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#213 : Les nerfs à vif

Dans le ventre d'un aligator, le corps d'une jeune fille est découvert . Booth tire sur un clown. Ces deux affaires semble à l'opposée l'une de l'autre et pourtant, elles amènent toutes deux Brennan à travailler avec l'agent Sullivan...


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The Girl in the Gator

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Les nerfs à vif

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Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock)

Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock)

Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock) rencontre Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Tim Sullivan (Eddie McClintock) rencontre Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Gordon Wyatt (Stephen Fry) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Gordon Wyatt (Stephen Fry) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Gordon Wyatt (Stephen Fry)

Gordon Wyatt (Stephen Fry)


Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 07.02.2007 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Brennan et Booth sortent d'un restaurant après leur déjeuner. Booth est au téléphone recevant des informations sur leur prochaine affaire mais il n'arrive pas à entendre son interlocuteur car un camion de glace faisant de la musique les suit. Booth demande au glacier d'arrêter cette musique, mais il refuse. Booth tire alors trois coups de feu dans le haut-parleur, en forme de clown, placé sur le toit du camion. La musique s'arrête, Brennan aussi. Elle ne peut pas croire que Booth ait fait cela, mais celui-ci est toujours au téléphone et il réussit à obtenir ses infos. Leur prochaine affaire se situe dans les Everglades, en Floride.

Brennan conduit vers les Everglades, parlant au téléphone avec Booth, resté à Washington pour rencontrer le psychologue du FBI. Il a besoin que le psy lui signe une décharge mentionnant qu'il est apte à retrouver son badge ainsi que son arme. Brennan arrive sur la scène du crime et rencontre l’agent du FBI avec qui elle travaillera sur cette affaire, l'agent Sullivan, surnommé Sully.

Sully lui explique qu'ils ont dû abattre un alligator connu dans la région pour avoir déjà mangé quelqu'un. Brennan s’approche de l’animal lui ouvre la gueule et en sort une chaîne en or.

Au labo, l'équipe dissèque l'alligator et trouve, à l'intérieur de son estomac, un pied humain.

Booth va voir chez lui le Docteur Wyatt, le psy, pour obtenir la signature. Mais cela ne va pas être aussi facile qu’il le pensait. En effet, le Docteur Wyatt refuse de signer et l'invite à l'intérieur pour prendre le thé !

Retour au laboratoire où l’équipe a extrait de l’alligator un squelette presque complet. Sully arrive et apprend que la victime est une femme, à peine sortie de l'adolescence. Alors que Brennan compare le crâne à des dossiers de personnes disparues amenées par Sully, elle détermine que la victime s’appelle Judy Dowd. Elle s’appuie sur le fait que Judy a eu recours à la chirurgie pour réparer une fente du palais à l'âge de 2 ans. Cela correspond au crâne.

Brennan et Sully interrogent alors Monsieur Dowd sur la dernière fois qu'il a vu sa fille. Celui-ci explique qu'elle est partie en Floride pour les vacances de printemps avec son amie Abby Sims.

Pendant ce temps, Booth essaie de convaincre le Docteur Wyatt qu'il est capable de retourner sur le terrain, mais celui-ci a d'autres projets pour lui. Pendant que le docteur part faire une course, il demande à Booth de finir de construire son barbecue. Booth ne sait pas quoi penser.

Au FBI, Brennan et Sully interrogent Abby Sims. Elle leur explique qu'elle et Judy faisaient les choses habituelles que tous les jeunes font lors des vacances de printemps. Elle leur dit qu'elle est sortie avec elle une nuit, elle a perdu connaissance et s'est réveillée seule à leur hôtel le lendemain. Elle leur avoue qu'elle a des photos de cette nuit sur son site web.

Au labo, Hodgins découvre que Judy avait un taux d'alcool dans le sang très élevé, mais elle n'avait aucune de trace de drogue. Avec un examen plus approfondi, Cam trouve des contusions vaginales sur le corps de Judy ce qui veut dire qu'elle aurait été violée. Sur les photos du site d'Abby, l’équipe s’aperçoit que Judy participait au site « Hottie-Student-Body.com » (HSB) publiant des photographies de jeunes filles dénudées qui accepte de poser après avoir trop bu.

Pendant ce temps, Booth a construit la moitié du barbecue quand le Docteur Wyatt l'interroge sur le rôle que jouent les femmes dans sa vie. Booth n'est pas à l'aise sur ce sujet.

Au labo, Zack trouve une marque de coup sur l'omoplate de la victime. Cela veut dire qu'elle a probablement été assassinée avant d'être donnée à manger à l'alligator. Hogdins et Angela ont reconstitué la vidéo trouvée du site HSB et on y voit Judy avec Monte Gold, le créateur du site HSB. Ils ont un suspect.

Brennan et Sully suivent Monte Gold dans une boîte de nuit. Lorsqu’ils l'approchent, ce dernier les envoie auprès de son producteur, Lloyd. Il leur dit qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de l'approcher. Brennan lui explique qu'ils sont là pour le meurtre de Judy Dowd et Monte demande à Lloyd de retirer immédiatement les photos de Judy du site HSB.

Dans le bus d'HSB, Brennan rejoint Lloyd en train d’effacer les photos du site. Monte Gold monte à bord et fait descendre Brennan du bus. Alors qu’elle s’exécute, elle est abordée par Isaac, un religieux qui suit le bus HSB pour mettre en garde les jeunes filles sur ce qu'elles sont en train de faire. Lloyd sort et montre à Brennan et Sully la décharge que Judy a signée et le caméraman, Eddie, dit qu'il se souvient d'elle car il l’a taquinée pour qu’elle embrasse le videur de la boîte de nuit où ils ont filmé.

Tard dans la nuit, Booth est toujours chez le Docteur Wyatt et lui demande à nouveau de signer sa décharge. Le Docteur Wyatt pousse Booth à parler de la mort d'Howard Epps, puisqu'il le tenait par le bras avant qu'il ne fasse une chute mortelle mais Booth ne pense pas que cela ait quelque chose à voir avec le fait qu'il a tiré sur le clown. Le Docteur n'est pas du même avis.

Au labo, Brennan est assise avec Zack et Angela qui lui apprennent qu'ils ont trouvé une feuille d'or dans l’estomac de la victime provenant d’une boisson appelée Goldenrod. Brennan reçoit ensuite un appel de Sully lui disant que le videur du club a un alibi car il conduisait un bateau dans les Everglades quand Judy a été portée disparue.

Brennan et Sully arrivent aux bureaux d'HSB avec un mandat de perquisition pour fouiller le bus. A l'intérieur ils trouvent des bouteilles de Goldenrod. Brennan dit alors à Sully de rechercher un objet long et strié qui aurait pu être utilisé pour poignarder Judy. Brennan reçoit un appel d'Hodgins lui indiquant la place exacte où Judy a été tuée, grâce à l'herbe et à l'asphalte fraîche qu'il a trouvé sur ses chaussures.

Au restaurant, Angela est abordée par le père de Judy qui souhaite lui poser des questions sur le meurtre de sa fille. Il lui demande si Monte Gold a tué sa fille et Angela lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas parler de l'affaire, mais elle ne dit pas que Monte n'est pas le tueur. Monsieur Dowd interprète mal ses propos et sort.

Brennan et Sully sortent du bus et interrogent Eddie, le cameraman et conducteur du bus. Ils lui demandent quelle route ils ont prise cette nuit-là. Il craque et leur dit que Judy était dans le bus avec eux, mais ils ne l'ont pas tuée. Il dit qu'elle et Monte ont couché ensemble et elle voulait descendre du bus, donc il l'a laissée descendre. Lloyd intervient en disant qu'il est sorti pour la ramener avec sa voiture mais elle était déjà partie.

Pendant ce temps, Booth continue la construction du barbecue et discute avec le Docteur Wyatt à propos de ses "petites rébellions" : ses chaussettes multicolores et ses boucles de ceinture. Le Docteur Wyatt suggère qu’il mette fin à cela.

Brennan et Sully pistent Monte Gold, quand ils trouvent sa voiture, ils découvrent la porte ouverte et une flaque de sang en dessous. Ils trouvent son corps un peu plus loin. Il est mort.

Brennan et Sully interrogent le religieux, Isaac, sur la mort de Monte, mais il jure qu'il ne l'a pas tué. Angela les appelle et leur dit qu'elle pense que Monsieur Dowd est le tueur. Celui-ci est interrogé et avoue.

Au labo, Brennan inspecte plus attentivement le corps de Judy pendant qu'Hodgins leur montre les pièces pouvant avoir été utilisées pour poignarder Judy, dont un levier de vitesse provenant d'une voiture où il manque le pommeau de vitesse. Avec cette info, ils décident que Judy a pu être empalée sur un levier de vitesse. Sully se souvient qu'Isaac possède un levier de vitesse sans pommeau.

Brennan et Sully arrivent sur le lieu où Isaac a été arrêté sur le côté de la route par la police locale. Ils inspectent sa voiture et trouvent des traces de sang sur le levier de vitesse. Affaire classée.

Au FBI, Brennan et Sully se disent au revoir en temps que partenaires, mais rapidement deviennent amis, et Sully invite même Brennan à dîner.

Booth est toujours chez le Docteur Wyatt. Alors qu'il finit de monter le barbecue, le Docteur Wyatt lui dit qu'après avoir réexaminé le dossier sur la mort d'Epps, Booth ne doit pas se sentir coupable. Il continue de pousser Booth à se demander si oui ou non il a tué Epps, ou s'il était juste présent quand il est mort. Booth répond qu'il ne sait pas. Le Docteur Wyatt est satisfait de sa réponse, démontrant que Booth essaie toujours de tout contrôler, et il signe la décharge de Booth.


(EXT. royal diner – day. AGENT SEELEY BOOTH: and DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN: walk out of the diner.)

BOOTH: (on the phone) Florida? Today?

BRENNAN: Is that work?

BOOTH: (to Brennan) Yeah. (He holds the door open for a a few people entering the diner – then into phone again-) Hot, fun, Miama, Florida? Or sticky, you know, swampy Florida? (to customers he just held the door for) You're welcome, God!

(An ice cream truck is heard in the background. They begin to walk down the same street as the ICE CREAM TRUCK.)

BRENNAN: What's going on in Florida?

BOOTH: (to Brennan) Wait a sec. (into phones) What flight? (The music gets louder.) Hold on a second. I can't hear you. (to the ice cream truck driver) Enough with the song already, all right?

ICE CREAM MAN: I'm doing business here. Deal with it!

BOOTH: (into phone) Hold on a second, now my pen's out of ink.

BRENNAN: Here. (she hands Booth a pen)

BOOTH: Oh, hold on. I can't hear anything.

ICE CREAM MAN: The kids love the music!

BRENNAN: Well, I don't see any kids.

ICE CREAM MAN: The music attracts them!

BOOTH: (into phone) Did you say the Everglades? Look, I can't hear anything because of this insane music!

(Booth turns around and shoots the CLOWN-SPEAKER on top of the ice cream truck. People start screaming. Brennan looks at him – mouth agape)

ICE CREAM MAN: You shot my clown!

BOOTH: Great. Flight number?

MAN: Move out of the way!!!

ICE CREAM MAN: Hey! He shot my clown!

BOOTH: (into phone) Okay, thanks! (turns to Brennan) Okay, we're all set!

BRENNAN: (still looking shocked) That was not good.

(CUT TO: EXT. EVERGLADES - day / int. BRENNAN:'S CAR – day. Brennan is talking to Booth on her cell phone while driving to the crime scene.)

BRENNAN: I thought you said you'd be down on the next flight?

BOOTH: Well, I haven't met with the shrink yet.

BRENNAN: What shrink?

BOOTH: Well, the department psychiatrist has to sign a piece of paper saying, you know that I'm not nuts before I get my gun back. So, I got an appointment tomorrow.

BRENNAN: Great. Now I have to break in this… (looks at a paper) Agent SULLY:?

BOOTH: Wait, Sully's a great guy, okay? And for your information, you never broke me in.

BRENNAN: Oh, I think that's him - Okay, I'll talk to you later.

(Brennan arrives at the scene and Agent SULLY: walks up to her.)

AGENT SULLIVAN: Doctor Brennan?


AGENT SULLIVAN: Uh-huh. Name's Eugene.

BRENNAN: Okay, Eugene.

AGENT SULLIVAN: No, not me. I'm Sully, short for SULLY:.

BRENNAN: Well, then who's Eugene?

SHERIFF: Right here.

(Four men pull forward A DEAD ALLIGATOR)

SHERIFF: Eugene's been king of this swamp for as long as I can remember. Broke my heart to have to shoot him.

BRENNAN: Is there an actual human victim?

SULLY: Inside Eugene.

BRENNAN: He ate somebody?

SHERIFF: Damn spring breakers think it's a real kick to come down here and drink beer with the big fella'. I just chased off a bunch of 'em. And there was Eugene in the middle of the swamp gulping down somebody's arm.

SULLY: Someone from the group of kids you chased off?

SHERIFF: No. No gators don't eat fresh kill. They drown their pray. They stuff it down under water to tenderize for a few weeks before they can eat 'em.

SULLY: Okay, why don't you drag the rest of the swamp for any additional remains. I'll check Fort Lauderdale Missing Persons. (points to Brennan) You start cutting.


SULLY: Wh- isn't that what you do?

BRENNAN: Any potential remains are far too sensitive to be retrieved here.

SULLY: Okay. Well, where - where do you suggest?

BRENNAN: My lab at the Jeffersonian.

SULLY: The whole gator?

BRENNAN: I'll handle transport.

SHERIFF: You're gonna need a big crate.

BRENNAN: And a lot of ice.

(Brennan leans down to look at the gator.)

SULLY: Okie dokie, if you're doing this then there's a boat for sale that I'd like to check out.

BRENNAN: A boat? Booth helps.

SULLY: Cause Booth can't relax.

BRENNAN: There's something metal in here.

(Brennan retrieves a GOLDEN LOCKET from the gator's mouth. Sully and the Sheriff lean in to look at the object. Brennan pulls back defensively.)

BRENNAN: (to Sully) Don't you have a boat to buy?


(INT. Medico Legal Lab / EXAMINATION TABLE. Angela, Hodgins, Zack & Cam examine the gator.)

ANGELA: I knew it was a gator. Brennan told me it was a gator. And yet wow!
HODGINS: Definitely confirms one thing. We have the coolest jobs ever.

ANGELA: Look at all these teeth.

(Zack walks up to Angela and the gator.)

ZACK: Step away, please. There are 80 in total. Note the conical shape.

ANGELA: "Step away, please?" Just because you have a doctorate now does not mean I won't use you as a swizzle stick.

(Cam examines the gator's stomach content.)

CAM: Animal foot… possibly a rabbit.

HODGINS: Not so lucky for either of them.

CAM: Frog.

ANGELA: Yummy!

HODGINS: Do I hear music?

(Zack leans in to listen to the music. Cam, Angela and Hodgins lean in towards the stomach. Cam pulls out a MUSIC-PLAYING FOOTBALL and turns it off.)

ANGELA: Hey, I liked that song.

(Cam pulls out something that seems to be a FOOT.)

CAM: What do you think, Zack?

ZACK: Definitely a human foot.

CAM: Lovely.

(CUT TO: EXT. DOCTOR WYATT:'S HOUSE – day. DR. GORDON WYATT is working on his barbecue outside of his house when Booth walks up to him.)

BOOTH: Doctor Wyatt?

DR. WYATT: Ah, Agent Booth, is it? Yes. Gordon, Gordon Wyatt.

BOOTH: Right. You're the shrink?

WYATT: Uh, shrink, yes, meaning psychiatrist.

BOOTH: That's great, Doc. How's about you just sign my piece of paper here and I'll get back to work.

WYATT: Uh, certainly. (Booth hands him a pen) No, no I have a pen.

BOOTH: Okay.

WYATT: Do you mind if I ask what exactly it was that you did?

BOOTH: Yeah, I shot a truck.

WYATT: Ah, full of terrorist, no doubt? Or plutonium, or fleeing felons, was it?

BOOTH: No. It was an ice cream truck.

WYATT: Do you have a good reason for firing on it?

BOOTH: Yeah, the music… it was bothering me.

WYATT: Ahhh.

BOOTH: Yeah, there was a speaker in the clown's mouth.


BOOTH: Yeah, I just pulled out my gun, you know and (imitates gunshots). It was gone.

WYATT: So the FBI sent you to me, because you shot a clown?

BOOTH: Not a real clown!

WYATT: I suggest you cogitate on the underlying reasons you shot that clown while I make us some tea.

BOOTH: What? Cogitate? Tea?

(CUT TO: INT. Medico Legal Lab / Examination Table. Brennan examines the remains, while Hodgins and Cam go through the stomach contents - in depth.)

BRENNAN: The depth of these bite marks - very impressive.

HODGINS: One torn pair of jeans. One red linen blouse - size two.

CAM: And one platform wedge, made it all the way to the lower intestine.

(Angela walks onto the examination platform.)

ANGELA: Florida FBI just beamed over names of recent missing persons.

BRENNAN: We'll need dental records.

(Sully walks onto the platform.)

CAM: Sully!

SULLY: Cam, look at you! In charge of moon base alpha here.

CAM: And you're still a G-man, what happened to that restaurant you were going to open? Or was it a petting zoo?

SULLY: Well I am keeping myself open for the perfect opportunity. I tried out a beautiful boat in Florida.

BRENNAN: But he made it back to shore.

HODGINS: Victim is female, in her late teens, eliminating three of your missing persons right here.

SULLY: So, cause of death?

CAM: For the gator? We have these four 45 caliber slugs. For the girl, so far we've got the gator.

SULLY: Okie doke, well uhh… I'm gonna go grab a slice, so give me a call when you got an ID.
(Sully starts to head off the platform.)

BRENNAN: Her name's Judy Dowd.

SULLY: Shouldn't you at least look at the x-rays before deciding that?

BRENNAN: Says right here, she had surgery to repair a cleft palette at age two. (points to the remains) The bone graph is here. She was a freshman at Virginia State. Reported missing three weeks ago.

(CUT TO: INT. FBI / INTERROGATION ROOM. Sully and Brennan are interrogating MR. DOWD.)
DOWD: An alligator? Oh my god…

SULLY: When did you last see your daughter, Mr. Dowd?

DOWD: The day she left with her friend… for spring break.

SULLY: Her friend… umh… Abigail Sims?

DOWD: Abby… she's a good kid. I never should have left her go.

(Brennan shows Mr. Dowd the necklace she found in the gator.)

BRENNAN: We found this among the remains.

DOWD: It was her mother's. Laney died when Judy was eleven. It's just been the two of us ever since.

SULLY: Did you get any calls from her while she was there?

DOWD: Every day.

SULLY: Any sign that she was in trouble?

DOWD: No. She sounded happy. So happy.

(CUT TO: EXT. DOCTOR WYATT'S BACKYARD – day. Wyatt and Booth are having TEA.)

BOOTH: You are 'really' English.

WYATT: Oh, I don't know. I think I've assimilated quite well. Typical American house right down to the white picket fence, truck that's the, uh what is, the heartbeat of America. But tea, tea is uh, sacrosanct. Thank you very much.

BOOTH: Me, I'm a coffee drinker. Hey listen pal -

WYATT: You know, in an effort, to understand your culture better I've been trying to embrace this very American practice of preparing meat in the garden.

BOOTH: Barbecue.

WYATT: Hmm… it's a delightful word, isn't it? Barbecue. I think it's from the Caribbean, bar-ra-bi-cue, which means some sort of sacred fire pit. You know the Latin for hearth is focus? Isn't that revealing? It's quite literally the focal point of every household. The hearth - the heart. Uh? Interesting.

BOOTH: I told the ice cream guy I was sorry, alright? I… I… even bought him a new clown head! So just sign the paper!

WYATT: Hmm… I must apologize. I gotta go off and get some ingredients for my mortar. Uhm, why don't we reschedule?

BOOTH: We can't re-sch-edule. Alright? I gotta get back to work!

WYATT: Well in that case, why not finish off preparing this area here? Could you do that? All the specifications are on the plans. You are fit for physical labour, euh? I mean, the clown didn't return fire, did it?

BOOTH: Oh well what if I said the plastic clown did fire back, eh?

WYATT: Brilliant. Now while I'm gone, what I want you to do is to consider what you were really aiming at. When you drew a bead on that unfortunate clown.

BOOTH: Hey buddy, when I aim at something… I hit it.

WYATT: Precisely. Anyway, I shan't be long Agent. It's all on the plans here. I'll be back before long Agent. See you then. Do help yourself to more tea by the way.

(CUT TO: INT. FBI / INTERROGATION ROOM. ABBY is being questioned by Sully and Brennan.)

ABBY: Like I told the police, me and Judy were just doing the usual spring break stuff. The whole night was kind of a blur until I woke up the next morning at the hotel and Judy wasn't there.

BRENNAN: She hadn't come back with you?

ABBY: I can't remember.

SULLY: So why didn't you report it to someone till later that night?

ABBY: I thought maybe she'd hooked up.

BRENNAN: Hooked up? Hooked… up? Oh… with uh, anyone in particular?

ABBY: We met so many guys, you know how it is.

SULLY: I'm guessing that she doesn't.

BRENNAN: Do you have any pictures from that night, Abby?

ABBY: No, the police took most of them.

SULLY: Wha… most of them?

ABBY: There's a couple on my personal webpage. I didn't want them showing poor Mr. Dowd. Judy would never want him seeing her like that.

BRENNAN: Like… what?

(CUT TO: INT. Medico Legal Lab / ANGELA'S OFFICE. Angela and Cam are examining something on a computer screen. Hodgins walks in.)

HODGINS: There's the spectrophotometric evaluation on Judy Dowd. No results yet on her tox screen.

CAM:No drugs, but her alcohol was sky high; 0.11. (examines the spectrophotometric evaluation) Oh dear.


CAM: SPM reveals hidden hematomas and decomp tissue. See that shaded area here, it indicates bruising to her vaginal wall.

ANGELA: Meaning Judy was raped.

CAM: Or at the very least subjected to some extremely unpleasant college sex.

HODGINS: One of these fine lads?

CAM: Without DNA it's the proverbial needle in a hay stack.

HODGINS: Wait, our victim was an HSB?

CAM: Excuse me?

HODGINS: Hottie Student Body dot com. It's this website that gets drunk college girls from all over the east coast to take their clothes off. (Angela and Cam stare at Hodgins.) What? I clicked on a pop-up, got caught in a pornado. What?

(CUT TO: EXT. DOCTOR WYATT:'S BACKYARD – day. Booth is working on the barbecue pit.)

WYATT: Ohhhh splendid! So's your father who taught you to read plans, was it?

BOOTH: Wrong tree doc! Dad and I were tight.

WYATT: No, it's just that earlier you said that you weren't used to drinking tea with men. Which suggests to me that you're usually pretty rigid with your assignment of gender roles.

BOOTH: What? No, no! My partner is a woman, kay? A woman who needs my help.

WYATT: But are you currently involved with anyone?

BOOTH: Just broke up with someone, okay? ME! And I ended it.

WYATT: And, euh, how long had you been involved with her? Or… him.

BOOTH: Her! Let's get that straight, okay? Her! Couple months this time.

WYATT: This time?

BOOTH: We got off… we'd gone out before. A few years ago, and euh, y'know, we, euh, I broke it up, and my ex wanted to give it another go.

WYATT: Complicated.

BOOTH: Ahhh, that's it! I shot the clown because I can't let go of the women in my life! Ah, thanks doc! Now I can go back to work, and you can sign the paper!

WYATT: Excellent theory, but quite wrong and you're out of time. Tomorrow, all right for you?

CUT TO:. INT. Medico Legal Lab / examination table. Zack is examining the remains when Cam enters the platform.)

ZACK: We found a stab wound.

CAM: Let's see it.

ZACK: It's more of a puncture, really. In here among the bite marks just below her scapula. Angela doesn't like me being her superior.

CAM: Because you're acting superior.

ZACK: Which is what a superior is.

CAM: Don't be a horse's ass, she's your friend. That's all that matters. These ridge marks inside the wound look like the threads of a screw.

ZACK: We're trying to ID the weapon.

CAM: Well at the very least it concludes that Judy didn't stumble into the swamp and feed herself to Eugene.

ZACK: That was my conclusion as well.

CAM: Okay.

(CUT TO: INT. Medico Legal Lab / ANGELA'S OFFICE. Angela and Hodgins are viewing something on the computer screen when Cam and Brennan walk in.)

CAM: And the hits keep coming; seems Judy Dowd was raped and murdered.

ANGELA: No more rough college sex?

CAM: Now that we know it's a murder, I'm feeling a lot less charitable.

(The four of them watch a video from HSB on the computer screen.)

BRENNAN: What is all this?

HODGINS: Have a look. It was shot in Fort Lauderdale the same night Judy disappeared.

BRENNAN: Who's that?

HODGINS: He's names Monte Gold, internet king pin, inspiring Hugh Hefner.

ANGELA: Monty has made millions off of this site.

HODGINS: He also paid out a million in fines last year for filming under aged girls

BRENNAN: I wonder if he knows you can't just pay a fine if you murder some one?



(Ext. entrance of a club – night. Some cars drive by, a few people are admitted into the club.
Int. Club - Sully and Brennan walk up to MONTE GOLD, who is surrounded by young girls, and his workers LLOYD and EDDIE.)

SULLY: Monte Gold?

MONTE: Uh oh, run up some badges. Lloyd?!

LLOYD: Hi. I'm Monty's producer, Lloyd. We've got, uh, shooting permits, and signed waivers.

SULLY: You know this girl?

(Sully shows a picture of Judy Dowd.)

BRENNAN: She's on your website.

MONTE: Yeah, and a thousand more like her. Might as well ask a Chinese guy to remember a grain of rice.

SULLY: She's not a grain of rice, sport.

BRENNAN: She's dead.

MONTE: Eddie, off! Cameras off! Go away babies, shoo, let's go. What do you mean dead?

SULLY: Name's Judy Dowd, we found her in Florida, raped, murdered and fed to an alligator.

MONTE: And she's posted on my website? Lloyd, you know about this?

LLOYD: How would I know?

MONTE: Get her off! Now, Lloyd. NOW! Go!

LLOYD: Alright, alright.

MONTE: You say an alligator?

(Cut to: Int. Monty's bus – night. Lloyd is removing the pictures of Judy Dowd.)

LLOYD: We would've never posted her if we knew. Monty is insanely careful

BRENNAN: Not always, from what I hear.

LLOYD: But he learns from his mistakes, now every I.D. triple check for eighteen before any girl signs the waiver.

(Monte enters the bus.)

MONTE: Idiot, you let her on my bus!

LLOYD: I didn't want to be rude, Monty.

MONTE: (to Brennan) Off the bus! Your boyfriend has no warrant.

BRENNAN: You know, anthropologically speaking you follow a very ancient tradition.

MONTE: Kay, entrepreneur?


MONTE: Class is over. Off the bus.

(Brennan heads off the bus.)

(Cut to: Ext. Outside the club / near the bus – night. ISAAC is outside the club, handing out flyers.)

ISAAC: Here you go, follow his path, learn the word. You two, follow his path, learn the word. (Brennan walks off Monte's bus.) Oh, oh there it is! Another misguided waif tumbles from the devil's sin mobile.

BRENNAN: Excuse me?

SULLY: She's with me.

BRENNAN: Why are you winking? I'm not with... he's with me.

SULLY: This is Isaac. Isaac is with the Church of the High Calling, way down in Eldon, Kansas.

ISAAC (o.S.): Yeah, well let me tell you something. There is no distance too great to dissuade these lost young women from the grips of Monte Gold's carnal temptation.

(Brennan examines the inside of Isaac's car. A gear shifter with a tennis ball can be seen.)

BRENNAN: Looks like you plan on saving a lot of souls.

SULLY: Women like this?

(Sully shows Isaac the picture of Judy Dowd.)

ISAAC: Oh oh! Who is she? What did Monte do to her?

MONTE: Give it a rest, Isaac!

(ALAN, mid 20's, walks up to Monte.)

ALAN: Hey, hey Monte, you remember me? I'm Alan, I sent you my resume.

MONTE: Not now.

ALAN: Hey, hey, look I'm a great webmaster. I know the drill.

ISAAC: A sinner about to throw his self into Satan's hellfire.

ALAN: Shut up, freak!

(Alan pushes Isaac. Isaac falls and hits his truck. Monte grabs Alan and tosses him aside.)

MONTE: Hey, HEY! Come back and I call the cops. Get out of here, you'll never work for me, pal!

(Monte walks up to Isaac.) God even fed you today, Isaac? Okay, let's get you a sandwich. Eddie, make the preacher some food, would ya?

MONTE: (to Sully) The wingnuts come with the territory. Alright, let's quit playing games, what is it you wanna know?

SULLY: Fort Lauderdale?

MONTE: Lauderdale's Lauderdale. Partied that night, gave some willing girls their fifteen minutes of fame and headed out to Daytona for the next day's gig.

BRENNAN: Any girls ride with you?

MONTE: As much as I hate to disappoint you, fact is I'm not entertaining like I used to.

SULLY: Ah, getting too old to exploit little drunk girls.

MONTE: You've seen the videos, they exploit themselves.

(Eddie walks up to them.)

EDDIE: Ready to roll when you are Monte.

MONTE: Now they all wanna be a Hottie Body, walk into a place and the shirts fly off, making what used to be a rush... I don't know... mundane.

BRENNAN: Because you objectify them. You never see what makes them human.

MONTE: Man, you have to spend all day with her.

SULLY: Yeah, an actual woman. You oughta try it sometime.

(Lloyd walks up to them.)

LLOYD: Videos off the site. Here's a copy of the waiver.

EDDIE: You know, I think I remember this girl.

BRENNAN: You do?

EDDIE: Yeah, you remember Lloyd. We were leaving the Lauderdale gig, and you made a joke about the bouncer swapping spit with that girl.

LLOYD: That was this girl?

EDDIE: I'm pretty sure. Ah, she's hot!

LLOYD: Passed the two of them playing tonsil hockey in the doorway. That bouncer was a big dude too.

MONTE: And it's me you're harassing.

LLOYD: Let's go, Eddie.

(Cut to: Int. FBI bureau / Conference Room. Brennan and Sully are looking over Judy's waiver.)

BRENNAN: This waiver's a joke. Look at Judy's signature. (Brennan hands the copy of the waiver to Sully.) She could barely hold a pen.

(A DELIVERY MAN delivers some sandwiches and drinks. Sully unwraps a sandwich.

SULLY: Florida Bureau is going to scoop up this bouncer, and call me back.

BRENNAN: We need to get back into that bus.

SULLY:: No, we need cause for a warrant. (to the delivery guy) You tell Mario that he's still an artist.

DELIVERY MAN: Sure thing.

BRENNAN: What is that?

(Sully begins to eat his sandwich.)

SULLY: (with mouth full) Only the finest sausage and peppers on earth. Some day, I'm gonna turn it into a franchise. Wanna

BRENNAN: I thought you were buying a boat.

SULLY: I am, maybe I'll start a charter service. I can serve these to the passengers, in Jamaica.

(Brennan takes a bite of the sandwich.)


SULLY: Hmmm, the word is great. Or maybe I'll manage a band. They could play on the boat too.

BRENNAN: You, you don't like being an FBI agent?

SULLY: Nah, sure I do. I just don't want it to be the only thing I ever was. (They exchange glances.) You're telling me, you're just going to be a bone lady your whole life?

BRENNAN: I spent years studying anthropology.

SULLY: I got a degree, but I'm not going to let it ruin my life.

BRENNAN: I'm going back to the lab.

SULLY: Here, take one of these with you back to that spaceship. I'll call you when we get our bouncer.
(he hands her the other sandwich as she walks past him. Then – to himself, with a Jamaican accent) I can dig it man.

(Cut to: Ext. Doctor wyatt's house – night. Booth is outside Wyatt's house, waiting for him to answer the door. Wyatt opens the door.)



WYATT: Do we have a schedule?

BOOTH: Uh, listen... I really need to get back to work, so why don't you just give me one of those clown restraining orders and sign my paper.

WYATT: Have you had an insight as to why you shot at that clown?

(Booth's cellphone rings.)

BOOTH: Yeah, you know what I have some insight. It's right here (points to his cellphone) it's my Bones calling, my partner. Right. (answers the phone) Yeah? Bones.

(Cut between Medico Legal Lab with Brennan on her cell phone and Wyatt's backyard with Booth on his cell phone.)

BRENNAN: So when are you coming back again?

BOOTH: What, aren't you playing nice with Sully?

BRENNAN: I'm just not sure how serious he is about his job.

BOOTH: Well, look, he's one of the best, all right? He just likes to keep his options open.

BRENNAN: I've noticed.

BOOTH: Listen, Bones, Sully he lost his partner about a year ago, all right. Something like that happens, you hear that clock on the inside ticking just a little bit louder. So you know what, you're in good hands. (Wyatt walks out of his house.) Here he comes, so gotta go, gotta go, gotta go.

(Booth closes his cellphone. Wyatt walks up to him. Brennan looks at her phone, and closes it.)

BOOTH: Alright, so maybe I am a little bit irritable.

WYATT: Why do you think that might be?

BOOTH: Don't they give you papers, and files, and reports? (Wyatt looks at Booth.) All right, me and my partner caught up to this serial killer named Howard Epps, and he died.

WYATT: And who's fault was that, your's or your partner's?

BOOTH: No, no, he jumped over that balcony maybe cause of her. Sometimes I think he had the right idea.

WYATT: And where were you when Mr. Epps fell?

BOOTH: Holding his arm.

WYATT: No, that was before he fell, surely.

BOOTH: What?

WYATT: Well, Mr. Epps was dangling from your arm before he fell at which point he was no longer dangling but falling. Attached to you, he was alive, no longer attached, dead.

BOOTH: I don't feel guilty about that. I mean Epps is a serial killer, tried to kill my partner and threatened my son. I was glad when he hit that pavement.

WYATT: Do you think about suicide, often?

BOOTH: Suicide? Me? (scoffs) No, no, never.

WYATT: And yet you sometimes feel that Howard Epps had the right idea about jumping off that balcony.

BOOTH: It was a joke. Okay? It was a joke.

WYATT: Yes, you do that a lot, don't you? Makes me feel such a bully for prying. (he gets up to go inside.) Well, we'll pick up on this next time.

(Cut to: Int. Medico-legal lab / Examination Area. Zack is studying the remains and Angela is helping him.)

ZACK: Increase magnification. (beat) Please. If you're ready. I don't mean to appear dictatorial.

ANGELA: I get it, Zack. (Brennan walks up behind Zack.) Hey.

BRENNAN: So what are we looking at?

ZACK: Bits of gold foil embedded deep within bite marks along the T-11 and T-12 vertebrae.

ANGELA: Jewelry?

ZACK: More likely scenario has the gator's teeth piercing Judy's stomach.

BRENNAN: Embedding whatever she last ingested into her bone.

ZACK: How would someone eat gold?

ANGELA: Not eat, drink. (Brennan looks at Angela, puzzled.) Golden Rod.

BRENNAN: Golden Rod?

ANGELA: It's this 100 proof cinnamon schnapps that we drank in college. It's infused with real gold flakes. Purely for decadent sake.

BRENNAN: How did it taste?

ANGELA: Eh, it's way worse coming up. I can tell you that.

(Int. Medico Legal Lab / Brennan's Office. Brennan is on the phone with Sully.)

BRENNAN: She could have wandered into bars we don't know about. If we can find every place that carries that stuff.

SULLY: (o.s.): I don't think we need to Doc.

(Cut to: Int FBI – Interrogation Room. Sully is on the phone with Brennan, watching the bouncer in the interrogation room.)

SULLY: We found our bouncer. Course he denies all, but his alibi just about buries him.

BRENNAN: Buries him how?

SULLY: He said he left early that night to get to his other job. Giving midnight swamp tours on his boat. Sounds like a good job actually.

BRENNAN: So, he's admitted to knowing the Everglades like the back of his hand.

SULLY: Which would not be smart if he were in fact the killer.

BRENNAN: Well, most of the killers I know aren't all that smart.

(Angela and Cam walk into Brennan's office.)

CAM: The gold flakes are definitely from the liquor we found in her system.

ANGELA: And I remembered something.

(Angela brings up one of Monte's pictures on the computer screen.)

BRENNAN: Monte and his harems, so what?

CAM: Check out the caption. All the girls love Monte's gold.

ANGELA: Now granted there are plenty of bars that carry this stuff.

BRENNAN: But this could be the probable cause, we need to search Monte's bus.

SULLY: I'll get the warrant.

(Sully closes his phone (flash to) Brennan, Angela and Cam staring at the picture on the screen.)


(Ext. Monte's tour bus – day. Brennan and Sully get out of Sully's car and head towards the bus.)

SULLY: Bouncer's alibi checked out.

BRENNAN: So Monte's minions were most likely just trying to throw us off.

(Monte walks up to them.)

MONTE: Unbelievable, you people. What is it you want now?

SULLY: Hey, cool your jets, Hef. We just wanna check your bus.

MONTE: (points to Brennan) This is you, isn't it?

BRENNAN: Please don't point your finger at me.

MONTE: I knew the first time I saw you, here comes another feminist crusader, out to spoil some good all American fun.

(Brennan grabs his arm and twists it behind him.)

MONTE: Ow, ow! Get off! Get off!

BRENNAN: (to Sully) It was self defense. He assaulted me!

SULLY: Yes, he did.

MONTE: Crazy bitch. I'm calling my lawyer.

SULLY: Here, you can read him this.

(Sully pulls out a warrant. Monte takes it and walks away.)

SULLY: Now I just hope we find something.

(Cut to:Int. Monte's bus – day. Brennan and SULLY: are investigating the inside of the bus. Brennan opens the fridge to find bottles of Golden Rod.)


SULLY: It's not exactly a smoking gun. Can you prove she drank it here?

BRENNAN: I can try.

(Sully closes the fridge and looks around the bus.)

SULLY: Okay, you can only admit evidence that's in plain view, although on this bus that can be DNA on virtually any surface.

BRENNAN: That's an image. Keep your eyes open for a metal screw threaded thingy.

SULLY: A what now?

BRENNAN: Judy's stab wound was probably from a bolt of some kind right through (she approaches Sully) here. (She touches an area on his back)

SULLY: So, just inside her scapula?

BRENNAN: Yes... most laymen refer to it as a shoulder blade.

SULLY: Well, I told you I went to college. I minored in kinesiology. Although, this is the first time I've used it to impress a lady.

BRENNAN: What was your major?

SULLY: Art history. I also got a master certificate in sailing, a pilot's license, and I'm a certified EMT. There's more but I don't wanna brag.

(Brennan's cellphone rings.)

BRENNAN: Hold on. (she answers it) Hi, Hodgins.

HODGINS: (o.s.)Judy Dowd wasn't killed at the swamp where she was found.

(Cut to: Int. Medico-legal lab / Hodgin's Area. Hodgins is on the phone with Brennan.)

HODGINS: Cryptosporidium on her clothes came from saw grass, a plant that doesn't even grow in Eugene's swamp.

BRENNAN: Where does it grow?

HODGINS: Oh, pretty much every where else in the Everglades. But in terms of gator distance, there's a saw grass marsh two miles south where Alligator Alley meets State Road 29.

BRENNAN: All that from cryptosporidium?

HODGINS: Did I not mention the fresh asphalt in Judy's shoe? That intersection was just repaved about a month ago.

(Brennan watches Eddie clean the bus' windows.)

BRENNAN: Very interesting. Thanks Hodgins.

(Brennan hangs up the phone and looks at Sully.)

SULLY: What's interesting?

(Brennan simply smiles and gives a slight shrug.)

(Cut to:Exterior look of royal diner before moving to the inside. Int. Royal diner. Angela is at the diner when she is approached by Mr. Dowd.)

DOWD: Mrs. Montenegro? I'm Bill Dowd. Judy's father.

ANGELA: Oh... Hi. I'm sorry, how do you know me?

DOWD: The FBI told me that the Jeffersonian was investigating Judy's murder. I looked up your team's biographies online, and I saw your picture.

ANGELA: And you followed me here?

DOWD: I'm sorry. I know how that must look. But I just need answers. I need to know who killed my daughter.

ANGELA: I'm sorry Mr. Dowd. There's nothing I can tell you.

(Mr. Dowd takes a seat next to Angela at the counter.)

DOWD: I already know about the website and this Monte Gold son-of-a- bitch.

ANGELA: The FBI told you about that?

DOWD: Buddy from my job found the video. He thought I'd be embarrassed, but all I care about is what happened next. Did this guy kill her?

ANGELA: I really can't discuss the case.

DOWD: The way he's pawing at my girl in that video, he's gotta be a suspect.

ANGELA: At this point, Mr. Dowd, there are a lot of suspects.

DOWD: But not many like him. I mean, do you trust him? Do you think he's a good man?

ANGELA: No. No, of course not. I find him repulsive.

DOWD: Please, I just gotta know. Was it him?

ANGELA: I'm very sorry about your daughter, Mr. Dowd. There's nothing I can say.

DOWD: I understand. I shouldn't have put you on the spot. (beat) I'm sorry.

(Mr. Dowd gets up and exits the diner.)

(Cut to: Quick overview of D.C)

(Ext. Monte's bus – day. Brennan and Sully walk off of the bus. Brennan walks up to Eddie.)

BRENNAN: You lied about the bouncer, Eddie.

EDDIE: What?

BRENNAN: The bouncer in Lauderdale. You never saw him kissing Judy Dowd that night she went missing.

EDDIE: Really? I was sure it was them.

SULLY: Hey, you drive the bus too, don't cha?

EDDIE: Yeah, so?

SULLY: So, you drove out of Lauderdale, straight up the 95 to Daytona?

EDDIE: Is that what Monte said? (Sully and Brennan exchange glances.) Yeah, straight up 95.

SULLY: You sure about that?

EDDIE: No... no, that's right there was construction. We got detoured across state onto 75.

BRENNAN: Right, 75, isn't that Alligator Alley?

SULLY: Yeah. C'mon Eddie, girl is dead.

EDDIE: We didn't kill her.

(Eddie heads back towards the bus.)

BRENNAN: But she was on your bus, she had a few drinks. You have sex with her?

EDDIE: Nope, no way. I was driving.

BRENNAN: Well, did Monte have sex with her?

EDDIE: I guess.

BRENNAN: You guess? Was it consensual?

EDDIE: All I know is she was drunk, really drunk and when Monte was done with her, she came up by me wanting to get off the bus.

(Lloyd walks up to them.)

LLOYD: Eddie, don't say anything!

SULLY: Where were you in all this?

EDDIE: Lloyd drives in front of us, it was just me and Monte on the bus.

LLOYD: Shut up, Eddie. Monte's lawyer says we don't have to talk to anybody 'till he gets here.

SULLY: He has nothing to worry about. No one's under arrest.

BRENNAN: Why'd you let her off the bus, Eddie?

EDDIE: I didn't want to. It was really dark, she could barely stand up.

SULLY: Then Monte wanted her off?

EDDIE: He was pissed off. She was crying.

LLOYD: Eddie!

EDDIE: He was going to fire me if I didn't.

LLOYD: (to Brennan and Sully) We owe Monte a lot okay? He's been good to us. We knew that none of us killed her.

BRENNAN: Well if you let her off the bus, in the middle of nowhere in that condition, you may as well have.

LLOYD: Look, when Eddie told me where she got off the bus. I went back there to look for her. I must have driven that road for an hour. I figured, she'd hitched a ride back.

BRENNAN: You figured? (she looks to Sully) He figured.

LLOYD: Maybe Monte made a bad call and letting the girl off, but she wanted off. So he was just doing what she asked.

BRENNAN: Except for the sex part.

LLOYD: You know what, you can't prove that.

SULLY: Ahhh... I wouldn't bet against her.

(Sully walks over to stand behind Brennan.)

SULLY: So, is Monte still in his office?

LLOYD: No, he had an appointment back at the Iguana Club up in Maryland.


(Brennan and Sully walk away)

(Cut to: Ext. Wyatt's backyard – day. Booth is working on the barbecue. He is placing the bricks. Wyatt walks up, holding COFFEE CUPS.)

WYATT: You know what, I'm in America, we're men, let's drink coffee, not tea, eh? (Wyatt examines the barbecue pit.) Oh, I say, marvelous job.

BOOTH: Thank you. (he takes a sip of the coffee) That's not coffee.

WYATT: What is it?

BOOTH: I don't know what the hell it is, but it sure as hell isn't coffee, Doc.

WYATT: You tend to do things well, don't you? Make coffee, build barbecue machines.

BOOTH: It's not really a machine.

WYATT: Solve crimes, raise a son, love women, leave women. Whatever you aim at, you hit.

BOOTH: That bad?

WYATT: By no means, no of course not, except -

BOOTH: Ohh, it's okay, here we go. Let me have it, Doc.

(Booth and Wyatt take a seat at a patio table.)

WYATT: Except it is indicative of a need to control your environment.

BOOTH: Again, I ask, is that bad?

WYATT: No, of course not, no! Except -

BOOTH: Except?!

WYATT: Except when you shoot a clown.

BOOTH: You know, you make it sound like it was walking making balloon animals.

WYATT: For the most part, your rebellions are small.

BOOTH: Rebellions?

WYATT: The colorful socks, the funky belt buckle, there a mechanism, quiet rebellions, a way of asserting your personal control over a homogenizing organization like the FBI. But shooting a clown is not a quiet rebellion. (Booth's cellphone rings.) Shooting a clown is quite literally deafening.

(Booth answers his cellphone.)

BOOTH: Booth.

BRENNAN: Hey, it's me.

BOOTH: Yeah, hold on for a second. (to Wyatt) Wait, why is it Doc that every time I answer the phone, you walk away?

WYATT: Why do you answer the phone knowing it'll make me walk away?

BOOTH: (to Brennan) Yeah, you know what Bones, I gotta call you back.

(Cut to: Int. Brennan's car. Brennan is driving while talking to Booth over the loudspeaker.)

BRENNAN: Is Sully for real?

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: I just can't decide whether or not to take him seriously.

BOOTH: Well is he acting unprofessional?

BRENNAN: No, he's very professional, it's just can he really do all he says he can do?

BOOTH: Oh you mean that whole master carpentry thing. Yeah, you know he made me a dining room set last year.

BRENNAN: He's a carpenter as well?

BOOTH: As well as what?

(Brennan's cellphone beeps, alerting of a call waiting.)

BRENNAN: That's Sully calling - right now. We're doing, you know, what we did.

BOOTH: Hey, you know, I'll be back soon.

BRENNAN: Okay, I'll talk to you later.

(Booth hangs out, and stands in front of the half finished barbecue pit.)

(Cut to: Ext. Iguana club – day. Brennan and SULLY: arrive at the Iguana Club to talk to Monte.)

SULLY: So, maybe Monte can tell us why he left the girl on the side of the road.

BRENNAN: Hey, there's a store front. Sausage and pepper shack?

(Brennan points to a for rent sign in a building's window.)

SULLY: That's funny. Take my lead.

BRENNAN: I know what I'm doing, didn't Booth tell you?

SULLY: Yeah, take my lead. Wait, wait, wait, that's his car.

(Sully and Brennan notice the car, with it's door ajar.)

SULLY: Monte Gold?!

(Brennan rushes around Monte's car to find Monte on the ground. Brennan checks for a pulse, and notifies Sully that he's dead
with a shake of her head.)


(Outside of the FBI, the streets with the cars driving by.)

SULLY: (O.S.) We found him in a pool of his own blood outside his club.
Cut to: Int. FBI / Interrogation Room.. Sully is interrogating Isaac. Brennan is overseeing.)

SULLY: What's the last thing you said to Monty, Isaac? His judgment cometh, and that right soon. It's not even a Bible verse. The judgment thing, it's a line from Shawshank.

BRENNAN: Who's that?

(Sully looks surprisingly at Brennan.)

ISAAC: Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. Look, if Monte's wicked deeds cost him his life, it was the work of a hand far mightier than my own.

SULLY: Where exactly have your hands been the last five hours?

ISAAC: Working on my truck, I got garage receipts to prove it.
(Isaac pulls the receipts out of his pocket. Brennan's cellphone rings. Brennan leaves the interrogation room to take the call.)

BRENNAN: Hey Angela, what's up?

(Cut to: Int. Medico Legal Lab / Angela's Office. Angela is on the phone with Brennan. Hodgins is standing in the background.)

ANGELA: Hey, I think that you might have the wrong man.

BRENNAN:What do you mean?

ANGELA: I made mistake, Brennan.

(Cut to: Int. FBI / Interrogation Room. Brennan and Sully now have Mr. Dowd in the interrogation room. Sully places an evidence bag containing a gun on the table in front of him.)

DOWD: I only wanted to scare him. I didn't go there to kill him. But what he said, three words, he only said three words in his defense... she wanted it.

BRENNAN: She didn't, Mr. Dowd. That much we do know.

SULLY: Is there anyone you want to call, sir?

DOWD: No, there isn't anybody. There was Judy, just Judy.

(Mr. Dowd breaks down and covers his face with his hands.)

(Cut to: Int. Medico Legal Lab / Forensics Platform. Brennan and Sully are looking over the remains.)

SULLY: So this is the culprit, euh? Result of your metal screw headed thingy.

BRENNAN: Zack managed to identify this bone bruise.

SULLY: Across posterior six through eight.

BRENNAN: Show off.

(Hodgins enters the platform.)

HODGINS: Okay, got my weapon list and visual aids, courtesy of Angela. Now we know the wound was caused by a blunt steel dowel with screw threads at the top. The bruising around it is the rough size and shape of a harmonica. Now theoretically, the head of the wound struck, leaving bruising but then broke.

BRENNAN: Allowing the steel dowel beneath to be driven into Judy's back.

HODGINS: So, possible weapons include shovel handle with steel shaft, a golfer's wooden putter with aluminum shaft...

SULLY: Okay... but gear shifter?

HODGINS: It's an alloy gear shifter with a grip shaped handle.

SULLY:: This doesn't look like it could cause the injury.

BRENNAN: Unless it didn't have a handle.

HODGINS: Yeah. (he heads over to the simulation computer) She might of not been killed standing up, she could have been thrown down and then impaled.

(Sully unscrews the handle of the gear shifter, taking it off.)

SULLY: Preacher man had one of these in his truck.

BRENNAN: With a tennis ball where the handle should've been, hiding the exposed threads underneath.

SULLY: And he follows Monte everywhere.

(Cut to: Ext. Roadside / Isaac's Truck – night. Sully and Brennan pull up to where other officials stopped Isaac. They find him praying on the back of his truck.)

SULLY: Don't let us interrupt you, Isaac.

ISAAC: I'm just praying for His guidance in bringing an end to this harassment.

(Sully grabs Isaac and pulls him up to his feet.)

SULLY:Well, he can't answer 'em all, can he?

BRENNAN: Where were you headed?

ISAAC: Home, if that's any of your business.

SULLY: Back to your church, huh? I gotta tell you, I wish I had of called them a little sooner about you.

ISAAC: You did this? You called them?

BRENNAN: You sure you weren't headed back to Florida? Stop along Alligator Alley, make sure you left nothing behind.

ISAAC: No, I don't even know what you're talking about.

SULLY: Well, apparently, your Church kicked your hypocritical ass out last year. Something about you hitting on young female parishioners.

(Brennan opens the door to Isaac's truck.)

ISAAC: Who.. Who told you this, huh? (to Brennan) Hey, you can't get in there!

(Brennan retrieves a tennis ball.)

BRENNAN: Tennis ball for a gear shifter.

(Sully slams Isaac into his truck. Brennan tests the gear shifter for blood. The gear shifter glows bright purple.)

SULLY: Turn around Isaac!

(Sully turns Isaac around and cuffs him.)

ISAAC: Alright. Forgive them Lord, for they not know what they do.

(Sully turns Isaac again to face him.)

SULLY: Yeah, what we do know is that Judy Dowd was left drunk and stumbling on Route 75.

BRENNAN: And you following Monte's bus, pulled over to give her a ride.

SULLY: Not a free one apparently.

ISAAC: No, no that's a lie. I never even saw her.

BRENNAN: Oh so this isn't her blood, here? This is someone's blood.

SULLY: How many of Monte's castoffs have you been with Isaac? Girls too drunk to know, before you picked up Judy.

BRENNAN: You went for it, she rejected you, next thing you know she's impaled on the shifter.

ISAAC: I may have picked her up, but if I laid a hand it was to heal and to ask His redemption upon her

SULLY: Oh man, you are shameless.

ISAAC: She was drunk. She went crazy, pushed me away, and fell back. It was an accident, it was the devil's work.

BRENNAN: No, that was the part where you fed her to an alligator.

(Cut to: Int. FBI/ Interrogation Room. Brennan and Sully are overlooking Isaac through the window of the interrogation room.)

BRENNAN: There should be a sense of satisfaction after solving a case but most of the time I feel drained.

SULLY: Yeah, that's why you can only do this job for so long. Murders, death, corpses, you do that your whole life, there's gotta be more, y'know?

BRENNAN: The sausage and pepper sandwich.

SULLY: You got admit it was good! So what do you and Booth usually do now? Is there a bar you got to, a restaurant, pilates class?

BRENNAN: There's a diner. Booth says the pie is the best.

SULLY: Can I buy you a slice?

BRENNAN: (beat) Sure.

SULLY: I guess, we're not working together anymore.


SULLY: And since we have no professional obligations to each other, I can ask you out? Theoretically.

BRENNAN: Theoretically.

SULLY: Perhaps after a twenty-four hour waiting period.


SULLY: So the brain can adjust to alternate perceptions of each other.

BRENNAN: I actually don't need it. My brain adjusts quite quickly.

(Brennan walks away, Sully follows)

(Cut to: Ext. Wyatt's Backyard – night. Booth is finishing up the barbecue. Wyatt walks out.)

WYATT: Oh my good lord.

(Booth is lighting the barbecue.)

BOOTH: That's right.

WYATT: How many bricks did you use in the end?

BOOTH: Yep you know, one hundred and eighty. Right so you can go sign away.

(Booth hands Wyatt the paper for him to sign.)

WYATT: What are those?

BOOTH: Oh those are two beautiful prime rib-eye steaks. Being the barbecue master that I am, I thought I'd show you how to barbecue, Doc.

WYATT: Oh but I don't want to be shown, I want to learn trial and error.

BOOTH: No, no no.. Doc, listen it's better to learn off hamburgers, or sausages. You know those puppies cost fifty bucks a pop.

WYATT: You know, according to the FBI reports there was no way you could save Epps' life. Your partner's report says the same thing. An FBI snipe from the opposite roof saw everything through his scope. According to all witnesses you have nothing to feel guilty about.

BOOTH: Yeah, so?

WYATT: So, why, in a fit of pique did you endanger innocent people in a public thoroughfare by discharging your firearm?

(Booth closes the barbecue cover.)

BOOTH: I'm a good shot. I didn't put anybody in danger.

WYATT: Your file shows your a military sniper. How many people have you killed?

BOOTH: Lost count.

WYATT: Oh, you can remember a hundred and eighty bricks, but not how many lives you've taken?

BOOTH: Epps makes fifty

WYATT: Fifty what?

BOOTH: Fifty kills.

WYATT: But Agent Booth you didn't kill Epps. You tried to save him, remember? Or perhaps I better put it as a question, did Howard Epps slip from your grasp or did you release him? (Booth flashbacks to Epps's death.) Oh come now man, it's a simple enough question. Was he indeed your fiftieth kill or did you just happen to be there when he died?

BOOTH: (flustered) I don't know.

WYATT: A man like you in control of every situation and you don't know?

BOOTH: (shaking his head) I don't know. I had him, and then I lost him, and then something happened in between. I don't know.

WYATT: I believe you, because for a man like you to admit that you don't know, to relinquish control. That could indeed argue a disruption in your self-view that was large enough to motivate you to shoot a clown. (Wyatt takes a seat to sign the papers.) You know, I think we've made marvelous progress. This is a close where we can certainly begin.

(Wyatt is about to sign the papers when he looks to Booth.)

WYATT: You know what, I've changed my mind. I would love you to cook those steaks. (he signs the release paper and hands it to Booth.)

BOOTH: I can do that.

WYATT: Medium-rare please, Mr. G-man.

BOOTH: I can do that.

(Booth begins to the cook the steaks, looking unsatisfied with the signed paper.)


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chrismaz66, Hier à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Hier à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

Supersympa, Hier à 17:11

Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez bien.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:14

Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:16

Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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