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#210 : La sorcière sans tête

Dans une forêt, le squelette d'un jeune homme sans tête est retrouvé. L'enquête et la légende locale d'une sorcière qui aurait été décapitée vers 1780 seront alors mis en rapport... 


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The Headless Witch in the Woods

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La sorcière sans tête

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Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) parle à un garde

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) parle à un garde

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley booth (David Boreanaz) sur les lieux

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley booth (David Boreanaz) sur les lieux

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) et Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel)

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) dans les bois

Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) et Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) dans les bois

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Vendredi 05.10.2007 à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne FOX

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 29.11.2006 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Brennan et Booth sont dans une forêt troublante où un corps a été trouvé par des promeneurs. Brennan découvre des talismans étranges, ressemblant à des yeux. Une vieille légende règne sur cette forêt: une femme accusée de sorcellerie, Maggie Cinders, aurait été décapitée en 1783 y règnerait à la recherche de sa tête.

Le corps trouvé se trouve être celui d'un jeune homme d'une vingtaine d'années. Ce garçon était un étudiant en cinématographie qui était venu tourné un documentaire sur la légendaire Maggie avec 2 amis, Brian et Lori. Son nom est Graham Hastings, 21 ans.

Il reste des traces du film qui avait été tourné cette nuit-là. Angela tente de le restaurer et retrouve des traces des événements qui se sont produits. Alors que toute l'équipe observe les images inquiétante, Camille prend la main de Booth. Ce geste ne passe pas inaperçu à Brennan...

Dans le documentaire, tout accuse Maggie... L'équipe est sous le choc des cris d'horreur des adolescents...

Des documents papiers trouvés dans le sac à dos du mort semblent indiquer qu'il avait un "contact" avec Maggie et qu'elle l'appelait...

Graham a un frère, devenu pompier, nommé Will, qui s'était occupé de lui depuis que Graham avait 13 ans (il en avait alors 18) car leurs parents sont morts dans un accident. Cette situation crée un rapprochement entre Will et Brennan. Will invite Brennan à déjeuner.

Booth est mal à l'aise car Brennan lui révèle qu'elle a compris ses cachotteries avec Cam. Il tente de lui faire comprendre qu'il la considère comme un collègue, un homme. En même temps, Booth tente de faire comprendre à Brennan que son frère Russ ne risquait pas de s'occuper d'elle étant donné sa propre situation et qu'elle s'en est bien sortie.

Après interrogatoire de Lori (cinglée depuis cette fameuse nuit d'horreur) et de Brian, Booth avance dans son enquête. Il soupçonne le prof de cinéma de Brian puis Brian et Lori. Il apparaît que Lori était sous influence d'hallucinogènes et de drogues variées. Il apparaît également que Graham a été traîné après être mort, ce ne peut donc pas être un fantôme qui l'a traîné...

Brennan déjeune avec Will mais part rapidement car elle apprend que Graham était un coureur de jupons. Un dîner est prévu pour rattraper ce déjeuner raté.

Hodgins découvre que Graham a été tué près d'arbres spécifiques, des pruches du Canada et à l'aide d'Angela et de la vidéo en cours de restauration, il trouve le lieu du crime. La tête de Graham et une hache sont bien trouvées sur place. Une autre tête aussi... Le second crâne date du XVIIIè ou XIXème siècle.

En fait, Zack s'aperçoit que ce crane trépané et décapité a été volé à l'université, 3 jours avant la mort de Graham.

Parmi les documents trouvés, on apprend que se trouve un scénario pour un film sur l'épopée de Gilgamesh, or Brian est en train de tourner ce film. Booth le ré-interroge car il le soupçonne d'avoir tué son camarade pour récupérer un film génial ! En fait, Brian avoue avoir récupéré le scénario après la mort de Graham mais jure ne pas avoir tué Graham. Il soupçonne Lori car il l'a retrouvée couverte de sang, mais sans rien comprendre. Il a voulu la protéger. Le sang sur les vêtements que portait Lori cette nuit là, cachés par Brian, étaient couverts de sang de vache !

Brennan et booth soupçonnent le prof qui est devenu célèbre depuis la mort de Graham... mais en vain.

Angela et Hodgins démontrent qu'il y avait une autre personne sur la vidéo mais qu'on ne distingue pas bien.

Brennan dîne avec Will et lui dit qu'ils soupçonnent le prof. Will drague sérieusement Brennan et l'embrasse.

booth est au labo avec Cam et Zack. Il y a 2 ADN sur la hache mais peu distinguables. Booth comprend que c'est celui du frère de graham, Will. Il faut aller sortir Brennan de ses griffes...

Booth arrive au restaurant et trouve les 2 tourtereaux. Il arrête Will qui révèle que tout est parti d'un montage de Graham qui voulait faire peur. Mais qu'il a voulu arrêter son frère car ça allait trop loin. Il l'a tué accidentellement en le frappant. Puis la sorcière lui aurait enjoint de décapiter Graham !

Bref il est timbré...

Parmi les documents trouvés, on apprend que se trouve un scénario pour un film sur l'épopée de Gilgamesh, or Brian est en train de tourner ce film. Booth le ré-interroge car il le soupçonne d'avoir tué son camarade pour récupérer un film génial !

Et Brennan est ébranlée car elle se rend compte qu'elle ne sait pas choisir les hommes qui partagent sa vie. Booth la rassure.

George Washington National Forest - Brennan and Booth trek through the woods
Brennan: It’s getting thicker and thicker in here.

Ranger: That’s why a forensic team got lost. I’ve sent somebody back to find them.

Booth: Look, you sure you know where you’re going?

Ranger: I still have trouble and I’ve been here for three years. That’s why we advise hikers to stay away.

Booth: I know, I’m pining for concrete ...You just, uh, you stay close, all right Bones? I  don’t want you to get caught out here when it gets dark. Okay? Bones? Bones? Where the hell are you? Bones?

Brennan: I’m right here, Booth.

Booth: Don’t do that alright?

Brennan: What?

Booth: Take off like that, okay. You heard the guy.

Brennan: I saw this, some sort of talisman. These are bones from a bird and the colouring on that ornamant looks like dried blood. There are more of them, too.

Booth: They look like eyes. Okay, this is weird. You see a lot of these?

Ranger: Not me, but I‘ve heard some other folks have come across some pretty strange stuff in here. Word is, it‘s Maggie Cinders.

Brennan: There’s a woman who lives out here?

Ranger: Did. Died in 1780. Folks around here thought she was a witch and beheaded her. Legend is, she still haunts the woods, looking for her severed head.

Brennan: And you believe this, Ranger Edison?

Ranger: Look, I’m just telling you what I heard.

Booth: Yea, I‘d prefer we keep moving, okay?

Ranger: This is one of the only clearings around here. The pit was covered with sticks and leaves. One of the hikers fell in on the body, freaked and ran. Maggie Cinders did say she‘d kill anybody who dared to look for her.

Brennan: So, you talked to Ms. Cinders? That must have been difficult since she doesn’t have a head. Bag the eyes. Give me a hand.

Booth: You want me to go down there with you?

Brennan: No, I don’t want the remains compromised.

Booth: All right?

Brennan: Yeah.

Booth: So, uh, how’d  she kill them? You know in the legend?

Ranger: Like she was killed. She cuts off their heads.

Brennan: Iliac crest and pubis show it’s a male. Epiphyseal fusion puts him between 18 and 25 years old. He‘s on a video camera.

Booth: Cause of death?

Brennan: Well.... since I can’t find a skull, I’d say his head got cut off.

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Cam, Brennan and Zack examine the body
Cam: Since we don’t have a head, do we have enough for an identification?

Zack: We’ll look for older injuries that might be found in medical records.

Brennan: More wood splinters.

Cam: Could have been the handle of whatever lopped off his head.

Zack: If a ghost isn’t cromprised of matter, but is merely ectoplasm, which is actually the clear outer layer of cytoplasm on amoeboid cells, how can the victim have suffered bruising and multiple fractures?

Brennan: Because there are no such things as ghosts.

Cam: I thought you never jump to conclusions.

Brennan: Well, it’s safe to dismiss fantasy and deluded perceptions.

Cam: My mother came to me the day after she died. I wasn’t some kid, I was 23. She came to me..... She came to me and told me to look in her dresser, third drawer, behind her pink blouse. There was something there for me.

(Hodgins enters)

Hodgins: The European hornet queen I found on the remains puts time of death at November of last year.

Zack: We have more splinters.

Hodgins: The wood is from a Betula uber, a sub-species of round leaf birch tree that’s been extinct since 1800. The legend says that Maggie Cinders kills her victims with the same old axe used to decapitate her in 1783. Anyone else feeling tingly, or is it just me?

(Booth enters)

Booth: I checked missing persons. A film student from UVA went missing in the woods last year. He was making a documentary on the Maggie Cinders legend. Graham Hastings, 21, five-ten, 176 pounds.

Cam: That explains the video camera.

Angela: I, um, I got something from the videotape (Angela is playing the footage for the team) I cleaned the section of the tape with an isopropyl alcohol solution and fed whatever digital information I could salvage into a restoration program. I didn’t get much-maybe I got too much.

(The videotape shows the woods at night. A girl is running and screaming. Cam grabs Booth hand and Brennan who is standing behind them sees. Then, we switch back to the screen)

Lori: Where’s Brian?! Where...Brian!

Graham: Lori...Lori where are you going? Lori, stop! Stop, Lori!

Lori: Brian! Brian...

(A guy looks scared into the camera, he is filming himself while he is running)

Graham: The noises are getting closer. I’ve lost Lori...and Brian disappeared. It’s her. I can hear her. She’s here! She’s here! Oh...she’s here! Lori, where the hell are you?! Lori! Oh, my....Help! Help me, oh....! Oh....somebody help me! Somebody help me, please!

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Zack, Brennan and Hodgins talk
Zack: I just keep hearing the screams. I never heard screams like that, Dr.Brennan.

Brennan: Neither have I. Narrow focus trauma on the left humerus, posterior side.

Zack: Indicates an attempt by the victim to shield his head.

Hodgins: From the axe attack. What? It’s always an axe, isn’t it? Remember „The Shining“?

Zack: My palms perspired profusely during that film.

Brennan: Until we complete a series of blade comparison tests, there’s no way to know what type of weapon was used.

(Cam enters with new evidence for Hodgins)

Cam: Forensic team found this near the pit.

Hodgins: Looks organic. Definitely decomposing.

Cam: Victim’s preliminary tox screen came back negative. No drugs.

Hodgins: That’s too bad.

Cam: Why?

Hodgins: Because drugs would explain the writings I found inside Graham’s backpack. I’m cleaning them and taking mud samples, but I think Booth should show them to a profiler. They’re handwritten, scrawled; so far all I can make out is: „Maggie came to me again...calling me“. And last but not least: „They will scream for air, but their lungs fill with blood.“

Cam: I’ll redo the tox screen.

Brennan: I may be alone in this, but I think one of us should remain a rational human being during this investigation. Got it. Comminuted fracture to the ulna, professionally set.

Zack: From the degree of callous formation, that’s a childhood injury.

Brennan: One that could give us the ID we want. I’ll call Booth. Tell him to contact next of kin. Zack, place some garlic around the remains and chant the Hmong ritual for preservation of souls.

Zack: Really?

Brennan: (Smiles) This is going to be a long case.

Justice Department, Booth Office - B&B meet the victim’s brother, Will Hastings
(Brennan compares X-rays)

Will Hastings: Graham broke his arm....sliding into second base. He was... eight.

Brennan: It’s a match. I’m very sorry.

Will Hastings: Thanks. I...can’t say that I’m surprised. He, uh....he was missing for a year, but still, when you hear....It was just us, you know. My parents died in a car accident, I was 18, he was 13 and, uh...When something like that happen, when you lose your parents at that age, it’s just people don’t understand how close you become.

Brennan: I lost mine when I was 15. It was just...me and my brother, too. He was 19.

Will Hastings: Sorry.

Brennan: Did Graham live with relatives or did he go into foster care?

Will Hastings: No, I would never let him go into the system. I, uh...I dropped out of college. I joined the fire department to support him. Your brother didn’t....?

Brennan: It was a difficult situation for him.

Will Hastings: I understand. I mean, you know, seems like you turned out okay, though.

Booth: Do you know who Graham was with the night he disappeared?

Will Hastings: Yeah. A couple of film students from school- there was a guy and a girl. I tried to get the guy, Brian- his name was- to help with the search, but he-he was too freaked to go back into the woods. I’ve never seen someone so scared.

Brennan: So you were involved with the search?

Will Hastings: I’ve led a lot of search-and-rescue operations as a firefighter. Uh...I should have found him.

Brennan: It’s not your fault.

Will Hastings: I should have locked him in his damn room. I mean, everyone knows weird things happen in those woods.

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Zack and Cam talk
Zack: The chatter marks mean the vertebrae weren’t split in one blow.

Cam: Makes sense. Knocking off someone’s head is more like cutting down a small tree than splitting a log.

Zack: I find your imagery both colorful and accurate.

Cam: Thank you. Let me know when you’ve narrowed down the weapon category.

Zack: Dr.Saroyan? When you say your mother visited you....

Cam: She appeared. In my room. It was early evening.

Zack: And you were frightened?

Cam: No, I felt....loved.

Zack: Dr.Brennan says that’s impossible.

Cam: What do you think?

Zack: I think it would be wonderful if it were possible.

(Hodgins enters)

Hodgins: I found rust flakes on the neck that were from hand- forged iron.

Cam: 18th century.

Hodgins: You got it.

(Zack practise using different weapons, Cam gets a fright)

Cam: My.....A little warning, Zack.

Zack: I don’t usually announce each phase of my experiments.

Cam: Yeah. Maybe you should start.

Hodgins: Nice follow-through, dude.

Zack: It doesn’t look like it was a machete.

Hodgins: Dibs on the next weapon.

Cam: Looks like you have this under control.

Booth Car – Brennan looks thoughtful while Booth is talking
Booth: Graham had a fellowship with the school. It was a free ride worth about 30 grand a year. Brian, the other kid, you know, from the woods? He applied for it and lost out ot Graham. After Graham disappeared, the fellowship went to Brian. Did you hear me?

Brennan: Yeah. Doesn’t look good for Brian Andrews.

Booth: You okay?

Brennan: I wonder what my life would have been like if Russ had raised me.

Booth: Well, you know, since he was a petty thief, you know, in and out of jail all the time, I’d, I’d imagine it wouldn’t have been very good.

Brennan: If he’d accepted responsibility for raising....I’m romanticizing. It’s foolish.

Booth: Everyone does it, Bones, okay? It’s normal.

Brennan: It’s a useless fantasy, no different than the childish legend about the headless woman. I mean, look at Will. He sacrificed everything for his brother and still couldn’t save him. By walking out, maybe Russ gave me my life.

Booth: But you know what Will said. He was right. You turned out okay.

Brennan: I’m going to have coffee with him.

Booth: Oh, that was quick.

Brennan: He understands something no one else I kone does. People need connection, Booth. Even me. Obviously, you have one with Cam.

Booth: What?

Brennan: I thought you’d mention it. I mean, isn’t that what partners do, tell each other about their lives?

Booth: Wait a second. Look, Bones, I....

Brennan: Sorry. I’m sorry. I forgot how self-conscious you are talking about sex.

Booth: I am not. I’m....

UVA - Booth questions  Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews: Graham was kind of the star at school so we all wanted to work with him.

Booth: And he thought the legend was true.

Brian Andrews: Said that Maggie Cinders was talking to him in his dreams. She told him where her head was buried.

Booth: And you believed him, too?

Brian Andrews: Not at first. When we were out there in the woods...Stuff like that doesn’t happen.

Booth: What kind of stuff?

Brian Andrews: Chopping sounds...there were these eyes hanging on all of the trees. Something was moving out there that wasn’t us. Look, I know what you’re thinking, but you weren’t out there, okay? Lori, she freaked. She took off into nowhere. And...that’s when we all got seperated.

Booth: The police report said that you brought Lori out of the woods.

Brian Andrews: When I found Lori, she was just curled up on the ground shaking.

Booth: So you took her out of the woods, but you left Graham?

Brian Andrews: I thought he had left us, okay? You don’t get it what it was like out there.

Booth: His brother asked you to go on the search with him, but you didn’t go. Why didn’t you go?

Brian Andrews: I’m not proud of myself, okay? But I just couldn’t go back out there. I couldn’t.

Booth: Uh, Lori seemed to have disappeared from school. You wouldn’t happen to know where we could find her?

Brian Andrews: I haven’t seen her since that night. The last I heard, she checked back into the psych ward.

Psych Ward - Booth sits with Lori Mueller
Lori Mueller: I checked back in because I couldn’t sleep. I haven’t slept in days.

Booth: Thanks for meeting with me, Lori.

Lori Mueller: Sure. There’s not much else to do in here.

Booth: Hey, do you mind if I ask you what happend that night in the woods?

Lori Mueller: I’ve told the police everything. But Graham is the only one that can make things right. He just got a little lost in there. But when he gets back, he’s going to make sure that I’m safe again.

Booth: Graham, he promised to take care of you?

Lori Mueller: Well, sure. He’s my boyfriend. He doesn’t want anything to happen to me.

Booth: Your boyfriend?

Lori Mueller: (Whispers) We keep it a secret. Other girls get jealous. Everyone loves Graham. Did, did you go into the woods? Is that why you’re here?

Booth: Yeah.

Lori Mueller: You found Graham? He said he was going to talk to Maggie. Is that where you found him?

Booth: He wasn’t with Maggie.

Lori Mueller: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no....(freaks)

Booth: Lori? Lori, calm down.

Lori Mueller: She killed him!

Booth: Sorry, Lori. We need to know what happend.

Lori Mueller: That’s what happend.

Booth: We need to know what happend to him.

Lori Mueller: Did she take his head? Oh god....! No! The blood.....I- I called for help, but Brian wasn’t there!

(Male nurses arrive)

Male nurse: Rela....relax. Rela...relax, Lori. You’re safe here. Come here.

Lori Mueller: (Screams and cries)There was so much blood! I tried to run! Graham! Graham, she’s coming! Run, Graham! Graham!

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab -  B&B talk
Booth: She freaked, Bones. It was like she was out there in the woods with that witch.

Brennan: Don’t let anyone else hear you talking like that, Booth.

Booth: I’m just saying I’ve seen a lot of weird things. It was, like, you know, „Exorcist“ weird or „Elm Street“ weird.

Brennan: What are you talking about now?

Booth: They’re movies, okay, Bones? Movies so scary that you end up peeing your pants.

Brennan: Good to know.

Zack: I noticed some damage to the subdeltoid bursa. Looks like the subscapularis was torn away.

Brennan: They’re fracture lines. This was a postmortem trauma.

Booth: Meaning what?

Brennan: The victim’s shoulder was dislocated just after his death.

Zack: The injury doesn’t fit into our established scenario of the struggle.

Brennan: These marks near the vertebrocostal junction, there’s massive hinge fracturing. Zack, lie down on the ground.

Zack: Face up or face down?

Brennan: Face up.

Booth: This should be good.

Brennan: And give me your right arm. Yeah, okay. If Graham Hastings was dragged to the pit by this arm in this direction, the trauma to the back of his ribs would result in hinging.

Zack: And the exposed wound where the head was severed would have been collecting particulates along the way.

Brennan: Tell Hodgins we might have enough for him to determine where the victim was beheaded. (Helps zack to stand up)

Booth: Oh, yeah! Double yeah. I’m waiting to hear from the psych ward to see if we can talk to Lori again.

Brennan: I’ll ask Will what type of relationship Graham and Lori really had when I have coffee with him.

Booth: Whoa. Wait a second. You know, we’re investigating his brother’s death. I mean, don’t you think that can get a little messy?

Brennan: I can compartmentalize......same as you.

(Cam enters)

Booth: Mm.

Cam: The blood on those talisman things hanging from the trees? Not human.

Brennan (turns to leave): I’ll be back soon.

Café - Brennan meets Will Hastings for coffee
Will Hastings: I just want to thank you for everything you’re doing to find out what happend to Graham.

Brennan: Is that why you called, to thank me for doing my job?

Will Hastings: That and, uh...I didn’t think you‘d come, so I guess I’m a little nervous (drinks his coffee).

Brennan: Caffeine affects the adenosine receptors in the brain. It causes increased heart rate, so...

Will Hastings: There are other causes.

Brennan: My partner warned me to stay focused on the case, so...

Will Hastings: If you’ve got questions, that’s cool.

Brennan: Okay, um, what kind of music do you like?

Will Hastings (laughs): That’s a good question. Um...Snow Patrol. And Leonard Cohen, I like Leonard Cohen.

Brennan: Gravel voice, but somehow it’s soothing.

Will Hastings: Yeah, I wonder why that is.

Brennan: There’s actually no empirical way of assessing something like that. But you didn’t mean that literally, did you? (Both smile)

Will Hastings: Uh-uh.

Brennan: I’m sorry. My...my social skills are very limited.

Will Hastings: Trust me. They’re fine.

Brennan: You know, it took a long time for me to understand how my brother could leave, and now it’s just as odd to meet someone who stayed.

Will Hastings: I thought about leaving all the time. I mean, I was a kid. I didn’t know how to be a parent. I guess it was my fault that his head got so big, and he was bossing people around like he was already Steven Spielberg.

Brennan: Graham couldn’t have been all bad. I mean, my partner says that Lori seemed to love him.

Will Hastings: Poor kid. I liked her. She deserved better.

Brennan: Graham didn’t treat her well?

Will Hastings: No. He juggled a lot of girls. I don’t know how he did it, but no one ever found out about each other.

Brennan: So he cheated on her?

Will Hastings: Doesn’t run in the family, by the way.

Brennan: I have to get back to work.

Will Hastings: Did I say something?

Brennan (turns to leave): Maybe.

Will Hastings (concerned): If I’ve offended you in any way, I’m sorry.

Brennan (turns around): Do you like „Massive Attack“?

Will Hastings: I don’t know „Massive Attack“.

Brennan: Very impressive integration of radical politics into their music. I’ll play’em for you next time.

Jeffersonian - Angela is watching the videotape and listens loud music
(Hodgins enters and touches her shoulder, Angela screams)

Hodgins: I know where Graham Hastings was murdered.

(Angela turns off the music)

Angela: Are you trying to kill me?

Hodgins: What’s with the music?

Angela: It helps muffle the screams so I don’t pass out every few seconds.

Hodgins: Smart. We have to go through all the video again. Hastings was killed in a patch of eastern hemlocks like this (takes a photo from the desk). They grow in clusters throughout the forest. We have to spot the cluster Graham and the others were near.

Angela: Wait. We have to go through all the video again?

Hodgins: Don’t worry. I’m right here for you.

(On the screen we see someone filming an arrow of stones)

Graham: This is natural. I mean, it’s like, it’s like, she left this here for us, like, like a guide or something, you know?

Lori: Make it stop.

Graham: Lori...Lori....

(We see an anxious Lori)

Lori: Make it stop!

Brian: Graham, there’s something seriously wrong with Lori, okay? We should go back.

(We see Brian)

Graham: What? No, this...

(Lori is screaming)

Lori: No! No!

Brian: What is it?

(Angela grabs Hodgins hand)

Lori: Make it go away!

Brian: Come on! Let’s go!

(We see Brian and Lori, they’re both anxious, there are chopping sounds and blood is running down a tree)

Lori: Graham, get back here! No, Graham! Graham!

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Zack and Brennan in tab over Graham’s bones, Booth is with them
Brennan: Lori was not Graham’s only girlfriend. He had lots of girlfriends, but he somehow managed to keep them secret from each other.

Booth: So what would happen if a very jealous Lori found out?

Brennan: I don’t know. That’s more your territory.

Booth: What? What? What, am I cheating?

Brennan (smiles): I just meant that you use psychology. You’re very touchy. Perhaps because of all your skulking around.

Booth: I am discreet, okay? It’s different. A gentleman is discreet, okay?

(We see Zack between Brennan and Booth)

Zack: What are we talking about?

Booth (angry): Nothing that concerns you.

Zack: But I’m quite literally in the middle of the conversation and it seems very interesting. (Booth don’t glares very friendly at Zack) However, your glaring indicates that I shouldn’t press for further information.

Booth: Mm-hmm. Good genius, yeah. So, Lori loves Graham. He thinks he loves her, but finds out that he doesn’t, so.... That’s a perfect cover, right? „Headless witch did it, not me.“ The whole insanity thing might be an act.

Zack: But the victim sustained extensive defensive wounds. This was a very powerful attacker.

Booth: Oh, you know, when a woman finds out that a man has been cheating on her, she can get pretty mad.

(Zack and Brennan are glaring at Booth)

Booth: That’s what I heard. Okay, look, we got motive and opportunity- it fits.

Brennan: No, it doesn’t fit. Graham Hastings was five-ten and 176 pounds. Lori is 120, tops. The injuries aren’t consistent with a woman Lori Mueller’s size.

(Cam enters)

Cam: Of course, people on PCP have been known to exhibit extraordinary strength.

Booth: PCP? Who was on PCP?

Cam: Hodgins‘ report on the organic matter from the baggie found at the scene showed that it contained psilocybe mushrooms injected with phencyclidine.

Booth: Whoa, what a trip.

Zack: Well, if Lori ingested those it’s possible she could’ve caused Graham’s injuries.

Cam: Not to mention, combining dissociative anesthetics with hallucinogenic compounds can have a devastating effect on people with fragile brain chemistry.

Brennan: So her mental condition is probably genuine.

Booth: You know what, I’m going to go talk to my good old buddy Brian, see if he knows anything about the magical mystery tour that Lori might’ve been on that night.

UVA - Brian Andrews and his film teacher sit together watching a movie, Booth interrupts
Booth: Hey, Brian.

Brian Andrews: Hey, Agent Booth. Um, this is Nate Gibbons, my film teacher. (To Gibbons) This is Agent Booth, I told you about.

Gibbons: Hello.

Booth: Hi.

(Gibbons and Booth shake hands)

Gibbons: You’re here about Graham Hastings.

Booth: Yeah. Was he one of your students?

Gibbons: Yes. He was an incredibly gifted kid. What happend out there was horrible.

Booth: Mm.

Brian Andrews: What are you doing here again?

Booth: You want to findout what happened to Graham, don’t you?

Brian Andrews: Of course.

Booth: Yeah. So what were we watching? That’s pretty cool.

Brian Andrews: Nothing, really. It’s this film I’m doing for my degree.

Gibbons: Brian’s being modest. He wrote and directed an amazing modern take on the Gilgamesh story.

Brian Andrews: Nate produced it. I got it accepted into Sundance.

Booth: Oh, congratulations. (Looks at Gibbons) If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Brian alone.

Gibbons: Sure. We’ll finish up later.

Brian Andrews: All right.

Gibbons (turns to leave): Call me if you need anything.

Booth: Mm-hmm.

(Gibbons exits)

Booth: Brian, listen, we have evidence suggesting that, um, Lori was taking drugs that night in the woods.

Brian Andrews: No. Those woods are too thick. We knew that we had to keep our heads on straight.

Booth: So as far as you know, Lori Mueller wasn’t under the influence of any hallucinogens.

Brian Andrews: No.

Booth: When she was with Graham, was she violent?

Brian Andrews: No way.

Booth: Did you know that Graham was cheating on her?

Brian Andrews: Man, that was none of my business. Sure, Graham was a hound and everyone knew it.

Booth: Maybe Lori found out, got angry with Graham.

Brian Andrews: No, okay? There’s no way, it wasn’t her, okay? Whacked out or not, it wasn’t her. There was something else out there that night.

Jeffersonian - Angela and Hodgins are watching the footage
(On the screen we see Lori and Brian walking through the forest)

Lori: Where are we going? I can’t see.

Graham: Don’t worry, just stay close.

(Angela closes her eyes and puts her head on Hodgins shoulder)

Lori: What is that?

Hodgins: You’re supposed to be looking for eastern hemlock.

(Angela opens her eyes)

Hodgins: It’s much more effective with your eyes open.

Angela: I just know what’s going to happen here, okay? This is where they freak out because they hear the witch.

(On the screen we see Lori and hear chopping sounds, Lori screams; Angela spots something)

Angela: Wait. There. Did you see that? (We see Lori standing in front of a tree)

Hodgins: Yeah. But where are they? Go, go forward. Stop (We see a tree) Dense crown, fine branches, scaly bark and wide ridges. Those are eastern hemlocks. (Angela looks relieved at Hodgins) Love your eyes. Now we need a landmark.

(We see Brian talking to Lori)

Brian: You have to be quiet, okay? There’s something out here.

Lori (looks into the camera): No!

Hodgins: Wait a minute, wait a minute. (Hodgins stops the video and we see Lori’s watch) 2:37 a. m.

Angela: So?

Hodgins: We have a date plus an exact time. I can estimate the position of the moon from shadowing patterns on the forest floor. We should be able to get the approximate latitude and longitude. (Both smile and share a moment)

Brian: Graham, leave the camera!

Graham: What?! What about Lori?!

Hodgins: Let’s just work out the coordinates.

Angela: Yeah.

In the woods – B&B are talking with the forest Ranger
Ranger: The axe was found buried over there.

Brennan: Dried blood on the trunk.

(Brennan uses Lumalite)

Booth: Whoa. Make that a lot of dried blood on the trunk.

Brennan: Someone should do a scraping here. Where’d you find the skull?

(The Ranger directs them and we see a decomposed skull on a plastic plane)

Ranger: Buried just behind those bushes. But there’s something else.

(The Ranger shows B&B a second skull)

Booth: Second skull.

Ranger: I’m afraid so.

Brennan: Are there any other outstanding cases in the area?

Booth: No. There aren’t.

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Brennan works on the first and Zack on the second skull

Brennan: Based on bony architecture this skull’s consistent with that of Graham Hastings.

Cam: I’ll confirm with the blood from the axe.

Hodgins: And the other skull?

Zack: Female. Mid-30s at the time of death, which was between the mid-18th  and mid-19th centuries.

Hodgins: This axe handle is birch. Betula uber. Same extinct species as the wood fragments we found in the bone.

Angela: Almost done with her face.

Brennan: Why are you spending time on that? It won’t help the case.

Hodgins: Come on, let the kids have some fun, Mom.

Zack: Both skulls have depressed fractures on the parietal bones. They could’ve been killed with a blow to the head before they were decapitated.

Brennan: In Graham’s case, yes, but on the female skull...(takes a look at the skull) there’s evidence of new growth what looks like...this person underwent trepanation.

Zack: An antiquated form of brain surgery.

Hodgins: Practiced in the 1700s on those suspected of witchcraft.

Cam: Do you think that skull is your Maggie Cinders?

Hodgins: Of course not. I mean, there’s no way to know, right? I’m just saying. It’s interesting.

Jeffersonian, Brennan’s Office – Brennan is taking a book from her shelf
(Booth enters)

Booth: Hey, Bones, you know those  papers that Hodgins found in Graham Hastings‘ backpack?

Brennan: His hallucinogenic ramblings?

Booth: Mm-hmm, you got it. They were written on the back of the pages from his screenplay.

Brennan: I don’t see the significance. Graham was a film student, of course he wrote screenplays.

Booth: Yeah, but this was a modern-day take on the Gilgamesh story. The same story that Brian Andrews is using for his film.

Brennan: He stole Graham’s screenplay.

Justice Department, Interrogation Room – B&B question Brian Andrews
(Booth handles Brian evidence: The pages of Graham’s screenplay)

Booth: Look familiar?

Brian Andrews: Where...where’d you find these?

Brennan: Graham Hasting’s backpack, near his murdered body.

Booth: Care to explain why a movie that’s about to make it to Sundance sounds a lot like the screenplay that your dead buddy wrote?

Brian Andrews: Look, I know what you’re thinking.

Booth: Oh, really? Because what I think is that you killed him.

Brian Andrews: No.

Booth: I think that you’re the one who drugged Lori, so she wouldn’t know what the hell was going on that night.

Brian Andrews: No, I didn’t. Look, I know that this may look similar, but this is mine.

Booth: Really? Because you know we found an E-mail on Graham’s computer, sending you a complete first version draft to you.

Brennan: He wanted you to read it, get your thoughts.

Booth: So...what’d you think?

Brian Andrews: I thought...I thought that it was better than anything I could ever write. So, yeah, you know, after Graham was missing a few months, Nate thought it would be safe to pass off as our own, but I didn’t kill Graham.

Booth: Anything else you forget to mention, Brian? Oh, come on, Brian. You love the movies, right? So, this is the time where the innocent guy comes clean or the guilty guy asks for a lawyer. Okay, so which movie is this going to be?

Brian Andrews: That night....Lori, when....when I found her, she was covered in blood. It wasn’t hers. I was afraid.

Brennan: You think she killed Graham.

Brian Andrews: It wasn’t her fault, though. She was nuts, okay? She said that the blood just rained down on her. I wanted to protect her.

Brennan: So you got rid of the bloody clothing.

Brian Andrews: I hid them in the woods. They’re still out there.

Booth: Okay, great. You can take us there.

Brian Andrews: No! Look, I’ll tell you what I remember, but I’m never going out there again. You can lock me up for the rest of my life. I’m never going back out there.

Booth Car – B&B both speak to someone on the phone
Booth:  The kid said he hid her clothes in a hollow log near a stream.

Brennan: Thanks (puts down her cell phone) Angela looked at the video again. Tell the forensic team to fan out across the area south-southwest of the cabin ruins.

Booth: Did you hear that, Lou? Yeah, south-southwest. Yeah, I know it gets cold when the sun goes down, Lou. Well, you should’ve brought your blankie. All right, just call me when you find her clothes (puts down his cell phone) Man (Brennan glares at Booth) What? He was being a baby.

Brennnan: I didn’t say anything.

Booth: But you’re looking at me like I’m in trouble and you’re a teacher.

Brennan: You’re very touchy lately, Booth.

Booth: Look, Bones, I don’t know why I didn’t tell you about Cam.

Brennan: Did I mention Cam?

Booth: I just didn’t want it to get weird, I guess.

Brennan: Weird?

Booth: We’re partners, you know? Together all the time, right? You’re a woman and I’m a man. I never had a relationship like this where we were...like two guys, except you’re not, you know, a guy. Yeah.

Brennan: No. No, I’m not. Should I feel odd about....wanting to hang out with Will?

Booth: No, of course not. You know, because essentially, I mean, you’re a guy like me. But not really.

Brennan: That would mean that, to me, you are essentially a woman. Yeah, I can see that.

Booth: No, no, no, I’d prefer not to be a woman, if you don’t mind.

Brennan: I’m merely trying to follow your reasoning, Booth.

Booth: (His cell phone is ringing) Okay, fine. What do you say we just, you know, we’ll drop it for now (Picks up his cell phone) Yeah, it’s Booth. (Looks at Brennan) They found the clothes.

Brennan: That was fast.

Booth: Well, good work, Lou. All right, now you can come home before all the monsters get you. I...(Looks at his cell phone) Hung up on me. I thought it was funny.

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Cam, Booth and Brennan talk
Cam: The blood from the axe was from Graham Hastings.

Booth: Okay, well, is the blood on Lori Mueller’s clothes a match?

Cam: No.

Brennan: Then there’s another victim out there?

Cam: Yes, and she’s probably named Bessie.

Booth (looks confused): Bessie?

Cam: It’s cow’s blood. The hormones and antibiotics confirm that it’s from a butcher shop.

(Zack enters with a skull)

Zack: Dr.Brennan. The witch’s skull was cut with a stryker saw.

Booth: Wait. Don’t you use those in your autopsies?

Zack: They’re also used in teaching institutions. I found a faded serial number behind the occipital condyle. It’s from the university.

Brennan: So the skull was stolen from the medical school.

(Zack nods)

Booth: Someone set up one hell of a horror show to kill Graham Hastings.

Justice Department, Interrogation Room – B&B question the film teacher Gibbons
Gibbons: I’ll help in any way I can, but I do have a class starting in 45 minutes.

Booth: Yeah, well, you know, it’s film class. You know what? Have them watch „Wedding Crashers“.

Gibbons: I can assure you, Agent Booth, that film class is a lot more than watching movies.

Brennan: Were you aware that the medical school at the university has an anatomical specimen collection?

Gibbons: I don’t even know what that means. This is about Graham, right?

Brennan: The research collection can only be accessed by a faculty member with a key card.

Booth: Yours was recorded entering the building last November 7- three days before Graham Hastings disappeared. You often go into a medical school at 2:43 in the morning?

Gibbons: I reported my key card missing last November. I’m sure you’ll find a record of that.

Booth: Yeah. It’s convenient.

Brennan: Very convenient.

Gibbons: Are you accusing me of something?

Booth: Someone stole a skull. Planted it in the woods along with the animal bones, blood, weird amulets.

Brennan: Tricking people into believing that Graham was murdered by a ghost.

Gibbons: Okay, but why? Why would I possibly want to do something like that?

Booth: Ride his coattails, you know. Escape the faculty ghetto.

Brennan: He shut you out.

Booth: And maybe you were feeling just a little...bitter about that, huh, teach?

Gibbons: I’m entitled to an attorney, aren’t I?

Jeffersonian – B&B wandering through the hallways, discussing the case
Booth: Okay, maybe it was Graham who stole the skull himself.

Brennan: Are you suggesting it was some convoluted suicide scheme? He chopped off his own head?

Booth: No. Right? Look, I’m just saying, things, they got out of hand, right? He wanted to make it look like a documentary, right? As scary as possible. So, he sets everything up, right? He gets Nate to help him out that night, but Nate sees an opportunity. No one knows he’s out there and before you know, it’s chop-chop, and I’m going to Hollywood.

Angela: I found someone else in the woods.

(They enter Angela’s office, Hodgins is still there)

Angela: At least, I think it’s a person.

Brennan: Have you finished with the particulates from the axe handle?

Hodgins: I’ve determined that the assailant was wearing rough-hewn leather gloves, but I still have to check...

Booth: Then why are you in here?

Angela: Becuse I want him here. Okay. Look, I ran it through a mass-recognition program (Angela points at the screen) That’s Graham. And that is our mystery guest (We see a shadow next to Graham)

Brennan: It’s not Brian?

Angela: No. Different height and weight. This person is about six-one. As you can see, that includes a head.

Hodgins: So, it’s definitely not Maggie. (Brennan smiles)

Booth: Nate Gibbons is about six-one.

Brennan: I’ll ask Will if he can tell us anything about Graham and his teacher. Maybe he threatened him.

(Brennan exits, Booth looks after her)

Restaurant – Brennan is out to dinner with Will
Will Hastings: His professor?

Brennan: Did Graham tell you anything about his relationship with him?

Will Hastings: Yeah, he said  the guy wanted to help produce his film, but Graham said he wanted to do it on his own.

Brennan: His professor is producing his film. Brian stole Graham’s screenplay. He and the professor are making it.

Will Hastings: The teacher killed Graham for a script?

Brennan: Make his career. Brian’s, too. I’ve seen people murdered for a lot less. It’s not certain yet. We’re just looking for evidence that...links one or two of them to the remains.

Will Hastings: With all this going on, when I’m with you...I feel like everything’s gonna be okay.

Brennan: I’d like to see the world the way you do.

Will Hastings: Then you’d be looking at a very beautiful woman.

(Brennan laughs, they look at each other and then kiss)

Jeffersonian, Medico-Legal-Lab – Cam, Booth, Zack and Angela talk
Cam: Preliminary tests show only one type of DANN on the axe, but now the follow-up tests are showing two.

Zack: Something wrong with our electrophoresis machine?

Cam: No, I double-checked it.

Booth: So this means you got the killer’s DNA.

Cam: Right. Attacker must have been cut by Graham during the struggle. I’m trying to seperate out the two types of DNA, but it’s hard.

Booth: That’s easy. I’ll just get a warrant for a blood sample for Nate Gibbons.

(Hodgins enters)

Hodgins: The glove fragments on the handle were coated with diammonium phosphate and a guar gum-derivative thickener.

Booth: You speak English?

Zack: It’s a flame-retardant.

Angela: Exactly. Isn’t that only used by professional firefighters?

Booth: Wait, Graham’s brother. He’s a firefighter.

Angela: He’s also about six-foot-one, right? And, he has a head.

Cam: That explains why it looks like there was only one blood source. Siblings share so many of the same chromosomes.

Booth: Will Hastings killed his brother.

Cam: That certainly explains my result.

Booth: Brennan. Wait, she’s with him now.

(Booth exits)

Restaurant – Booth interrupts Brennan’s and Will Hastings date
(Booth enters and sees Brennan and Will)

Brennan: ....that’s your opinion. I don’t think you’re the one that should be telling me...(Sees Booth)Booth (Brennan laughs) What are you doing here?

Booth: I’m sorry (Booth sits down)You’re under arrest for the murder of your brother, Graham Hastings.

Will Hastings: What?

Booth: You have the right to remain silent.

Brennan: What is this, Booth?

Booth: He did it. Cam found his blood on the axe, and Hodgins found chemicals that only a firefighter would have access to.

Will Hastings: I didn’t kill Graham.

(Brennan looks shocked)

Will Hastings: We fought, that’s all.

Brennan: You were out there in the woods that night?

Will Hastings: Please don’t look at me like that. Please. I was just helping my brother. He said the film was going to make him famous.

Booth: So you got the animal bones, the blood, and you made the chopping sound with the axe.

Will Hastings: He wanted me to stay out of sight. But the girl, Lori, he slipped her drugs and she was screaming, and I said I wasn’t going to help anymore. And I said I wouldn’t throw the blood on her, so he did it, and she went crazy. You saw her. Graham did that to her.

Brennan (horrified): Will.

Will Hastings: I had to stop him, okay? I can’t be responsible for raising a monster like that.

Booth: So you hit him with the axe.

Will Hastings: He was just lying there, and I was waiting for him to move. And I’ve never....I never even hit him before, no matter how difficult he got.

Booth: And then you chopped off his head and you buried him to make it look like some witch did it.

Will Hastings: No. She did it. She did it. Maggie Cinders was out there that night and she made me do it. She told me never to tell anybody. Maggie Cinders made me cut off his head. That’s the only way it could happen. You know me. He was my brother. I could never kill my own brother. It was her.

(Brennan glares at Will Hastings and begins to cry)

Brennan: What are you waiting for, Booth?

(Brennan stands up, Booth hand cuffs Will Hastings)

Booth: You have the right to remain silent...

Will Hastings: No!

Booth: Understand me? Anything you say...

(Brennan turns to leave)

Will Hastings: Wait. Wait please.

Booth: ....will be used against you in  a court of law. You have the right to speak to (Booth turns and looks after Brennan)....an attorney.

Will Hastings: Please don’t go. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me.

Jeffersonian, Angela’s Office – Angela is finishing up cataloguing the video footage, Hodgins is lying on a couch, they are talking

Angela: The FBI needs me to finish cataloguing the restored footage.

Hodgins: It’s cool. I don’t have anywhere else to go (Hodgins stands up)

Angela: You’ve been great today, Hodgins.

Hodgins: No, no (Looks at the screen) I haven’t seen that piece.

Angela: Yeah, I was working on it before. I just finished rendering (They play the videotape)

(On the screen appears a white shadow, it has the form of a woman)

Angela: Uh, could, could be a reflection.

Hodgins: Had to be. Or some moonlight.

Angela (looks uncomfortable): Yeah. Uh, moonlight sounds right. Can I stay at your place tonight?

Hodgins: Sure. No problem (He smiles)

Jeffersonian, Brennan’s Office – Brennan sits and is thrown because she had a date with a murderer, Booth enters
Brennan: I sure know how to pick’em, don’t I?

Booth:Well, you know. Our perceptions are alway colored by what we hope and what we fear, what we love. We do the best we can.

Brennan: I’m afraid my best isn’t good enough. I can read bones, not people.

Booth: I don’t know. You had no trouble seeing through me (Brennan laughs then sorts her papers and stands up)

Brennan: It’s a good thing I like being alone.

Booth: You know what? Bones, you’re not alone. Okay? Come on (He tries to turn her around)

Brennan (turns around): Booth.

Booth: Hey, you’re my partner. Okay? It’s a guy hug. Take it.

(They have a lasting embrace)


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chrismaz66, Hier à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

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Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez bien.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:14

Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

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Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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