidnapper.
(appearing from the dark corner of the room ADA Heather Taffet approaches the table holding a folder)
TAFFET: My name is Heather Taffet. I’m the United States Attorney assigned to the Gravedigger case last month.
BRENNAN: What happened to Ms. Kurland?
HODGINS: She was killed (Brennan looks at Hodgins) in a car accident in Boston.
VEGA: So what? You think the Gravedigger had Kurland killed because she was getting close?
HODGINS: (irritated) She wasn’t getting close, she was barely conducting an investigation.
BRENNAN: (turning her head back to address Taffet and Judge Williams) Nothing has moved in the Gravedigger case in months.
JUDGE WILLIAMS: Well it turns out something did move.
TAFFET: Some evidence has gone missing.
BRENNAN: You suspect that one of us stole Gravedigger evidence? From the FBI?
TAFFET: Mr. Vega is a former FBI agent as well as a best-selling author on the Gravedigger. You both contract out to the FBI.
JUDGE WILLIAMS: Let me make this very clear. If any of you has any evidence linked to the Gravedigger case, I am ordering you as a federal judge to turn it over to Ms. Taffet.
TAFFET: Turn it over to me today and you get full immunity.

(Booth’s Apartment: the Bedroom)
(Booth is looking in the mirror and putting the final touches on his rented tux…his cocky belt buckle)
BOOTH: (to himself) Look at that. (his cell phone rings. he turns and walks to pick it up) Ohhh, it’s got to be Bones. (he looks at the ID on the phone) Yup. (answering) I’m hurrying Bones.
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: Do you need directions?
BOOTH: (on phone) No, I do not need directions…
(Booth’s Apartment)
BOOTH: (he exits the bedroom into the living room ) …because I am driving.
BRENNAN: (on phone) My GPS can…
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: …provide perfect directions in several languages.
(Booth’s Apartment)
BOOTH: (walking over to the coffee table) Well get this, ok? Parker got me this new watch (he picks it off the table and puts it on) and it does the same thing.
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: (curious) Oh, in several languages?
BOOTH: (on phone) No.
BRENNAN: Well then it’s not the same thing.
(Booth’s Apartment)
BOOTH: (walking over to a mirror to adjust his tie) I bet you are looking beautiful, huh? Because I am in the finest tux that money can rent.
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: Well, I’m on my way home to get dressed. But you need to be there an hour and a half before me to watch the tribute video. My GPS indicates that it’s a…25 minute drive for you.
(Booth’s Apartment)
BRENNAN: (on phone) This is my big night Booth.
BOOTH: Alright Bones, listen. Don’t worry, I will be there when they crown you super scientist…
(Brennan’s Car)
BOOTH: (on phone) …I will be the guy in the cocky belt buckle…
(Booth’s Apartment)
BOOTH: …and the snazzy rented tux. (he hears a knock) Someone’s knocking on my door.
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: How can there be a knock at your door if you’re already driving?
(Booth’s Apartment)
(Not wanting to answer, Booth looks at his phone, hangs up and walks to the door)
(Brennan’s Car)
(Brennan is frustrated that Booth hung up)

(Medico Legal Lab)
(Brennan, all dressed up for her event, rushes in to a waiting Cam, Sweets and Angela, all three of whom are also dressed for the occasion)
CAM: You’re late.
BRENNAN: I know. It took me longer to get dressed than I thought but don’t worry my GPS will get us there on time. (She begins to turn to head back out the door as the other three follow)
ANGELA: (putting on her jacket and laughing) It’s not a time machine sweetie.
(Brennan’s cell phone rings)
SWEETS: I call shot gun. (Cam shakes her head)
BRENNAN: (answering her phone) Brennan.
GRAVEDIGGER’S VOICE: I have taken Seeley Booth. (She stops walking and grabs for Cam’s phone to record the message) He has been buried alive. He has 21 hours to live. (Angela turns around to see what’s wrong. Her face drops when she sees Brennan’s look of worry. Cam also looks troubled.) Bring the evidence to the SW5 DC Boundary Stone in return for which you will receive GPS coordinates. If you involve law enforcement I will know and Seeley Booth will die. This is my final communication. (Brennan stops the recording on Cam’s phone but keeps her phone to her ear)
CAM: What’s going on?
BRENNAN: (Not looking up, she hangs up the phone. She is still processing the information.) The Gravedigger has Booth. (Angela, Cam and Sweets all look worried)

(A Dark Container)
(A watch lights up. It’s Booth’s and he is lying on his back in a small, dark container. He’s breathing heavily and uses the light to look for a way out. There doesn’t seem to be one so he begins to bang on the secured lid)

(Booth’s Apartment)
(The door opens and Sweets enters holding a stiletto for a weapon. He is being cautious and Brennan follows behind and turns on the light. Cam and Angela enter behind her)
CAM: Booth?
BRENNAN: (looking back at her) He’s not here. I told you. (They begin to search the apartment for clues)
ANGELA: I was hoping it was…like a prank call or something.
CAM: The door was locked.
SWEETS: What does that mean?
ANGELA: Well, I doubt that the Gravedigger would take the time to…(she looks at Sweets and sees he’s still holding her shoe) Give me the shoe. (She grabs it from him and puts it back on her foot) …would take the time to lock the front door on his way out.
CAM: Especially lugging 190 pounds of unconscious Booth. (they continue looking around the apartment, all ending up in the living room. Brennan emerges from the bedroom and sees something)
BRENNAN: (pointing) He was dragged…toward the window. (the blinds on one window are bent and disturbed. Cam goes to look closer at it)
ANGELA: Oh my god. Okay, alright, we need to call the authorities. (Brennan immediately looks at her) We are in way over our heads here.
SWEETS: No. No, no, no. I read up on this guy. If we want Booth back, we need to pay the ransom.
CAM: The Gravedigger wanted evidence. What evidence?
BRENNAN: It has to be the same evidence that the state attorney and the FBI think that I have which I don’t. (Angela takes out her phone and dials)
SWEETS: What are you doing?
ANGELA: They called in Hodgins too.
BRENNAN: You think he stole the evidence?
ANGELA: (puts the phone to her ear) I know you didn’t.

(A Dark Container)
(Booth is still forcefully kicking the top of the container trying to get it open. He feels the walls around him looking for another way out.)


(A Dark Container)
(Booth is still kicking the lid of the container. There are bolts holding it shut which he tries to kick loose. It doesn’t work. He takes his keychain to try and loosen the nuts. He struggles, but loosens the first one. He kicks the bolt out. Light shines in and he pokes his finger through and looks up.)

(Medico-Legal Lab)
(Hodgins is doing push-ups very quickly. Brennan walks in)
BRENNAN: Could you stop that, please?
HODGINS: (he stands) I was just working off adrenaline. How long ago did the Gravedigger get Booth? What kind of time do we have?
BRENNAN: I know you have what the Gravedigger wants. The evidence that the judge told us about. The Gravedigger thinks that I have it. But he’s wrong. It’s you. (Hodgins doesn’t reply. He looks at his feet) Give it to me. (Hodgins looks up, hesitant to give Brennan what she wants)

(A Dark Container)
(Booth is loosening another nut. After some struggle he gets it open and pushes the top open)

(A Large Hold)
(Booth emerges from a very small yellow submarine. He climbs out, stumbles a little and takes a look at his surroundings. He hears something in the dark corner of the room.)
BOOTH: Who’s there? Who’s that?
VOICE: It’s me.
BOOTH: Who’s me?
VOICE: Best buddy you ever had. (the voice emerges from the darkness. It’s a young soldier) Your words. (Booth looks shocked and confused)
BOOTH: Teddy? (Teddy looks up at him and smiles. Booth sighs in disbelief)
(Booth’s memory: He’s in his ranger camouflage uniform carrying a soldier over his shoulders, running for help)
BOOTH: This isn’t real.
TEDDY: (He hits the submarine. It makes a metal ting) I’m gonna go with real. Nice monkey suit by the way. I would never have thought to go formal to a kidnapping.
BOOTH: (stumbling over his words) Look, no offense but you know, I’ve been drugged, electrocuted…stuffed in a…Beatles toy. You’re…you’re a hallucination, that’s what you are. You’re a hallucination.
TEDDY: Aww, that’s nice. I show up to help you and you toss me off as a hallucination. (he closes the lid of the submarine)
BOOTH: You’re dead corporal. I felt your heart stop.
TEDDY: No use crying over spilled milk, Sarge.
BOOTH: You know what? You’re not real. This isn’t real. You know what? I am gonna focus on what is real. Right? Real, like getting out of this place. Okay… (He looks up to see a hatch door high up by a catwalk. Teddy follows his gaze)
TEDDY: Nah, Sarge. It’s too high. How about that one? (he nods his head in the direction of another hatch door on their level.
BOOTH: (he looks to where Teddy nodded) I already saw that. (he walks to it)
TEDDY: Now you’re getting competitive with a hallucination. (Booth glares back at him. Teddy looks over his shoulder to the darkness behind. He looks back at Booth.) What? Oh, right. No, still here. (Booth glares at him for a little while until he turns his concentration back to the door) Aw, you really haven’t changed, Sarge. (He steps closer to Booth) Once you knew it had to be done, nothing can stop you.
BOOTH: (frustrated) Enough already, okay?
TEDDY: (he straightens into military position) Yes sir, Sergeant.
BOOTH: (walking back to the sub and mumbling to himself) I got this. (he takes one of the propellers off the sub and brings it back to the door)
TEDDY: Hey, look at that. You’re making progress.

(Medico-Legal Lab: An Office)
(Hodgins pulls out a metal briefcase and opens it up. He turns to show Brennan the files inside.)
HODGINS: There. (She looks up) That’s everything.
BRENNAN: The judge was after a specific piece, Hodgins, something that you stole from the FBI.
(Defeated, Hodgins pulls a small vial out of the case. It’s the bumper sticker found in his pants when Brennan and he were trapped in the car. He shows it to Brennan)
BRENNAN: I remember that. (She takes the vial from Hodgins) It was embedded in your leg.
HODGINS: Yeah. Probably came off the bumper of the vehicle the Gravedigger used to run me over. Only shortly before he buried me alive.
BRENNAN: (Giving a small nod) With me. (she looks back at the vial)
HODGINS: I’m pretty close to…discovering the manufacturer. (Brennan looks up) Which will help us narrow down the suspect pool.
BRENNAN: Booth doesn’t have that kind of time.
(Hodgins reaches to take the vial back from Brennan. She pulls it closer to her)
CAM: (entering the room) What is that? (Angela follows Cam in)
BRENNAN: Evidence that the Gravedigger wants. (Sweets enters behind Angela) Sweets, you…you shouldn’t be here. The Gravedigger said no FBI involvement.
SWEETS: I’m a psychologist, not an agent.
CAM: An FBI psychologist. Dr. Sweets, get, gone, now. (He exits, visibly angry)
(Angela watches Sweets exit then turns to Hodgins. She approaches him looking mad)
ANGELA: You stole evidence? (Angela, Cam, Brennan wait for a response)
HODGINS: You don’t know what it was like. Being buried in that car.
BRENNAN: (forcefully) I do. I was there.
HODGINS: I know. And if we turn over that evidence we will never catch the Gravedigger.
CAM: Booth only has 19 hours.
HODGINS: (frustrated) Okay, okay. Let’s just take 10 of those hours and see if we can do both. (Angela and Cam both look to Brennan to decide) Brennan, I’m telling you the answer is there. (he points to the vial)
(Brennan looks worried about taking the chance. She stares at the vial. She shakes her head slightly)
HODGINS: 10 hours? (Angela looks to Cam. Cam looks to Brennan)
BRENNAN: (Brennan looks up, stares at Hodgins, looks back to the vial and then back to Hodgins.) 8. And Dr. Hodgins is never left alone.
ANGELA: You don’t trust him?
BRENNAN: No. I don’t.

(Medico-Legal Lab: Angela’s Office)
(Brennan’s phone is linked to the computer)
ANGELA: I scanned the new recording…
GRAVEDIGGER’S VOICE: (playing from the computer) Bring the evidence to the SW5 DC Boundary Stone in return for which you will receive GPS coordinates. (Angela moves to audio equipment on a rack and hits some buttons) If you involve law enforcement I will know and Seeley Booth will die. This is my final communication.
ANGELA: …along with the recording that the Gravedigger gave when you and Hodgins were kidnapped. (she pauses) You okay to hear that? (Brennan nods) Okay.
GRAVEDIGGER’S VOICE: (from computer) Temperance Brennan and Jack Hodgins have been buried alive. Wire transfer $8 million to the following Grand Cayman account or they will suffocate to death. (Angela stops that and replays the end of Booth’s message) …or Seeley Booth will die. (Angela replays the very end of the Brennan/Hodgins message) …or they will suffocate to death.
ANGELA: Now despite the voice scrambler, I was able to extract specific phonemes by running the waveform through a 4AA Transform. (on the computer, Angela shows the matching waveforms)
BRENNAN: Graphically, they’re identical. Can we hear the unscrambled voice?
ANGELA: No, the coding was too complicated. But the voice scrambler was triggered to compress at a certain set level. (she walks back to the audio equipment and inserts a disc) Now in this case, it was set to the volume of the human voice.
BRENNAN: So when the Gravedigger isn’t speaking…
ANGELA: Right, the background noise pops into the foreground. Uncompressed. (the computer program extracts the background audio. Angela plays it.)
BRENNAN: What is that?
ANGELA: Ummm. I’m…still working on that. Sorry. I… (she looks and faces Brennan) We’ll get Booth back.
BRENNAN: You can’t know that.
ANGELA: Brennan, I just think that…
BRENNAN: (cutting Angela off) Just…work, please. (Angela nods)
ANGELA: Okay. (she turns back to the computer) Let me try another algorithm. (she plays the audio again) Birds?
BRENNAN: (after a moment of listening) Gulls. Seagulls. The Gravedigger was near the water.
(Angela and Brennan both look at each other, small smiles come to their faces.)

(The Hold)
(Booth is using the propeller to bang on the hatch door to wedge it open. The blade breaks)
TEDDY: (holding out a new propeller) Fresh one? What? Oh, hallucinations can’t help out a little.
BOOTH: (Taking the propeller) Give me that. (He turns back to the door.)
TEDDY: You’re welcome. (observing Booth) No, Sarge. Pry with your legs. Watch so you don’t hurt your back.
(Booth pushes harder, the door opens a little. Water starts to pour in at the bottom.)
TEDDY: That can’t be good.
(Booth looks down at the water and back to Teddy)
(Booth’s memory: Booth is running through a small creek still carrying the body over his shoulders.)
BOOTH: Hang on Teddy. You’re gonna make it.
(The water is coming in harder now drenching Booth. He tries to shut the door)
TEDDY: Ahhh, you might want to close that up, Sarge.
(Booth is really struggling to hold the door in place. His efforts are futile and the door bursts open. A wall of water fills the room)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Brennan and Angela rush onto the platform. Hodgins and Cam who are studying the case file look up)
ANGELA: Hey guys! There was no voice match but there was a point of origin on the call. (They all surround one of the computers as Angela brings up the audio. She plays it.)
CAM: Seagulls?
BRENNAN: I talked to Booth an hour and 47 minutes before I got the ransom call.
CAM: That merry-go-round… (Angela looks up to her. Cam has a moment of realization) The boardwalk! King’s Beach Boardwalk.
HODGINS: I got it. (He walks away and picks up Vega’s book on the Gravedigger. He brings it back and points to Vega’s picture on the back)
HODGINS: Vega lives in a penthouse apartment just off the boardwalk. (Cam looks at Brennan)

(A Parking Garage)
(Hodgins and Brennan get out of her car and walk through the garage)
HODGINS: Do you think this is my fault?
BRENNAN: If you hadn’t stolen the evidence the Gravedigger would never have taken Booth.
HODGINS: Rationally speaking, it was inevitable. It would have happened anytime we got close.
BRENNAN: (pointing) Is that Vega’s car? (they approach the car and walk to either side. There is someone in the driver’s seat) Who is that?
HODGINS: It’s Vega.
(Vega is sitting still in the front seat. Hodgins bangs on the passenger side door. Brennan looks through the driver’s window)
HODGINS: He’s dead.
(Brennan opens up the driver’s door and looks closer at the body)
BRENNAN: It looks like he was killed somewhere else and then was placed here.
HODGINS: (looking around the garage) We should take his body back to the lab. (Brennan glares at him) Obviously the Gravedigger killed him. There’s got to be some evidence that we can use.
BRENNAN: Remove a body from the crime scene?
(A car pulls up quickly. Agent Perotta steps out)
PEROTTA: That would be a very bad idea. Step away from the car, please.
(Brennan looks really confused)
HODGINS: Agent Perotta.

(The Hold)
(water has filled up half the room. Booth and Teddy are treading as it continues to rise. They are looking up for an escape)
BOOTH: Look, if the water rises up far enough I’ll be able to get to that door and open it.
TEDDY: What, the room isn’t filling up quickly enough for you already?
(Booth swims over to the wall)

(Parking Garage)
(the FBI is wheeling Vega’s body away on a stretcher. Perotta is questioning Brennan and Hodgins)
PEROTTA: You were here for an interview? (Brennan nods)
HODGINS: Mr. Vega was writing Surviving the Gravedigger and wanted to talk to us.
PEROTTA: At 5 in the morning?
HODGINS: It was a…breakfast meeting.
BRENNAN: Were you following us Agent Perotta?
PEROTTA: Yes, Dr. Brennan. I was. You two are both suspected of stealing evidence. This (pointing to the crime scene) doesn’t exactly clear you of suspicion.
HODGINS: (pointing to Vega’s body being loaded into a van) Well was he under surveillance? Because a fat lot of good the FBI did him.
BRENNAN: Well it appears that he was the one who had the evidence. (Perotta tilts her head) Are we free to go…now?
HODGINS: Why not? They have us under surveillance.
PEROTTA: (As they walk away) I’ll be in touch.

(The Hold)
(the water is much higher now and Booth climbs onto the catwalk. Teddy is already on it)
BOOTH: Tell you what. You were always the guy to be with in a tough spot.
TEDDY: You never said anything like that, Sarge. Mostly you just grunted. And made me get coffee. (Booth walks to the door, trying to turn the wheel handle) So what makes you think what’s behind that, uh, hatch is going to be any better than the last thing we opened?
BOOTH: I’ll tell you what. I’m either gonna drown fast, or really, really slow. (He takes off his jacket)
TEDDY: (looking down at the rising water) Okay. It’s filling up pretty fast here, Sarge.

(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Angela is on speakerphone with Hodgins and Brennan)
HODGINS: (on phone) Vega’s dead.
ANGELA: Oh God. Vega’s dead. Right, like murdered, dead?
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: We had no opportunity to examine the body to…
(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Angela places the phone on its holder)
BRENNAN: (on phone) …examine the remains before the FBI interrupted us.
CAM: Woahhh. What? FBI?
HODGINS: (on phone) Yup. FBI Special Agent Perotta.
BRENNAN: (on phone) We’re going to swing by…
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: …pick up the evidence and deliver it to the Gravedigger.
HODGINS: What? Woah-woah-woah. We just do what he wants?
ANGELA: (on phone) We have no other choice…
(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
ANGELA: …You spoke to the FBI.
HODGINS: (on phone) We didn’t talk to the FBI, they talked to us.
CAM: Somehow I don’t think the Gravedigger is going to take that…
(Brennan’s Car)
CAM: (on phone) …into consideration.
HODGINS: We still have time: to catch the Gravedigger and to save Booth.
BRENNAN: (Brennan shakes her head) The odds are not acceptable.
BRENNAN: (yelling) Because we don’t have Booth to help.
CAM: (on phone) Let’s be clear here…
(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
CAM: …What we intend to do next constitutes felony conspiracy.
BRENNAN: (on phone) Not you…
(Brennan’s Car)
BRENNAN: …Me. I can do it alone.
HODGINS: No…No. Nobody does anything alone. Vega was alone.

(The Hold)
(Teddy bursts from the rising water and climbs back on the catwalk. He has with him a large yellow pipe)
BOOTH: What the hell’s that supposed to be for?
TEDDY: (out of breath) It’s a fulcrum, Sarge. We, uh, both work it together.
(Teddy places the pipe in the wheel)
BOOTH: Yeah, right there. Ready?
(Teddy pushes down on the pipe while Booth pulls the wheel up. After pushing a moment the wheel comes lose and Booth opens the door.)
BOOTH: Get in.
TEDDY: Hey, real people go first, Sarge.
BOOTH: (Grabs Teddy by the shirt and pushes him in) Get in before I change my mind, will you?
(Realizing he physically touched Teddy, Booth stares at his hand and then walks through the door)

(A Room)
(Another hatch is being pushed up from the floor. Teddy climbs out, Booth follows. He grabs onto Teddy’s shoulder and starts feeling his face and body)
TEDDY: Woah…okay…get a grip, Sarge. You’re attacking your own hallucination.
BOOTH: You are not an hallucination. You helped me open up that hatch. I wouldn’t have been able to open up that hatch without you.
TEDDY: Okay, okay. So what does that make me?
BOOTH: You…are a ghost.
TEDDY: I’m a ghost? (Booth turns around and looks at the new room they’ve entered) Hey, why aren’t you scared?
(Booth sees a fake skeleton dressed as a pirate)
BOOTH: You being a ghost is not even on the list of things that scare me.
(There are other decorations in the room like toys and giant stuffed animals)

(Another Part of the Room)
(Booth is kicking a fence that has he and Teddy trapped in this room)
TEDDY: I kept telling you. I said, “learn to pick a lock.” You remember your response, Sarge?
BOOTH: Yeah. “Any lock worth picking is worth kicking. (he gives the lock another hard kick) And I still stand by it.
TEDDY: Oh, hey, please, stand by it. Advice like that. It’s a miracle I lived as long as I did. You got a cuff link?
BOOTH: Yeah.
(he starts to take off a cuff link and looks back to Teddy. Teddy laughs. Booth removes the link and hands it to Teddy. Teddy goes to the lock)
BOOTH: 20.
TEDDY: What’s that?
BOOTH: You were 20 years-old when you died.
TEDDY: Still am. You, Sarge, I’ve got to say…you’ve uh, put a couple years on. Hey is it true that the 30s is when your body really starts going south on you? (Booth moves to another section of fence) Hey, you got any kids, Sarge?
BOOTH: Yeah, I got a boy. (He moves to the other side of the fence)
TEDDY: (still working on the lock) What’s his name?
BOOTH: Ah, you’re probably going to take this wrong.
TEDDY: Why? What’d you do? You name him something stupid like…like Cutter? What, Tanner? (Booth looks down, clearly uncomfortable) Brady? Aw, God, you didn’t name him Sebastian?
(Booth looks away for a second then back at Teddy)
BOOTH: Parker. I named him Parker.
TEDDY: That’s my name.
BOOTH: (Giving the slightest nod) That’s your last name. You know and your lock picking sucks.
(Booth walks back to the open space of the room. Teddy stands still)
TEDDY: You named your kid after me?
BOOTH: Yeah.
TEDDY: What’s he like?
BOOTH: He’s uh…he’s just like a kid you know, but uh, he’s even better.
TEDDY: (following Booth) Does he like you?
BOOTH: Of course he likes me, he loves me. I’m his dad, you know? (he shows Teddy the watch) He even got me this watch.
(Booth continues to move away)
TEDDY: What about his mom?
BOOTH: Yeah, she uh…she likes me. But uh…she didn’t love me. (he sees a small door on the wall. He goes to open it)
TEDDY: You loved her though?
BOOTH: (Looking for away to open the door) Of course I loved her. I still do. (straining to open the door) I just don’t like her too much.
(He opens the door and it’s a window)
TEDDY: (holding up the lock) Hey, you saw I picked the lock, right?
(Booth places his hands on the glass and looks out. He sees the ocean and ships in the distant harbor.)
BOOTH: We’re on a ship.
TEDDY: Uh…Sarge?
BOOTH: (not taking his eyes off the window) Yeah?
TEDDY: This particular ship…ain’t going to be floating much longer.
(Booth turns around. There is C4 lining the walls and ceiling)
BOOTH: C4 explosives.

(A City Park)
(Brennan’s car drives by)
BRENNAN: (voice from inside car) There’s the boundary stone through the clearing.
(Brennan parks and Hodgins gets out. Angela and Sweets are in the back seat. Angela is on a computer)
ANGELA: This is weird. Something nearby is broadcasting a video signal.
(Sweets, Brennan and Angela get out of the car. Hodgins opens up the back hatch and sets up more equipment. Sweets notices something)
SWEETS: (pointing) There. A camera. Up in that tree.
HODGINS: That’s how the Gravedigger will see that we brought what he wants.
ANGELA: I might be able to hack into the camera’s broadcast frequency.
HODGINS: I gotta say, it doesn’t seem to be the smartest move to just hand over this evidence. (to Brennan) We need to be rational. We should maximize the chances to catch the Gravedigger, not minimize them.
(Angela faces Brennan. Brennan doesn’t say anything. Angela swings her around to the side of the car)
ANGELA: Listen to me, Brennan. Somebody you love is buried alive. (Brennan looks at her defensively) You’re allowed to save them no matter how irrational.
BRENNAN: (with her mouth open for a sec before words come out) I don’t love Booth.
ANGELA: Yes you do. So do I. So do all of us (references Sweets and Hodgins) Just take my advice and hand over the evidence and get Booth.
BRENNAN: (thinks for a moment then turns quickly around) Let’s do its. Come on. Let’s do it.
(Brennan and Hodgins bring the briefcase of evidence over to the stone. Angela stands by Sweets at the car trunk)
ANGELA: (to Sweets) Watch your monitor. Tell me if anything changes, okay.
SWEETS: By anything you mean…
ANGELA: Anything. (he nods and turns to his monitor)
(Hodgins and Brennan approach the stone. Angela hacks into the video camera.)
ANGELA: Okay. I’m in. I’ve locked into the video feed.
(Brennan and Hodgins arrive at the stone. Brennan opens the case of evidence)
HODGINS: (leaning to Brennan) Hey, this guy. (looking around) I really, really hate him. (yelling and pointing at the camera) I will find you!
(Brennan takes out the vial with the sticker and holds it up to the camera. The video feed zooms in on it)
SWEETS: Woah. Did you do that?
ANGELA: No. No. Uh. That’s the Gravedigger. (the Gravedigger scans the sticker on the video feed) It’s the vial he’s after. God, and its receiver is within a 500 yard radius. He’s really close.
(Sweets looks around. Something on his monitor beeps)
SWEETS: Oh, uh, Angela, this pointy bit here just got way pointier.
ANGELA: At what frequency?
SWEETS: 2.2 something.
ANGELA: (she looks at the monitor) Oh my God. That signal’s not coming from the camera. (she turns from the car and yells to Brennan and Hodgins) Get back! (Brennan and Hodgins look up) Run! (They begin to move away) Run!
HODGINS: Go, go. Go, go, go.
(he and Brennan sprint away from the stone. The stone blows up behind them and they fall to the ground due to the power of the blast. A car pulls up. Agent Perotta gets out. Hodgins and Brennan are all right and roll over to look at the blast)
PEROTTA: What the hell is going on here?
HODGINS: (to Brennan) You okay?
BRENNAN: Yeah. Come on. (they stand and run back to the car)

(FBI – the Conference Room)
(Perotta is explaining the situation to Judge Williams and Taffet. Brennan, Angela, Hodgins and Sweets are standing around the table. Brennan looks disheveled.)
PEROTTA: We followed Dr. Brennan’s car to the Boundary Stone. We arrived moments after the explosion.
JUDGE WILLIAMS: What the hell were you people doing?
BRENNAN: (confidently) We have nothing to say.
PEROTTA: We found evidence at the crime scene believed to be related to the Gravedigger investigation.
TAFFET: I believe they returned evidence to the Gravedigger.
JUDGE WILLIAMS: Agent Perotta, you will deny all of these people access to this case.
BRENNAN: May I make a request, you Honor? I’d like to see Thomas Vega’s remains. I need to examine them immediately. (Perotta looks at her)
JUDGE WILLIAMS: You will examine nothing. You people will stay away from anything to do with the Gravedigger.

(The Ship)
(Booth is following the wires hooking up the C4)
BOOTH: We’re on a ship stuffed with toys and explosives. Does that make some kind of sense to you?
TEDDY: Yeah. What they do Sarge is they sink ships for reefs. They get school kids to do all their decorating.
TEDDY: For the fish, why else? Fish love decorations.
(Booth sees something and walks to it. It’s the explosives’ transponder.)
BOOTH: There’s a transponder. (he lifts the lid. The countdown says 6:23:11) We have 6 hours and 23 minutes here. (turning to Teddy) What? No ideas.
TEDDY: According to you I’m already a ghost. As a result, I got not sense of urgency.
BOOTH: I got it. Maybe we can use the transponder to send a signal.
TEDDY: But that’s the only fail-safe. Once you disconnect the transponder nothing can stop this ship from blowing to hell in…(reads the clock) 6 hours and 22 minutes.
(Booth takes a moment but then disconnects the transponder)
BOOTH: Sense of urgency now?

(FBI Building)
(Brennan, Hodgins, Angela and Sweets are walking from the conference room to the elevators)
BRENNAN: It’s been almost 2 hours. Why hasn’t the Gravedigger sent us Booth’s coordinates?
SWEETS: I think we have to accept that the Gravedigger isn’t going to release Booth. He’s cleaning up.
BRENNAN: Cleaning up?
SWEETS: Yeah. He destroyed the evidence. Now he’s trying to destroy everyone who’d gotten close to him. (Hodgins hits the elevator button. They wait) Vega, Agent Booth, you and Hodgins.
HODGINS: It’s over. Booth’s dead. It’s….my fault. We’re out of options.
BRENNAN: No. (the elevator doors open. They get in.) No, it’s not over. And I know exactly who to ask for help. (the doors shut)

(The Restaurant/Bar)
(Brennan enters. She walks over and meets Jared who’s having a drink at the bar. He stands)
JARED: So what’s so important you couldn’t tell me on the phone?
BOOTH: You’re brother has been kidnapped by the Gravedigger.
JARED: Seeley’s been kidnapped? (she nods) When?
BRENNAN: Booth will be dead in 6 hours. What I need you to do is hijack the remains of a murder victim and then bring them to me.
JARED: I’m in military intelligence, we don’t hijack dead bodies.
BRENNAN: The victim’s name is Thomas Vega.
JARED: So you want me to steal the remains of a murder victim from the FBI?
BRENNAN: Yes! As soon as possible, please.
JARED: I can make a few calls…
BRENNAN: (getting angry) No. This is not a situation where you make a few phone calls.
JARED: That’s who I am, Tempe. I am the guy who makes a few calls.
BRENNAN: (visibly angry) Booth has never turned his back on you. You are a selfish coward and you never deserved him. (she storms out)
(Jared waits a moment then reaches down and finishes his drink)

(The Ship)
(Booth is working on the trasnponder)
BOOTH: We can feed the uh, transponder signal through the ship’s antenna.
TEDDY: Well, you told me sometimes you’ve got to stand and fight and sometimes you got to…run like hell for help. (Booth looks at him for awhile)
(Booth’s memory: Booth is carrying Teddy’s body through a wooded area)
BOOTH: Hang on, Teddy. Stay with me.
TEDDY: (voice over from the ship) Sarge?
TEDDY: Sarge?
(Booth shakes his head)
BOOTH: You never should have gone on that last mission. (silence) I mean…taking on another sniper that was…that was way beyond your…capabilities. There was…you could…that’s why you’re haunting me, right? You’re…(he nods his head looking for approval)
TEDDY: Can’t an old army buddy just show up to lend a helping hand?
BOOTH: (he thinks about it and nods) Yeah.
(He turns back to the transponder. Teddy holds a flashlight up)
TEDDY: You got a partner now?
BOOTH: Yeah.
TEDDY: (turning off the flashlight) You two tight?
(Booth stops working. Nods his head and takes a moment to respond)
BOOTH: (stumbling over his words) Yeah.. Um…we’re uh…you would have…you’d like her. She’s…
TEDDY: Her? Way to go Sarge…
BOOTH: (dismissing his comment) Look, just focus here on....uh…alright, Corporal? Whoever is monitoring the sinking of the ship should be able to pick up the signal, right?
TEDDY: Very cool, Sarge.
(Booth plugs it in and flips the “On” switch. He looks proud. The transponder sparks and dies out)
BOOTH: What? No.
TEDDY: You shorted it out. It’s useless now.
BOOTH: (slamming his hands on the table) No.
(Angry and frustrated, Booth picks up the transponder and throws it against the wall then kicks it.)
TEDDY: Look, don’t worry, Sarge. Hey, at least we still got this flashlight. (Booth, still angry puts his head in his hands)

(Medico-Legal Lab)
(Vega’s body is wheeled in by Jared (in full uniform) and two assistants. He approaches a waiting Cam and Brennan)
JARED: Vega’s remains.
BRENNAN: Thank you.
(All three follow the body as it is wheeled towards the platform)

(Another Area in the Middle of the Ship)
(Booth is walking and looking for a way out. Teddy follows holding the flashlight)
TEDDY: So…just to sum things up. The ship’s about to explode and now there’s no way to stop it.
BOOTH: Rub it in. I got you killed twice.
TEDDY: Where we going?
BOOTH: We got to get out of here.
TEDDY: Hey, even if we get out onto the deck, we’re gonna have to jump into the ocean.
BOOTH: That’s right.
TEDDY: Where if the fall doesn’t kill us we’ll get hypothermia and drown.
BOOTH: Oh no. I get hypothermia and drown. Who knows what’ll happen to you?
TEDDY: If you die Sarge, I’m gone. There’s not a single person left on the planet who will remember me. It’d be like I was never here.
BOOTH: No. There’s…there’s that uh…girl. She won’t forget you.
TEDDY: You mean Claire?
BOOTH: Yeah, Claire. You know, every…day on the anniversary of your death I…I go to your grave and I uh…I visit you. And there’s always flowers from Claire.
TEDDY: Did you ever see her?
BOOTH: From a distance, yeah.
TEDDY: Why don’t you talk to her?
BOOTH: She blames me for your death.
TEDDY: That’s crazy.
BOOTH: That’s not crazy. (he looks at Teddy for a second, and then walks by as he changes direction) I blame me too. (They turn a corner and find another open area) Here we go.
TEDDY: Sarge?
BOOTH: Yeah.
TEDDY: Tomorrow’s the anniversary. I need a favor.
BOOTH: If I survive this, anything.
TEDDY: I need you to tell Claire I loved her.
BOOTH: You never told her?
TEDDY: I was 20. I didn’t know how to say it.
BOOTH: What? You say, “I love you.” I mean, what’s so hard about that?
TEDDY: What? You’ve never loved somebody and didn’t say it to ’em? (Booth thinks about this for a moment, says nothing and walks away to a wall) So maybe that’s why I’m here. To get you to say “I love you” to somebody.
BOOTH: (feeling the wall) We can get through here.
TEDDY: Get through the solid metal wall?
BOOTH: No, the stairs. You see, the stairs. (he motions to the bolts from the stairs attached to the wall on the other side) The thinnest interior bulkhead of a ship is going to be along the stairs. We’re going to blast our way through this.

(Medico Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Brennan and Cam are examining Vega’s body)
CAM: Rigor indicates he’s been dead less than 24 hours. About the same time Booth disappeared.
(Jared looks towards his assistants who are conversing)
BRENNAN: Vega must have been killed just after we were threatened by that judge.
CAM: Two full thickness burns to the posterior triangle of the neck corresponding with a high-amperage stun gun.
BRENNAN: (to herself) Stun gun…
CAM: (to Jared) How’d you pull this off?
JARED: It’s masked as a Military Intelligence Operation. National Security.
BRENNAN: Well how long before they find out the truth?
JARED: Not long if you keep talking so loud.
CAM: You’re going to get in trouble, Jared. Definitely lose your job.
JARED: I’m aware.
BRENNAN: (looking at the neck) These burn marks are not in the usual place. On all the other victims they were equidistant from the inferior nuchal line. This time, they’re angled about 4 cm to the right. (pointing to the wounds on the chest) This is deep. The stun gun was held here near his heart for an extended time.
CAM: Caused fatal fibrillation, that would be cause of death.
(Brennan looks at Vega’s arm then walks to his x-rays displayed on a monitor)
BRENNAN: Here’s a hairline fracture to the olecranon process of the right ulna.
JARED: What does that mean?
BRENNAN: The victim damaged his right medial and lateral epicondyles as well as his coronoid fossa, possibly consistent with a defensive response to a posterior assault.
CAM: (turning to Jared) Our victim got a piece of the bad guy.
BRENNAN: He elbowed the assailant. Striking someone that hard, there’s going to be damage…at least broken ribs.

(The Ship)
(Booth stripping the ends of C4 wiring. Teddy enters with a C4 brick molded into the shape of a mermaid)
TEDDY: Got it.
BOOTH: Good job, kid. What the hell is that supposed to be?
TEDDY: A well shaped charge. It’s a mermaid, you get it? It’s not sexist cause she’s mostly fish.
BOOTH: Right… (Booth takes it and sticks it to the wall.) Okay…all we need now is a power source. (Teddy looks at the flashlight in his hand then shines it on Booth) Right. That was what the flashlight was for.

(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Hodgins and Brennan are working. Jared is observing. The alarms for the platform go off. Taffet approaches)
TAFFET: I have an injunction here reclaiming jurisdiction in this case.
JARED: On what grounds?
(Hodgins swipes his card to turn off the alarms)
TAFFET: One missing FBI agent is not a case of National Security.
JARED: (to his assistants) Grab a coffee guys.
BRENNAN: (walking over to Taffet) Do you have the warrant?
TAFFET: (she shows her the warrant. her right arm shakes) Right here…signed by the judge.
BRENNAN: (getting suspicious) I don’t think there’s any more reason for us to keep the truth from Ms. Taffet.
JARED: (confused) No. What? Wait, no, the Gravedigger said that we…
TAFFET: (interrupting) You’ve been in touch with the Gravedigger? The Gravedigger has Agent Booth?
BRENNAN: (whispering to Hodgins) She can’t seem to extend her arm.
HODGINS: What? (Taffet stares at him) Oh.
BRENNAN: What do you think?
JARED: About what?
HODGINS: It’s…(shakes his head)…possible. She had complete access to FBI files and evidence. Nobody wanted the Gravedigger case; it’s a career killer. But with Kurland out of the way…
BRENNAN: Have you injured yourself recently, Ms. Taffet?
TAFFET: What the hell does that have to do with anything?
(Hodgins lunges towards Taffet. Jared and Brennan hold him back)
BRENNAN: (to Jared) Don’t let Dr. Hodgins go. Could I see the warrant, please? (As Taffet struggles to raise her arm, Brennan hits her in the rib cage. Taffet bends over in pain) Broken ribs.
JARED: She’s the Gravedigger?
HODGINS: It’s her.
JARED: Can you prove it?
BRENNAN: No, we can’t. Is that a problem?
JARED: Not for me. (he lets go of Hodgins and walks to Taffet. He grabs her neck and straightens her up.) You got a place to lock her up?

(Medico-Legal Lab: An Office)
(Jared binds Taffet’s hands together behind her back and slams her into a chair. Brennan, Angela, Cam, Hodgins and Sweets surround her)
BRENNAN: Where’s Booth? (Taffet says nothing)
SWEETS: She’s not going to say anything.
BRENNAN: You haven’t even asked.
SWEETS: Yeah, I’ve read extensively on the Gravedigger. I’m acquainted with the profile: very intelligent, very calm. She won’t speak.
CAM: Then what do we do?
HODGINS: (to Jared) You have to do “spring cleaning” on her.
ANGELA: What is that? Is that some kind of torture or something?
JARED: Nothing. It doesn’t exist.
HODGINS: The government keeps secret, black, illegal files on every US citizen. It’s called “spring cleaning” because everything’s brought out into the light and turned upside down.
SWEETS: (to Jared) Okay, that is complete paranoia. Right?
JARED: (he pauses) I’ll need access to a secure terminal.
CAM: Follow me. (She exits)
JARED: (to Hodgins, as he exits) And only conspiracy nuts call it “spring cleaning.”

(The Ship)
(Booth is placing the wires into the C4)
TEDDY: Uh, Sarge?
BOOTH: Corporal Parker, I really need you to stifle yourself at this juncture, okay?
TEDDY: Okay. Yeah, I get it. I mean if these two leads touch, that explodes, you become Booth jam.
BOOTH: That’s correct. (he kneels down to adjust the leads)
TEDDY: Of course, say a bead of sweat completes the circuit…then…BOOM! (he laughs)
BOOTH: (looking up) Uh huh. (pushing the leads closer together)
TEDDY: Can I ask you one more question?
BOOTH: (annoyed) What is it, Corporal?
TEDDY: It’s just…how are you going to complete the circuit from a 100 yards away…at which distance you might survive the blast?
BOOTH: One thing at a time, okay?
TEDDY: Okay. (he stands and runs to hide)
BOOTH: First time I’ve ever heard of a cowardly ghost. What a wuss.

(Medico-Legal Lab: An Office)
(Taffet is sitting silently in the chair. Hodgins steps closer)
HODGINS: I’d like to kill you. (Taffet glares up at him) I hate her. I think I could murder her.
BRENNAN: If any group of people can murder someone…and get away with it…it would be us.
(Jared strides in. He whips Taffet’s chair around to face him)
JARED: I’m not going to ask you any questions, I’m just gonna tell you what’s going on, right now. (As Jared speaks, a montage of the FBI entering a storage locker and discovering a van with her Gravedigger supplies is edited together with Jared speaking to Taffet) I went through your file. As Heather Taffet you have led a very tiny, transparent life. But in 1998 you married a man named William Burton for exactly one month before you had the marriage annulled…which was long enough to create an entire identity…a whole untraceable identity…which you used for one thing, and one thing only: to rent a storage locker in Spring Hill. (right into Taffet’s ear) I got you bitch. (he spins her back around. she shows no emotion)

(The Ship)
(Booth removes his Cocky belt buckle and places it on the ground between the two leads. he takes a step back behind a wall holding a long pipe. he reaches with the pipe to push the buckle to connect the leads. he’s too far away and the pipe isn’t long enough)
BOOTH: God, I got to get closer.
TEDDY: You’re too close now, Sarge. (Booth tries again fails) Too close. Look, I’ll get it. (he steps from behind his wall and picks up the belt buckle and brings it back to Booth. They both step as far away as possible)
BOOTH: Teddy.
(Teddy smiles at Booth and slides the buckle across the floor to the leads, triggering the explosion. Booth and Teddy are thrown back. Teddy is injured and bleeding, Booth is on his back. a beam falls from the ceiling.)

(Medico-Legal Lab: An Office)
(Taffet is still not speaking and Hodgins is getting frustrated. he approaches Sweets)
HODGINS: You got to get your hands on some truth telling drugs.
SWEETS: (confused) What?
HODGINS: (looking at his watch) Would you rather torture her?
JARED: I know a little bit about that.
SWEETS: No. What? We don’t do that.
BRENNAN: Booth will die.
SWEETS: Character is who you are under pressure, not who you are when everything’s fine. We’re the good guys, we don’t…we don’t torture people.
CAM: (stepping towards Taffet) Evidence is being compiled against you Ms. Taffet. Tell us where Agent Booth is. You don’t want another murder on your head.
SWEETS: See that’s not going to work. Her pathology necessitates controlling the game. She’s created her own morality. She’s not going to relinquish control.
ANGELA: (entering) Hey, they brought in everything from her storage locker.
CAM: (following Angela from the room) Back to work. (Jared and Hodgins follow her)

(The Ship)
(Teddy’s shoulder is injured and he is lying against the wall. Booth crawls to him)
BOOTH: Teddy?
TEDDY: Yeah.
BOOTH: (squinting) I can’t see very well. I looked at the flash. Are you okay? Huh?
TEDDY: (groaning) Uhhh, I think I could use some help. (Booth looks over his wounds)
(Booth’s memory: Booth crawls over to Teddy’s body that’s lying on the ground and removes his helmet. he begins to hoist him over his shoulders)
BOOTH: Is that light? (he looks towards where the explosion went off. there is a gaping hole in the wall with stairs on the other side.) Did we find a way out?
TEDDY: We always find a way out, Sarge.
BOOTH: (throws Teddy’s arm over his shoulder and helps him to stand) I’ll be your legs, you be my eyes. Come on, Ted. (Teddy screams in pain as they stand) Which way, Corporal?
TEDDY: Towards the light. (they slowly move towards the stairs) Now that sounds bad, huh? Move towards the light. (they laugh a little and continue their way to the stairs)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Taffet’s boots and supplies are laid out on a table. Hodgins picks up one of the boots to examine)
HODGINS: Hold up, these boots were worn recently. (He takes it over to examine under the light and microscopes)
ANGELA: Hey, uh, Jared, can I see your black file of “spring cleaning” or whatever?
JARED: (handing his PDA to Angela) Contents are on my PDA.
CAM: (to Hodgins) Talk to me while you analyze.
HODGINS: Aedes Sollicitans? It’s a common marsh mosquito. Blood’s still in its gut.
CAM: Indicating it was worn how recently?
HODGINS: At least in the last 24 hours for sure, but wait a second. (he tweezes something out of the treads of the boot) I got some paint chips here.
CAM: (while Hodgins is placing it in a petri dish) Run it through the Mass Spec See if there’s anything special about that paint.
HODGINS: (moving away) Yup, I’m on it.

(The Ship)
(Booth and Teddy are slow ascending the stairs to the deck of the ship)
BOOTH: You still with me, Teddy?
TEDDY: Yeah. But I got to tell you, I feel like we’ve kinda…been here before.
BOOTH: I’m sorry I got you killed.
(Booth’s memory: Booth and Teddy are setting up their guns to take out the target. They are covered in camouflage netting. Booth is concentrating on his gun and Teddy leans up a little and gets shot in the chest)
BOOTH: (voice over from ship) I was so anxious to get off that shot, take out my target that I forgot to tell you…
(They are still moving up through the ship)
TEDDY: You told me to get down twice. You gave the order. I didn’t listen.
BOOTH: What?
(They reach the bottom of another set of stairs)
TEDDY: Sarge, stop. (Booth stops) I didn’t come here to haunt you. I came to tell you it wasn’t your fault. (Booth looks at him)
(Booth’s memory: Teddy is lying on the ground, dead. Booth is sitting next to the body and staring into the ground. He takes no notice of the surrounding helicopters)
(Booth begins to haul Teddy up the stairs)

(Medico-Legal Lab: The Platform)
(Hodgins is reading the results of the Mass Spec analysis on the paint chips)
HODGINS: Active amine hydrogren, epoxy, hydroxyapatite and silica. (Angela looks up from reading Jared’s PDA) It’s…it’s an obsolete composition of deck coating used by the Navy prior to 1961.
CAM: So she was on a Navy vessel within the last 24 hours?
HODGINS: Yes! Yeah, an old one. Most likely decommissioned. (Angela has a look of realization)
ANGELA: Wait a minute, a ship? Listen to this. (crossing to Hodgins and Cam while reading from the PDA) Taffet was a volunteer at the aquarium. They were prepping some sort of old Navy ship to be sunk.
ANGELA: They’re making some sort of reef.
JARED: The Navy’s not afraid of explosions or sinking ships. (he takes his PDA back from Angela and speed dials a number) Plus it’ll really annoy my brother, the Army Ranger, to be saved by a Squid. (he walks off the platform to call for help. The countdown on the monitor reads 28:04)

(Medico-Legal Lab: An Office)
(Angela enters)
ANGELA: Brennan, they know where Booth is. Jared is getting a helicopter to take you there. He’s on an old Navy ship.
(Brennan begins to exit but on her way out picks up a briefcase and smacks Taffet with it. Taffet flies off her chair and falls on her side. Satisfied, Brennan storms out, throwing the case down.)

(The Ship)
(Booth is still helping Teddy along as they’re almost to the deck of the ship)
TEDDY: Put me down, Sarge. You don’t have to carry me anymore.
BOOTH: It doesn’t work that way Teddy.
(They arrive to the last set of stairs where Booth sees the door to the deck)

(A Helicopter)
(Brennan is riding in the helicopter over the ocean out to the ship. She’s on the phone with Jared through the helicopter’s headset)
JARED: (on phone) Temperance, can you hear me? I’m patched through via cell phone.
BRENNAN: Jared? What? I don’t understand, why aren’t you here…
(A Navy Building)
(Jared is in handcuffs with an officer holding a cell phone up to him)
BRENNAN: (on phone) … on the helicopter with me?
JARED: Typical Navy red tape, nothing to worry about. But listen. They couldn’t…
(A Helicopter)
JARED: (on phone) …cancel the detonation. Something’s wrong with the transponder.
BRENNAN: What do we do now?
(A Navy Building)
JARED: The ship blows in 9 minutes. They Navy’s only given you 5 to get there and get Seeley off.
BRENNAN: (on phone, upset) No, Jared…
(A Helicopter)
BRENNAN: …Booth could be anywhere on that ship. 5 minutes is not enough time.
(A Navy Building)
JARED: These guys don’t negotiate, Tempe. They won’t risk anymore lives.
(A Helicopter)
BRENNAN: Are you alright?
(A Navy Building)
JARED: It’s all worth it as long as you save my brother.
(A Helicopter)
(Brennan looks hopeless knowing that if Booth isn’t near the deck there’s no way to save him.)

(The Deck of the Ship)
(Booth and Teddy are walking through the door onto the deck)
TEDDY: Rangers lead the way, Sarge.
BOOTH: (out of breath) Right, just lead the way, Corporal. (he puts Teddy down against the wall) There. Alright? (Booth looks up and sees the helicopter approaching)
TEDDY: Sarge? (Booth looks from the helicopter back to Teddy) I knew what you did for me…How far you carried me. (Booth looks at the helicopter again to see if it’s landed) Sarge? (Booth looks back at Teddy again) One more thing I got to tell you. (Booth steps to him) No way you’re getting the deposit back on that tux. (Booth and Teddy both smile)
(The helicopter lands and a helicopter guy opens the door)
BRENNAN: (yelling) Booth! (he looks up and sees her) Hurry! (motioning with her hands) Come on!
(Booth looks back once more at Teddy, but his body is gone. he looks confused)
BRENNAN: (yelling and still motioning) Hurry, Booth, come on! (Booth begins to step towards the helicopter but stops again to look back again at where Teddy was laying. Brennan yells again, much more intensely since he isn’t running to the helicopter) Booth, come on! Hurry!
(Booth finally steps back then turns and jogs to the helicopter. while running, he looks back a few more times to where Teddy was. he climbs in the helicopter and the guy shuts the door. Booth sits and Brennan grabs him for a long hug. She puts her head in his shoulder while he still looks confused and disoriented but glad to be safe. The helicopter takes off from the ship and as it flies away the ship explodes behind them)

(Arlington National Cemetery)
(Booth and Brennan are standing looking out over all the white headstones)
BOOTH: Thanks for coming to get me, Bones.
BRENNAN: You should have stayed in the hospital another day.
BOOTH: No, I didn’t mean…get me out of the hospital. I meant…coming out on the helicopter…and the ship. Thanks for saving my life.
(She nods her head and looks at the ground but doesn’t say anything)
BRENNAN: (pulling something out of her pocket) I got you this. (it’s a new Cocky belt buckle. she hands it to Booth)
BOOTH: (laughing, smiling and holding up the buckle) Cocky! How’d you find that? That’s hard to find.
BRENNAN: (after a moment) I read through your report. It seems as if you would need 2 people to do most of what you did.
BOOTH: I had help. There was a ghost.
BRENNAN: You were injured, drugged, disoriented, breathing bad air…There are no such things as ghosts.
BOOTH: Whatever you have to tell yourself there, Bones. (She scoffs and he says nothing)
BRENNAN: (pausing) Who’s ghost?
BOOTH: (pointing) He’s buried over there.
BRENNAN: The ghost?
BOOTH: Corporal Edward Parker. He was slain while serving his country. (pauses) He was 20. He was just a kid.
BRENNAN: Was it…your fault that he died?
BOOTH: (pauses and shakes his head) No. Fortunes of war. It wasn’t my fault. (she nods her head) You see that woman over there? (Claire walks up to Teddy’s grave with flowers) Her name is Claire. I have a message for her from Teddy. (he pauses then walks to the grave)
BRENNAN: (confused) What, a message from a ghost?
BOOTH: (turning his head back) You wait here, okay?
BRENNAN: But you’re gonna deliver a message to that woman…from a ghost? (he continues to walk)
(from the distance, Brennan watches Booth approach Claire, talk to her and give her a hug. Teddy walks by her in full uniform. Brennan sees him.)
TEDDY: Beautiful day. Makes you feel glad to be alive, doesn’t it?
BRENNAN: (nodding) Yes, it does. (she looks back to Booth)
(Booth and Claire finish hugging and she places her flowers on the grave. he looks back to Brennan and sees Teddy standing behind her. Teddy waves. Booth waves back as Claire stands. Brennan, thinking Booth was waving at her, waves back. Teddy smiles and walks away)


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natas  (16.03.2021 à 19:37)

ça fait quand même deux épisodes que Booth à des "hallucinations" c'est une intrigue étrange et je ne me souviens pas si on a une explication ou pas... Mais j'espère que oui^^


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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chrismaz66, Hier à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Hier à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

Supersympa, Hier à 17:11

Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez bien.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:14

Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:16

Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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