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#407 : Elle est lui

Deux hippies trouvent une moitié de corps dans la mer. Booth et Brennan enquêtent sur le meurtre mais l'affaire devient très étrange lorsqu'ils découvrent que la victime possède à la fois les caractéristiques d'un homme et d'une femme.


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Titre VO
The He in the She

Titre VF
Elle est lui

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Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Camille Saroyan (Tamara Taylor)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Les fouines devant le corps sur la plateforme

Les fouines devant le corps sur la plateforme

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Plus de détails

Deux hommes sont entrain de pêcher sur le bord de met et parlent. L'un deux remarque quelque chose dans l'eau il s'approche et découvre une main décomposée.


Booth et Brennan sont en thérapie avec Sweets. Booth joue avec un andamania (j'en ai eu un étant petite c'est un ressort qu'on s'amuse à passer de gauche a droite) et Brennan s'ennui a « mourir » (dsl pour le jeu de mot ^^) jusqu'à ce que le téléphone de Booth sonne. Booth prend son téléphone et dit « Merci mon dieu quelqu'un est mort » (non mais Booth tu n'es vraiment pas gentil sur ce coup là). Donc Booth et Brennan s'en vont laissant Sweets tout seul.


Booth et Brennan vont sur les lieux du crime et Cam et l'étudiant de la semaine (Vince Nigel) sont là. Brennan demande ce que Vince fait là. Brennan lui demande alors s'il se considère comme un de ces meilleurs étudiants. Il dit que oui. Booth dit alors qu'il n'a pas demandé à cet enfant de venir. Vince demande à Brennan ce qu'elle veut qu'il fasse. Elle lui répond en faisant des gestes un peu comme ceux de Booth « retourner au labo ». Cam dit qu'elle pensait que ce serait bien pour les étudiants de venir sur le terrain pour voir son travail. L'étudiant appelle alors Brennan par son prénom ce qui lui plait pas, elle donne ses clés de voiture a l'étudiant et lui dit de rentrer au labo, qu'elle reviendra avec Booth.


Au premier coup d'œil la victime à l'air d'une femme vu les os, les restes de vêtements et serai morte depuis 3 semaines. Mais ils n'ont trouvé que le haut du corps. Booth demande ce qu'ils doivent faire maintenant et Brennan répond « chercher l'autre moitié ».


Cam et Vince sont entrain d'examiner le corps et Cam lui demande s'il remarque quelque chose. Vince dit que la victime a une fausse poitrine mais pour toutes ces descriptions, il emploi un langage familier. Cam lui fait remarquer de ne pas parler de cette manière en présence de Booth ou de Brennan. Jack arrive et dit qu'il a analysé les sédiments et qu'il a trouvé ou la personne a pu être jeté. Mais il ne se préoccupe même pas de l'étudiant. Cam dit qu'il y a des numéros de série sur les implants et donc ils vont faire une recherche pour avoir l'identité de la victime. Jack repart en disant à l'étudiant qu'il n'est qu'étudiant et pas docteur. Quelqu'un arrive en tend a Cam le dossier de recherche sur les implants.


Booth et Brennan sont en voiture. Brennan dit à Booth que la victime est Patricia Ludmuler. Bones regarde la photo et trouve son ossature étrange. Brennan parle de nouveau (comme dans l'épisode des petites reines de beauté) du fait qu'elle ne comprend pas que les gens changent d'apparence. Booth trouve sont histoire étrange car cette femme n'existait pas 5 ans auparavant. Bones lui qu'elle était peut être sous protection et Booth lui dit que non.


Booth et Brennan sont arrivés à la maison de Patricia (sa maison est en bord de mer). Brennan trouve l'endroit paisible. Une fois à l'intérieur Bones commence à regarder partout et Booth trouve une photo. Patricia était pasteur. Bones remarque qu'il y a sur la table un papier. Patricia préparait un sermon. Bones commence à dire certaine chose par rapport a la religion qui n'est pas très bien vu que Booth commence à faire une tête bizarre. Booth voit que le répondeur clignote. Il y a un nouveau message « c'est Jeff encore, je suis désolé, tu me manque, je veux te voir j'ai vraiment besoin de toi s'il te plait appel moi ». Alors que Brennan regarde de nouveau la photo, le téléphone de Booth sonne, ils ont retrouvés l'autre partie du corps. Bones dit de l'envoyé au labo et ils partent.


Retour au Jefferson au Cam et Vince examine le bas du corps. Vince dit que la victime a été séparés post mortem et qu'IL a été jeté d'un bateau. Cam lui fait remarqué que c'était une femme et Vince lui dit que l'os pelvien ne trompe pas c'était un homme. Cam lui montre alors le bas du corps et lui fait remarquer qu'il n'y a pas à cet endroit ce qu'il devra avoir (un pénis en diminutif). Cam dit qu'elle va faire des tests ADN pour savoir si ce bas de corps correspond a la même victime. Vince dit que les deux parties s'emboitent parfaitement. Cam dit alors qu'ils ont une victime avec deux sexes a la fois homme et femme.


Booth et Brennan sont dans le bureau avec Sweets. Sweets leur dit que cet homme est mort et séparé en deux. Brennan lui dit non c'est une femme, elle avait un organe féminin. Sweets lui fait remarqué que si l'os pelvien était celui d'un homme alors la victime était un tr ans-sexuel. Booth demande comment ils font ça et Brennan commence à tout expliquer mais Booth lui dit qu'il voulait parler d'un point de vue morale. Sweets dit alors que ces personnes se rendent compte jeune, qu'ils n'ont pas le bon corps et change. Bones lui fait remarquer que dans leur cas ça ne fait que 5 ans. Booth dit alors que Dieu décide. Sweets dit que Dieu peu faire des erreurs. Booth dit que non. Booth dit alors que peut être que le petit ami à Patricia l'a découvert et qu'il ne l'a pas supporté. Sweets dit que c'est possible. Booth dit alors « il, elle, il, elle » il a fait des choses dans le passé et qu'il s'est transformé pour évité qu'on le retrouve. Sweets lui dit « vous pensez réellement à ça ? ». Booth lui dit « écoute je vais essayer de trouvé des informations sur ce qu'il aurait pu être avant d'être une femme. Ça a pu se passer avant quand il était il ou maintenant quand il était elle, mais dans tout les cas je vais trouver ce qui c'est passé quand il était il et quand il était elle ». Mais tout le monde a l'air embrouillé. Et Brennan sort « Je suis un génie et je suis en plein confusion ». Booth désespère et pose sa tête sur son bureau.


Booth et Brennan sont sur la plage ou les gens de la paroisse où Patricia était pasteur sont là pour lui dire au revoir. Un autre pasteur fait une prière bien entendu Booth baisse la tête pour le salut de dieu et Brennan lui demande pourquoi il fait ça. Il lui explique et lui dit de parler moins fort. Alors que la cérémonie est finie. Booth et Brennan vont voir l'autre pasteur et lui demande comment il a su que Patricia était la victime retrouvé. Il dit qu'ils sont une petite communauté et que quand quelqu'un disparait ça se remarque tout de suite. Il y a un homme en fauteuil roulant et le pasteur leur dit que c'était l'assistant de Patricia. Bones lui demande alors comment ils peuvent avoir de telles superstitions (en parlant de la religion, des miracles tout ça). Booth lui dit alors d'arrêter. Il parle alors du message que Patricia a eu et demande s'il connait l'homme en question et il lui montre du doigt.


Booth interroge l'homme. Angela est de l'autre coté de la vitre avec des photos et elle parle à Booth. Elle dit qu'il a l'air séparé des autres personnes de la congrégation. Il dit qu'il n'est là que depuis 6 mois. Booth lui demande alors pourquoi il est allé là bas. L'homme lui explique qu'il a des problème avec la boisson. Après que ça se soit arrangé, il voulait que sa femme revienne. Booth lui demande alors pourquoi il a appeler Patricia. L'homme dit alors a Booth que ce n'est pas ce qu'il croit. Angela dit alors a Booth de regarder la dernière photo. Le gars savait que Patricia était un homme avant. Booth lui dit alors qu'il n'a pas aimé. Il dit qu'il avait des sentiments pour patricia et de savoir qu'avant elle était un homme n'a rien changer. Angela regarde une autre photo et dit a Booth qu'il dit vrai.


Cam, brennan et Vince examinent le corps. Ils découvrent que la vicitme avait fait pas mal de vaccin. L'étudiant fait remarqué qu'elle allait partir en voyage. Cam lui dit qu'il fait du bon travail mais Brennan ne l'aime pas du tout.


Vince et Jack boivent un café dans le salon et Vince demande ce qui est arrivé a Zack. Jack lui explique qu'il a uni ces forces avec un serial killer cannibal. Vince est impresionné et lui dit qu'il espère que sa ne lui arrivera pas. Il dit que Zack ne reviendra pas et Jack lui répond qu'il va rester enfermé le reste de sa vie. Angela arrive, elle veut monter quelque chose a Jack. Elle a fait un profil inverse de la femme pour arrivé jusqu'à l'homme. L'homme était le pasteur Patrick Stevenson, disparus il y a 6 ans. Il passait a la télé et faisait des sermons. Ils apprennent aussi qu'il avait une femme et un fils.


Booth et Brennan ont convoqué la femme de Patrick donc de Patricia pour lui parler de son époux. Brennan lui explique ce qui est arrivé et la femme est étonné et dit que son époux n'aurait pas fait ça car il avait la foi, il n'aurait pas changer son apparence. Bones lui dit alors que elle a bien changé d'apparence chirurgie esthétique, implants. Bones dit ensuite que la victime femme a la même ADN que son mari. Elle demande alors a Booth un ton plus bas si ce genre de personnes croit en l'ADN.


Booth et Brennan sont en voiture et parlent de l'enquête. Bones demande alors a Booth si d'après lui Madame Stevenson aimais son époux. Booth dit quelque chose concernant Madame Steveson pusi Bones dit a Booth « je vous appelle Booth et ça ne vous dérange pas » et Booth lui répond « c'est vrai mais on est pas marié ». Booth lui demande alors si elle l'apprécierait plus si il était une femme et Brennan lui répond « non » Booth lui demande alors pourquoi et elle répond « je serai jalouse si vous étiez plsu jolie que moi ». Booth « oui je serai sexy ».


Bones et Booth sont avec Sweets entrain de visionner une vidéo sur laquelle le fils du pasteur fait un sermon a la paroisse ou il fini par dire qu'il ne veux pas faire de la télé juste être pasteur. Sweets dit alors que le fils doit être comme son père. Booth lui dit alors que sa mère leur a dit qu'il était parti en californie. Sweets dit que ce n'est pas possible. Booth et lui pari alors 20 $ qu'il donne a brennan. Elle demande pourquoi il donne l'argent à elle et Booth lui dit qu'elle est la banque. Brennan est contente.


Cam, Jack et Vince examine patricia. Patricia nageait et elle a été frapper derrière la tête et a couler, puis c'est noyer. Jack dis qu'il a trouvé de la résine qui est utilisé pour cirer les bateaux. Cam dit donc qu'elle était sur un bateau avant de mourir.


Booth a retrouvé le fils du pasteur. 7 Il a bien changer, il a des piercing sur le visage et des tatouages sur les bras et a un livres sur lequel il y a d tags et des crobards. Booth lui demande alors s'il était en colère contre son père d'avoir fait ça. Il dit que non. Booth lui dit alors qu'il a pourtant affirmé qu'il n'était pas comme son père. Le jeune homme dit qu'il a changé. Et ensuite il demande a Booth s'il croit en la rédemption. Booth dit que oui. Et Malgré ces airs, le jeune homme déchire la couverture de son livre et dessous c'est une bible. Ce qui fait sourire Booth, bien qu'il est de drole d'air, le jeune homme n'a jamais perdu sa foi. Il dit que son père a fait des choix et qu'il ne lui en veut pas. Qu'il l'a protéger de tout ça et qui l'aimera toujours pour ça.


Brennan, Cam, jack et Vince regarde les os et comprennent que Patricia est morte car elle a été percutée sur la tête par un bateau et qu'ensuite il a fait demi tour et l'a percuté de nouveau. Brennan appelle alors Booth pour le lui dire.


Booth et Brennan sont en voiture. Brennan dit a Booth qu'Angela et Jack on fait des recherche et seul deux sortes de bateau sont possible. Booth et Brennan sont a la marina ou les agents du FBI et Jack font des prélèvement sur des bateaux. Le bateau est celui du petit ami de patricia et jack affieme que ce bateau est celui ki a tué patricia. Le petit ami dit qu'il n'aurait jamais pu tuer Patricia il l'aimait. Sa femme qui est drrière commence a s'énerver et a dire qu'elle a attendu. Qu'elle en avait assez de cette église, assez de l'attendre, assez qu'il couche avec cette femme. Le mari affirme qu'il n'a jamais coucher avec patricia. Le femme se met a pleurer et Booth l'arrête pour le meurtre de patricia.


On voit ensuite le fils de patricia dans l'église ou elle était pasteur. Il fait un superbe sermon. Booth et Brennan sont là. « peu importe ce que l'on est grand ou petit, gros ou maigre, homme ou femme nous sommes ce que nous voulons être »

(Open: Beach scene - two hippies fishing on a beach)

HIPPIE #2: Oh, I’m so toasted

HIPPIE #1: Yeah, me, too.

HIPPIE #2: Hey.

HIPPIE #1: What?

HIPPIE #2: Early morning…Shouldn’t it be foggy?

HIPPIE #1: Global warming.

HIPPIE #2: But it’s all good.

HIPPIE #1: No, not really. I don’t want to be negative, but it’s not all good. Just ask a penguin, man. Global warming sucks.

HIPPIE #2: (noticing something in the water) What’s that?

HIPPIE #1: Global warming is when some kind of carbon gasses get built up...

HIPPIE #2: No, what’s that? (staring at object in water)

HIPPIE #1: Just trash.

HIPPIE #2: (goes to look closer) No, man. (starts to pull item from the water, sees that it’s the hand of a skeleton) Oh!

(Cut to Sweet’s office - Booth, Brennan, and Sweets are all sitting silently. Booth’s phone vibrates)

BOOTH: Oh! Look at that – thank God, somebody got murdered.

BRENNAN: Okay, let’s go. (Both rush out of the room.)

SWEETS: You’re supposed to turn your phones completely off during our sessions, you know? Not just vibrate. It’s a matter of respect.

(Cut to beach scene - Booth and Brennan are walking towards the beach. The scene is surrounded by police tape.)

BOOTH: Hi, guys. (two police officers hold up the yellow tape, allowing Booth and Brennan to pass under)

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: (Saroyan and Nigel-Murray walk up from the water line) Oh, hey. Dr. Brennan.

BRENNAN: Mr. Nigel-Murray, what are you doing here?

CAM: We decided to utilize some of your brighter grad students until we find a full-time forensic anthropologist, remember?

BRENNAN: Do you consider yourself one of my brighter grad students, Mr. Nigel-Murray?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Yes. And so do you, Dr. Brennan.

BOOTH: I am not calling this kid Mr. Nigel…anything.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Vincent. Or Vince. Or Vinnie, Vin, Vincenzo. Actually, uh, I had this girlfriend once who used to call me Vino Delectable because of how my, eh…

(Booth and Bones stare at him)

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: You don’t…need to know that. Uh, what do you need me to do first?

BRENNAN: I need you to go back to the lab.

CAM: I thought perhaps you might want Vin…cent to shadow you, get a real sense of what you do.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Little known forensic fact: tongue prints are as distinctive as finger prints, so…I can be useful in the field.

BRENNAN: I need a forensic anthropologist in the lab so I can spend my time aiming Agent Booth in the right direction.

BOOTH: “Aiming Agent Booth”? What, like a hose?

BRENNAN: Well, here. Take my car. (hands her car keys to Mr. Nigel-Murray) I’ll get a ride with Booth.

BRENNAN: How were these remains found?

BOOTH: Well, let me aim you in this direction, okay, Bones?

CAM: Two – let’s call them hippies – found these remains this morning.

BOOTH: (chuckles and glances at the hippies) Deadheads.

CAM: Oh, I sold veggie burritos and followed Phish one whole summer. It was fantastic.

BRENNAN: I’m not able to ascertain sex without a pelvic bone.

CAM: Well, if this scrap of cloth is a bathing suit, then probably female.

BRENNAN: Are you good at estimating time of death for submerged corpses?

CAM: Heavily degraded by crab and fish. Two to three weeks? That could be a breast implant.

BOOTH: Breasts - that’s my department, okay? You give me a serial number, my guys will be able to track that down.

CAM: Why is there only half a skeleton?

BRENNAN: Because the spine has been severed.

BOOTH: So, severed spine equals foul play.

BRENNAN: No, not necessarily.

BOOTH: Then it was an accident.

BRENNAN: No, it was foul play.

BOOTH: I just said that.

BRENNAN: Mm, this hand has sustained trauma.

BOOTH: Shark attack.

BRENNAN: No. The fingers got smashed from what looks like multiple blows. That suggests
foul play and…not by a shark.

CAM: We’ll have Hodgins take a close look for particulates.

BOOTH: Okay, great. So what do we do next?

BRENNAN: Find the other half? (Everyone looks to the ocean)

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab, Forensics Platform – Cam and Mr. Nigel-Murray are examining the skeleton)

CAM: What do you see, Mr. Nigel-Murray?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Eye sockets.

CAM: Anything special about these sockets?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: There are no eyeballs in them?

CAM: We already have Agent Booth to make lame jokes. Let’s stick to facts.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: The rods in the human eye are sensitive enough to detect the light emitted by a struck match from as much as a mile away on a clear night.

CAM: Okay, let’s stick to relevant facts.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: These sockets have been ground down.

CAM: Okay, that could be useful. Especially if you have an explanation.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Plastic surgery. Oh, she had, uh, fake boobs, too.

CAM: “Sockets,” “eyeballs,” “boobs” – I wouldn’t use these words when conferring with Dr. Brennan.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: I know. With her, it’s all “supraorbital limbus” and “mammary implants.” But you seemed a more colloquial sort.

CAM: Well, in that case, what about the backbone?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: A clean transection between the L1 and L2 vertebrae. Obviously, that would have been fatal if it had happened while the victim were still alive. (looks to computer screen showing victim’s skull) This conk to the parietal bone would not have been fatal. And these abrasions are puzzling. (points to computer screen showing victim’s ribs)

CAM: Postmortem scraping from the remains being washed up on a stony beach.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Uh…should I have known that?

CAM: Point is, you do now.

(Hodgins enters Platform)

HODGINS: The remains show traces of fresh water and pelagic sediment common to Chesapeake Bay. (glances at Mr. Nigel-Murray, then looks at Cam) Grad student?

CAM: He’s done very well so far.

HODGINS: (looks back to Mr. Nigel-Murray) He’ll disappoint.


HODGINS: (chuckles, then looks to a computer screen) I’ve discovered microscopic tooth shards from the Alosa sapidissima, also known as the American shad, on what flesh there is.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: In the 1700s the shad was especially valued as a delicacy.

HODGINS: Yeah. Fascinating. Based on currents, shad populations, and sheer guesswork…

CAM: Don’t tell him you’re guessing.

HODGINS: …the victim died in the same body of water in which she was found, probably within six miles.

CAM: I got a serial number off the breast implant. The FBI’s tracking it down now.

HODGINS: Traces of copolymer on the vertebrae, nearly microscopic. I’m chasing that down.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: I…won’t disappoint. I graduated with first-class honors from Leeds. Also, I have a retentive memory.

CAM: Ah…that would explain the, um…informative tangents.

HODGINS: Does Brennan put “Mister” in front of your name?


HODGINS: It’s her very subtle way of saying you’re not a doctor. (walks off the Platform smiling)

CAM: (calls after Hodgins) Don’t tell him that!

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Do you know what large-breasted women and fish remind me of?

CAM: Be very careful what you say next, Mr. Nigel-Murray.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores.

CAM: Tangents, Mr. Nigel-Murray, tangents and diversions. Perhaps we could keep those to a minimum. The FBI’s traced the breast implant to Baltimore plastic surgeon. He replaced a leaking implant for this woman. (shows Mr. Nigel-Murray a file with a picture of the victim)

(Cut to SUV - Booth and Brennan in the car, Brennan is holding the same file Cam had and is looking at a picture of the victim)

BRENNAN: So, her name is Patricia Ludmuller, RR#1, Maylor Island, Maryland.

BOOTH: Yeah, reported missing three weeks ago. Presumed drowned after she didn’t come back from her morning swim.

BRENNAN: Very striking facial features.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, according to your Mr.… what's his name?

BRENNAN: Nigel-Murray?

BOOTH: Yeah. Those were mostly artificial, too.

BRENNAN: How many people live on Maylor Island?

BOOTH: I'd say about a couple thousand--that's one of those end-of-the-world places where the weirdoes flock.

BRENNAN: Why go to this much trouble to make yourself look beautiful and then move to the end of the world?

BOOTH: Well, the background check on her turned up suspiciously little. All right? There's no credit cards, no driver's license. Officially, she didn't exist before five years ago.

BRENNAN: Witness protection?

BOOTH: No. Marshals say she's not one of theirs. But, you know, sometimes they lie.

BRENNAN: If you really wanted to hide, you wouldn't make yourself look beautiful.

BOOTH: Well, if you want to hide, Bones, you'd change your looks as much as you can.

(Cut to Maylor Island - Brennan and Booth walking down a street)

BOOTH: Talk about low profile.

BRENNAN: It's very peaceful.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, these peaceful places, they usually have a seething underbelly.

BRENNAN: Really?

BOOTH: Well, I mean, what do I know? I'm from Philly, where the underbelly's on top. Just focus. Look--our victim's home. (points to victim’s house)

(Cut to inside of Patricia Ludmuller’s house – Booth and Brennan are looking around)

BRENNAN: This is a very spiritual person, catholic in her tastes.

BOOTH: Oh, what, you can tell she's Catholic?

BRENNAN: Not Catholic, catholic. Encompassing, universal. She has a lot of religious books, but they cover a wide range of dogmas and philosophies. She herself seems to be Protestant. There's crosses, no crucifixes.

BOOTH: (looking at a picture of Patricia with her congregation) She's a pastor. Yeah. Looks like one of those grassroots community churches.

BRENNAN: (looking at Patricia’s open bible) She was preparing for a sermon.

BOOTH: A pastor with breast augmentation and veneers?


BOOTH: A spiritual leader shouldn't be so vain.

BRENNAN: The Pope sits on a throne; he wears robes worth thousands of dollars. Isn't that vanity?

BOOTH: Really? You're going after the Pope now?

BRENNAN: One pastor gets her teeth whitened, and the other drinks wine on Sunday mornings and tells everyone that it's been miraculously transformed into blood. Which of those is more outlandish?

(Booth pushes button Patricia’s answering machine)

MACHINE: You have one new message.

JP: (on machine) It's JP again. I'm sorry. I-I miss you. I need to see you--it's important. I really need you, Patty. Please call. Please.

BOOTH: Sounds like a lost sheep in need of religious counseling.
BRENNAN: Sounds more like a desperate boyfriend.

BOOTH: (looking at Patricia’s telephone) Nothing here. It's just caller ID's blocked. (Booth’s cell phone rings) Hold on. (on phone) Booth. Yeah? Where? (to Bones) Bones. Bones. They found a pelvis and legs in the water about eight miles from here in the Virginia side of the bay.

BRENNAN: They should take it to the lab.

BOOTH: (on phone) Okay, send it over to the lab, now.

(Cut to Medico-Legal Lab, autopsy room – Cam and Mr. Nigel-Murray are looking at the bottom half of the body)

CAM: There's more tissue on this half. And just because we have the top of a body and the bottom of a body doesn't mean it's all the same body.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: This half starts where the other half ends, at the L2 vertebra. Coincidence? I think not.

CAM: Based on the lack of hemorrhagic tissue, this victim was already dead when cut in half.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: He's in the water...drowning, maybe, or-or he was pushed from a boat. When he reaches for the boat, his fingers are smashed. He drowns, and then is cut in half later in some maritime mishap.

CAM: He?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Triangular pubis. No evidence of a ventral arc. The pelvic bone speaks--it says, "I be male."

CAM: The pelvic bone can say whatever it wants to say--this part here says female.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: What part's that?

CAM: It's called a vagina.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Did you know that women blink twice as often as men?

CAM: Which might be useful information if the fish hadn't eaten our victim's eyelids.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Ah, relevance.

CAM: Well, I can do a DNA comparison to find out if these two sets of human remains come from the same victim.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: The measurements of the vertebrae match perfectly. I-I'm nearly positive that it's all one victim.

CAM: Who is...


CAM: And female. We have one victim with two sexes.

(Cut to Booth’s office – Booth, Brennan, and Sweets are sitting around)

SWEETS: A transgender?

BRENNAN: Post-op. She had female sex organs.

SWEETS: So if she had sexual reassignment surgery, she would be a transsexual.

BOOTH: How do they do that?

BRENNAN: They split the penis, and then turn it inside out-- carefully, so as not to damage the nerves. And then they use the glans to create a nerve cluster dense enough to achieve orgasm.

BOOTH: Okay, new rule. No surgical details, all right?

SWEETS: Generally, transgendered people feel that they're the victim of a cosmic mistake. They're certain, from a young age, that they were born into the wrong body. Surgery and hormone treatments are a way to correct that biological mistake.

BRENNAN: Which is why Patricia Ludmuller's past only went back five years.

BOOTH: Are pastors allowed to think that God makes those kind of mistakes?

SWEETS: Do you think God makes that kind of mistake?

BOOTH: I think that God expects us to overcome certain things.

SWEETS: The term "trans" conveys a meaning of "beyond the cross." Moving further. There's a very spiritual component.

BOOTH: Let's say some hyper religious fundamentalist finds out that Sister Patricia used to be Father Paul...

SWEETS: And murders her. Okay, you mentioned that there was an intense message on Patricia Ludmuller's answering machine, right?


SWEETS: If, say, she had sex with a man, and then informed him that she was transgender, isn't that a more likely motive for murder?

BRENNAN: Anthropologically speaking, a male's status in a society is closely connected with what he perceives to be his outward maleness.

BOOTH: Look, there's no way the guy on that answering machine knew that he...she... he... knew that she... he...was transgender.

BRENNAN: How do you know?

BOOTH: Well, because I know an "ain't too proud to beg" phone call when I hear one, all right? He had no idea that she wasn't a real woman.

SWEETS: That's very insightful.

BOOTH: Thank you. Insightful. See?

SWEETS: Except for the "real woman" slip.

BRENNAN: Have you made many of these "ain't too proud to beg" calls in the past?

BOOTH: What do you say we just stay focused here?

SWEETS: Okay, have you ruled out completely that Patricia Ludmuller's murder might be because of something that happened before he became a woman?

BOOTH: I put a request in to find out his previous identity before he was a woman. That's the best I could do. Okay, from now on, he is always a she. She was a he when she died, so she deserves the respect due to him or her...okay, person!

BRENNAN: Okay... I'm a genius, and I'm confused.

(Cut to Maylor Island beach – Congregation is meeting by the shore, Booth and Brennan join them.)

WADE: Pastor Patricia was our center. Like the best leaders, she drew us together without even trying.

BRENNAN: Did you release identity?

BOOTH: Their pastor went for a swim and never came back. All right? The body washed up.

BRENNAN: Intuitive leap. Right.

WADE: Let's pray together. Let's pray that whatever happened to Patricia out there alone came peacefully. That God embraced her as His daughter. That there was no pain, only God's great serenity.

CHUCK: A moment of silence for the pastor we loved so much.

BRENNAN: What are you doing?

BOOTH: I'm praying. Would you keep your voice down?

BRENNAN: Sorry. You're not a member.

BOOTH: It's not a gym, Bones.

BOOTH: Excuse me, Mr., uh...

WADE: Wade Schmidt. You're FBI?

BRENNAN: How did you know that Patricia Ludmuller was the victim found in the bay?

WADE: She's a member of our community, and she's gone--we feel her loss. We're right, aren't we?


BOOTH: Is there a... a vice pastor? Somebody else we can talk to?

WADE: Not really. I take care of the finances. Chuck, over there, he acted as kind of an unofficial assistant to Patricia.

BRENNAN: What will happen to the church now?

WADE: To be honest, I'm not optimistic that we'll survive Patricia's loss.

BRENNAN: Why? You're a community of people with a common superstition. The shared illusion should be enough to bind you.

BOOTH: Bones.

WADE: Patricia would like you. She'd say, "That's the one that will keep us honest."

BRENNAN: See? She would have liked me.

BOOTH: She keeps everyone honest--this one.

WADE: Hey, Chuck, you got a moment? These people are from the FBI.

CHUCK: I thought Patricia drowned.

BRENNAN: We don't know the cause of death yet.

CHUCK: She went for a swim on a foggy morning. She got cut in half by a yacht propeller or a destroyer returning to Norfolk, okay?

WADE: Chuck.

BRENNAN: We don't know how the body was disarticulated.

CHUCK: What the hell do you know?

BOOTH: We know what we don't know, Mr. Kennedy. That's why we're asking questions.

CHUCK: Yeah, we do have a few felons in our congregation-- former addicts. Not to mention the less serious sins—lying, vanity, sloth, greed. I, myself, had a meth problem. Would you like to arrest me?

BOOTH: Is that a confession, Chuck?

CHUCK: Yeah. Yeah, I'm confessing to a past. I have a past, like everybody else. I bet even you do. Of course, God absolved me of my past. How about you? (leaves)

BOOTH: See you around

WADE: He's taking it hard. The way Chuck sees it, Patricia introduced him to God, and God saved his life. Gave him focus, made him part of a community.

BOOTH: Do you have a congregant called JP?

WADE: Yes.

BOOTH: Could you point him out to us, please?

(Wade indicates a man standing on the shore, looking at the ocean)

(Cut to interrogation room – Booth and JP are sitting at a table. Angela is just outside the room, wearing a headset so she can talk to Booth. Both Angela and Booth have photos of Patricia.)

JP: It's still hard to believe the pastor's gone.

BOOTH: I understand she was one hell of a swimmer.

ANGELA: Hey, Booth, I'm looking at these pictures you gave me, and body language and facial expressions tell some very interesting stories.

BOOTH: Why don't you give me your insights?

JP: She swam every single day. Yeah. But you don't need me for that insight. Ask anybody.

ANGELA: He holds himself separate from the congregation. What do you think that means?

BOOTH: How long have you been a member of the Inclusion Church?

JP: Well, I joined about six months ago.

ANGELA: He's a latecomer to the church, huh? That's a good one.

BOOTH: (TO Angela) Thank you. (to JP) For sharing that.

JP: Why would anybody lie about when they joined a church?

BOOTH: So what brought you to the church?

JP: I had a drinking problem, which gave me problems with the law, which gave me marital problems.

BOOTH: You served two years less a day for assault.

JP: When I got out of jail, I wanted my wife back. I wanted my life back.

ANGELA: It doesn't look like things are going so great with the wife.

BOOTH: Are you living with your wife again?

JP: I got a ways to go before Rita trusts me whole hog, you know? Plus, she's not that excited about the religious aspect. Why is the FBI interested in a pastor drowning?

BOOTH: Well, there's more than one way for a person to drown. Did you always call her "pastor"?

JP: What else would I call her?

(Booth plays answering machine tape) JP: Hey, it's JP again. I'm sorry. I... I miss you. I need to see you. It's important. I really need you, Patty. Please call. Please.

JP: You got it all wrong. That call is not what you're thinking. I was calling the pastor about Rita.

BOOTH: Really?

ANGELA: Hold on a minute. Look at the last photo. He knew.

BOOTH: (to Angela) You can't tell that from a photo.

JP: I beg your pardon?

ANGELA: I can. He knew that she used to be a man.

BOOTH: (to Angela) It doesn't show in the photographs. (to JP) You know what I'm saying?

JP: About what Patricia was before?

ANGELA: I told you he knew.

BOOTH: What was your reaction when you found out that Pastor Patricia wasn't a real woman?

JP: Don't say Patty wasn't a real woman. It makes you sound ignorant.

BOOTH: The pastor came between you and your wife, but she was living a lie. You lost your manhood and your religion all in one go. Or what? Did prison just widen your tastes?

ANGELA: You're just pretending to be a jerk to get a rise out of this guy, right?

JP: I didn't want to develop feelings for Patricia, but I did, and that didn't change when she told me who she used to be.

BOOTH: Who did she used to be?

JP: What do you want, a name? I don't know. I never asked. Can't you look it up on some legal name change form? If you'd have ever met Patty, you'd know what I know. What God knows. What she knew. She was not a man.

ANGELA: Yeah. I'm with him on this one.

(Medico-Legal Lab, autopsy room – Brennan, Cam, and Mr. Nigel-Murray have Patricia’s skeleton on the table and are examining test results on a computer)

CAM: Bone marrow and liver remnants contain high concentrations of ethanol estradyal etherone acetate and spironolactone, which is an anti-androgen.

BRENNAN: Hormone replacement therapy.
MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Very healthy bone mass. High percentages of calcium and vitamin D.

BRENNAN: Which indicates...

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: A health nut.

CAM: Tox screen shows Stamaril, Havrix Monodose and Engerix-B.

BRENNAN: Vaccinations?

CAM: Yellow fever, Hep A and Hep B.

BRENNAN: All necessary for traveling to the Far East.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Did you know that only 20% of Americans have passports? That's not irrelevant. Perhaps that's why there's no record of this guy...woman...having a sex change. It could have happened in, you know, Thailand.

CAM: Very good, Mr. Nigel-Murray.

BRENNAN: Though conjecture is not really what we do here in the lab. So...But very good, Mr. Nigel-Murray.

(Cut to couch rest area – Mr. Nigel-Murray and Hodgins are sitting)

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Can I ask you something?

HODGINS: Is there any way to say no?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Whatever happened to whoever it was who used to work here before me?

HODINGS: He joined forces with a serial killer who was the last in a long line of cannibalistic murderers specializing in knocking off members of secret societies and building skeletons out of their body parts.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Wow, I hope that doesn't happen to me. So he's not coming back?

HODGINS: No. He's locked up for the rest of his life. But we all still like him.

ANGELA: (approaches) Excuse me.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Hello, hello, hello.

HODGINS: Are you familiar with the expression, "That's way too much car for you"?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: I believe that's one of ours, actually, sir. Yes.

ANGELA: Hey, I want to show you something.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: I want to show you something.

ANGELA: Vroom, vroom, kid. You're already in my rearview mirror.
Booth said the FBI couldn't find any record of an official name change, or anything showing who Patricia Ludmuller was before the sex change operation.

HODINGS: It's possible she had her surgery done in the Far East.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

ANGELA: Anyway, what I did was (showing her drawings)...here she is as a woman.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Hmm, not bad. I mean, I mean the sketch... Okay.

ANGELA: (showing another drawing) Here I made her more masculine. I made the bony prominences more robust, increased the size of the mastoid processes and the nuchal crests.

HODGINS: Seldom seen bigger nuchal crests.

ANGELA: It doesn't look like anybody you recognize?

HODGINS: Should it?

ANGELA: I also added facial hair. (showing last drawing) Do you recognize him now?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: It's that guy.

HODGINS: "Oh, evil spirits come out."

ANGELA: That's exactly what I thought.

(Cut to an office - Cam, Angela, Hodgins, and Mr. Nigel-Murray watching a video of Patrick Stephenson)

PATRICK: (on video) Yes, God makes demands of us! This money belongs to God, not me! Who will join me in giving God what is rightfully His? He is asking you now, at this moment. What is your answer? What is your answer to God when He calls your name? Will you deny Him?

CAM: Pastor Patrick Stephenson.

HODGINS: Disappeared six years ago.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Oh, wow, I got it right. He disappeared from, uh, Vietnam or Thailand, one of those places.

ANGELA: Yeah, on a world tour. His followers said he was the first of many who'd be taken up in the Rapture.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: So that guy went from that to being a woman pastor in a cottage on Chesapeake Bay?

HODINGS: Some people would call that heaven.

CAM: Amazing job, Angela.

ANGELA: Yeah, well, check this out. (shows video of Patrick with his wife and son)

HODINGS: She had a wife and son before she gave up being a he.

(Cut to conference room – Brennan, Booth, and Cecilia Stephenson are talking)

CECILIA: The Thai federal police were certain that Patrick had been robbed and killed.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, uh, it's a lot to absorb.

BRENNAN: A sex-change operation in Bangkok, Thailand costs about $25,000.

CECILIA: You want me to believe that Patrick stole money and then had himself transformed into a woman?

BOOTH: It's a scenario.

CECILIA: Patrick was a religious man. He would never offend God in this blatant manner.

BRENNAN: The theft, you mean, because it's a sin?

CECILIA: A sex-change operation. We are made in God's image, Dr. Brennan. Who are we to alter that image?

BRENNAN: Obviously, you dye your hair, there's evidence of plastic surgery.

CECILIA: That's different.

BOOTH: Bones.


BOOTH: It's augmenting God's work, not undoing it completely. How about that, Bones?

BRENNAN: We have a DNA match between your husband and the deceased female found in the Chesapeake Bay. (to Booth) Do these people believe in DNA?

BOOTH: Look, it seems as though your husband sent a check made out to the church every month.

CECILIA: A hundred dollars a month? So Patrick was repaying us for the money he took?

BRENNAN: Actually, it's more accurate to say that Patricia was repaying you for the money that Patrick took.

BOOTH: During these intervening years, did your husband ever try to contact you?

CECILIA: No. I believed the Thai police when they declared Patrick dead.

BRENNAN: And your son?

CECILIA: Ryan would definitely have told me if he'd heard from his father.

BOOTH: Oh, we're gonna have to talk to him.

CECILIA: The last I heard, he was in California. After his father vanished, Ryan took over preaching the Word of God to our flock...for about a year. Then he had a crisis of faith and left. Ryan is still in the throes of that crisis. I have faith that in the fullness of time, God will lead Ryan back to us.

BOOTH: Before your husband...

CECILIA: Became a woman?

BOOTH: ...disappeared, did he have any reason to fear for his life?

CECILIA: A man named Arthur Ford was arrested for assaulting Patrick.

BOOTH: Why did he assault your husband?

CECILIA: He had a son. The boy donated his entire trust fund to the church. His father thought that we'd brainwashed him or some such nonsense.

BRENNAN: Did you give the money back?

CECILIA: The boy wasn't brainwashed, Dr. Brennan. The Lord touched him.

BOOTH: Exactly how much money did the Lord touch him for?

(Cut to SUV - Booth and Brennan are riding, Booth is on his cell phone)

BRENNAN: $5 million?

BOOTH: (on phone) Great, thank you. (to Brennan) $5 million is a ton of moolah, but Arthur Ford is not a good suspect.

BRENNAN: Why? What with the ton of moolah they practically stole from his son?

BOOTH: That phone call I just had, Arthur Ford died of pancreatic cancer three years ago.


BOOTH: Yeah,"Oh."

BRENNAN: Do you think she loved her husband?


BRENNAN: Mrs. Stephenson.

BOOTH: Oh, I don't know. She was plenty angry at him.

BRENNAN: For getting a sex-change operation?

BOOTH: No, no, no, before that. I mean, she only called him by his given name or referred to him as Ryan's father. Never, you know, "my husband."

BRENNAN: I call you "Booth," and I like you just fine.

BOOTH: Thank you, but we're not married. One angry father might be dead, but, uh, maybe there are more.

BRENNAN: Patrick Stephenson wasn't murdered, Patricia Ludmuller was.

BOOTH: You think the moment Patricia Ludmuller came to exist, Patrick Stephenson stopped?

BRENNAN: When the butterfly emerges, does the caterpillar cease to exist?

BOOTH: Okay, what are you, like some kind of kung fu master? Why don't we just figure out who killed this guy...gal, person, okay?

BRENNAN: Would you like me just as much if I were a man?

BOOTH: Oh, yeah, much better. I wouldn't have to be so polite and accommodating. How about you? Would you like me better if I was a woman?

BRENNAN: No, I would not.


BRENNAN: I'd be jealous that you might be prettier than I am.

BOOTH: I would be, too. I'd be hot. Smokin’ hot.

(Cut to Sweets’ office – Brennan, Booth, and Sweets are watching a video of Ryan Stephenson)

RYAN: (on video, wearing a white suit) They're not gay, they're not homosexual. They are abominations unto the Lord. They are sodomites.

BOOTH: This kid is Patrick Stephenson's son?

SWEETS: It would explain why Patrick Stephenson chose to disappear the way he did.

RYAN: (on video) Unashamed, they perform deeds that led them into the hands of an angry God.

SWEETS: Now this is a fairly well-known moment, even though it was never televised. Watch.

RYAN: (on video) It is this ignorance to the light of God that led to their doom. (shaken) I can't do this anymore. I can't. I preach against sins, sins I hate, but other sins such as greed...Greed. This is a palace, and I am a prince. I am not like my father...and I am not like my mother. I just want to do God's work, not perform on television...bilk you for your money. God bless us all. God forgive us all.

SWEETS: Ironically, he was just like his father.

BRENNAN: You think he switched sexes, too?

SWEETS: No, no, they both turned their backs on this kind of commercial worship. They both went out into the world looking for redemption. I assume you're gonna search out Ryan Stephenson?

BOOTH: I work at the FBI. That's what we do. It's a big country, and we'll try.

SWEETS: Well, concentrate your search in hospitals, halfway houses, uh, rehab centers, jails.

BRENNAN: You think things have gone that badly for him?

SWEETS: No, no, he's not an inmate or a patient. Ryan Stephenson is literally atoning for the sins of his father. He left the palace for the street. He's following the teachings of Jesus.

BOOTH: His mother says he's in California.

SWEETS: No, she's wrong. This kid, he's the prodigal son. I'll bet he's within 20 miles of that giant church he fled as a confused adolescent.

BOOTH: I'll take that bet.

SWEETS: All right, how much?

BOOTH: 20 bucks.


BOOTH: Deal. 20 dollars.

BRENNAN: Thank you.

BOOTH: There you go.

BRENNAN: Thank you. If you're making the wager, how come I get the money?

SWEETS: You're the bank.

BOOTH: You're the bank, lady.

(Cut to Medico-Legal Lab, autopsy room – Cam, Hodgins, and Mr. Nigel-Murray are examining Patricia’s skeleton on the table and tests on a computer screen)

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: This comminuted fracture on the pelvis is very similar to the blow to the skull. Both blows were inflicted while Patricia Ludmuller was still alive.

CAM: She was swimming, she was struck on the head, she drowned. Then how were her fingers damaged and how was she cut in half?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Wow, you ask extremely difficult questions.

HODGINS: The particulates found in both the skull wound and the pelvis are fiber-reinforced polymers and hydrocarbon secretion of coniferous trees.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Which is what, exactly?

HODGINS: Fiberglass and resin.

CAM: Okay, she was struck by a boat, the keel of a boat. Now we're getting somewhere. Anything on the metacarpals?

HODGINS: You mean, could I tell what hit her fingers? No. It was either something that didn't leave traces or the water rubbed away all the evidence.

CAM: We'll show these images to Dr. Brennan.


HODGINS: She'll see something you missed.

(Cut to FBI Building, interrogation room. Ryan Stephenson, wearing black clothing and tattoos, is sitting at a table. Booth and Sweets are standing outside the room, looking through the mirror.)

SWEETS: So that's Ryan Stephenson?

BOOTH: Yep. Found him in a detox center in Silver Spring.

SWEETS: A patient?

BOOTH: Nope, counselor. You called it.

SWEETS: You owe me 20 bucks.

BOOTH: Get it from Bones.

RYAN: (Booth is now sitting at the table with Ryan) Are you sure it was my father?

BOOTH: Yes, I'm positive.

RYAN: They told me Dad died in Thailand.

BOOTH: Well, he, uh...well, she seemed to have found peace up there on the island. (shows Ryan a picture of Patricia outside her church)

RYAN: Named his church "Inclusion"?

BOOTH: Yeah.

RYAN: He welcomed drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals.

BOOTH: According to her congregation, who loved her, your father welcomed everyone. What? You afraid your father's gonna burn in hell?

RYAN: No. No, I just wish I had the chance to know the new him...her. I'm a suspect? You thought perhaps I found out my father was a fraud who had a sex change and that God asked me to kill him?

BOOTH: Did God tell you to kill your dad?

RYAN: I've changed. Do you believe in redemption?

BOOTH: Yes, I do.

RYAN: One of God's challenges to us is to see past the surface. (rips off the written-on paper cover of his bible, showing a white one just like Patricia’s) To the deeper, essential nature which lies right beneath.

BOOTH: You believe our bodies are like dustcovers?

RYAN: That's exactly what I think, Agent Booth. Rip them off and see what's underneath. You see, all this time I thought my father was killed or...had abandoned me, and that's just not what happened. He didn't want to shake my faith. He was protecting me from the truth. He...he didn't want me to have to choose between him and God, and I love my father for that. I just hope God can forgive me for making him feel that way. Do you think I could have my father's Bible?

(Reaches towards Patricia’s bible)

BOOTH: I'm afraid it's still evidence. But, hey, we figure out who killed your father, we'll make sure you get that.

RYAN: Thank you.

BOOTH: You ever consider returning to the ministry, Ryan?

(Cut to Medico-Legal lab, forensics platform. Cam, Mr. Nigel-Murray, Brennan, and Hodgins are standing around Patricia’s skeleton.)

CAM: Okay, so we know Patricia Ludmuller was run over by a boat.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: The boat struck her in two places--the skull and the pelvic bone.

HODGINS: We found traces of enamel paint and stain filler, specifically Silver Neptune Mahogany and Lead Red Primer.

CAM: It was a foggy day, she was out there swimming alone. This death could have been accidental.

HODGINS: Or hit-and-run.

BRENNAN: No. It was murder.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Only one percent of deaths are murders.

BRENNAN: Hodgins, you found pieces of splintered wood from the keel, both in the skull and the pelvic bone.

HODGINS: Yeah, from a wooden-keeled, shallow-hulled speedboat.

BRENNAN: The splinters are embedded in the skull from this direction. (indicates on skeleton)

SARYOAN: Struck from behind.

BRENNAN: And in the pelvic bone from this direction, at a 90-degree angle.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: The boat hit her skull from behind, while she was facedown in the water. The second blow hit her from the side, and she was on her back in the water.

CAM: She was struck once, then the boat turned around to make sure she was dead. Then hurt, disoriented, she reached up to clasp the gunwale?

HODGINS: Someone smashed her fingers, forcing her to let go.

CAM: Then she floated on her back.

BRENNAN: The boat left, then turned around and...struck her again.(on phone) Booth? We know exactly how Patricia Ludmuller was murdered.

(Cut to hall outside autopsy room. Mr. Nigel-Murray walks up to Cam as she exits room.)

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Excuse me, Dr. Saroyan.

CAM: Yes, Vincent.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Is there a way to quit working here without losing Dr. Brennan as my grad supervisor?

CAM: I see. You'd like to quit this internship without losing your academic standing.

CAM: Can I ask why?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: It's absolutely impossible to kiss your own elbow.

CAM: And how is that relevant?

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: It isn't, Dr. Saroyan, but, um...I'm someone who loves knowledge, and all of you are very narrowly focused. It's a good focus, I know, catching murderers, but, um, all in all, I'd rather be like me than like you, so if you can help me out...

CAM: I'll take care of it with Dr. Brennan. We'll move on to another intern.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Did you know that over 98% of people will respond with "Thank you" if you say, "You're welcome"?

CAM: You're welcome.

MR. NIGEL-MURRAY: Thank you.

CAM: Vino Delectable.

(Cut to SUV, Booth and Brennan are riding)

BRENNAN: Based on size, wood grain and shape of the keel, Hodgins and Angela narrowed our search down to two models.

BOOTH: It's a Lee Shore Island and a Bow Wave Runabout. Okay? So...How'd she end up split in two?

BRENNAN: You mean, how did a man become a woman?

BOOTH: No, Bones, her spine was severed.

BRENNAN: Oh, the polymer Hodgins found was probably fishing line, so she...sinks, decomposes and the fishing line severs the spinal column.

BOOTH: Oh, some fisherman thinks a big one got away. You think it means anything? She lived her life split in two, then in death, split in two again.

BRENNAN: No. I don't think it means anything.

BOOTH: I didn't think you would.

(Cut to Maylor Island marina – law enforcement officers and Hodings are examining all the boats, the congregation is watching the activity, and Booth and Brennan are walking down to the boats)
(music) There's a black river...It passes by my window...Ooh, late at night

POLICE OFFICER: Hey, Dr. Hodgins, over here. Over here.

HODGINS: What have you got?

CONGREGATION: (quiet muttering) You think maybe it's him? That's JP's?

BOOTH: Why is the church group in a tizzy?

CHUCK: That's JP's boat.

BOOTH: (walking with Brennan, JP, and JP’s wife, Rita, to the boat) Wow, JP, this here is one fine vessel. Isn't it, Bones?


BOOTH: Look at that, huh? Flush mount, single lever control box.
Check this out, Bones, huh? He's got a wiring harness under there. Bench seats with marine vinyl seat cushions. This is just classic. (to JP) How long have you had this for?

JP: Years. I only started restoring it after I joined the church. The pastor said it'd be a good project for me.

BRENNAN: Did you take it out the day Patricia Ludmuller disappeared?

JP: No.

HODGINS: (examining boat) This is definitely the boat that struck Patricia Ludmuller.

JP: What?


BOOTH: Couldn't deal with the rejection, JP?

BRENNAN: Our psychological expert says that many men freak out when they find out the woman they've been sleeping with used to be a man.

JP: We never slept together. I wanted to. I wanted her. She wanted me. But she refused. I'm still married.

HODGINS: That why you ran her down? (examining side of boat) This is where you smashed her hand.

JP: No! Will you stop saying these things?

BRENNAN: She must have been in a lot of pain when she grabbed the side of the boat.

HODGINS: I'm sure we'll find what he used to smash her fingers right here in the boat. (looks at fire extinguisher) My guess is this.

BOOTH: (trying to sit in driver’s seat) Bones, these seats--they aren't adjustable. How tall do you think JP is?

BRENNAN: 190 to 195 centimeters.

BOOTH: Just give me a simple height.

BRENNAN: Six three or four?

BOOTH: How about his wife?

BRENNAN: Oh, perhaps 100 and... 5’2”.

BOOTH: That's all I need. Thanks. JP, you didn't restore this boat for yourself, did you?

JP: Pastor Patricia said I should do something for someone else. Someone I love.

RITA: Then you should have built it for her. I waited for you to get out of prison, and I waited for you to get sober. And I waited for you to get tired of this stupid church. And all you did was fall in love with another woman.

JP: I never slept with her, Rita.

RITA: I don't believe that. I'll never believe that.

BOOTH: Rita Gratton, I'm placing you under arrest...for the murder of Patricia Ludmuller.

(Cut to Inclusion Church – Ryan is standing in front of Congregation, Booth and Brennan are in the audience)

RYAN: I think I should begin my first sermon to you as kind of an introduction. My name is Ryan Stephenson. I'm a child of man. I'm a child of woman. But more importantly, I'm a child of God, and as I look around I see others like me. We don't look alike. None of us look alike. On the outside, we are gay and straight, black and white, fat and thin, man and woman, saint and sinner. Should I keep going, or do you guys catch my drift? But inside...inside we are all the same.

BRENNAN: That is completely incorrect.

BOOTH: Not now, Bones.

BRENNAN: Our skeletons are wildly different or I wouldn't have a job.

BOOTH: Just listen.

RYAN: I am sorry that I didn't get to know my father--Patricia. But I hope I will find him...her...that redeemed human being...both in her old Bible (holds Patricia’s bible) and, more importantly, in you, the people who she loved.

BOOTH: Redemption through transformation, I get it. What do you believe in Bones?

BRENNAN: Always swimming with a buddy.

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: You gather your wisdom, I gather mine.

BOOTH: Okay.


Kikavu ?

Au total, 163 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

26.11.2023 vers 13h

02.03.2022 vers 13h

04.12.2021 vers 18h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

03.01.2021 vers 21h

13.12.2020 vers 10h

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Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

Ne manque pas...

Le nouveau numéro d'HypnoMag est disponible !
HypnoMag | Lire le nouveau numéro !

Alternative Awards : À vos nominés
Alternative Awards | On compte sur vous !

Activité récente

Les erreurs

Temperance en lice pour le nouveau sondage du quartier The X-Files !

Temperance en lice pour le nouveau sondage du quartier The X-Files !
La journée de la femme et des filles scientifiques se tient le 2 février. Dana Scullly, médecin...

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Diffusion de la série sur 6ter

Diffusion de la série sur 6ter
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Calendrier du mois!

Calendrier du mois!
Pour avril, c'est avec Brennan et Booth que l'on sera! >>Le calendrier...

Calendrier du mois

Calendrier du mois
Pour janvier, c'est avec Brennan et Booth que l'on sera! >>Le calendrier...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

Inscris-toi maintenant


chrismaz66, Hier à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Hier à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

Supersympa, Hier à 17:11

Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez bien.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:14

Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:16

Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

Viens chatter !